The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 11, 1893, Image 3

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    l-6ur patrons
and trust" jou
Year. '"" 1 ' ' '
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.. m avvir- i rf " J - ,s .. '
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
Entered the Poetofflee at The Dalles, Oregon,
as Heeond-class matter.
"Weather Forecast. I"
Official forecast for Utcnty-four Iwurt ending at
p. . tomorrow:
Fair weather with nearly stationary
temperature for today. and tomorrow. .
' u.-.' ; I Jt, Paohk.
- JAN. 11, 1893
Mr. Ira C. Chapman and Mr. Geo. W.
Moody of Tygh Valley, are in the city
f 'Goto Joles Bros, for the celebrated
"Warner butter only 75 cents per' roll." ' :
V Mr.' Griff Williams, a resident of this
city, left last night for Colfax, -Waah-ington,
to remain during the winter.
ipJUfi Van Woodruff of Tygh valley
lled this morning and paid his re
spects to the attaches of this office."
ijHon. S. F.,Bly,he of Hood. .River,' was
".'the'city ' yesterday. Trx Chroniclk
-acknowledges the courtesy of a fraternal
(People east and south of The Dalles,
should take a day off and go to work for
-the dalles portage railway t be built by
.t.the state. . t t--"- '
iv Mr. Reed will give a gISps plowing ex
' hibition tomorrow eve fat the Armory,
Is") which is highly epoke J of Ay the press
in other places. ' Admieb 25 cents.
Mr. Frank Brown of Grant, returned
from Portland last night. . He left Mrs.
Brown 1 somewhat" .improved, and now
baa hope df her speedy recover?! ' '
, ' Crandall A Burget are now settled in
V their new store in the Michelbach brick
I on Union street,- next door to Floyd &
Y Shown's. Call around.
Mr. Fenn Bat tv, -who haa beea on-. the
I sick list for a "week rjagt,""appeared at his
aesJc again last evening as nignt ciers at
I ine Umatilla. -
i Myj" John 'Cook df t
hotel barber
k arrived- in-the ity
asfe -evenrng,'
Mr. Fisher's
will occudv a cha
e tonBonal parlors..,..
At. and Mrs. Peter "Faurie, late of
Ua, 11L, have located in Fossil. They
in all probability be able to report
to others in the sucker state that
I Inland Empire of Oregon is . very
raDie locaiiiv ior oona nae settlers.
point of death from'; liaving"
i rei and drinxing ior ten mmates con
ououely.: The prevailing opinion i
iat he wished to commit suicide an-
jnld think of no happier death than
verdose of whisky; ..T
Mr. T. H. Johnston, one of the active
asineee men" of Dufar, fs in the city to-
,-iay, working up the new Tygh' county
scheme. ' He says Dafur is a1ivetd the
project of a state portage around , the
dalles of the Columbia,, and tand pre-,
pared to furnish convinciag data as to
the feasibility' of the plan -proposed. and
formerly indorsed
The pre8i of the" sUW Tery'1 generaUy
is outspoken in favor of such an appro
priation for the militia as .wCl!. render
the organisation ot onr citizen-soldiers
complete" and effective. The ''memCet
of the O..N. G. in the meantime look' on
with practical uncbricerD,; Willing- ' to
serve the state if desired, but 'also "per-fe-stly
willing to be disbanded if no en
cotitaEeme&t is showa the organization.
.and; frieiid8 ihank you'
will all hare a prosperous and
i .. , ' .
' A' J.aa?i p -sm 1 1- W - '.-'5; .VWu?
The national quarantine bill has fin
ally passed the senate.' - ;'
'Senator KTenna of West V"aV, died in
Washington city yesterday. '..
v. .
' That the Great Northern- is coming
right into Portland,' is now believed by
a. great many. , . "m
Gov. Pennoyer's message is not very
short, as proposed; but it is in some
respects "sweet." - .'"" : ." - :
A case of crim. con. is attracting the
attention of bystanders and taking up
the time of Justice Schutz this afternoon.
