The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUB DALLES OREGON THURSDAY - - JAN. 5, 1893 Published Daily, Sunday Excepted. BY THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, The DjiUcb, Oreguu. Terms of Subscription Per Ycnr. - T6 00 Per montb, by carrier SO Single copy .' 5 The Quickest Wj to Care a Cold. Do you wish to know the quickest way to care a cold? We will -tell you. To cure a cold quickly, it must be treated before the cold has become settled in the system. The first symptoms of a cold ia a dry, loud cough and sneezing. The cough "is soon followed by watery es- ; pectoration and the sneezing by a pro fuse watery discharge from the nose. In severe cases there is a thin white coating on the tongue. What to do? It is only ' necessary to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in double does every hour. That will greatly lessen the severity of the cold and in many cases will effectu ally counteract it, and cure what would have been a severe cold within one or two days time. Try it and be convinced 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. For Sale Cheap For Cash. The best ranch in Gilliam county, Oregon. Being the K. : of the N. W. end N. E. of the S. E., ST of S. W. of section 10, S. E. of the N. E., N. of N. W. of section 11., and the N. W. of the N. E., and the N. E. of the N. W. of section 15, tp. 6, S. 21 E. of the W. M. This ranch contains 400 acres ; some of which is grazing. There are fair buildings on the place, and good" water. Eor further information address C. V. Richie, P. O. box, 108, Walla Walla Wash. 10.20dwlm American Cholera. Prom the Daily Kevkii.le, Whatcom, Wash. "T. C. Burnett, the democratic candi date for sheriff, was taken violently ill at Clearbrook. He had all the symp toms of Asiatic cholera, and for an hour or two it was feared he would die. They finally gave him a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which revived him until a physician ar rived." That is precisely what the manufacturers of that medicine recom mend for cholera. Send for a physician but give their medicine until the physi cian arrives. If cholera become preval ent in this country next summer this preparation will be in great demand be cause it can always be depended, upon. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. ' " Columbia Alliance. Will meet at the usual place (Eight Mile school house) on the second Satur day in January 1893 at 11 o'clock, sharp. It is particularly requested that all mem bers bo present a3 there are matters of vast importance to come before the meeting. Also election of officers will take place at that time. By order of county secretary NOTICK: SALE OF CITY ' LOTS. Notice is hereby given that, by authority of Ordinance No. 237, which passed the common council of Dalles city, September 3d, 1892, enti tled "An or dinance entitled an ordinauce to provide for th sale of certain lots belonging to Inlles city," I .will, on Saturdnv next offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, all of the lots and parts of lots situated in Gates Addition to Dalles City, VVa-co county, Oregon, not heretofore sold, as previously adver tised. ach of said lots will be sold upon the lot respectively and none of them shnll be sold for a less sum than the value thereof as above . stated. One fourth of the price bid on any of said lots hall be paid in cash at the time of sale, and the remainder in two equal payments ou or before - one and two years from the date of such sale, respectively, with interest on such deferied pay ments at the rat ; of ten per cent, per annum, payable annually. Provided that payment may be made in full at the time of such sale at the option of the purchaser. The sale will begin at the hour of ten o'clock - a. m. of suid dav and will be continued from time . to time until all of said lots shall be sold. Dated this 1st day of November, 1SU2. FRANK MEN'EFEE, 11-ldtf Recorder of Dalles City. DIAMOND - ROLLED - MILL A. H. CURTIS, Prop. Flour of the BestQual- ity Always on Hand. THE DALLES. OREGON. MuHiDiaPacKingCo., PACKERS OF - Pofk and Beef. MANUFACTURERS OP Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND IS 1 HI, Dried Beef, Etc. Masonic Building, The Dalles. (5r, Ha PROFESSIONAL GABD6. DBiiliKALL Dentist. Gas given for the painless extraction of -teeth. Also teeth on nowe-1 aluminum plate. Booms: bign of ihv Golden Tooth, Second Street. - JR. G. E. SANDERS, Graduate of the U'mversi'tyot "Michigan. - Suc cessor to Dr. Tucker, office over Frenchs' Bank, The Dalles, Or. . ' DR. ESHEL.MAN (Hom.eopathicj Fhtsiciak and Surgeon. Calls ' answered promptly. day or night, city or country. 37 Chapman bloci.-- Ouice io. 5b ana wtf DR. O. D. DOANE PHYSICIAN AMD BUB geon. Office; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman iilock. Residence: S. E. C'aiier flourt and Fourth streets, sec nd door from the corner. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to S I". M. H. H. RIDDET.L Attorney-at-Law Office Court Street, The Dalles, Oregon. E. B. DOFCR. FRANK MKNEFEE. DUFUR, Ji MENEFEE ATTORNEYS - at uw Rooms 42 aud 43, over Post office Building, Entrance on Washington Street The Dalles, Oregon. T H. WTL80N Attorney-at-law Rooms 52 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. S. BENNETT, ATTORNEl'-AT-LAW. Of j:Y. lice iu Schanno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. F. r. HAYS. B. S.HUNTINGTON. H. 8. WILSON. AYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOE- keys-at-law: Offices, French's block over First National Bank. - Dalles. Oregon. SOCIETIES. A 8SEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets in K. XX of P. hall the second and fourth Wednes days of each month at 7:30 p. m. TTTAeCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. "Meets f T first and third Monday of each month at 7 r. x. DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each month at 7 P. