' -"M'ess Yariety aid Aarteat of :, Dolls, Toys, Boo'cs, Albums, Pianos, Or gans, Musical Instruments. .V : t. . ; . " . Tie Dalles,' Portland ail Astoria . - Tf ayigation CJo. oooooooo .;r. .' : I o our patrons , and friends we thank you for past favors v ' ' ' '! i ' ' .. ' - -j'1" j and trust yu will all hare a prosperous and Happy New Tear. . , J rhe Dalles Daily Chronicle. bteTed a the Poetomee at The DaUe Oregob, mm wecona-iHi m wfifT VnSwr Foee4t.;.. b0Ma Jorttagt fr tventi fuixi fcntre mOtn0 at Friday and Saturday fair and warmer eather. Paovk. RIDAY - JAN. 20, 1893 LOCAL BBBTITIKK. H. M. Cooper of John Day in the city: A fine lot of furniture going very low Orandal) 8t Bui-get 's new stored ' ' Mr. Chas. Schermerhom. of "Portland, in the city and will remalalseveral ya. - 'V ' IHr. Chas Allison has cut and put up 0 tons of ice in the Staddleman ice I Mr, Albert Roberts reports five inches enow on the ridge, in the Big Bend of e Des Chutes. v- i Dr. Biddall left for Portland this arning, to be absent about a week. 8 expects to return on the 20th. Carpets and furniture at reduced rates Crandall & Burget's, next doer to oyd & Shown 's drug store. , . The Umatilla register today notes iitors to The Dalles from New York, . Louis, San Francisco and, as -of old, rtland-on-Wallamet. ; S j If you have not paid your school tax 1892 you will save costs by paying at oe. Time is up. This means yoc. Von can carpet your rooms at about or own price by calling on Crandall 4c .rget, at the new store on Union eet. "'" . Mr. Ed. Mays has so far recovered m his recent illness as to be able to Lve for California on the evening train lay, to resume his studies in theBerk- University. . , Yesterday the air was filled with fall ; flakes of frost because of the fog in 3 upper current of, atmosphere. This 'rning the pines oh Klickitat hills re frosted white to their extreme tips, fying old Sol, but He showed himself but nine o'clock, and caused many of a frosty appearances of Winter to dis 'pear before the shades of evening. Hon. J. N. Brown, repregentativerom prrow county, pasBed through' the city Say. He is looking up the sentiment jhis constituency in the Inland Em j-e, and upon calling at Thb Chhon Lb office was pleased .to find in print jmuch of that sentiment which he en rses. Thb Chbonicle stands abreast Ih the times, and the people are proud jthe record it is making in their in ter se. -;"-sjfcs.srr Mayor Mays was too timid to start out jthe city with a sleigh .last ' Monday 1 Iring the Chinook winds, and has been Iing aDoat the country, ever since in buckboard. He returned to the citv t evening, satisfied that be has lost fd sleigh ride, but he was on the saf eide, where the snow is so uncertain jit is in the Inland Em Jow that the legislature is talking of iking county offices salaried, it ia to J hoped that, should they fall to make & change irom lees to salary, they will ,t fail to take off the additional' S3W jr cent, which is now allowed to county leers east of the Cascade mountains, ere is no reason why an officer should ve any more for services rendered in 9 county and many others east of the nntaina, than is paid in the counties lihe "Willamette valley. .... -.. .-. . ,'f. . Miss Liczie FitzGerald is in from Des Chutes on a visit to her father, Mr, E. P. FitzGerald. ' '. Harmon Lodge No. 501, I. O. G. T., have changed their place of meetings to Fraternity hall, Monday evening of each weeki ,i ;. . Deputy U. S. Marshal Jameson, came up on the noon train, accompanied by bis sister, Mrs. Mabel Powers, who is the guest of the Misses Michell. Bev. T. F. Campbell, a former presi dent of the Monmouth Normal school died a few days since and was buried in the Monmouth cemetery yesterday. The temperature at The Dalles at eight a. m. today, registered 13 above zero. The lovlr est 'point 'reached uuring the night was 8 above. The sky- was clear during all the night. Senate bill No. 7, introduced by Sena tor Steiwer of GiHiam, forthe protection of stockraisers, covers every point and is of great merit. It will meet with the universal approbation of the stockmen in the state and we hope will pass with out any objection, and become a law. The Y. B. coasting club did a "smash ing", business last evening. Two streets, Washington and Union, were used; and aeyeral elds were broken up by .dashing into one another. . Several hair breadth 'scapes are mentioned, but no report has reached us of any broken limbs. Bad roads in Multnomah county mired a stolen horse when the thief took