.Gov.. Pennoyer adopts the recommen
dation of Tub CnKoxicLE, for a state in
heritance tax law. This was the ouly
paper ' in the state to advocate this
. Rev. J. A.". Orchard of Goldendale ia
in the city today - and made us 4 "pleas
ant " call. The 'reverned gontle'mah is
en" route to' Lewiston Idaho, 1 where he
goes temporarily on work cbsnected
with his missionary labors.
' The wail of wrath from the Astoria
liquor dealers because of ' receiving cop
ies of a 5 cent testament for $2.50 C. O.
D., is being' visited upon the head, of an
ex-drummer for a .cigar bouse in Portr
land named Trainor. Jim will wish he
hadn't-played the joke so often before
he get through with it.
"The Lour Princess" ia a pathetic
story going the. rounds of-the press
which use plate matter. The woman
described In the story formerly lived in
Walla Walla, where for several yeara
Bha taught school and penmanship and
was considered one of the brightest
teachers on the Inland Empire. Her
relatives still . reside in Tillamook . and
will make au effort to bring her back
home." '"" "" :
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hears of Golden
dave, gave us a pleasant - call today.
From , them we learn that Klickitat
county is in good condition, having had
her soil soaked thoroughly , by ,;the late
snow's. In someplace the-farmers are
plowing, but generally speaking is too
wet. Stock are doing well on the range
and, has not fallen Off in flesh 'to . speak
ox. ..iV.i'-vi..f",:l s-i'o.S 1 ill
... Hon., J JJ. -Mosier , o'f the , town of
Mosier, is in the city today. In conver
sation with bim we learn (be snow is all
gone in his section, also that a petition
was circulated through that place a few
days ago, asking-that the legislature
create the county of Cascades by cutting
off the western portion of this county,
and resulted in being refused by nearly
veryone. Mr. Mosier says the scheme
.8 impracticable and the people so con-
ap-fsider ite
Peter West of Umatilla- county is in
trouble for dunning a delinquent for $10
on a postal T card."-It. appears that the
poetofBce' regulations forbid the mailing
6f a postal card upon which is written a,
dun for a debt due' OrT Jupe 7tb, 1892
according to ine statement oi Air. west
the latter loaned to Mrs. Jacinta Cherry I
jof Milton, the sum of $10." The contents
oi tne postal caro as given by Mr. west;
read ' follow : ; When , I loaned you?
the $10 fn June,1 while your sonlay sick
you' promised to pay me by the 20th of;
July,' and -r "km ' 'very ; eorrj- to now be;
feroed to tie,'you' in 'order to get back!
What7 1 loaned yon. " 66 do atbt feel ag
grieved when . an officer oonoW with the
aecessay papers, for it la your own ac
tions which fore 'me to eue: Don't go
to church dritil too can naV in." The
defendant wa taken to Portland at con-
siaeraDte expense iox trial beiore J edge
A fine lot of fornitare going very low
at Crandall & Sorget'a new store, .'
for past favors
Happy New
v-- :'. v
' '
. v z.
- i. l-y
i , . Abont f orfelteal I.aBidsv ,
...... .. .
,- " ft . -? ' -'" ' -"
People not residing on forfeited rail
way lands they desire to purchase are
warned not to delay , contemplated 'fil
ings. f"A dispatqh'from' Washington" to
day says that in both houses of congress
efforts have been made to relieve, per
sons who have claims upon lands for
feited within the railroad grants. . Sen
ator. Dolph said today that persons not
actually residing on their lands, and en
titled to ' purchase forfeited railroad
lands, 'should make entry and payment
for their lands at once, and 'not depend
on legislation extending the time. lie
has not succeeded in getting ,a . report
upon hie, bill in the senate from, the in
terior department as yet,- and is not sure
of' securing favorable consideration of
the' bill In the senate; He has ' learned
from'MrJ Hermann that there is no" pos
sibility of paseing'the. bill in the 'house.
