C20 Tea Sidles Daily Chnmiela. OFFICIAL, PAPER OF DALLES CITT. iKD WASCO COUNTT. KnteTCd at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, mm second-class matter. BUBSCRIPTION KATES. " BY MAIL (FOOTAGE PUPAID) IK ADT1KOI. Weekly, 1 year........ 1 M ' Omontbi. 0 ?S 8 " , . ; 0 50 Daily, 1 year. 00 " months... -3 00 " per " 0 60 Address all communication to ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. THE CKKON- THB OREGON CONSTI1 VTION. Permitted to jndge the fata re of the Oregon assembly by the first four days, there is eotue prospect that measures may be adopted to secure needed amed ments to our foeilized state constitution. A man of finance who is informed rela tive to the conditions existing between Oregon and the now state of Washington, . will say that it is like passing oat of darkness into the full light of day' to ross the Columbia anywhere from As toria to Wallula, there is such a vast difference between the two on account of the circumscribed laws of Oregon as compared with the more liberal statutes f Washington. - There are other than financial reasons for wishing a change . in the constitution of Oregon, but the financial reasons will serve tbe purpose of the preeent illustration. The document provide that no county in the state shall incur an indebtedness exceeding in amount tbe debt of the county at the time of the adoption of the constitution and five thousand dol lars additional. Nearly every county in the state has violated this constitutional provision, and some of them, notably Jackson, Josephine and Klamath, have violently violated it, Jackson county ieing now perhaps $160,000 beyond tbe constitutional limit. . This debt consists of outstanding, protested county war rants, drawing interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum. Knowing the provisions of the constitution, the people have kept on piling up the debt in these counties by issuing script to be protested, instead of curtailing expendi tures or increasing the rate of taxation. Knowing the provisions of tbe constitu tion, tbe people of the several counties have accepted their county's scrip at 100 -cents on the dollar for their services as jurors and witnesesand public servants ; . have sold and bought it at from 85 cents to 98 cents on tbe dollar, and have pro . ceeded in the matter very much, if not entirely, as they would ' have done had the constitution of the state expressly permitted what it expressly forbids. The debt in many counties has be come a grievous burden, and an effort will be made to lighten it by having the legislature pass an act enabling the counties to fund tbe debt at a lower rate of interest than is now paid upon it. The leaders in this effort will endeavor to pass a general act, taking in all the counties, and in event of failing In this will endeavor to have certain counties relieved by special acts. The object sought is one which must be approved by everyone.bat whether a- state con stitution can be retired by the legisla ture even in enactments which repre sent objects of unanimous approval is an interesting and practical question .that must finally come to a practical test upon a financial basis, if it pass the leg islative challenge. - People in the county do not seem to be afraid of county scrip, but whether outside capital could be in duced to invest in county bonds bearing five or six per cent interest is the real question, for in the counties which most need relief from the debt burden there is no likelihood of local capital gbing into five or six per cent bonds at this time. It is very doubtful whether out aide capital would buy county bonds in Oregon with the constitution standing as it does. . It must be admitted that very many unconstitutional laws have been passed in Oregon and other states, and it might not hurt anything to poke another act through the same rent in the venerable fundamental act which the big county debts have already torn, and then let the matter go to the money exchange for settlement ; but the surest way to pro ceed is to begin a regular amendment of the constitution. This is slow, but four years will soon pass by, and when they have passed we shall ' be able to make use of the new constitutional provision, for the debts will still remain with us. A Washington dispatch today states that Mr. Blaine passed another unevent ful night. His physician evaded reply ing to a question as to whether he con sidered Blaine in a dying condition, :. by saying, that he was growing weaker. The doctor admitted that he had been .living on stimulants, and that several times his life had been recalled by the administration of nitro-glycerine, the results of which were a surprise to even tbe physicians. It is quite evident that Dr. Johnson is very much mystified at Blaine's wonderful vitality. Creed Haymond, who for many years was chief counsel for the Southern Pacific .railroad company, died in San Francisco yesterday morning. He has - been very low for several weeks, and his death was expected. Haymond was prominent in State politics, served several terms, in tbe state legislature, and was a delegate to the EiUiciKil rep ublicau convection Ir The coming woman can be healthy. . She will be, if she's wisely cared for. As she enters '-. womanhood, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription builds up and strengthens the system and regulates and pro motes the functions. It's a supporting tonic, and a quiet ing, strengthening nervine. It corrects and cures all those delicate derangements and weaknesses peculiar -to ' the sex. In every case for which it's recommended, the " Favor ite Prescription " is guaranteed to give satisfaction. If there's no- help, there's no pay. It does all that's claimed for it, or the money is refunded. It's a risky way to sell it but& isn't your risk. The Annual Ball of the ity Fire Dep't Will Be Given at . i-TTt o i y Hall Monday Evening, Feb. 6, 1893. ' Tbe Best Df- Music Will Be Fnrnisliefl Prises will be awarded for the best sustained lady and gent character. A general invitation is extended to the public, but no disreputable char acters will be admitted. COTTKITTEES. Arrangement J. H. Wood, G. C. Bills, ; John Blaser, Louis Payette, W..T. Hill, C. A. Klindt, A.Sandrock., Reception L. Payette, C. A. Klindt, F. W. L. Skibbe, John Blaser, Aug. Buchler. - Floor W. T. Hill, J. S. Fish, W. H. Butts, Arthur Wyndhani, George Thompson. Tickets admitting gentleman and ladies $1.00. . the Dalles AND Prineville , ... Stage Line J. D. PARISH, Prop. Leave The Psllcs at 8 a. m. every day and ar rives at Prineville In tbirty-six hours. Leaves Prineville at 6 a. m. every day and arrives at The Dalies in thirty -six hours. . Carries the U. S. Hail, Passengers and Express ' Connects at Prio-ille wlth- Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and : " ' all Interior Points. Also mnkes close connection at The Dalle with trains from Portland and all eastern points. . . . Conrtetros drivers. .