The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 06, 1893, Image 3

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    Enflless Variety anJ Assortment of
Dolls, Toys, Books, Albums, Pianos, Or
gans, Musical Instruments.
"The Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles, Portland anfl Astoria
Navigation Co.
T '
I o our patrons and friends we thank you for past favors
and trust you will all have a prosperous and Happy New
The Dalles Daily Chroniele,
Entered a the Paste ffl ce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weather Forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four hours ending c!
For Fridav and Satnrdav fair weather.
"With stationary temperature. Pagce.
JAN. 6, 1S93
Leive, your order for cord wood at
Maiev & Benton's.
Vic Marder expects to return to his
stnrViat Forest Grove tomorrow.
' lr. Brigbaru, of Dufur, was in the
f sity yesterday on a hurried business
The land sale of the estate of A. B.
Moore was postponed until 2 p. in. to
morrow. A fine lot of furniture going very low
at Crandall & Burget's new store.
Skating still continues good, and the
ponds near town are the favorite resort
of all who like the sport.
Mr. John Parker, of Hood River, and
Geo. C. Jones, jr., of White Salmon,
are in the city.
Go to Joles Bros, for the celebrated
Warner butter only 75 cents per roll.
Miss Schulthis of Pendleton, is visit
ing Miss Clara Story of this city. She
will remain about two weeks. 1
Mr. Hugh Chrisman has some sickness
amongst the little ones of his family,
but it is hoped nothing serious.
Carpets and furniture at reduced rates
at Crandall & Burget's, next door to
Floyd & Shown'B drug store.
Miss Louise McNulty left for a visit to
her father yesterday at Fern Leaf Farm,
near Mosier.
The roads are not getting back to their
good condition again, compared with
what they were two months ago.
Representative Chandler leaves for
the capital city today. . He will be ' ac
companied by Mr. Coon from Hood
river, .
You can carpet your rooms at about
your own price by calling on Crandall &
Burget, at the new store on Union
The young mens dancing club will
hold a meeting tomorrow evening at 8
o'clock for the purpose of effecting an
organization at the office of H. H. Rid-
dell. All members are requested to be
Mr. Charles Corson has returned from
(Portland to settle up some business
matters, before again seeking the con
solidated city ; but not for a permanent
kiome. He has an abiding faith in The
)alles. -
TtiA TMflonr1 Pi-odd U-A
Vneeting this evening. The election of
officers will take place for the ensuing
I year. A set of by-laws will be adopted.
J The club will discuss some things that
5 the next legislature ought to do and
some they ought not to do.
The wheat product of the Inland Era
Sure is annually 25,000,000 bushels,
wiiiie its possible output is estimated at
200,000,000 bushels per annum, and the
most conservative, estimate that in five
yeara, when the river is opened and the
Nicaragua canal completed, the wheat
product for one year will amount to
sufficient to build the Nicaragua canal
nd pay every dollar of cost for an open
iver. '
. Mr. Kennedy's little steamer, the In
land Star looks "lonesome like" now, the
only eteam craft in the water at The
Dalles. The ferry boat was hauled be
low the Regulator for repairs yesterday.
Mr. J. L." Fuller, adjuster of the Nor
wich Union fire insurance company,
who has been adjusting the amount of
the loss occasioned by the burning of
the house on Mr. J. H. Sherar's 8-Mile
ranch, left for Heppner on the noon
Little Annie Chrisman, blindfolded in
the presence of a throng at Jacobsen &
Co's. Wednesday afternoon, distributed
the following prizes: To Miss Clara
Sampson the prize doll ; Mrs. H. Thomp
son, Mrs. W. E. Laughmiller and Mrs.
J. C. Miens each a dictionary and Ar
thur Stubling a scrap book. Several
... 1 ,1
ubucia ncio aniuucu. , -
Among the social events of the season r
none has been more enjoyable than was f'
the Cobweb party given last evening by P
Mrs. w . a. Myers, assisted Dy Mrs. Dr.
