The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 04, 1893, Image 3

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"The Regulator Line"
He Dalles, Fortlaii aM Astoria
Navigation Co.
- : MessTiriety aM Assortment of ,
Dolls, Toys, Books, Albums, Pianos, Or
gans, Musical Instruments.
fy''''1'1 "4"," 1
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postoinee at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weather Forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four hours ending at
6 p. i. tomorrow:
Wednesday, fair stationary, followed
by rain or snow. Cooler. " Pague.
JAN. 4, 1893
Mr. Wood Oilman, one of the great
cattle men of Eastern Oregon, is in the
city, and is stopping at the Messrs.
Frenchs'. .. . .
Miss Cassie Wiley will retm-n to Mon
month this evening, having spent her
vacation in the city with her parents
and friends.
Mr. Ku. Hostetler of Concordia, Kan-
,eas, arrived last Friday evening, and is
, visiting his brother Mr. Jesse Hostetler
in this city.
Hon. Polk Mays, a member of the
legislature from Waiowa 13 in the city
visiting his parents, during the holidays.
- . . . .
he ice is reported good for'gk.ating
today, and every one who can get away
from business is enjoying the rare sport
This is the first skating of tb
jurs. vxv:ngton has disposed. 01 Tier
fruit farm on the bank of the Columbia
above The Dalles. Winans Bros., are
the purchasers, and the price paid was
' , $10,000.
' . j ' . A surprise party met last evening at
the home of Miss Lizzie Farmer. A very
pleasant evening-was passed, games and
other recreations kept the time well em
P 1 ,
- Hon. T. R. Coon of Hood Kiver, was
in the city yesterday interviewing tax
payers and others on subjects likely to
come before the assembly which is to,
meet in Salem next week-
Carpets and furniture at reduced rates
at Crandall & Bnrget's, next door to
Floyd & Shown's drug store.
.The German school of Rev. A.Horn
will commence again on Wednesday,
Jan. 4th, at 3 :45 p. m., just after cloBing
of the public schools. Will you work
with two . pounds, .think of using more
than one language. I -
'"Mr. C. M. Donaldson of Baker City
made ns a very pleasant call last eve
just as we were going to press. Mr.
Donaldson is one of east Oregon's most
prominent men, having filled very im-
'Sportant positions since his residence in
bur state.
. Crandall & Bnrget are now settled in.
their new store in the Michelbach brick
on Union street, next door to Floyd &
j ' Shown's. Call around.
s Mr. M. M. Sherr, formerly jeweler for
- Mr. S. L.Young of this city, died at
Delaware, Ohio, Dec. 9th. Mr. Sherr
resided here for about two years, and
his many friends and acquaintances will
be exceedingly grieved to learn of his
demise. . r
You can carpet your rooms at about
your own price by calling on Crandall &
Burget, at the new store on Union
street. . , ' .. - -
The Umatilla county Farmers Alliance
passed a set of resolutions last week in
dorsing THi Chronicle in its move for
a jute sack factory in the penitentiary ;
and also that the state should build a
portage railway around the Columbia
river obstruction at the dalles.
lo our patrons and friends we thank you for past favors
and trust you will all have a prosperous and Happy New
Year. '
Senator Steiwer of Fossil, is in the
city today on his way to Salem.
Messrs. Guy Willis, Russell Sewall
and Dan Malarky returned to Portland
The populist members from Cods
county are the first to put in an appear
ance at Salem.
Deputy LT. S. Marshal Jameson has
returned to the city, having spent the
holidays in Portland.
Call at Joles Bros, and make arrange
ments for the celebrated Warner's
butter for the winter months..
Mr. J. F. Miller, a merchant of Prine
ville lias been in the city for a few days
past, shipping a heavy stock of goods to
his store. '
It is said that a scheme 13 on foot to
create a new county out Of a part of
Gilliam, Umatilla, and Morrow counties.
- Inspectors Macdermitt and Edwards
were in the city, came up to inspect the
trading steamer Inland Star, owned by
Mr. Kennedy.
Still another new county is heard from.
Some of tbe people'bf Gilliam county are
triving to create a new county and make
Arlington a county seat.