He makes this statement to warn pur
chasers not to permit the time to expire
without completing their purchases. -
,!? t,., '; ' -- .,!... ,.'-,. . : . ...
Mr. Merrill Fish came op on the noon
train from Portland.:
" Latest, reports say Mr. Blaine has ex
perienced another' astonishing and. un
expected improvementm his condition.
Gen.. Ben , Butler died at hie home in
Washington' city yesterday.' His death
created ah immense surprise, as H was
not even known he was ailing any more
thatf' .any.; xnan, who J had lived and
labored eo long would. '.' V A' ;
, - t w. .... 1 - ;-t - rj
"i.A Idaho diamond hunter who has
hitherto relied on the industrious ant to
bring his gems to tfie surface, intends to
start a badger Tancli" and expects' by
next fall to have ,twol or '' three, hundred
badgera ' flinging. Vfirst waters" to the
surface. ;. . , ti :'",.;' ;. . ' . '. ' J'' '
' 'The city pound is a point of attrac
tion again. This morning there was
one horse and a cow brute within" Its
fold. "No doubt some will kick, while a
good many will be thankful that the
visiting cow will no longer seek ,her
living in our streets and door yarda.
The Jdaho legislature this winter will
hardly be so exciting as the precedinjs
ession, wnen tne Gem of , the iloun-
ns stocked up with an over supply of
nited States senators. ' Nevertheless
ov. McConnell mav be 'relied nbon to
eep the boys from going to sleep. -
Bueklen's Aralca Balve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, ,
corns, iind all skin eruptions,' and "posi
tively cures piles, or no pay - required.
It is guaranteed to" give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. . ;..- , . ..
' Seal Ktat Transfers. '' ;
Jan 10. F M Dialray and wife to C V
Lane, lot S block 2, Baird'a' addition to
Antelope, and other parcels of land.
Consideration $1,500.
Jan 10. Jaa H Coyenton and wife to
Winane-Brer lot-1 in see 36, t 2 n r 13
east, containing; 46.20 acres ; also n of
neJi of sec 1 1 1 n range 13 w m, con
taining 80 acre. ' Consideration 9,000.
Jak lO.-MDbae J VanDuyn and wiffr to
IdvEliMbeUiuChapmanV'iotr4 in block
4 in the city pt . Tygh. Consideration
$27.50."IX'-' f .-v -; i i i .'
Jan 10. Chaa J .VanDuvn and wife to
GeofW Moody, lot 3 in block 4 in Tygh
city. Consideration $25. -
.United 8tatea to- Patrick Brown; a e
Hd tec 18, tln,rl& e wm. Home
stead "pateckt.-f r'a.?' f'--- ftW:
Jan. 1U. Kame to Harry Chapman,
lota 6 in block 4 in Tygh city. Consid
eration $25. OOv- - .' hV; J
iMtu y si "'" - ) r ' --j i .' ' .i - '. -fifti '
:i;j"y;.5 .;.' .' BOBS. ' ": . '
To the Vito df Mir; Ed. Johnson',
ulator Line
Tie Dalles, Portland ail Astoria
Navigation Co.
Through daily service ( Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and- Port
land. . Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Locks -with steamer - Dalles -City".
Steamer Dal lea City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at-ft'a m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
Dalles. . " ' '. : -
One way. ,
Round trip.
.?2 00
... 3.60
Freight Rates Giatly Reduced.
K Shipments 'received at wharf anytime,
day or nignt, ana delivered at .Portland
on arrival. ' - Li ve "stock shipments
solicited . Call on or address. '
..' w! C. ALLAWAY,
Ouera) Agent.
' General Sfaaag-er. . J:, !; ;
the; dalles.
Wild Goose Stories.
Last fall when wild geese were super
abundant in supply np in Sherman
county, a farmers ;boy, 'shot one 'which
was.' Only disabled bv a broken-. 'wing.
