"V Tns Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLE8 CITY. AMD WAKCO COUNTY. ' Entered at the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES., " BY VAIL (P08TAGI PREPAID) IS iDTiNCI. Weekly, 1 year... - SO " 6 months. O '5 3 ." 0 80 yDally.lyear.. ..V. 6 00 " 6 months 3 00 " per " 0 60 Address all communication to " THS CHRON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. . j Mr. Blaines wealth is estimated at a million dollars. Moet of this was made bv wise investments -in -Virginia coal lands and Washington real estate, and some of it came from a lucky investment Am a silver mine. ' . It is said that an Oregon hunter went into the mountains last wetik and wan' tonly killed seren elk-, so that he could say that he had slain 100 of these maj estic animals. That was simply heart less butchery and should be condemned by the associates and acquaintances of the butcher. A history of Baker counts, Oregon from its earliest : settlement by the whites, is being prepared. The memor able gold excitements ia the early six ties, as well as other incidents of note in tbe history of that section, will prove interesting to many, particularly to those who took an active part in re claiming the country from its state of virgin wildness. An old prospector claims that -the greatest natural bridge in the world is located near Arrow Lake, in the Slocan mining district. It spans a dry gulch 260 feet wide and is 86 feet high in the center, while the arch is twenty feet wide on top and not more than ten or twelve feet thick. The bridge is of solid granite and as perfect as if formed by hand. . , A Boston paper is authority for the statement that "the president of the Great Northern railroad announces that next year the termini will be New York and China, and the next year the road will encircle the globe," and wants to know if his name is Sellers. For the benefit of Boston culture it may be ex plained that his name is Hill, suggestive of an elevation and not a hole in the ground. ; Since the jetty was built at the mouth of the Columbia a vast amount of sand has been shifted, and the channel has been straightened and deepened. South of -the jetty there has been an average 11 of five feet over 3,000 acres, and 1,00 acres have been covered away over low water mark. The discovery has been ma de that the channel now is almost the same that it was when Captain Van couver examined it 100 years ago. The mouth of the grand old Columbia is now .yawning for an open, free and unre etricted channel from Astoria to the ' Grand Coulee. We are pleased to acknowledge the receipt of a weather bureau chart this morning from the central office at Port land. Showing tbe . barometric and temperature readings, including the di rectum of wind, at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. This covers a wide scope ex tending all over the country, west of the 90th meridian and between the 30th and 60th paralel.- In connection, is the general forecast for the next 36 flours, which js being verified. Mr. Pague, the official of the weather bureau, at the central of fice is deserving of much crrdit for his efficiency and the benefit be is to the interests of agriculture. A womati's - aim is-to look her best but she'll never reach it without perfect health. For perfect health, take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. All the func tional irregularities and weak nesses that make life misera ble to women, are cured by it. It s a powerful, invigorating tonic, and a soothing and strengthening nervine purely vegetable,' perfectly harmless. For ulcerations, displacements, bearing-down sensations, un natural discharges every thing that s known as a "fe male complaint " it's a posi tive remedy. . It s ; the only one thats giiaranteed to give satisfaction in every , case. It Costs you nothing, unless it helps you. . You can afford t try it, on these terms. Can you afford to neglect it? )H GRAND He lull " The Annual Ball , of the : Dalles City Fire Dep't - Will Be Given at .rmory Hiall Monday Evening, Feb. 6, 1893. Tbe Best of Music Will Be FnraisM 2$nErw today: f The only first-elass: house in . The Dallas. V- MRS. FRASER, .. AT THS ; HS" EUROPEAN HOUSE 1 PEKFAED TOCJIVB FIRST-CLASS REGULAR BOARD AT S2Q PER MONTH. H. S, GHEESM AN No. 60 Second St., Tbe Dalles, Or. BOOTS AND SHOES MANUFAC TURED TO ORDER. ... ALL WORK AND A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. John pashek, leiG - Tailor, Bert floor to Was so San. Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings, Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest Styles, at Low Prices. Madisen's Latest System need in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed ... each time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and"Quickly Done S. L. YOUNG, DRUGS S n i p es & Kin er s ly. THE LEADING ' PTT e ant Retail Druggists. 3E. "Brg Tl EnL XT C3- S .-. .1 Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on sbort notice, and satisfaction guaruntsad. AT THE Stora of I. C. Nlekelsen, 2d St. The Dallas 4- REPAIR1NG DONE IN A. SATIS FACTORY MANNER. County Treasurer's Notice. All countv warrants registered prior to May I,"l889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest eeases on and after this date. The Dalles, Oct. 31, 1892. William Michkli., 10.31W Treasurer Wasco County, Or. : . Handled by Three Registered Druggisfs. ; f. r ALSO ALL. THE LEADING ! . . - - ; "... i Patent ffledieines and Druggists- Sundries. HOUSE PAiNTS. OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in m the City for The Sherwin, ' Will ams Co.'s Paints. ' WE ARE; The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key ' West and Domestic Cigars. : Agent for TansilFs Punch. " 129 Second Street, The Dalles. Oregon C. P. STEPHEN'S, ' ' ' ' bBALER IN Dry Goods iP Olothing (oots. Shoes, Bats, Kte. ' Fauci tqood. plotionfr Btc.. Etc., Bac. Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, : THE DALLES, OJMEGON. Will repair -your fine Buggies " and Carriages, ' shoe your lane '. ', ..Priying Horsea, - and in fact do . . all your blacksmitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar anteed." - GUflfllJlG &BocpiflHops. MINMN S Prizes -will be awarded for the let- sustained lady and gent character. A general invitation is extended to the public, but no disreputable char acters will be admitted. ...... COTWMITTEES. Arr.angement-rJ. H. Wood, G. C. Bills, John Blaser,. Louis Payette, W. T. Hill, C. A. Klindt, A. Sandrock. Reception L. Payette, C. A. Klindt, F. W. L. Skibbe, John . Blawr, Aug. . Buchler. ..' Floor W. T. Hill, J. S. Fish, W. H. Butts, Arthur Wyndham, George Thompson. Ticlfets admitting gentleman and ladies $1.00. the Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line f -f The Oregon assembly is exempt from one annoyance at all events. It is said that the only ''Oregon influences" yet visible at Olympia are Bill Sweeney and "the Oregon Improvement company. Mr. Allen is defeated in bis present senatorial aspirations at Olympia, he can trace it to the day he went before the-senate committee and worked for an appropriation of $500,000 for the Kirk land ditch and only $141,500 for all the rest of the rivers and haybors of the state. We have shown that but $10,000 of this $141,500 was for the upper Co Tiuabia and Snake rivers. Upon -this showing Mr. Allen has been . charged with neglect of the true interests of the people and corresponding zeal for the selfish schemes of a select clique of real estate boomers. That record has never been denied. That epeech has never been challenged. In reply the sup porters of Mr. Allen have called up a brief speech made by their man in sup port of Senator Dolph's vigorous work for the boat railway at the dalles. They are forced to admit that their man did not lead the fight for an open river. He merely played second fiddle, and did .' that in a cold and perfunctory manner, and then only because he was being smoked out by the press. And it may ; be taken as an intimation of the fate of any other -"statesman," high or low, who presumes at this stage of the game to thwart the will of the people of the Inland Empire for an open, free and unrestricted Columbia river from its v sources to the sen. In the light of reve lation it is incomprehensible how any friend of an open river exports to justifv j sou. lur Mr. Allen, at Oiympia. ' j AddreasP.O.Boxl8l,TheDallea J.DPARH.Prop. Leares The Dalles at 6 a. m. every day and ar rives at Prineville in thirty-Bix hours. Leaves Prineville at 6 a. m. every day and arrives at The Dalles in thirty-six hours. Carries the C. S. Mall, Passengers and Express Connects ot PriD"-llle with . Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and ( all Interior Points. Also makes close connection at The Dalles with trains from Portland and all eastern points. j Courteous inter?.- . . J- . ' . Good accommodations aions tte roa'S. . . First-class-caaches ani torses used. ':' .Express matter Miifle4 witn care. All persons wishing ptSsage must waybill at of fices before taking pasnaee; others will not be received. Expiess must be waybnled at orlices or fhe Stage Co. will not be responsible. The company will take no risk on money transmit ted. Particular attention given to delivering express mutter at Prineville and all southern points in Oregon, and advance charges will be paid by the eompany. - HTAGR OFFICES; Slchel Co. Store. Umatilla Ronae'. 1 The Dalles. M. Frlnevllla. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figures. Has the ' largest house moving putfit in Eastern Oregon. . We are now closing out .the balance of our Uipter Dress (ioods, ladies' a id TVsses'JaeKets, . fei)'s BT)d Boys' Oureoats, At k great sacrifice, in order , ta make room for our new Spring, goods. 1 H. Herbrin. "HE KEW TOWN has been platted on the old camp ground, at the Forks and k Falls of Hood river, with large sightly lots, broad streets and alleys, good soil, - pure cold water and shade in profusion, perfect drainage, delightful mountain climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort and for all Oregon, being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. - It is also unparalled as a manufacturing center, being the natural center for 150 square miles of the beat cedar and fir -timber, possessing millions of horse power in its dashing streams and water falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the manu factories will center, surrounded fey soil and climate that cannot be excelled ' : - anywjiera for fruit and agriculture, and with transportation already assared you will find this the place to make a perfect home or a paying investment TITLE PERFECT See me on the" ground, or address me at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. W. ROSS WINANS. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlood leads on to fortune" . . ' The poet unquestionably had reference to the ELbb sLob. D. BUNN Pipe WorK, liq E anfl Roofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. : Clisiiii-Oiil Si oi at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods- out at greatly-reduced rates. , MICHELBACU BRICK, - - UIOX ST. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO, r SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S . ... SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OF r Shop on Third Street, 4 next door west of Young & Kuss - - Blacksmith Shop. , Freeborn & Company, -DBALKES IK- Wall Paper ; a ml ; Bl p olit III ou III I ng s, - 295 ALDER ST., COR. FIFTH, V ; Old Ndmbkk 95, .' Portland, Obbgox. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. This well-known Brewery ia now taming oot the beet Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest applianoea for the fcoannfacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, aud only 10 tjg&tfsm AtUclc will bo placed on tht narlet. ' Li 1 11 ' ci 11 ut:-ee r1. fli nv7 r ft) 1 Jll No. 390 to 394, 2d street. The Dalles? NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS . FRAZER & WYNDHAM. Proprietors. U3 o a - o 7 s- n 12 o IP n 1 1 At the old stand ef R. Lusher. no Front St. The. Dalles, Oregon.! PAU L KRE FT & CO., - ? DEALERS IN . ' PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Moet Coiqplete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in HP-Practical Painters and Paper Hanirers. None bnt the beet brands of th? Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints nsed in all our work, and none bni the most ekilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints.- Ncf -1 2 1 a A.-ofr .l.Da .11 . 1 CUtrulICtti uuiii uiliubiuu tjr ujiAbuio. a audi. mwo atuvio m ui wilMTS. orders promptly attended to. riis: iho? c-orzer jTLiriaal "Wast-ngtor Ets., The TallcE. Cuc