Eshelman and Miss Lown, in honor of
the college boys now at home for the
holidays. The principal features of the
eveninz were the cobweb and the music
by the Mandolin and Guitar clnb.f The
guests were somewhat surprised on ar
riving to find the home of Mrs. Myers sol
completely filled with "cobwebs" than
it was necessary to at once commence!
work to remove them ; ' and each one
finding one end of a thread of the web
labored diligently to clear it from
large cobweb which ingeniously devised
and constructed under the supervision
of Miss Lown, was a gigantic represent
ation of a spider's home, composed of
long strings wound about the rooms,
furniture, electroliers, and tangled to
gether in almost inextricable confusion.
Many hands made light work and an
hour of earnest effort completely demol
ished the huge entanglement and each
one had secured the prize fastened to
the end of their string. Then a delicious
collation waa served . on small tables
distributed throughout the rooms.
After the lunch singing and music by
the Mandolin and Guitar club occupied
the remainder of the evening. Those)
present were : Rose, Annette and Myrtle!
Michell, Clara Story, Iva Brooks, Grace!
Marden, Ursula, Louise and Nona Ruch,
Maybel Mack.Misd Lown, Miss Schulthis
Grace Campbell, . Caddie Booth, Misa
Rowland, Dr. and Mrs. Eshelman,
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Myers, Mrs. J. P
Stewart, Messrs. Ed Mays, Frank
French, John Booth, Robt. Mays, Edw
French, Harry Esping, M." Jameson,
Vivian French, F., Garretson, F. W
Wilson, Winterton Curtis, Martin Don
nell, Edw. Patterson, H. H. RiddelL
Truman Butler.
Stunningly Impudent.'
"You can get no appropriation from
the legislature for a portage road at the
dalles," said a gentleman from Portland
to a gentleman of The Dalles, in The
Umatilla dining ' room yesterday.
Astonished at the expression our Dalles
city man inquired, "Why not?" "Be
cause, I will tell you, confidentially,"
said the Portland gentleman, "We don't
want such useless expenditures of money
by the people. ' In Portland we have bor
rowed something like $20,000,000 for
Portland commissions the past few
years, and are putting in water works,
bridges, improving rivers, and building
public buildings for future generations
to pay for. We expect to ask for the
privilege , of further indebtedness, to
build another bridge for Albina, and
possibly a further privilege for comple
tion of our city hall and water works.
and such little things as the dalles por
tage should take care of themselves in
the same way."
This is a Portland view of the matter.
How can Portland ignore the justice of a
measure to open up to them a. region
such as the Inland Empire is to them ;
and has been for the past thirty 3'ears?
If the measure is defeated by Portland
influence this time, it is. barely possible
that Portland may never again 'be
asked for any favor, or reciprocity in
business from the Inland Empire.
The Itnrlington Coming.
It-is currently rumored in Portland
railway circles that within two yeara
trains will be running over the Chicago,
Burlington &.Quncy road into Portland.
The road is graded from Merino, Wyo.,
to the Idaho line, and will be extended
o Boise next year. ' From Boise the
'bad' will run west to the Snake river,
where a spur will be run up to connect
with the Hunt system in Washington,
while the main line will run west and
connect with the Oregon Pacific. The
Burlington's coming to the coast does
net depend, however, upon its purchase
of the Oregon Pacific. If the Burling-
ton does not purchase the Hunt system
it will be built through Washington,
connecting with the Tacoma, Lake Park
and Columbia river surveys for the ex
tension of which are now being made in
the Cascade mountains. This line is
considered a Burlington interest and
will give that road an outlet to P6get
Sound. In Goldendale, they have high
hopes, according to the Sentinel, which
says: "Herman ;Beal, "the locater for
the defunct Hunt system, is in the em
ploy of the Burlington and will surely
remember this county, and the famous
Klickitat pass which was on his his
favorite route from Wallula to Van
couver. This is the best chance Klicki
tat now has for a road. If the Burling
ton pushes its way through to the sound
Klickitat will quite likely secure a road.