-' Good accommodations along tie roai. ' . First-class coaclies and torses nsel. VEipress matter. Handled wito cart All persons wishing passage must waybill at of fices before taking passage; others will not be received. Express must be vaybilled at office or the Stage Co. will not be responsible. The company will take no risk on money transmit ted. Particular attention given to . delivering express matter at Prineville and all southern points in Oregon, and advance charges will be paid by the company. .. - 8TAGK OFFICER; ' M. Slchel a Co. Store.- Umatilla House. Prineville. : ... Tba Dalles. "X House Moving! Andrew Velarde TS prepared to do any and all kinds of -work in his line at - reasonable figures. Has the -largest honso moving outfit - . in Eastern Oregon." Address P.O.Box 181,The Dalles -GRAND MasieriBI The only first-class house in The Dalles, v MRS. FRASElt, EDHOPEflll k HOUSE ' IB FBBPABBD TO G-IVB ' i FIRST-CLASS REGULAR BOARD AT 20 PER MONTH. H. S. OHEESM AN Ke. a Second St., The Dalles, Or. BOOTS AND SHOES MANUFAC TURED TO ORDER. ALL WORK AND A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. REPAIRING DONE IN A SATIS-. FACTORY MANNER. C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN Qlothing lioeta, Bfeioes. Bats, Bte. ' Fancg lqOod5, potion, Etc., Ete., Ee. Dry Goods We are now closing out the balance of our Uii)ter Dress (iood5, Indies' apd fS5es')aeets, flet)'s apd Boys' Oureoats, At a great sacrifice, in order to make room for our new Spring" goods. ; H D. BUNN Pipe loifc M Repairs ag lloflflng . MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. , ' Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss' Blacksmith Shop. Freeborn & Company, -OBALBBS IK- Wail Paper and noon Jilouiaiags, 295 ALDER ST., Old Kcxbxb 95, '; THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the firet-claes article will be placed on the market. ' ' JOHN PASHEK, t Tailor, ; ' JText door to Wasco Sun. Juat Received, a fine stock of Suitings, Panto Patterns, etc., of all latest Styles, at Low Priees. Madison's Latest System need in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed eaah. time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. AT THK Store f I. C. Xlckelsra. Sd St. The Dalles " Cennsy Treasurer's Notts. ' - t . . AH eoonty warranto registered prior te May 1, 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington rtwta. Interest mski en and after this date. . Tb DaUea, Oct. SI, 189B. Wu.Li.Aif MicnsLL, lt.Sltf Treasarer Wasco County, Or. Second St., 0pp. Hood'i Stable, TBI DALLKS, OBKGON. ;. Will repair your fine Buggies V . - ! aud Carriages, shoe your fine . Driying Horses, and in fact do-"- . all your blacksmitbing in the . ; finest style. 'Satisfaction guar anteed. COR. FIFTH, Pobtlakd, OsBeow. turning out the beet Beer uid Porter Han DRUGS .T . :f' jT O N I PES Ct THE LEADING witat I Retail Dnisis. : . :f tt ' do hes. tt Gr ss Handled by Three Registered Druggists; ALSO ALL THE LEADING ; ' - . Patent flledieines and . Druggists ' Sundries. HOUSE PAIHTS OILS I AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City for The Sherwin, Will am s Co.'s Paints. V, '" WIS ARK-. : The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of. Imported Key West and Domestic Gigars ; . . Agent for TansillVPunch. 129 Second Street. MM HEi1.. 5" iSP ft n U'old carnp rotiud, st th'. Forks and - ,T BiKiiny iow, orosa sireut na sJieTs, rooa soli. lTtn Th. li"e .1 Pro,urfon. P'ect drainsire, dellhtLl mountsl. eUmate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort and for all Oreeoa. bngJ.heKffar!:t0,,'n..t0 iIood; " !o "Pralled a a mMufaettSln- -thf natural center for 150 square niiles of the best eedar aodflr -timber, posbessi. millions of horte power In 1U dashing streams and water- -' falls easily harned. Where aheap motiva powar eSKtaVthere the rna. " -ff'J 2L.wUJ 71' n"ounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled . , r- anywbere for fruit and apiculture, and with transportation already assured - . you will-find th the place to make perfect home or paying ihtoBut TITIiE PERFECT W. ROSS THE DALLES MERCANTI LE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S " SPOOL SILK F1NE:LINE OF ,;y -v.::.,, .-V it No. 390 to 394, 2d "There is a tide in t Jit affairs of men wfiuh, taken at its flood, - f ; 'leads on to fortune." "' J . . Trie poet unquestionably had reference to the Closirt Sale I :m at CRAN DALL BU R GET'S, Who are selling these goods out at' greatly-reduced rates. : M1CHELBACH BRICK, - . UNION ST. , NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS; : FRAZER oc WYNDHAM, Proprietors. 2" w o m At the old stand of R. Lusher, - PAU L KR E FT & CO., i DEALERS IX . PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, -And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in TiT jCL Xj Xii ' 2 1HL . . gjs& Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. Is'one but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Maeury's Paints need in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masnry. Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Paint Shop corner TMrdand WAshington Sts., : The Dalles, Orego V l N LY. The Dalles, Oregon See . me, on ,;th.e ground, : oar address me at Hood -River; Wasco . County, Oregon. WINANS, street. The Dailes " i as 5. ca S. S 2 S- . no Front St.. The Dalles, Oregon.