c.O"' VOL. V. THE DALLES. OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY H, 1893. NO. 25. l M . A COLUMBIA " CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Prop rs (Saccessers to V. S. cram.) Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Made ' East of Portland-'. . " v HE A LEES IK t 'r : ' Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish an; of these goods at volcsala r Retail '; , . j In Krery Stylo. i i - Ice Cream and Soda Water " 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. W. E GARRETSOtl. Leafliuo - yeweferi i , II.E AGENT FOK THB r - All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 188 Second 8t., The Dalles. Ur. CU. H. Young, ClSCkSRiltl & WSP 5H3D General BlackBmitbing and Work done promptly, and ' all '- work . .. ; Guaranteed. : , . v. ' Horse Shoeing a Speciality TnM street opposite tne old Lieoe Stand. TV. F. WISEMAN. 'W'JI., MAKDEKS. -." (Qiseroan & Warders, . and Wine' Room The Dalles, - Oregon. 7Northwes f, corner of Second and Court Streets. r 1 LLI A M S &, CO. J. 8. 8CKKNCX, President. S. M. Beau. Cashier. first Rational Bank; :he dalles. - - OREGON r A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight . . , Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. ; Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on . Hew York', San Francisco and Port land. : - - 4 : v DIREOTOKS. D. P., Thompson. . f 1 'Jno. S. Schbkck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbk. H. M. Be all. ' FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENEEALBANRING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in be ? . : i Eastern States. ; Sight ' Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. -.- Dress-fiaking Parlors Faghioqable Dpb v - Gutting and Fitting a Specialty. ; . . Room 4 over French & Co's Bank. ; ' : MRS. GIBSON, Prop. npE WlMEp and LttjUDrff DOMESTIC And K EY WEST CIGARS. FRENCH'S 171 SECOND STREET, : -loot .!! ' THE DALLES Rational Bank, B 3 ;Of DALLES CITY, OR; President - -Vice-President, Cashier, - - - ' Z. F. Moody Charles Hilton M. Ai Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on-'' " NEW YORK, , - SAN FRANCISCO, ; : CHICAGO . , and PORTLAND, OR. Collections ' made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. GENTLEMEN! BEFORE YOUr ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE. FURNISH- ING LINE, (Ball and $&& me, Shirts of alL kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods in proportion. P. FAGAN, ' Second St., The Dalles. Sole Agent for WANNAMAKER & BROWN, Philadelphia, Pa and fIda-MaIpng THE " : CELEBRATED PABST BEER. BLOCK. : THE DALLES, OR. . -i .- . : : -., .- IDEAS FOR SOLONS. Rim Rocfc Offers" Some Snesestions for WHY USURY IS A BURDENSOME TAX Loaning' Money According to Demand a Benefit to the Borrower. A WIFE'S INTEBEST IS NOTES. A Bond or Other Security SHooId be Void Without Such Signature - X.' With the Hsilianil. - J i v.. - . ' Honey "As Good at the Wheat." Oar lawful rate of interest is ten per cent. This law should be repealed, and let the loaning of money be at any rate that may.be agreed upon. It would be better for both tho lender and the bor rower. A person wanting to borrow money, could then go to the lender and give him; say 12)4 per cent, andjiave the other 2 per cent, himself, instead of giving the middle man the 5 per cent, commission.. This "any rate of inter est" has been adopted . by all the new states when making their laws, and Or egon shonld keep abreast of the times. . Another thing our legislators must do to reduce county taxes, especially i Eastern Oregon, where county officers fees are 33J-J per cent, higher than in western Oregon; - There was a time when this was necessary, but that time is past.'' There is no need of paying euch large salaries, when there is plenty of good men in the country, that would be glad to have the offices at 50 per cent, of what is made out of them now ; and so says every tax-payer in Eastern Oregon, except those who may expect to get into office in the near future. If our legisla ors will pass laws to reduce taxation, the tax payers of the country will rise up as one man and take off their hats, and call them blessed. Copartnerthip "The Wife's Interest." We should also have a law providing that a married man's signature to a bond or a note, would be hull and void unless it had his wife's signature also, the same as a mortgage, for it amounts to the same thing. When a wife helps her husband to make his money she may not labor in the shop or the office, but she cares for his household, rears his children, and nine wives out of ten work more hours than their husbands, and the wife is equally as much inter ested in their joint welfare as the bus band and should have the right to say whether the husband should jeopardize their home . by going: some person's security. Reader, if you don't th'nk this way, just ask some man, and .they, are not hard to find, that has gone some one's security and then bad to go down in his pocket and pay it off when it be same due: If it had been necessary to consult his wife before, hand it is ten chances to one he would have been on the safe side. , . Exemptions "A one-Horse Transaction" All property should be assessed at its real value, and wherever found, it would be better to assess it at 100 per cent, than at 50 per cent., and then make the levey twelve mills instead of twenty-four mills. It amounts to the same thing and makes a much , better showing for the country, and it gives the true wealth. There shonld be no exemption for in debtedness, for it is only a convenient loophole to evade taxes, and the person that has the property in his possession and claims it as his own is the one, that should pay the taxes. For instance A sells B a horse. B gives his note to A for the amount.' B. has the use of the horse and all benefits derived from such use. A only has the promise of the value of the property from B. Now B has the property and should . pay " the taxes, and it is the same with land or any other property. Rim Rock. ' ' Another Free-Silver Bill. Washington, Jan. 13. Baker of Kan sas has introduced in the house a bill for the free coinage of silver, making it unlawful for any person to make any con tracts, note, draft or hil payable in any specific coin or currency. Telescoped by a Snow 1'low. Webstee City, la., Jan. 13. A snow plow - telescoped the Des Moines and Sioux city passenger train at Storey city ,'injuring twenty passengers, several eeTlotrsly and a traveling man fatally. J OCEAN STEAMSHIP BACEKS. 