A floating ice berg struck the cable of
ithe Rockland ferry with such force yes-
orday as to part the cable. " It is com
paratively a new cable, just put in last
Mr. Parish, of The Dalles and Prine
ville Stage company, has returned from
his second trip over the line. He re
ports the roads very much improved the
past few days. -
Bob Palmer informed the Herald that
he and two other men put up over ten
tons of ice on the Meadow Lawn farm
last week. Ten tons of ice in Antelope
next July will bring quite a handsome
gure. It is in the freight saved where
e money comes.
The ladies of The Dalles have recently
organized a Glee Club, which is doing
some good work in musical circles. The
club met last evening at the residence
of Mrs. C. ; J. Crandall. The Dalles
people may look for some rare treats in
the near future.
The first -cent Columbus stamp to
make its appearance in The Chronicle
office, came from the Oregonian office
yesterday, as postage on a letter to the
editor.: - This year will see the Colum
bian ideas sprung on the dear public as
thick as snow flakes in a blizzard.
Judge ' Bradshavv held an adjourned
term of the eircuit court yesterday.
Motions were decided in the -cases of
Gibons, ; Macallister & Co. vs. A. A.
Bonney & Bro. and Knapp Burrell & Co.
vs W. H. Neaback et al. The suit of A.
J; Moses vs. J. Thomas et al to open a
judgment was argued and submitted.,
The court adjourned until Thursday.
Among the most notable of the holi
day festivities is the ball of the Gesang
Verein, given at Wingate's hall New
Year's eve. The hall was filled to over
flowing with the Bociety and their
friends, and until a late hour the merry
dances held them enthralled. All will
remember the evening as one of the
moBt enjoyable of the season.
Mr. Isenberg of Hood River, was in
the city yesterday. That report about
him working for the democratic ticket
on election day proves tbe truthfulness
of the old saying that a lie travels faster
than the truth. - The correction of the
joke has not yet reached the east, but
tbe original yarn has gone around the
globe twice.
Mr. R. Boplan, of Mayrisch Bros. &
Co., San Francisco, passed up the road
last night on his first outing for 1893.
He paid The Dalles a pleasant visit yes
terday. Secretary Sargent, of the State Horti
cultural society, gave us the following
recipe to protect fruit trees from the
ravages of rabbits : For a bucket full
mix a thin white wash, into which put
three hands full of 6ulphur, one pound
of salt, half a pint of gas tar, mix with
earth to a paste, and apply to the tree.
It is a sure "preventive, and will not
injure the tree. ' :
Capt. Geo. Flavel, a pioneer of Oregon
whose home has been in Astoria for
over 40 consecutive years, is reported to
be lying at the point of death. He is 70
years of age, and his sickness is of such
a serious nature', that ' the hope of re
covery is almost impossible.
Mr. Lark Lamb had. quite an experi
ence- Saturday hunting coon on Cheno
weth creek. He succeeded in treeing
one sly fellow in a hollow log, and
brought him to light, but it was a nip
and tnck catch. The coon had Lamb
by the thumb, and Lamb had the coon
by the neck. Both were caught. Lamb
has his thumb done up, and if not
troubled with blood poisoning may come
out all right.
Why will Sherman county papers per
sist in misrepresenting the facts at issue
concerning remarks of The Chronicle
on the taxes of that county. The valua
tions were not discussed, hence The
CnnoNirLK has never used the expres
sion th;it t!io valuation was $400,000 or
any other sum "less this year than last."
It was a taxpayer of Sherman county
who called attention to the fact that his
taxes were higher since, than they were
before, the creation of the new county.
A Dalles City subscriber who paid his
proportion of the tax necessarv to pay
for the locks at Oregon City, asks why
Eastern Oregon is not as worthy of a
state appropriation for the improvement
of the Columbia as the valley, was for
.the improvement of the Willamette.
Any scheme to tax the counties along
the river for this improvement, and
exempt the balance, would be unfair.
