AyXj . .i VOL. V. THE DALLES. OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1893. NO, 20. 5 i ' nn Ctl. fl. Young, BiacKsmiin & vvogon Gnop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tbira Street. OBpasite tlie oM Lielie Stand. W. EGARRETSON. Leaiyj Jeweler. SOLE AGENT FOU THE All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. The Dalles. Or. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors to . s. Cram.) Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Made OA35T DI B S, East of Portland. -DEALERS IN- Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesala or Retail In Ktery Style. Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. WM. HAKDEKS. W. K. WISEMAN. Parders & Wiseman, Saloon and fine Room. The Dalles, - Oregon. aSyNorthwest corner of Second and Court Streets. LU THE DALLES Rational it Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - -Vice-President, Cashier, - - Z. F. Moody Charles Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. FEflCfi 8t CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle' Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. . Dress-Making Parlors F&sMoii&Mb Dne$$ Gutting and Fitting a Specialty. Room 4 over French & Co's Bank. J O. DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. FRENCH'S 171 SECOND STREET, fp tflMEg and LIQUOR UP J. 8. SCHKJJCK, President. H. M. Beau. Cashier. first Rational Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRKCTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schenck. ED. Mr'VlLLIAMS, Gbo. A. Libbs. H. M. Bkall. GENTLEMEN! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, . all csind See me Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other gooas m proportion. tr. iAUAK, Second St., The Dalles. Sole Agent for WANNAMAKER & BROWN, Philadelphia, Pa and llIoaMaing MRS. GIBSON, Prop. MACK THE C E L EBR ATE D PABST BEER. BLOCK; THE DALLES, OR. SEATTLE TO SPOKANE Nine HundTBCl Snorelers Between Eign Walls of Snow. . MANY HARDSHIPS WERE ENDURED The First Tram to Reach the Inland Empire via. Great Northern. THE PnOSFECI FOR Jl'DOK TUK.1ER Probable Now that He May Be Elected to Mr. Allen's Seat In tbe Sea . ate Other New. Special to Ihi Cubokicu. Spokane, Jan. 7. The first train from Seattle by the Great Northern reached here today There is mnch jubilation among the tracklaying crew over the completion of their work. It l?as been accomplished under serious difficulties, and many hardships have been endured, but they were as brave a lot of fellows as undertook any task, and they never murmured nor faltered in their work. The completion of the road will be hailed with delight by the peo ple of Spokane and the sound cities, as well as those of all the country trav ersed, who are anxiously awaiting the time when it shall be in smooth work ing order. The snow is fifteen feet deep near the summit on this side and much deeper in the canyons. Over 900 shovel -ers are employed keeping the track clear. The snow is packed very hard, and for great distances the train speeds along between two solid walls of snow, towering so high above the coaches that the tops can not be seen from the win dows. The weather is cold but dry on the east side of the mountain, and no serious trouble is anticipated in the operation of trains, at least until the winter breaks up. There is consider able raid on tbe west side, but the track is in excellent condition and there is apparently no reason why trains may not be sent through on comparatively fast time as soon as the management is ready to put them on, which will doubt less be within a very few days. Judge Turner's Chances. Olvmpia, Jan. 7. Special. There is no concealing the fact that there is a deep undercurrent here favorable to Spokane's candidate. It comes from personal admiration for Mr. Turner and a conviction that King county would show thebasest sort of ingratitude to turn now against her old time friend and ally. Messrs. Hunt and Grant have sounded this sentiment, and have shown neither the courage nor the disposition to run counter to it and thereby bring about their own overthrow in the county. They know that it is impossible to work up enthusiasm for Mr. Allen. They are doing all that could be expected of them in showing their personal loyalty to Mr. Allen, but their work is necessarily cold and productive of poor results. That is why John B. Allen has come home to grind his own machine. It is openly stated that Senator John Kinnear has formed an alliance with Nelson Bennett and others to defeat Senator Allen. It will be remembered that Senator Kin near voted for Turner when Allen was elected; he claims that he will only be consistent in voting for him again. After the Old Man. "Gail Hamilton," Miss Abigail Dodge,. in her plea for. Mrs. Maybrick, writing to Gladstone says: "In the name of God I arraign you, the head of the Brit ish government, for the murder of Flor ence Elizabeth Maybrick, now dying in the convict prison at Weeking." Miss Dodge declares there is no evidence of the imprisoned woman's guilt, and shames the great government, for bind ing the feeble hands of a woman in a living tomb and demanding more evi dence of her innocence. After reproach ing the British government,, and the home office in particular, for their bar barous action, Miss Dodge declares they are guilty of deliberate murder. Clos ing she say a: "But if there be a God who makes and notes the ways of this world, who bears the voice of innocent blood crying unto Him from the ground, it is better to be the young wife and mother perishing in Weeking prison than the prime minister of the govern ment which works her' torture and her slaughter." . Chili has purchased a 4000-ton arm' ored cruiser from Armstrong's and a 950-ton torpedo-boat built for Turkey by lreen. of lxndOTi. - Still Cold In France. Pakis, Jan. 6. The cold weather con tinues unabated. Two persons were frozen to death at Toulouse and one at Bordeaux. -; . A Fireman Killed. - Pocateliaj, Ida., Jan. 6. Austin Tout, a fireman, 'was killed between Dry Creek and Monida this afternoon. The pin be tween the engine and tender broke while Tout