The -Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AMD WASCO COUNTY. Kntered at the Postoffloe at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY UAH. (POSTAGE PBKPAID) IK ADYAMCI. Weekly, 1 year 1 80 " 6 months.., 0 75 8 " . .... 0 50 Dally, 1 year. 6 00 " 6 months. , 3 00 per " ,. - 0 60 Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. THE WARRISQ CHURCHMEN. Dispatches inform us that a Chicago paper yesterday published a lengthy article showing that Archbishop Ireland, . of St. Paul has preferred formal charges .against the Most. Rev. M. A. Corrigan, who is accused of having engaged in an unlawful conspiracy to weaken or. undo the effect of tbepope'sdecisionsin respect to church matters in America and of . having recourse to methods unbecoming a prelate of the Roman Catholic church, and designed to discredit ' and disgrace Archbishop Ireland : and Monsignore Satolli, the papal ablegate in America These charges, duly formulated, are now . on their way to Rome, where they will be presented - to the highest tribunal in the Roman Catholic church. That tribunal has power to pass upon the ac- . cusation and to fix the punishment of the accused if they are sustained. The decision will be eagerly awaited for each . of the prelates has been, considered as t an object of the pope's favorable regard in respect to the new American cardin alate, which will be conferred at the ap proaching jubilee. The. difference be ; ween the two archbishops are of long standing, and each has a large following . among the hierarchy, priesthood and laity of the church in America and all . these are likely to be affected by the de- . cision. It is said that the documents prepared by Archbishop Ireland indicate the ex istence of a conspiracy, of which the archiepiscopal residence in New York is the center, and which extends in numer ous ramifications throughout America into France and Italy, and even to the ehadow of St. Peter's itself. Soon after . the conference of archbishops at New York in October, mutterings against the findings of the pope on the school ques tion began to be heard, coupled with criticisms of Archbishop Ireland and Monsignore Satolli. The secular press began to teem with letters, containing statements and insinuations, disagreea bly affecting both tbeseprelates. When Dr. McGlynn was restored a few days ago, matters reached a climax, and the most undeserved criticisms appeared Letters expressing the same sentiments appeared simultaneously in widely sepa rated cities, with remarkable coinci dence, and it became apparent that Archbishop . Ireland and Monsignore Satolli were the targets of a skillful and . far-reaching propaganda. In this con' section it is announced that Dr. Ed ward McGlynn will go to Borne, and the statement is authoritative, and bears out the announcement made at the time his suspension was removed by Monsig nore Satolli. . Failures through a car famine are re ported from Kansas city because of the otter impossibility of the railways to meet demands upon them for traffic. The greatest car shortage in the history -of the west has developed there. The Missouri Pacific alone is short 2,000 cars to fill actual orders, and is positively re fusing all freight for shipment except regular warehouse merchandise. The Santa Fe is short 2,000 cars on Chicago business and as many more on the west ern division, and all cars loaded with grain to the elevators are ordered to re turn empty in order to move some of the business now standing in the ware houses. The Memphis, too, is short 500 cars, and the Chicago Great Western is refusing business for the same reason. The Burlington in every ' branch is cramped so that it can move but little grain. The grain dealers are suffering, .and failures may be expected through the famine. Some material changes need to be made in the election laws of Oregon, one of which will be printing of the - ballots in the state printing office. Some mem bers have made application to State Printer Baker for estimates on the cost of the arrangements. Mr. Baker has looked up theexpensesof Marion county for that purpose, and figures that at the same ratio the counties of the state must have paid $11,600 for the printing of their Australian ballots last June. He finds that the expense of having the tickets printed at his office, not includ ing the paper, for a voting populai Son of 80,000 will not exceed $2,500; this to in clude four sample and four official bal lots for each voter, as provided by law. Unfavorable symptoms were noted in the case of Mr.- Blaine : Saturday night: Dr. Johnson visited him about 9:30 . o'clock and found that he had undergone an unfavorable change, and was weaker than he has been for several days. In reply to an inquiry he said that at pres ent he was unable to tell the extent of the set-back, but he scarcely anticipated a change of great seriousness. , .. Leave your order for cord wood' at Maier Sc Benton's. "Sho's y' live d' co'plexion kirns aftah d' blood what's dis he--A beau'ful co'plexion guaranteed if d' blood am pure! Befo' d Lo'd dat am salvation fo' Aunt Sophy." Al we claim for it is an unequaled remedy to purify the blood and in vigorate the liver. Jill the year rouna you can depend on Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in all cases of blood-taints or humors, no matter what their name or nature. It's the cheapest blood-purifier Bold through druggists. 