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Mt. Hood Camp No. 69, Meets Tuesday even ing of each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7:30 p. M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. Sojourning brothers are welcome. U. Ci-ouoa, See'y. II. A. BiiisVN. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members aro cordially in vited. - W. S. Cram. D. W.Vause, K. of R. and S. C. C. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock at the reading room. A 11 axe invited. rpEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. V. W. Meets X at K. Hi P. Hall, Corner Second and Court Streets, Thursday evenings at 7 : 30. liKOBGJS lilBOMS, W. S Myers, Financier. M. W. J AS. NESMITH POST, No. 32, G. A. R. Meets every Saturday at 7:30 p. m., in the K. of P. Hall. B, OF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in the K. of P. HaU. GESANG VEREIN Meets every evening n the K. of P. Hall. Sundav BOF L, F. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in e K. of P. Hall the first and third Wednes day of each month, at 7 :3t) P. M. THIS CHURCHES. ST. PETERS CHURCH Rev. Father Brons oeest Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 a. M. High Mass at W :30 a. x. Vespers at 7P.JL - ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli D.Sutclifle Rector. Services every Sunday fct 11 A. M. and 7:80 p. M. Sunday School 9:45 A. u. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7:30 T7URST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tay C lor. Pastor. Mornim? services everv Sab bath at the academy at 11 a. m. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. Prayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi dence. Union services in the court house at 7 P. M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. C. Curtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. x. and 7 P. x. Sunday School after morning service. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free. ME. CHURCH Rev. J. Whisler, pastor. Services every Sundav morning at 11 a. m. Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock P. X. Epworth League at 6:30 p. x. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A cordial in vitation is extended by both pastor and people to all. - C CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. J. W. Jenkins, 1 Pastor. PTeanhinf? In the CnnirrcMZAtinnftl Church each Lords Day at 3 P. X. All are cordially invited. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been repapered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Kates reasonable. A Kood restaurant attached to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. S?-Jf Ton tv ant title to Government or State Lands call on C. N. THORNBURY, T. A. HUDSON, Late Rec. U. S. Land Office. Notary Public. IQPIY&PSOli, D. S. Land Attorneys. Uyer Sixteen Years Experience. BUY AND SELI CITY AND COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. 600,000 ACRES OF UMpvei ; FARM Property Send for a Pamphlet describing this land. WE ARE AGENTS FOR TliofflBSon's AftditiDii to Tie Dalles This addition Is laid off into one-acre lots, and Is destined to be the Tvrincirjal residence rrt rd the city. Only twenty minutues walk from the court house. " Do not be afraid to consult or write us, we give advice or information in all branches of our bus iness Iree of charge. Settlers? Located on , Government . Land. Office in V. 8. Lend Office Building. THE DALLES-- - OREGON. STEAM WOOD SAW We arc in the field for the fall and winter work, and will cut, split and pile wood at the lowest possible rates, NONE BUT WHITE LABOR EMPLOYED We are here to stay, will spend our money here, and try and do satisfactory work. Order boxes at Chrisman & Corson's, cor ner of Micbelbach block, and at the ma chine, corner of Washington and Fourth streets. J. 0. MEIUS, THE DALLES CHAS. 8TCBL1NG. OWEN WILLIAMS. Stubling 8 Williams, The Gef mania, SECOND ST., THE DALLES, - OREGON 3Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. BILIOUSNESS. The S. B. Headache and Liver Cure. sfe iPHYSIC! scuhreea If taken as direoted, we Guarantee Sat isfaction or refund your money. DON'T SICKEN. DON'T GRIPE. SO cents per bottle by all druggists. OMAHA Kansas City, St. Paul, CHICAGO, ST. LOU5S, AND ALL POINTS Kast, North and Su,... LEAVE THE DALLE No. 7, west bound..' 4:1 No. 1, " " ) 3:05 a. in. No. 2, east bound .11 :55 p. m. No. 8, ' " 1 :25 p. ra. PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS, and DINERS. Steamers from PORTLAND to SAN FRANCISCO EVERY FOUR DAYS. TICKETSEUROPE For rates and general information call on E. E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent. A . . nURLBURT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt 51 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. From TEllpniiMt ov ijiTEtI0H .Points THE IrttaPaci RKILROKD s Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Vestibuled Trains every day ia the year to jft. paul ahfl Chicago INO CHANGE OF CARS. Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. Pull man Drawing Room Sleepers of latest equipment. V TOURIST' SLEEPLNfi CARS Best that can be constructed, and in which accommodations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First and Second-class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous line, connecting with all lines, nuiiu&us ujiw oiiu uuxuierrupLeu service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS points in America, England and Europe can be purchased at any unci uiuue ox Ult; company. . Full information concerning rates, time of .riuiin, iuukj ana otner acts lis rumishea on application to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent D. P. & A. Kav. Co., Regulator office, The Ajtkwsa, vr.t or A. D. CHARLTON, . Ass'i.. General Passecger Agt., Portland, Ogn. MM -ill HCrffl" M uSUin ON SALE . I Jmk$jA i J to SEPARATED 3Y ACCIDENT One of the Embarrassing Things About Traveling In Big City. "Did you ever get separated from youx wife at an 'L station, you oa the depart ing train and she left on the platform, and then try to ilail her again? Noi Well, never try it as a funny experiment just to see how it works." So spoke a country merchant. "My wifo and I came from Tarrytown. We arrived all right at the Forty-second street station. I got on the down train in something ol a pushing crowd, only to look around and see Miranda, my. wife, on the plat form looking around for me in a startled way. She tried to get on the train, but the gates were closed. I tried to get off, but the guards shook their heads. So my wife and 1 were separated. What was I to do about it? "There are several things that look feasible enough which would suggest themselves to you at once, but, sir, none of them is feasible at all except on one condition that both you and your wife have already agreed on it. - Then that plan is feasible enough. Any plan ia feasible then. But how many out of the great hosts of people who ride on the L agree on such a plan? Certainly not many of them. My wife and I do now. but we hadn't then. "The first thing that occurred to me at the moment was to get oil at the next station and go back. My wife would wait for me. 1 had to cross over in a hurry at Thirty-fourth street, ride up aud cross over back again. This corrt me two extra L tickets, and as 1 cot .A. 1TEW Undertake Establishment! PRINZ & NITSGHKE -DEALERS IN- Furniture and Carpets We have added to our business a somplete TTndertading Eatablishment, and as we are in no way oonnected with the Undertakers' Trust", our prices will below accordingly. . Remember oua place on Second street, next to Moody's bank. A' A. Brown, Keep a f nil assortment of , . Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Provisions. which he offers at Low Figures. SPEGIAI1 x PRICES - to Cash. Buyers. - Higlest Cash Prices for Eis anil oilier Produce. ; 170 SECOND STREET. The Dalles Gicjaf : faetopy ZFTUSSO? STBEET. FACTORY XTO. 105. fJC ADOof the Best Brands vJTxX JLXkZi manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on tne snortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. he Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles, Or. This well known stand, kept by the well known VV. il. isntts, long a resi dent of Waico county, has an extraordi nary fine stock of Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Disturbance. In fact, all the leading brands of fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give the old man a call and you will come again. MRS. C. DAVIS Has Opened the REVERE RESTAURANT, In the New Frame Building on SECOND STREET, Next to. the ' Diamond Flouring Mills. First Class Meals Furnished at all Hours Only White Help Employed. - " 'LLl, When ih the course of human events it becomes necessary to recom wl U..J r r 1 i .... . J menu wmc uiuiu ui onioning juoacco, we unnesitatingiy pronounc Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco to be the best in the world. . Many times imitated, but never equalled. Get the genuine. Made only by Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C H. C. NIELS6N, Giothieand Tailoi BOOTS .AND SHOES, V Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises GrorLts' Xr"-uj.x-xii3tiixa.s Goods, CORNER OF SECOM. AND WASHINGTON, THE DALLES, OREQ DEALER IN- Hay, Grain, Feed & Flou HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. It behooves everyone, especially the workingman to t where he can buy the cheapest and can get the most for hard earned money. We Cash paid for eggs and poultry. Corner Union and Second JOLES -: DEALERS IN: Hay, Grain and Feed! Masonic Block. Corner Third and orth Washington SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the Best Manufacturing Center in the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at the Office of Inter state Investment Go., 0. D. TAYLOB, Tie Dalles. Or THE DALLES, Wasco County, The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation, on the Middle Columbia, and ia a thriving, pros perous city. . ; ' .'-.' 'X ; ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city;'for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles.. '.:, The Largest Wool Market. ; The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from, which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market ; here, and the country south and east has this year filled the-, warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. XC W JiL&J-i JL-tl. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money ia scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any pther city in Eastern Oregon.-- Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful.1 Ita pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. ' And on these corner stones she stands. ' DURHAM solicit a share of your patron All goods delivered free and prom streets. The Dalles, Oregon, BROS.. Court Streets. The Dailes.Qrt Dalles, Washing! HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property d the Season in the NortH west. 72 WasMnfftBfl, St, Mil - - Oregon,