CO vol. v. THE DALLES. OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1893. NO. 18. t. nAifRBllAA h A A ' iiUW XIX. H. Young, . niacRsmitn & varjon snoD ral Blacksmithing and Work done - promptly, and all work It., Guaranteed. -r-i a Speciality ' : : . Tiiri Street opposite tlie old Lieoe Stand. W. E. GARRETSON, welei. SOLE AGENT FOK THE All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. Tbe Dalles. Or. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY (Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors to V. s. Cram.) Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Made OAITXIIBS, East of Portland. . -DEALERS IN- Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale or Retail ' FESH OYSTERS-IS- In Every Style. Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and fine Room. The Dalles, - Oregon. iV Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. mm LLIAMS GO. iFREflCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENKKALBAXKING BUSINESS Letters of issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Z . . THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President ... - . Z. F. Moody Vice-President, - - Charles Hilton Cashier,' - - - - M.A.Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on . NEW YOEK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. Dress-Making Parlors Fashionable Die$ Cutting and Fitting a Specialty. Room 4 over French & Co's Bank. -j: p. .MACK, I FlfiE WlHEg and LIQUOR DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. FRENCH'S 171 3ECOND STREET, : J. s. BCHBKOK, President. H. H. Bball Cashier. first Rational Bank. :he dalles. - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. . Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port ! land. DIRKOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jn6. S. Schknck. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Lie be. H. M. Bball. GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF 1 ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, (SqIT me: gj& Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods in proportion. P. FAGAN, , - Second st. The Dalles. Sole Agent for WANNAMAKEE fc BROWN, Philadelphia, Pa and MRS. GIBSON, Prop! THE C E L EBR ATE D PABST BEER. BLOCK. : THE DALLES, OR. RIoa-Malcing FOSTER OFF TO PARIS There fill ie no Secretary of State Ak 1 pointed to the Yacanci. THE COURT OF ARBITRATION. Foster's Experience Specially Fits him for the Position. ELECTRICITY MAY BE CHEAPKIt. French Improvement on Faraday's Disk Likely to Work Wonders Other News. Special to Thb Chkoniclk. . Washington, Jan. 5. Secretary of State John W. Foster will lay down the portfolio of state on February 1st, and leave for Europe. His objective point will be Paris, where the court of arbi tration in the- Behring sea controversy will hold their sessions. Some' months ago, before Mr. Foster was appointed to succeed Mr. Blaine, the president had selected ' him to represent the United States as special council before the court of arbitration. It was . expected . after Mr. Foster became secretary of state that another gentlemarfwould be chosen as special counsel. The president, how ever, feels that Mr. Foster's experience fits him especially to discharge tbe duties of the place, and that at his sug gestion Mr. Foster will leave the state department in time to attend the first meeting of the board. . From the time of his departure until the 4th of March next Mr. Wharton will diecbarge the duties of secretary, a work for which his long connection with the department has admirably fitted him. Mr. Foster will be accompanied to Europe Ty Mrs. Foster, and alter the court of arbitration has closed its sittings the secretary and his wife will travel oh the continent for some months, returning to the United States some time during the coming autumn. ' " - . . Hay Cheapen Electricity. Philadelphia, Jan. 5. Special. Two French scientists have recently dis covered an entirely new property of Faraday's disk, and the result may be an important improvement in the dy namo. It will be remembered thatiFar aday discovered the principle of the dynamo when he attached one end of the wire to the center of a copper disk revolving between the poles of a magnet and the other end at the circumference. A current of electricity was thus pro duced on the wire, and this simple ex periment resulted in the commercial dynamo. Instead of the Faraday disk, the French scientists employ tin plates of a certain constitution not made pub lic. These plates are composed, in the direction of their thickness, of a very magnetic and highly conducting metal, and aP so placed that the lines of force of the field of the magnet are perpendic ular to this direction of thickness. Thus it is said, the flow of induction which proceeds from the north pole of the mag net is divided into several sheets of par allel lines, which are ver- close together and which only traverse the magnetic portions of the bimetallic conductors. The discoverers of Tfels property con structed a small machine employing this principle, and it was found that the available energy of the machine in creases at a rate which is practically proportional to the height of the con ductors. The results achieved are re markable, and are believed to indicate a valuable discovery of great commercial importance. Got. Nelson There. St. Paul," Jan. 4. In joint session the legislature listened to tbe address of re tiring Governor Merriman and the in augural address of Governor Nelson. The latter recommends the extension of the manufacture of binding twine at the state prison ; calls attention to the ne cessity for action looking to uniformity in public school text-books ; suggests a constitutional amendment for the taxa tion of the gross earnings of mining, ex press, parlor and sleeping car compan ies; recommends the state inspection of all elevators. The Massachusetts Senatorship. Boston, Jan. 4, The legislature as sembles this afternoon, and from now on the senatorial fight will wax fast and furious. Congressman Corapo has a strong and enthusiastic support. The legislature on joint ballot stands 198 re publican to 81 democratic. . ' ' Has Passed Both Douses. ' Albany, N. Y., Jan. 4. The constitu tional amendment ' bill postponing the election until November has passed both houses. The New Members Sworn in. Jeffkeson City, Mo., Jan. 4. The legislature met at noon. The new mem bers were sworn in. It then adjourned till tomorrow. Caucuses for the nomi nation of officers will be held tonight. Bucklen'a' Arnica Salve. " Tub Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, .Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly. . . " Republican Victory in Colorado. Denvee, Jan. 4. The republicans have organized the house, and will prob ably control the senate. In the house, Piatt Wickes, after a bitter fight, was chosen temporary speaker by a vote of thirty-three to thirty-two. Amnions will be' chosen permanent speaker by the same vote. The result was achieved over a democraticpopulist combination. The senate adjourned without action. The Deadlock In Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 4! The deadlock in the senate remains unbroken. Frank Wilson,' republican, was chosen tem porary secretary, but it was a pre arranged plan to make a show of pro gress. The members were regularly seated and sworn in, after which they adjourned till this afternoon. The house continued the work of organizing, the independents taking all the offices ex cept one. Populists Not In It. "Topeka, Kan., Jan. 4. The supreme court this morning decided two of the four legislative contests argued yester day, one" in Jackson county, the other in Republic county, both against the populists. A further hearing will be had in the two other cases. If James Wilson, independent republican, will act with the party, the republicans can organize the house, even if one of the undecided cases go against them. The republicans claim he will do so. 1 : After The Detectives. Washington, Jan. 4. Senator Chand ler introduced a bill today making it un lawful for any body of men numbering 10 or more to assemble, drill or bear arms as a military body unless called for by the properly authorized civil or mili tary officers. It makes it the duty of the president to disband and disperse any such organization. .This bill is aimed at the Pinkertons and semi-military anar chist organizations.' Senator Chandler also introduced a bill to restrict immi gration. It designates four new classes of excluded persons, provides for infor mation regarding immigrants, the issue of certificates by a United States consul, requirement for more cubic space for im migrants "aboard vessels, and a new naturalization clause requiring 60 days' notice of the application. Probably the French crisis will slowly fritter away in the outbreak of multifa rious duels. - A young man was on top of a building in Salem shoveling snow during the recent storm. He didn't know there was a skylight in the roof until he in cidentally stepped int-j it and found himself in a drygoods store fifteen feet below. At the coming session of the legisla ture a bill will be introduced providing for an additional judge in the' 6th dis trict. This is a large district, and tbe two judges are kept "on' the jump" to dispatch the steadily accumulating volume of business. "-- . Mr. Villard is the'latest democrat to make application for membership in the society of. gentlemen who don't want cabinet positions., Mr. Villard does not think it .would be well for him to go into Cleveland's cabinet. Mr. Villard should not think entirely of himself ; be should give some thought to his railroad and its stockholders. Nobody would be so glad to see Mr. Villard in the Cleveland cabinet as the stockholders of his road, whose property has been depreciating since Mr. Villard again took control. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. SENSATIONAL STORY. The Mystery of the Murder. of A. J. Ssell in Chicago. TASCOTT IS NOT THE MURDERER. He Furnishes an Interview in Alaska Shaded with Romance. cAn bis had when hk is wanted. Tascott Only Personates the Actual Murderer, Who is Believed to Be a Man of Wealth. " Special to Thb Chronicle.) , Chicago, Jan. 5. It 'is said there ia the substance of fact in the story which comes from Spokane respecting the whereabouts of William B. Tascott wanted in this city fofc the murder of millionaire Snell. Full particulars have been sent for, and the narrative is sub stantially this, as told by Jules Beauvais, a well-known and reliable mining man, now in Spokane from the Slocan coun try, where he is developing some fine properties. Last summer he was pros pecting in Alaska, and states with every indication of truthfulness that in Sitka, Juneau and other places he saw and conversed with William B. Tascott. who is accused of the murder of Snell, the Chicago millionaire. "I knew bim in Chicago," said Mr. Beauvais, "and I can not possibly be mistaken. He has changed very little in appearance, only he is slightly more - rugged now and shows some signs of dissipation." Mr. Beauvais related further that Tascott has been in Alaska nearly all the time since the murder, and makes no pre tense of concealing . his identity. He has made a little money at times pros pecting and dabbling in mining proper ties, but during the past summer he was hard up and drinking heavily. Mr. Beauvais gave him money on several occasions, Tascott stating that the mys tery of the murder will soon be cleared up and then he will have plenty of money. He dislikes to talk about the murder, but when questioned on the subject answers without hesitation, but quickly changes the drift of conversa tion into other channels. The theory prevailing in Alaska is that Tascott did not kid Snell, but that the murder was perpetrated by some one of wealth and influence, and he having been of a ro- -mantic and adventurous disposition ac cepted a bribe to take upon his own shoulders the odium of another's crime. An officer will be sent to Alaska from Portland to bring Tascott to Oregon, where an officer from this city will meet them and bring the prisoner here for a trial, which may prove to be the greatest sensation of modern times. Detective Dyer, who probably knows more than anybody else regarding the murder o Snell, says the real murderer hired Tascott to go with him to rob the Snell residence; that Snell heard them and came down-stairs, and that the man mentioned killed bim. ' Tascott, be de clares, could have been arrested many times over if he really was wanted. Fond Hopes Keallxed. "Spkingfield, 111., Jan. 4. The 38th general assembly of Illinois convened at noon. Long before the hour of meeting; the galleries of both houses were crowded with spectators. Among ' the visitors were many prominent leaders of both parties, but tbe most conspicuous in the throng were a dozen or more veteran democrats, who came from all parts of -the state to witness the realization of -their dreams for a quarter of a century, the opening of an assembly democratic in both branches; with a democratic executive at their back. Caleb Johnson wag chosen temporary speaker. Clay ton E. Crofts, dem., was elected perma nent speaker. Senator Coppinger was chosen president of the senate pro tem. A fine lot of furniture going very low at Crandall & Burget's new store. v - f ' ' ;- r n