Everything looks favorable" now
for a road through the country
in the near future." The Buffalo
Courier of the 31st says : "It is pre-:
dieted that in 1894 the Burlington will
be running trains Into Portland, Oregon.
The road is now graded from Marion,
Wyoming, to the Idaho line, and will be
extended to Boise. From Boise the
road will run west to Snake river, where
a spur will be run up to connect with
the Hunt system in Washington, while
the main line will run west and connect
with the Oregon Pacific."
The state board of equalization have
increased the assessed valuation of the
thirty-one counties in the state from
$1951304,770 to $228,398,677, a clean raise
of $32,793,907. Wasco county comes in
for her share of the income to the
amount of $521,879, and Sherman county
to the amount of $82,085. These are
lesa the deductions for indebtedness and
exemptions. ' Multnomah county has
been subject to the greatest raise, which
Is $20,847,737, over her assessment made
by Mr. Sears, the county assessor. This
equalization will be the source of a great
deal of kicking and censure of the equal
ization board, especially bo on the as
sessment at face value of mortgages.
The A. F. O. T. B. O. U., club will
this evening complete the round of New
Year's calls which they were unable to
accomplish Monday. All are glad to
see the boys, for with the melody which
accompanies them, they entertain and
gladden where ever they go.
Mr. H. C. Baleham, who is the city to
day en route to Hood River.
Frcignt ana Pcissenser Lins
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) Between The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Locks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves- Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
Dalles. .
One way . . ........
Round trip
. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
General Agent.
General Manager.
The Celebrated Pioneer Banker of
Oregon at Itest.
Special to The Chiionicle.J
Portland, Jau. 6. Mr. William S.
Ladd, the pioneer banker of Pregtn,
died at his residence in this city at 9 :10
a. m., today after a very brief illness.
Mr. Ladd has been one of the most pop
ular men on the whole Pacific coast,, and
it is rare indeed to find a man of such
wide influence in the financial world so
highly esteemed as he has been by all'
his acquaintances, rich and poor alike,
for all of whom he had good counsel and
cheering words. He never oppressed
anybody, is the common expression to
day ; on the other hand his action has
liberally sustained many a weak and
faltering enterprise. , "
Mr. Ladd was born in Holland, Vt,
Oct. 10th, 1826. His ancestors came to
America in 1628. ' He came to Oregon
via. the Isthmus in 1S5I. In . 1854, he
married Miss Caroline A. Elliott of New
Hampshire. In 1859, in company with
C. E. Tilton he established the bank of
Ladd & Til ton i n Portl and . The partnef
ship was dissolved in 1880 with bills re
ceivable amounting to $2,500,000. He
had large interests in the Oregon Iron
and Steel Co., O. R. and N.
Co., and other enterprises of
which Oregon is proud His family is
W. M. Ladd, a member of the bank
firm ; Chas. Elliott Ladd, Mrs. Henry
J. Corbett, and Mrs. Charles Pratt of
Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Ladd endowed
the chair of practical theology in the
Presbyterian Theological seminary in
San Francisco with $50,000. , The
Library Association of Portland, was
also founded and fostered by his benev
olent hand.
Hh View.
Charlie B-
- is a board of trade man.
His wife has ideas of her own.
A few days ago she told Charlie at
"Reciprocity is a great thing."
"When did you find that out?" asked
Charlie. '
"A lady stepped on my dress today and
never offered a word of apology."
"Of course not," chuckled Charlie.
"But she smiled."
"Then I smiled. Yon see that smile
produced a smile in return." .
"A man would have smiled, too, under
the circumstances," remarked Charlie.
"That was reciprocity," said Mrs.
Charlie, ignoring the remark. . .
."Almost as satisfactory as if you had
slapped each other."
And she answered in a dreamy voice:
"Almost." Detroit Free Press.
Ueuurei the Profile of a fliver Bed.
- An instrument has been invented in
Germany by which the profile of a river
bed may be taken automatically with
sufficient accuracy. 5 A curveifami rests
on the bottom of thu river, and by means
of a recording mechanism the depth is
automatically smd ifrecisely registered
on a revolvintr drum. New York Sun.