the saddle and bridle and escaped to Port land. " Sheriff Ganoug, who started in pursuit of the thief, found the horse, and in endeavoring to rescue it, got his cart mired and broken down. He se cured the horse, but he is disgusted with the roads. In closing the comments on the asy lum scandal, the Oregooian today Bay: N Superintendent Rowland desires to avail himself of any ' benefit that may accrue 'to his management of the asy lum, from the carefully-worded report of the investigating hoard, he will do well , to take the gentle hint in this con nection with which the board supple mented its findings in the Dremises. Mr. Jas. Gray of Wapiuifiaaited and paid his respects to this office toA day. Mr. Gray - informs us the winter, with tha snow, ia very acceptable, and before "the laBt storm the ground was wet down deep. - Stock ia doing well and the health of the neighborhood wasfj never better. LaBt'October-he had the) misfortune .to loose his house and con tents by fire, and as it happened, fo: once, be " carried an insurance on bii house in the Bankers and Merchant: Insurance Company of Albany, and go: his money, which eame just in ust m time tot nm. i in good shapel m umwun.i iieviii'iijarate set him on his feet again for the winter. : Capt. J.. W. Lewisrfegister in theU. S. land office in this city, who has been so very near to death's door recently that once his life was having able to gained ao fast in healt walk down town, hai for- a week past to resum in the office, but today haa rpelled to relinquish the work, a physician advises him positiv cease, if he would . save his lifi Every citizen in The Dalles, and 99 out of every 100 peo ple in the country, know full well the ef fort Capt. Lewis has made and is mak ing at thia time in behalf of the people most interested, and no one can regret one-half as much as Capt. Lewis regrets hla inability to represent each particular case involved. There can be no sacri fice to the settler in this matter. ' '!5W: satLCnDtfed bidti beEj icon Jditna efy Co w m .. i. : i After the Loaves ud Fliktt Karl. Hon. John Myers, an ex-incumbent, Henry Grady of Pendleton, Eugeue Forbes, and E. J. Jeffery, want the Uw S. Marshalsbip badly.-, Mr C. W Roby has not had enough, he with Chas. White and John Finley want' the post office, and Henry Blackman of Heppner, thinks he baa the inside track for rev enue collector. Chairman Murphy de clines, with a good deal of dignity. the U, S, attorneyship, although offer: him on a gold-plated server, intiroatin that Judge L. L. Mc Arthur was entitle to it, even if L. B. Cox or F. A. E Starr were seekers for the coveted prise Evidently he has his optica on U. 8 judgeship. Henry Gray of Portland, and Col. John Lane of Roseburg are' designated as aspirants for the collector ship of customs of Alaska. The loaves may be' few, but the baskets of fishes are manv. . . We ackjaawwWagS the receipt of senate bills So and 53 today ; the Willis Port of Columbia, and Raley Portage railway. We have not. had time to read them to day but . will give them attention to morrow. . '- Newa has been received that the com missioners treating with the Nea Percea have succeeded in getting a large num ber of Indians to sign the' treaty, .and there fa now little doubt that the efforts to open the ..reserye. will be successful. It is probable, however,' that negotia tions will not be completed in time for the present session to take action in the matter. ' . . ' : Gov. Pennoyer haa telegraphed the chief of engineera for the substance of the report of the board of engineera on the dalles of the Columbia. The board met in New York today, and will have first to agree and ' then prepare ' . report. This report, after being submitted to the war department, will be sent to congress before even the . senators and members of congress are allowed to know its' con-' tenls. Consequently Gov. Pennoyer will not receive it for several days. " ; ' The East Oregouian says the tax levy thia year in Marion courtty will be 20 mills. In Umatilla it willv be at least this much,' if not mortr. probably 23 mills, owing to the eate tax being 10 mills. A few, yearIgothe state tax was only from fgrtojfe riafrlev State expenses are ihcYeajsirigeajylVy owing to the extravagaBet-bjQarjlalrid com missions and theTtfoee expenditures of the legislators Thu' T.tJipayers of this county, as well as those of other coun ties, can place the" blame for high taxa tion where it belongs, on the state law makers now in session at Salem. "Jlie decision, of the