The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 09, 1893, Image 3

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    : Mess Variety and AssortmBst-'of
Dolls, Toys, Books, Albums, Pianos, Or
- gans, Musical Instruments.
fr S '
OOP o o o o Q jK.
5 .V- -1 .
"The Regulator Line!'
Tie Dalles, PoriM and Astoria
Navigation Co.
1 - ii - - - - -
I o our patrons and friends we thank you for past favors
and trust you will all have a prosperous and Happy New
The Dalles Daily ChfonieK
Entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weather Forecast
Official forecast for twenty-four hour ending at
S p. in. tomorrow : ,
. Monday, Tuesday fair weather, slightly
warmer. Pague.
- JAN. 9, 1893
Mr. Lem Burgess of Bake Oven, is in
the city today.
Hon. W. H. Biggs of Wasco, is in the
city on business today. .
Hot clam broth today, after 4 p. m.,
at J. O. Macks.
A fine lot of f urniture going very low
at Crandall & Burget's new store.
A choice lot of Tygh Ridge potatoes
for sale by Chas. F. Laner, 74 Second
Mr. Newton Burgess of Bake Oven
favorably, known by our young people,
is in the city for a few days
: mis morning tne sidewaiEa were
quite white with a thin coating of snow
. which fell about midnight.
Messrs. J. W. and D. M. French left
for Portland last evening to attend the
funeral of the late W. S. Ladd.
Mr. Littlefield of McMinnville, brother
f Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw, is in the city,
and will remain during the winter. -
The Chautauqaan, circle will meet at
the residence of Mrs. S. I.. Brooks this
evening. The quotations are about Per
icles - . -
' Mr. Thos. Burgess, a leading stock
man of Bake Oven ia in the city: today.
Mr. Burgees reports the ground clear of
enow and stock are doing well. - - "S,
Mr. Frank French, who has been
spending the holidays with-' his parents
in this city, returned to his studies
the Portland university yesterda;
. Mr. Buckley, of the stock firm of Kerr
& Buckley of Sherman county .came into
the city today. He reports no anow and
farmers plowing in his section, and that
. stock are doing finely,'; -.s .' :
.... Mr, Q. W. French of Highland Prairie,
"Wa3h., is in : the city today. .' Mr. F.
informs us that stock- in his section is
doing well. Aa he came over the Klicki
tat hills today the sun was shining and
the wliole Columbia valley beneath him
was enveloped in a heavy' fog.'
Mr. Otto Kohler of Karlen & Kohler,
large sheep men east of theDesChutesis
in the city and in conversation with him
we learn that sheep are in fine condition
since the storm, and farmers are busy
plowing making preparations, for the
largest crop of grain ever .produced in
that ounty. '.. . ' -L
The Young Men's dancing club ef-
fected an organization and elected offic-j
era on Saturday evening. A large num-j
ber were present, and plans' for . the- f u
ture were adopted. There will " be k
considerable change in - the affairs of the
club ;., but, without doubt, the new ar-
mngement wui do mucomor B
f At the meeting of the A. O. U.
last Saturday evening the following
ficers of the order. Paul Kreft, M. W.
Fred Half papp, P. M. W. ; Hans Han
son , Foreman ; Mr. , Love," Qverseer; T.
N. Joles, Eecorder ; W. 8. Myers, finan
cier ; Geo. W. Joles, Receiver ; John
Filloon, Guide; Jessee Simonaon, J. W.;
Jas. t lsner, u. VY. r
Hon. W. H. H. Dufur and wife we:
in the city yesterday. t
Postmaster Edmonson, at Grizzly, was
mortally wounded by a man name
Wheeler using a knife at a dance give
there a few nights ago. He died in
short time after the assault.
Mr. A. -It. Wilcox vho was sent to thefi
hospital at Portland after the accident
which occurred to him at Antelope, is
now able to be about, and has removed
from the hospital to the Quimby House.
The Methodists commenced last even
ing to hold -a series of revival meetings.
There will be preaching service at the
church each evening at 7 o'clock nntil
further notice. The eervices are being
conducted by Bev. J. Whisler.
Mr. A. J. Shrum of Mitchell, Mr.
Thomas Burgess, Samuel Burgess and I.
N. Burgess of Bake Oven, Hon. W. H.
Briggs of Wasco, and several others who
are deeply interested in the welfare of"
Inland Empire are - in the city.