Farmers coming into the city report
the roads as very bad. ' The melting
snow, together with thawing and freez
ing, does not better them any.
Mr. John Cook of San Francisco,
formerly of the Baldwin hotel barber
shop, arrived in the city last evening,
and will occupy a chair in Mr. Fraser'a
Elite tonsorial parlors. . -
Mr. Curg Cates of the Cascade Locks
came up on the noon train today. From
him we learn, one of the Day contractors
was at the locks taking in the situation
preparatory to beginning work on their
contract. .
This Webster's Dic
tionary, only $1.00 !
Where can yon do
- y - i- V -
- 5'
-' 1 S' s
th ' ! 7h
i V , X - - I 'M"
. , i -w
We Have Made-
Sweeping Reductions.
Call and examine
our stock of
Deserving: Praise.
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for yeara we have been selling Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell ae
well, or that have given such universal
satisfaction. We do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, as we stand
ready to refund the purchase price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. There remedies have won their
great popularity purely on their merits.
Snipes & Kinersly's druggists.
Walt Whitman Reunions.
Camden, Jan 5. A large number of
the friends of th late Walt Whitman,
including ' several literary lights, met
today at the residence of Lawyer Thomas
B. Harned, and decided to form a Walt
Whitman Reunion Association. It was
announced that over $500 had been con
tributed for the purchase, endowment
and preservation of the famous two-
story house on Mickle street, where
most of the literary work of the poet
philosopher was , done. Two thousand
dollars more is to be raised.
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
and not less than one million people
have found just such a friend in Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs, and Colds. If you have never
used this Great Cough Medicine, one
trial will convince you that it has
wonderful curative powers in all
diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs.
Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that
is claimed or -money will be refunded.
Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's
drug store. Large bottles 50c and $1.00.
Lost. - .
A gold watch charm with a small
piece of chain attached, between J. P.
Mclnerny and Leslie Butlers, A re
asonable reward will be paid for return
of same to Maier & Bentons.
All the Latest Novelties for the Holidays,
JOHN C. 1-1 ERTii,
. The Corrugated Building next Door to Court Hon.
Hanasomeiy misnea ticoms 10
BH !
Fileals Prepared by a First Class English took.
Good Sample Rooms for' Commercial Men.
o o o o o o o
A ffl 1b of
linn -nil -in ilnili
UUU11U ill UiUUi
gilt. Over 200
In nnlnrvr Fiwm
IU uDlDUl 11 Uiii,
at 25c per vol
o o o o o o o
holiday presents
We're not waiting for the bats and,
moles, but for men and women who
have eyes and use them, who have
brains and reason ! There's a new world
for them suffering and sickly as they
are a new world created from the brain
of a skillful physician a discovery the
''Golden Medical Discovery.".
Years ago Dr. Pierce found out that
thft Hofrif. nf hi rnfnlii- hrnnr.hial. throat
and lung trouble lay in the beginning
at least in impure blood and the weak
tone of the system ; that the way to cure
these effects was to remove the cause,
that human nature being the same, the
same results might be looked for in-nearly
all cases. So confident was he that the
exceptions were uncommon that he took
the risk of giving the medicine to those
it didn't benefit for nothing, and the re
sults have proved that he was right.
And "Golden Medical Discovery" is
the remedy for the million ! The only
guaranteed Liver, Blood and Lung rem-
oifv Y rnr mnnpv njit ir it nrrnn r. -
help you. - '
For Bale Cheap.
A city lot with two houses and out
houp-s, all inclosed bv fence. Inquire
at this office. dtf-12.12
For Kent. .
The only 3-story, fire-proof brick
building in the city. For further par
ticulars inquire of Tom Kelly, at The
Umatilla house.
All Dalles Citv warrants registered
prior to May 1, '1891, will be paid if
presented at "my office. Interest ceases
from and after this date.
Dated, Jan. 3d, 1893.
tf. Treas. Dalles Citv. :
First premium at the Wasco county '
fair for best portraits and views.
mi oy me uay, wee or jnonin.-