Circuit court in the case of the Oregon railway, commis sion against, the S. P. Co., has been af firmed by the Supreme court in a decis ion handed down Monday? The referee, Hon. Wm. Holmes "of Salem, Judge Bois of the Circuit court, and now the three able and learned judges of the su preme court all agree that the rates made by the commission were juat and reasonable, and the, commission 'had power to make them. They all - agree that the commission under the Geer law can cut down the rates of any company when it finds them too high. The judi cial powers of our state are also agreed act that the present commission did not in an arbitrary or incompetent manner in the reduction of freights ordered on tho Southern Pacific lines. The South ern Pacific must adopt state rates or re tire from business In Oregon. i THROUGH Freigut and Pesseiai Line cepted) between The Dalles and" Port- urau. o Learner rtegciator leavea ine Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Lock with.; ateamer' Dalles City.. Steamer Dal lei City leaves Portland f Yamhill street f tc h at ft o m necting with. steamer Regulator for The rABIISOIB BITIt. One. ,wey . .. . v "", Round trip-..'. . . ...f2i .3.00 Freight. 'Rates Greatly Reduced. v ghipmenta received at wharf any time, day or nieht. and delivered at Portland an" arrival. - Live stock ' shipments toucKeov vjan on or aaareas. - , . W. C ALLAWAY, ' General Agreot. B.-F. LAUGHLIN, Otnerftl Manager. THE DALLES. OREGON SOUND' CITIK8 ACTIVE. Bailor Active, Splendid Weather, Promising FsUr. Seattle, Jan. 20.--Special. The Iweather on Paget sound has 'been finer nduring the last two weeks than has been known . for ; several ' Tears at this season. ' Steamboat trade on the sound has greatly increased and the wholesale merchants in every line are greatly en couraged on account of the increased sales during the last year. over any pre vious year.. Building is "being actively pushed forward, and the outlook ia that many fine structures wilt" be erected during the coming spring. Yesler block and the Dexter Horton bank building, are now rfearing completion,-both being very "handsome structures.' v' The people of Seattle are greatly rejoiced over ' the completion of the Great Northern rail- ay, which adds one more railway to the Hat of those coming to Seattle, making a total number now of railroads running into Seattle, of seven, with the prospects of a few more at an early date. - - : . : Brook Trout Coming. " Hon. George T. Myers, one of the rep resentatives from Multnomah county, ia informed by Frank N.Clark, superin tendent Michigan stations United States fish commission, that Carleton H. Bean, assistant in charge of ' division of fish culture, United States fish commission, Washington, D. C, ia about to ship to him. 20,000 brook .trout eggs. These eggs, upon; their arrival in Oregon, will be taken to to the government hatchery at Clackamas, where . they will be batched. ".And then at the proper sea son' the young fish will be sent all over the state, to places wherever applica tion baa been made. Be sure they are not black .bass, pouts, carp or sun fish, Smuggled upon -us, before the distribu tion. - Oregon- can tand 'brook trout, but wants none of " the other varieties. ... B - r- tilalne Condition.. - "" - '. Washington, Jan. 19. It was said at Blaine's house that he did not rest aa well last night as usual of late, but be came easy toward morning. Dr. John son visited him about 11' o'clock this morning and remained half an hour. He said the patient had improved since yesterday and was stronger and brighter. : Wednesday evening last thia city waa the coldest place io Oregon or Washing ton, west of Helena, Mont., and the tem perature was only 18 above zero. Thia may be considered a very unusual phe nomena in atmospheric conditions, and probably never occurred before. The Dalles is but 116 feet above sea level, and only 125 miles inland, direct from the" coast. ''- ' . , '. Advertised Letters., Following is the list of let ing in the poBtomce at called for, t riday, Persons calling lor s: on. whichtb.ey were; Allen, David JH rs Laria cayiey, jurs j x Bennett, V W Lidia2 Bergen, Elias Chaa P Bourland. Olivi J W CI anon. Frank Kelly, R W ClaypoolMifisJennle Lutterman , Harry Campbell, MrsKatie Wehmann. Martin Dillon, H P .. - Weeks, FO . Griggs, Neilly Zurowalt, L 8 M. T. Nolan, P. M. . Knlghta of Py tHlea, Attention. A special convention ofFrj&ndshi Lodge No. K. of P., wi1 Saturday, -Jan. 21st, at by held on . m. The, omcera ana memners