It somehow leaked out during the day
that part of the party are headed for the
3rd house now in session at Salem. Mr.
Biggs was in great haste to get there 1
and take a hand in affairs, notably to see
that the county divisionists do not chop
off more than they can properly handle.
The CrtBONici.K has eaid, with a chal
lenge to the enemies of an open river to
fairly dispute it. that the little $55,000
railway at Cascade Locks, built by the
state of Oregon, has "saved for the pro
ducers of Wasco and Klickitat counties
alone (below the dalles of the Colum
bia) not a cent less ' than $175,000 since
it was built. Enough in reality to have
paid for the road three times over. If
the state will build the dalles portage,
it will pay for itself in two years, by re
ducing .freights and increasing the
wealth of the producer and stockmen.
The general government will not build a
ship railway. That is' a foregone con
clusion, and the state must relieve the
armers of extortion on freights by giv-
ng them an open river.". , Instead
of attempting to disprove such state
ments, the enemies . of an open
river "sneak ..around '' the; r country"
and try' to secure" signatures of the
people to a deceptive snare, a remonstr
ance to the proposition for a state appro
priation for Buch purpose. ' With this re
monstrance numerously signed they in
tend to kill the project forever. Once
dead it may never again be revived. Are
the people informed as to these merce
nary motives?.. Then meet the remons
trance with a solid petition: ' There is no
time to be lost.
Saturday evening at the residence of
Mr. J. L. Story will long be remembered
by many as one of the most enjoyable
affairs of the Eeason. A merry crowd
Mr. Story and made things very j0ij
rru a r n m a rt i. J
indeed. The A. F. O. T. B. O. U. bovj
first made a number of- calls, thus com
pleting their 1 New Year rounds, and
upon arriving at Mr. Story's they playejl
a serenade, when the doors were throw
open;' And gping inside they found k
goodly number who were awaitind
them.' - Each one of the -club' was deco-
: i ' 1 ' mj
c--'" Butterfly Social. . I
rated with a large butterfly fastened toln0np a
jhi8 right shoulder, which looked so this'offic
much like embryo wings as to give the
impression' that so - many overgrown
cupids were present, and caused all to
look sharply after themselves. Dancing
was indulged during the first part of
the evening, after which a bountiful re
fection was served, all doing ample jus
tice to the toothsome viands. Tne rest
of the evening was devoted to music an
singing and passed right merrily. Eaca
one went homeward with the remem'
brance of a most pleasant -evening
Among those . present were : Miss
Schulthis, Mies Bowman, Misses Gracq
Williams, Grace Marden, Alma Schmidt
-Grace and - Nell Michell, Ruth Cooper!
May Enright, Ursula, Louise and Ion
Ruch, Grace Campbell, Maybel Mack
Caddie Booth, Margaret Rowland, Rosi
and Annette Michell, Clara, Ettie
Auburn Story, Messrs. Hal French, M.
TT "C TT IT- V. ' l -
D. Snowden, Balfe Johnson, Ed Mays,
iMartin Donnell, Ed Patterson, F. Gar
Vetson.'Fred W. Wilson, H. H. Riddell,
John Booth, : Harrv Esping, Tru
Burtief, T3red;'Masrnrr'
Senate Caucus Nominations Made Tola
Special to The Chronicle. ,
Salem, 2:15 p..m. Jan. 9. Nearly the
entire delegation were in their seats this
morning. The senate caucus decided to
elect officers as follows : . President, C.
W" . Fulton, "of Clatsop. Cheers, and
cries of hear, hear. J For chief clerk, O.
P. Miller, "on account of his admirable
work in the same capacity two years
ago." For assistant clerk, Coolidge; for
calendar clerk, Severance ; for eergeant-at-arms,
Stolt. , "Adjourned at 2 p. m.
Hon. John F. Caples, one of the re
publican electors from this state, is here
for the purpose of meeting the other
electors to supply the place of Elector D.
M. Dunne, who will not be present, and
decide upon a man to send to Washing
ton, it is about decided that the va
cancy will be filled by H. B. Miller, of
Grant's Pass, and that Judge Caples
will be sent- to .Washington. The con
test in the bouse for speakership, will
center upon Geer of Marion, but Keady
Has a strong following.
- Deserving Praise.
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell as
well, or that have given inch universal
satisfaction. We do not hesitate ' to
guarantee them every time, as we stand
ready to refund the purchase price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. There remedies have won thir
great popularity purely on therr merits.