1 No matter how many doses of Other medicines are offered for a dollar. Why? ' Because it's sold on a peculiar plan, and yon only pay for the good you get. Can you ask more ? "Golden Medical Discovery" is a concentrated vegetable .extract, put np in large bottles ; contains ho al cohol to inebriate, no syrup or sugar to derange digestion ; is pleasant to the taste, and equally good for adults or children. The " Discovery " cures all Skin affections, and kindred ailments. -GRAND- The Annual Ball of the Dais City Fire Dep't Will Be Given at Monday Evening, Peb. 6, 1883. TuG Best of Music Will Bs FurnisliBcl Prizes will be awarded for the best- sustained lady and gent character. A general invitation is extended to the public, but no disreputable char acters will be admitted. COMMITTEES. Arrangements J. H. Wood, G. C. Bills, John Blaser, Louis Payette, W. T. Hill, C. A. Klindt. Reception L. Payette, C. A. Klindt, F. W. L. Skibbe, John Blaser, Aug. Buchler. Floor W. T. Hill, J. S. Fish, W. II . Butts, Arthur Wyndham, George Thompson.' the Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line J. D. PARISH, Prop. leaves The Dalles at 6 a. m. every day and ar rives at Prineville in thirty-six hours. Leaves Prineville at 5 a. rxi. every oay and arrives at The Dalles in thirty-six hours. Carries the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express Connects at Prineville with Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. Also makefl close connection at The Dalles with trains from Portland and all eastern points. . Courteous drivers. Good accommodations along tie road. . First-class coacnes and torses used. . Euress matter landlei-witli care. - All persons wishing passage mnst waybill at of fices before taking passage; others will not be received. Express must be wayhilled nt offices or the Stage Co. will not be responsible. The company will take uo risk on money transmit ted. Particular attention given to delivering express mutter at Prineville and all southern points in Oregon, and advance charges willbe paid by the company. STAGE OFFICES; SI. Slcliel St Co. Store. Umatilla House. Prineville The Dalles. N House MoyingI Andrew Velarde IS 'prepared to do" any an4 all .; t kinds of work in his line at . reasonable figures, r Has the largest honse - moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. ' Ad d ress P.O.Box 181 ,Th e Dalles Masotn Ijiill ZtsTETW TODAY. The only first-class house in The Dalles. MRS. FRASER, -AT THE EUHOPEflfl HOUSE IS PKEPABKD TO GIYB FIRST-CLASS REGULAR "BOARD AT 320 PER MONTH. U.S. OHEESMAN No. 60 Second St., The Dalles, Or. BOOTS AND SHOES MANUFAC TURED TO ORDER. ALL WORK AND A PERFECT FI7 GUARANTEED. REPAIRING DONE IN A SATIS FACTORY MANNER. C. P. STEPHENS, DEALER IN Dry Goods lothing Uoots. Shoes, Bats. ICte. Etc., Etc., Etc. New Jackets FROM &3.50 80. DON'T Fflm TO SEE THEM. tr J r ' it 4 NEW STOCK - OF Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. . D. BU'NN- Pipe Woin, Tin Bepalis " MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE, r v , Shop on Third Street, next door ' west of Young & Kuss' Blacksmith Shop. Freeborn & -DEALEBS IN- VJan Paper ana 295 ALDER ST., COR. FIFTH, Old Ntjxbkb 95, THE CELEBRATED ; ; COLUMBIA BREWERY, : AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades.- The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on the market..' r ; i . . -' . ' JOHN PASHEK, t - Tailor, s f '. vHext door to "Wasco Sun. , Jn9t Received, a fine. Block of Suitings, Panta Patterns, etc., of all latest" , . .. Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Repair ing ' atsd Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. S. L. YOUNG, JZE-WIEXjIKSIR, Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on . short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. AT THB Store of I. C. Kiclcelsen, td St. The Dalles County Treasurer's Notice. All eounty warrants registered prior to May 1, 1889, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. The Dalles, Oct. 31, 1892. "William Michbll, 10.31 tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or. Ciiy Blacksmith Shop, Second St., Opp. Hood's Stable, : THE DALLES, OREGON. Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmitbing in the finest style. ; Satisfaction guar anteed. . GUflHlJlG & H0CKTO1 ,Props. 1. fj bhoes. ' TERMS CASH. pMciiao H. Herbring. aM ftodring Company, Roum mouiaings Portland, Obboow. DRUGS Snipes Sl Kinersly. : - THE LEADING ii Handled by Three ALSO ALL Patent ffledicines and Druggists Sundries'. HOUSE PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in . the City for The Sherwin, Will :ams Co.'s Paints. V -WE The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Agent for Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, The Dalles. Oregon isL. i rj ? tsi. 7HE NEW TOWN has been platted on the " v, uu imikc uignny mis, orona fctreeu ana alleys, good soli, pure cold water and Hbade in profusion, perfect drainage, delightful mountain climate, the central attraction aa a mountain rammer re-sort and for all Oregon, . being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It is also unparalled as a manufacturing center, being the natural center for 150 square miles of the best cedar and Mr ; timber, possessing millions of hon-e power in its dashing streams and water- i falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the monn- " V factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with tranrportation already assured you will find this the place to inuke a perfect home or a paying investment TITLE PERFECT W. ROSS THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. ; SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S '. SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OF I Alt No. 390 - to 394, 2d "Tiere is a tide in the affairs of .men which, taken at its flood, ' ' ' leads on to fortune." - The poet unquestionably had reference to the cii-om m i - ' -m Mm & Carpls at CRANDALL BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. . . MICHELB.4C.H BRICK, - - UNION ST. ' NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. FRAZER & WYNDHAM, Proprietors. a Wi o n 3 C3 At the old stand of R. Lusher, PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs ii -; CBT"Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's the most skilled workmen employed. chemical combination or soap mixture.' A .first class article in; all colors. ; All orders promptly attended to. V Store and. Faint Shop corner Thirdand Washington Sts.. The Dalle tj Oregon Mail tails. Registered Druggists." " ;; THE LEADING - ARE- old camp (rround, at the Forks and See : me on the ground, or address me at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. WINANS. street. The Dalles no Front St.. The Dalles, Oregon. AND GLASS, Paints used in all our work, and none bat Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. -TSo