He topk the goose home and. doctored it,
and it soon became so tame as to follow
the" boy wherever he", went',' . eat irom
his hands and even poke his head Into
the boys pockets for wheat. -Soon 'after
this incident, a band "of wild geese flying
over: the,, premises anil ; making . their
usual clatter attracted the attention of
the domesticated gander, which gave an
outlandish display of quacking and shrill
yells in (goose, language v which: had a
most startling effect with the band flying
past.' A fine goose was eeen to leave the
band and shoot down until -It landed in
the yard at" the side of the pet, "and
the meeting was demonstrative to an ex
citing degree'. Their gabblingrquacking
and amusing antics afforded as much
fun for the' boys, who witnessed-"the
meeting, as they could , have found at
a circus. " "' The new arrival, v. which ' is
probably a mate of the now tame goose,
refuses to leave, but will fly over the
fence when the two are approached by
the boys and then fly back to the" mate
when the boys step aside: .' There ia a
band of Wild geese in The Dalles, owned
by Capt. Johns, so tame that they can be
driven through the. streets, but Mr.
Johns raised these from the eggs. These
incidents- go to show that our Inland
Empire wild geese may be domesticated.
, ' Guaranteed Cure. .
We authorize our advertieed druggist
to.sell Dj-.. King's New tiscovery for
consumption, coughs and colds upon
this condition. If yon are afflicted with
a cough, cold or- any lung, throat or
chest trouble, and will use this remedy as
directed, giving it, a fair trial, and ex
perience no benefit, you may return the
bottle and have your money refunded.
We could not make this offer did we not
know that Dr. King's New Discovery
conld be relied on. It never disappoints.
Trial bottles free at Snipes and Kin
ersly'e;drug' store. Large size 60c; and
$r.0Oi5vvJ ''t3i t'ltf)
Another New-' Conntjr.
Mr,"Van Woodruff of Tygh -valley in
forms U9 that the citizens of the southern
part of the county are bestirring them
selves and are. preparing a. petition for
tne ioundation of a new ' county to be
known as Tygh county, with the county
seat at. Tygh Valley city, They propose
to make the Des Chutes the eastern
boundary,, 15-Mile, Dnlur the northern
and Crook on the south," with the sum
mit of the Cascades for Its other bound
aries. They say that they see ho reason
why they .should' not 1 have a county
government of their own, as, well as
other portions of the country. They
have as . good - material , for county ofS
cials, and as many as other aspirants for
new creationa.
' i iy'::;ZiUi-' A ' Leader. ;.''..-
Since its first - introduction, electric
bitters has ; gained . rapidly . in popular
favor', until now it is clearly in the' lead
among pure medicinal. tonics and alter-,
ati ves-con taining ; nothing w hich per
mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant,
ft ia recognized aa the , best 'and purest
medicine for all ailments Of stomach,
liver or kidneys.2,It will cure sick head-,
ache, indigestion, constipation and drive"
maleria. from "the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed with - each,, bottle or the
money will be refunded."1 Price only 60c
6od by "Snipes A KInersly.
leave' yoar
oi-de for' Ooird '-wood r at
Maier A Benton's.
Mless Variety ail Assortment of - ." .
Dpjls, Toys, Bpok
gans, Musical Instruments.
o o o
fionary, only. $1.00!,
WiGre can yoi flo'
" ; better? 1 ; "
O O: O O O
i--We Have Made-
Sweeping Reductions!
Call . and examine .-
ioS".amo!ne holiday presents;
A Cerulean Gem "Wbose Snowy Sett ins;
is Rimmed by tbe'Ttorfaon.
From the Klamath Star. "'"..':
Crater lake in the winter is a specta
cle few white men have witnessed. In
the winter of '87 Dr. C. K. Smith, then
the agency physician, Bird Loosley and
Indian Pedro climbed, up .there, drag,
ging 'a eled over the hard snow-crust.
They remained one day at the'lake, the
doctor returning disappointed by some
peculiar action of the light which pre
vented his camera' from catching a
picture of the lake. G. J. Farnsworth,
who arrived -yesterday from Prospect,
came by way of the wonderful lake oh
spowshoes. He describes it as grand.