Snipes & Kinersly'a druggists. .
Notice. .
To all whom it niav concern : Bv vir-
ie of an order of the common council of
alles City, 'made and enteredon the 31st
ay of December, 1892. Notice is here
y given that eaid city council is about
o proceed to order and construct a
tsewer of eight -inch terra cotta cine
through block 9 in Lnnghlin's addition
to Dalles city, beginning at the center
of Jefferson street opposite the east end
of the alley through the center of said
block and thence westerly following th
centre of said alley and continuing t
alley and continuing to
intersect tbe sewer in Laughlin street,
and that the cost of such sewer will be
assessed against the property directly
benefited thereby as by the charter pro
vided. Dated this 7tti day of January,
1833. Fr aw M vvpppp
1.9.dlot.' : - -Recd'r of Dalles City,
For. file Cheap.
lot wfttl wo" house? and out
incfosai by fence. Inquire
: NOTICE. ' '
All Dalles- City warrants registered
nor to May 1, 1891, will be paid ii
resented at mv office. Interest ceases
rom and after this date. .
Dated, Jan. 3d, 1893. -
- -.. Ia Robden, .
. s . :Treas. Dalles Citv.
i u
Freignt ana Pcsssnger Line
Through daily Bervice' (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Locks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One way. . . .
Round trip.
I 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock . shipments
solicited. Call on or address. . .
General Agent.
General Manager.
Universally Loved, Greatly Kespeeted.
Sincerely Mourned.
According to the wish oi Mr. Wm. S.
Ladd, that when he ' died his funeral
should occur in the morning, arrange
ments were made for his burial at 10 :30
today, from the First - Presbyterian
church in Portland, of which he was an
honored member. It is safe to say that
it was the largest funeral that has ever
taken place in Portland.. - No man has
ever died in Oregon who was so univers
ally beloved, none more sadly mourned.
The Chronicle gave a short sketch of
his life on the evening of his death.
'he exchanges reaching the office since
hen from wit hin the range of possibility
to secure the news, all contain sorrowful
evidences of. the loss which the com
munity has sustained by his. death. It
appears that Mr. Ladd spent many of
the gladsome holiday hours of the past
festal Beason on his bed of sickness.
The first of last week, however, the. Wel
come says, although still enfebled, he
attended a meeting of the water com
mission, of which he is an interested
member. Before tbe close of the session
Mr. Ladd made a brief speech, of a some
what pathetic character, to his fellow
members of tbe board. Among other
things, he eaid that . chief of the fond
ambitions of his life is a bountiful gup
ply of purer and cheaper water for the
city of Portland. The water at present
supplied the Portland people is detaste
ful and deleterious to the public health,
and he would hail the day of the com
pletion of the Bull Run system and be
glad of the hour when water should be
free. - Rates at present are too high,
and the added cost of sickness in conse
quence of tbe water's impurity, is a
grievous burden, especially upon the
poor. In a tone of earnestness he added
than he had long desired to witness the
erection, at Riverview cemetery, of a
chapel worthy of that beautiful spot.
Such an edifice he declared a necessity
of our civilization.
He also hoped for an unobstructed river
to the sea, a channel so deep that the
greatest ships afloat may safely navigate
it.' The gentleman spoke- with an an
UBual depth of feeling, closing 'with the
words that time was leaving its touch
upon him and that be' might not live to
witness tbe consumation of his' hopes.
When he had concluded his -short .ad
dress his fellow members of the board
grasped his hand and in words of honest
candor expressed the hope that the
speaker might live to view the comple
tion of these improvements and many
others time will demand. It was plain
that his auditors were . affected by his
address. ' , ,
Many incidents ' are related showing
deserved tributes to an honest citizen.
A few months since, says one of these,
an institute for the cure of the liquor
habit and kindred afflictions was estab
lished in ' Portland. It. had not been
long in existence when a distant ac
quaintance, one with whom he had con
versed less than a dozen times; took the
treatment and was pronounced cured
A short tiiu'e afterward, Mr. Ladd sent a
note to the gentleman. - It said he
wished a private interview with the
man. In that conversation he desired
an honest opinion - as to the merits of
the cure, and being .assured of its effi
cacy he said : "I have been asked to
become treasurer of the concern,: and
after what you have said I will consent
that my name be used. I pity those
poor fellows who have fallen from drink,
and I am willing to lend my influence in
any honorable direction that will tend
TMs Webster's Dic
tionary, only $1.00 !