was on the apron. He fell to the track and was run over. . Bis Head Is X.erel. CnicAGO, Jan. G. It is reported this evening that Major M. P. Handy will probably resign his $7,500 position as chief of the world's fair bureau of pub licity and promotion, to accept a posi tion of $10,000 a year as editor of the world's fair catalogue for the Conkey syndicate. Pacific Coast to be Represented. Washington, Jan. 6. It is said the Pacific slope is to have a representative in the cabinet, and W. V. Foote, of Cal ifornia is to be the man. This is the positive statement made by. a man who professes to know what he is talking about. The position which will be of fered Foote, if he has not already been offered it, is that of postmaster-general. To Senator Stewart is given the credit of having Becured the appointment. To lay Convicts. Jeffkebon City, Mo., Jan. 6. The legislature met in joint session this morning and listened to the retiring message of Governor Francis. It dwells at length on state matters, recommend ing, among other things, that a law be passed fixing the minimum price at which convicts be leased at 60 cents per day and that the prisoners bo given a portion of their earnings. Indicted For Extraragrance. Beooklyn, Jan. 6." The grand jury has indicted 30 members of the board of supervisors for extravagant expenditures in connection with tbe recent Columbian celebration.. The names of the indicted are not made public. The jury also recommended that the corporation counsel sue the parties to whom the money was unlawfully paid, and strongly censured Mayor Boody, the comptroller, city auditor and board of alderman. Opposed to Exclusion. - Cologne, Jan. 6. At a meeting today the North Atlantic steamship Associa tion decided to postpone the proposed reduction in the number of trips to America by steamships of companies belonging to. the association. The rea son for this action is that the association has received advices from Washington to the effect that there is no prospect at this time of passing a bill excluding im migration of the kind chiefly carried by the North Atlantic steamship lines, and that opposition to exclusion or. any thing approaching it is increasing, es pecially among representatives of west ern sections of the United States. ,.- Telegraphic Flashes. A number of arrests have been made in connection with defalcations in the state of Paeblo of Mexico. The amount involved is now known to exceed $300, 000. Two wayfarers, a man and wife, were attacked near Jalatlaco recently by eight men, who killed the husband and bru tally assaulted the woman. Subse quently the ruffians were overtaken by the soldiers and a bloody fight ensued, in which six of the former were killed outright and the other two mortally wounded and captured. Carpets and furniture at reduced rates at Crandall & Burget's, next door to Floyd & Shown's drug store. "P OYAL BAKINvV vP -i- V iar lighisess, swes .finest food, and which not obtainable by the A Absolutely-.. Ab&ol lately . Royal Baking Powder is shown a pure crearn-of-tartar powder, the highest of all in leavening strength. - U.S. Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powder is superior in purity, strength, and svholesomeness to any other powder which I have examined. New York State Analyst. - A NEW YORK BLIZZARD The Worst Storm in tne Empire State For FiVe Years. THE CITY COMPLETELY SNOWED IX The Hotel at Seabright is Being Under mined by Heavy Seas. HIGHLANDS BULKHEADS GOINO The Famous Iron I'ler a Total Wreck. The Blsff on Chelsea Arena Washed Away. Nkw Yohk, Jan. 6. Not since the terrible snow storm of five years ago has New York experienced anything so nearly like a blizzard in tbe banana belt of Dakota, as that which is blowing here since last night. Traffic on Broadway was almost snspended, while on some of the less prominent streets the block ade is complete. The snow drifts in places are four to' five feet deep. Snow fell fitfully all the afternoon, with gust of wind. Early in the day it began to fall fast and furious. Driven . by the gale it soon became as fine as powder, increasing in volume. It continued throughout the night, with . the resnlta given as above. LoDfc Branch, reports a fierce snow and wind storm along the Jersey coast has wrought terrible dam' age to property. A heavy sea is run ning. The Shrewsbery hotel at Sea bright is being undermined ; the street being washed away by the raging sea has caused a stoppage of trains to the Highlands. The bulkhead and bluff at that place is going to pieces. Here the famous iron pier is a total wreck. The entire bluff on Chelsea avenue is gone. The bulkheads and other portions of tbe bluff are greatly damaged. Conscientious .Republican. ' . Bismarck, N. D., Jan. 6. Probably only two of the three electoral votes of North Dakota will be cast Monday. - The canvassing board declared two fusionista and one republic elected. The sn premo court ordered the counting of certain votes which had been thrown out, which elected the third fusionist. Meantime the governor issued certifi cated to two Weaver and one Harrison elector. Now the third Weaverelector, bavicg no certificate, cannot vote, and the republican will not vote at all on ac count of conscientious scruples as to election. The Nebraska Deadlock Broken. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 6. The-. deadlock in the senate was broken this morning by the election of Correll, republican president, four of the five democrats voted for him. The anti-monopoly sena tors voted with the combine on the promise that they would be given con trol of the railroad and other leading committees. They stipulated, however, that in case the combine failed to carry out its promises they would join the in dependents when it came to the election of a United States senator. So the situ ation remains almost as complicated aa before. A special from Bakersville station says the story of the horrible killing of a number of people, as reported in tbe papers yesterday, is a "fake" of the first water. " ' WDZIV imparts that t. and flavor noticed ia. e pastry cooks declare is ly other raising agent. eWrt A.