'Which Boat Can Get to the Bottom . Flrat?" Next. New Yobk, Jan. l-L--ISpecial. Not withstanding the objections registered Jast month . against racing across the "ocean, another contest has just come to a finish withont any catastrophe other than a depressing defeat for the officers, but this does not - prove anything save that both vessels had good fortune in es caping accidents. . . ; The desire of ship-builders, and sea captains to increase the epeed of trans portation from New York to Queenstowri is easy to understand.' When a new boat essays to break a record and Imark another step's advance . in nautical science there has been , but little objec tion, so long as the effort was conducted with proper care and caution. There is some prospective gain for the venture. But what kind of gain is there in a race between steamers of rival companies has yet to be found. The impulse to spur on, to take a little greater risk for a winning, to take close chances, is at its strongest in a race. There is dan ger in putting a premium on this kind of recklessness. '-- Moreover, it is not the steamship com panies alone which have a stake at risk in the encounter. Their passengers are made involuntary participants in a con test in which they can have but little in terest. They take as much risk as the companies, but - they . take it without Jheir knowledge or consent. It is ex pected that in another of. these contests it will be clearly shown which boat can get to the bottom of the ocean first. , Funeral of General Butler. ' Lowell, Mass., Jan. 13. The remains of Gen. Butler arrived this afternoon and were escorted by Butler post, G. A. R., to the late home. The body will be given a military fnneral. It will lie in state in Huntington .hall. The mills will close on Monday, the ,day of the funeral, and business will be suspended. The legislature has adjourned till Tues day, as a mark of respect to his memory. A Careleaa Prank. San Bebnabdino, Jan. 13. Last night Eddy Rouse, a boy ten years old, dropped a blazing stick into a tank containing 5,000 gallons of oil used for running an engine at the San Bernardino laundry. A terrific explosion followed. Eddie Rouse, Harry Taylor and Billy Edwards were terribly burned, and are in a criti cal condition. The engineer closed the opening in the tank and smothered the flames. ; . . .- .. ' Machinery lor a Can Factory. Astoria, Jan. 13. The Pacific Can company received this afternoon two carloads of machinery for, its new can factory here. The importation is valued at $27,000. . , -T - - Health Officers Speak. City, State and ; report the Royal - every way Superior to all STATE CHEMIST, CALIFORNIA: The requirements. Our tests show it has greate: than any other. . STATE CHEMIST, WASHINGTON : Ther , the Royal is the strongest, powder in the market. ; U. S. GOVT FOOD REPORT: Roya shown a pure cream of tartar . in strength. CANADIAN OFFICIAL TESTS: Royal Bakinc. commended as of highest excellence, and shown to be greatest of all in leavening strength. SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OF HEALTH : We cordially ap prove and recommend the Royal Baking Powder. . It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best ingredients, of the highest strength and BOARD OF HEALTHSEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Finding in analysis that it is entirely free from any adulteration, we heartily recommend the Royal Baking Powder for its great ' .' . strength, purity and wholesomeness.' -"' ';" BOARD OF HEALTH, TACOMA, WASHINGTON: In our - judgment the Royal is the best and strongest baking powder . before the public "'' '-.. .-' - :- - '. BOARD OF HEALTH, SPOKANE: Certainly there Is no bak . ing powder known to us equal to the Royal. DR. BINSWANGER,- UNIVERSITY OF OREGON: It is also my opinion that there exists no purer, better or stronger ba!:irg powder than the Royal. I confidently recommend it. Do not permit the slanderous stories of inter . .ested parties to influence you in using any other than The Best, The Royal. THE TOPEKA TROUBLE. BidUe Was UnaMe to Me His Boni ' Good and Sorrento. ;" STOVER REOPENS HIS ACCOUNTS. Several Populists Attempt to Make Break to The Republicans. ANTI-OPTION IN SPKINGFIELD. Funeral or Gen. Butler Carelesa Prank of Boya Another Free Silver ' ' ' Bill.' Tope k A, Jan. 13. Both houses met again this morning, apparently more determined than ever to hold the, fort. . Several populists, convinced that their position is untenable,' have made futile attempts to break away from the radi cal wing and act with the republicans. Biddle, the state treasurer-elect, has been unable to make good his bond. The trouble in the legislature haa fright ened his bondgmen so that several have withdrawn. The republican! treasurer. Stover, who was held over, will reopen his accounts today.- he proposition to recognize the populist house came up is the senate on the appeal from the de- . ciaion of President Daniels, who had : received Chief clerk Rich, of the popu list house. Senator Scott,' republican, appealed, and the senate voted to sus tain the chair, 23 to.17. Taylor, popu list; and O'Brien, democrat, voted with the republicans, and Dillard, democrat, with the populist. Antl-Optlon In Springfield. . 'Springfield, 111.. Jan. 13. A stir was caused In the house this morning by the introduction of a resolution calling on. the Illinois members of congress to work for the passage of the anti-option bill. The question soon became a party one, the democrats in accordance with the position ol. Senator Palmer opposing it. the republicans to fit Senator Cullum'a position favoring, it. The democrats finally succeeded in rallying enough democratic farmers to their aid to refer the resolution to the committee on fed eral relations by the close vote of fifty- . seven to fifty-five. It is understood that the democrats intend to allow the reso lution to sleep in the committee. - Leave your order for cord wood at Maier& Benton's. . . .' - National Authorities Baking Powder in lfils all the emng power " ' question but purest and moi esome baking Powder is powder, in leaven-' owSer is character. tofeVs. r RoyAJ I A f is Aid m Jt - x if I lZBakin highest ofWl