Where can yon': do
4 ,
' ' l - 1 '
We Have Made
Sweeping Reductions.
Call and examine
iW holiday presents
to their redemption. One of the bright
est of my acquaintances and a dear
friend (referring to a gentleman well
known in 'Portland) has, I' am told,
been treated at the institute, and I pray
that his cure may be thorough and per
manent." Mr. Ladd talked for fully
five minutes of the curse of rum, and
the great blessings that would accrue to
humanity if a cure for the debasing
affliction had really been discovered. '
To a recent biographer, alluding to his
wealth, Mr. Ladd said that if all the
property he owned in his own right and
had transferred to his eldest son could be
converted into cash at its actual value,
the amount would probably foot up
to $18,000,000. He added, however,
that tbe statement was not for publica
tion. Mr. Ladd was not an autocrat. With
all his wealth, he was a plain, every-day
citizen. In the home of many a poor
man in Oregon his death will be sin
cerely mourned. Several friends from
The Dalles were in attendance at the
funeral among them Messrs. D. M-, J.
W. and Smith French, relatives of Mr.
Ladd and, alas I very many from different
portions of the coast, will mourn tbe fact
that they may never , eee his pleasant
face any more. ; .
Crandall & Burget are now settled in
their new store in the Michelbach brick
on Union street, next door to Floyd &
Shown's. Call around. -
You can carpet your rooms at about.
your own price by calling on Crandall &
Burget, at the new store on Union
A sold watch charm with a rnall
piece of Chain attached, between J. P.
Mclnerny and Leslie Butlers. . A re
asonable reward will be paid for return
of same to Maier & Bentons.
For Bent.
The only 3-story, fire-proof brick
building in the city. For further par
ticulars inquire or lorn K.eJiy, at The
Umatilla house.
The Only House in Towit
Making a; Specialty of
Gents Furnishing Goods,
HIGH gives us an opportunity todeyo.te our entire time
to this particular line. We have a few remnants ;
in Fancy Underweaij Ovefshirts, and -
Gloves, which we are clos
ing out cheap. ;
. - The Corrugated Building next Door to Court House.
; Handsomely FnrnisM Rooms to Rent by tie Day, Wcel or Kontt.
Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook.
Good Sample Rooms 'for Commercial Men. r: ' V
o o o o o o o
A fill line cf
12-Mo. BOOKS,
tonnJ in dotl
ttilL Over 200
to select from,
at 25c per vol
o o o o o o o
7 V
" &
You've tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription have you and you're disap
pointed. The results are not imme
diate. And did you expect the disease
of years to disappear in a week? Put a
pinch of time in every dose. You
would not call the milk poor because the
cream doesn't rise in an hour? If
there's no water in it the cream is sure
to rise. If there's a possible cure, Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription is sure to
effect it, if given & fair" trial. Yon1' get
tbe one dollar . it costs back again if it
don't benefit' dr cure you. We wish we
could give you the makers' confidence.
They show it by giving the money back
again, in all cases not benefited, and it'd
surprise you to know how few dollars
are needed to keep up the refund.
Mild, gentle, soothing and healing is
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Cures the
worst cases permanently. No experi
menting. ' It's "OJd Reliable." Twenty
five years of success.
Advertised Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for, Saturday, Jan. 7th, 1893.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised:
Mr B F Brown Mr E Brong
Rev Calvin Brown J S Brown
Henry Boyen
C Bridgefarmer
John Chandler
Mrs Dunlovey
Wm Fuglee
H N Hill
M D Harris
G E Johnson
Mrs M A Kenney
T A Kyle
J J Meek 8
W H Washburn
James S Mein
A L Newcome
M A Baker
Martin Collier
Julia Edwards
R H Gardiner (2)
Miss J Hansen
J Hortle
Geo Jones " "
Mrs May Knight
Helena Muller
Geo L Mans
A A McCoy
Grant Morse
J H Nirkell
Miss C Patterson
J M Smith
Alex Strachau
Mrs C Thomas
Mrs Kate Taylor
Peter Tennesen
II H Wilburn (2)
W T Woodford
Mrs L Yerbeny
John O'Neal
Mrs Myra Smith
J Smith
D W Schmoldt
Mrs T D Taylor
r A sat Turk
Mr F B Wolfe
W H Watson
Mrs J Williams -L
S Zumwalt
M. T. Nolan, P. M.
ats and
1 s sj