are by notinei to attends By order V. Mi D. Yacbk, K. of 4?. ters remain- JtRs JJulUia un- yan.utty, isaa. MneK'ilt elve date S UOhjreenJilis Vafineon lnumn, Ai.in(A LOOK AT OUB OFFER V V v ' TMs.Velister,s: Dic tionary, only $1.00! Where can yon flo. ' - Uetterl - - - o o o o o o . : : ; sic OUR PRICES KE BELOW ALL. COMPETITION". -We Have Made- Sweeping ctTe holiday Presents E. JAGOBSEfsS & : " Specimen Cum.' 8. H. Clifford, New Cassef, "Wi8."," was troubled with neuralgia and. ' rhetuna tism, his stomach was disordered, his liver waa affected to an .alarming der g'ree, appetite fell away, and he' waa terribly reduced in . flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edwd Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on hia leg. of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters - and seven- boxes, -of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and " hla leg is sound and well. Johns8peaker, Cataw: ba, O., had five large fever sores on- his leg, doctors said he waa incurable. One bottle ''Electric Bitters and -one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him . en tirely. " Sold at Snipea ' A Kinersly's drugstore.- ; -v-'" ;:-1 -. . ' i " i J,: " .. .' : . .. ; Dr. P. G. Barrett of Hood. River, is in the city. ' - ' ' '-'--.-' : .' ' , . r ' t ; ' .' ; Bneklcn' Arnica Bel. ' .. The best salve iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed, to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes A Kin ersly. ' v . ' Vancouver traffic ia now closed en tirely.. The ferry boat does not run. At The Dalles regular trips are made across the Columbia. . If o w Try XbJa. ; It will cost you nothing and will sure ly do 'you "good, if yon have a cough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs Dr. King's New Discovery for conaumption, cougha and colds ia guar anteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy , and thorough recov ery. Try a vample bottleat our ex pense, and learn'; for yourself just how J guuu a tiling ih is. inai uutbica 1 1 tztj si Snipes & Kinersly's drug' store. Large size 60c and $1. . The Only Housevin Town Making a Gents Fur n i s : Uhich gives us an opportunity to devote our entire time to this particular line. - -We have a few remnants " " in Fancy Underwear, Oversh.irts and : " . Gloveswhich we are clos- . ' ing out cheap. , , JOHN C. HERTZ, 109 SECOND STREET, ; - '.':; THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. Tbe Corrugated Building next Door to Court Bouee. :", Hanusemely UmiM Eeoms Ideals Prepared by a TRANSIE1TT PATRONAGE SOIaICITED. " Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. - o o o o o o o A M . line of Ml BOOKS, lonnl in cloti gilt. Over 200 to select from, at 25c per toL o o o o o o o ' REDucrrioNs. -AT- Let's reason together. Here'a a firm, pne of the largest the conn try over, . the world over; it has grown, step by step, . through the years; to greatness, .and it: sella patent .medicines ! ugh ! , "That's enough l"-r Wait K little. ,This firm pays the newspapers good money (ex pensive work, this advertising!) to tell the people that thvey.!have faith in what they sell, to much faith that if they can't , benefit or cure they fdon't want your., money. Their gv.arau.ttt is. not indefi nite and relative, but ifJnti and abso lute it the nedicine doesn't help your, money is "on ealL" Suppose every sick man and every feeble woman tried these medicines and found tbem worthless, who would be . .the. Joser, you or they? The medicines are Dr. Pierce'a 'Golden . Medical Discovery," fox blood diseases, and ' his "Favorite Prescription," for woman's peculiar ills. If they help to ward health, they cost $1.00 a bottle each I If they don't, they cost nothing t t Hot clam broth today, after 4 p. m., at J. O." Macks. Leave- your order for cord wood, at Maier A Benton's- . Old papers, suitable for carpets or shelves, will be exchanged for clean raga at thia office. . " .'-: :' ? : 1-Oi.t. ' v ';' -; ,-: ; A " gold.,; watch charm with a email piece of chain attached, between J. P, " Mclnerny and Leslie Butlers. A re asonable reward will be paid for return of same to Maier & Ben tons. . ' . ' '" " iTor Kent. '. The only ' 3-story, fire-proof brick building in fthe city. For further par ticulars inquire of Tom Kelly, at Tho Umatilla house. PHOTOGRAPHER. ' First premium at the Wasco county fair for best portraits and views. Specialty of- h i n g Go ops, hats and caps. THE DALLES. OREGON. to Rent Dy ttB Day, feetor Monti. ; First Class English Cook. 14 V