In order to make this awful chasm a
very gem of. sublimity, Nature must fill
all its clefts and cover all its spurs with
snow, . Then the lakefiuost frozen and
snowed over, as seen from the" dizzy
slopes of enow, ia narrowed to the ap
pearance ot a dark cerulean gem whose
snowy setting is rimmed by the horizon.
One would expect to see this gem on
the breast of one of the Titans sung by
Hesiod in hjs Theogony. . A monstrous
giant . who could heap np mountains' to'
scale' the sky would look magnificent
with such a breastpin glittering in the
moonlight. ' ... V,' ... ' : ,'.': ; 'Vt.
According to Fa rn 8 worth's account of
the travel between Prospect and Crater
lake it is not exactly the country for lop
lolly dudes or piano tuners. If anything
ia ever planted around there it ought, to
be the adulterated seeds that are' creep
ing into the market just now, but no
dude nor anything healthy could grow
there. No doubt , Mr. Farnsworth
thought aa he sat there under the blue'
and pitiless heaven how he'd like to sit
down in. the warm agricultural college
at Corvallis and tell the professors that
the fruit peat is uhkhown around Crater
lake, especially in the 'Winter season,
and that canned fruit could be raised
there several thousand feet above the
level of the Bea. ! Ther country !.up" there
ia wrapped in a mantle of deep snow.
OPhe O nly TH 6u s e i n Town
' ' "Majcirig"'''; ;
ents Furnishing Goods,
- Hats and Caps. .
1 ' :"' -.! .
Uhich gives us an opportunity 4,0 dpypte our. eptire, time ..
to this particular line. .; Ave have a few remnants ;
- ' ; -in Fancy Underwear, Overshirts and
t, Gloves,: which we are closV;: ... '-. ' ' v
ing out clieap. .- .; , ; , ,
Handsomely FiiniisM'
Heals prepared ; by . a first Class English Cook.
'"" "
V. XZJF b'Q&'. &mpU Room
o o o o o o o
A;'M.;liiie. of
It; :M 200
to select frem
at 25 c par tgL
o o o o - o o o
You've tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite.
Prescription have you and you're disap
pointed. The results are not imme
diate. : And did you expect the disease
of years to disappear In a ..week?,. Put a .
pinch of time in ' every; dose. Yon
would not call the milk poor because the
cream doesn't .rise in . an., hour? If
there's no water in it the cream, is sure
to rise., . If there's -a possible cure, Dr.-:
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is sure to "
effect it, if given a fair trial. You get
the one dollar ,.it -costs back again if it
don't benefit pr cure you. We wish we ,
could .give you the makers' confidence.-
They show it by giving the money back,
again, in all cases not benefited, and it'd .
surprise you to know how few dollars
are needed to. keep up the refund.
Mild, gentlej soothing and healing'ia
Dr. Sage's Catarrh" itemedy.? Cures the
.worst cases permanently. No experi-'
menting. It's "Old Keliabie.' Twenty
five years of success. : - - '
. Colsmbls Alliance.
Will meet at the. usual place (Eight-.
Mile school house) on the second Satur
day in January 1893 at 11 o'clock, Bharp.
It is particularly requested thafall mem
bers be preserit'as there' are '-'matteTS-of-'vast
importance to come before the
meeting. Also election of officers will
-take place at that . time. By order . of
; county secretary. " " ' " 1 '
- Loit- '
A gold watch charm with a small
piece of chain attached, between J. P.
Mclnerny and Leslie Butlers. A re
asonable reward will be paid for return .
of same to Maier & Bentona. . ..,
For Bent.
The only S-story,. fire-proof brick,
building in the city. For further par
ticulars Inquire - ofj Toin Kelly, at -The
Umatilla house. VM " " i - - t i
First premium -atthe- Wasco county
fair for best portraits and views.
Specialty, of y
EeEti? iiB Day, Weetor MoiitL -
t 'J i i . . "
. . .. . ' . 4 ,f I i - J."..---" :
tot 'ommerciir'
.4j nssfj