Attention of the traveling public is
called to the new advertisement of The
Dalles and Prineville Stage Co. in today's
issue. Mr. Parrish is again superin
tendent, and will give good service on
the line. He is one of the best stage
men on the coast, always getting his
stages through regardless of the inclem
ency of the weather. He will put on
new coaches and thoroughly refit the
line in a short time, so as to offer the
best accommodations to passengers.
We observe that Gov. Pennoyer and
Rep. M. A. Miller of Linn county, are
figuring out how another fish ladder
may be constructed at Willamette falls.
One day recently they spent some time
over at the great water fall carefully ex
amining its contour and the formation
of its bed. They were satisfied from
what they saw that for about $5,000 the
state could blast an everlasting and ser
viceable fishway out of the solid rock.
They should visit Celilo falls during the
run of salmon, and note the way th
Royal Chinook Salmon glides up through
the water, over a cliff much higher than
the falls at Oregon City. The fish ap
pear to halt, after making the ascent,
as if to thank the Duke of Celilo. I. H.
Taffe, for making it so accessible, and
he didn't ask the state for $5,000 to pay
for it, either. "Please place thai sum
to the credit of the dalles state portage."
Telegraph the Duke.
Freight aiia Passenger Line
Through daily service (Sundavs ex
cepted) between The Dalles arid' Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Locks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
Oneway , $2.00
Round trip.... 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
General A cent.
General Mauaer.
Keinarkable Enerfy and Wonderful Re
source Displayed.
We would call attention to the follow
ing clipping cut from the Portland Tele
gram : "The immense amount of capi
tal at the command of the leading
Building and Loan Associations is a
proof of the popularity cf these co-operative
savings banks. The promptness
with which some of the leading National
Associations grant loans on approved
security is remarkable. An instance of
this promptness was given the other day
by the New England National .Building,
Loan and Investment Association. An
application for 'a loan of $17,950 was
made at 3 p. m. ; at 5 the loan had been
passed upon and approved and property
appraised. The next morning at 9 the
mortgage for the amount applied for was
duly executed and filed for record. What
makes this bit of news particularly in
teresting is that the New England is a
home institution. The Telegram was
able to secure a glance at the annual re
port of this association, though it has
not yet been published, and 'we would
say that it sets forth a wonderfully pros
perous state of affairs." It would be a
good thing we should think if one of our
citizens received the agency for this
company here at home.
We are pleased to hear that a change
has taken place in the superintendency
of the slate portage railway at cascade
locks on the 1st of January. The new
incumbent is Mr. C. C. Hobert of
this city, a thorough gentleman, and a
man with an experience in railroading
which will qualify him to give the pub
lic perfect satisfaction in that position.
Mr. Hubbard was for many years mas
ter mechanic of the U. P. R. at The
Dalles, in which capacity he never failed
to exhibit the type of generalship when
it was required of him in the event of
any emergency arising, and at the same
time not lose sight of the fact that where
the spirit of mutual accommodation pre
vailed ;there was the greatest success
achieved. We have not the slightest
hesitation in saying that if Mr. Hobart
bad been superintendent of the portage
railway the past year a very much better
showing might have been made than
has been made under the management
of Mr. Ryan. We shall now feel that
there is some foundation for the hope
that the results of the railway invest
ment at Cascade Locks by the state, may
be more fully appreciated.
Pendleton has a local organization
known as the Columbia Congress. Last
night the subject for discussion was "An
act to regulate foreign immigration."
An important subject for discussion
with a full report would be "An act to
open the Columbia river and regulate
Inland Empire transportation rates.
AdTertised tetters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for, Saturday, Jan. 3d, 1893.
Persona calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised:
R W Anderson Chas Bryant
Wm F Evans Julia Edwards
John Farris Frank Earl Fagan
Mrs Malinda Hurst FCC Fox
N F Josey J L Henderson
W Moon John Malvey
W M Meek Eva Morgan
John Taylor Gohan Nelson
John Federson M. T. Nolan, P. M.
For Sale Cheap.
A city lot with two houses and out
houses, all inclosed by fence. Inquire
at this office. dtf-12.12
This Webster's Dic
tionary, only $1.00 !
Where can you do
We Have Made
Sweeping Reductions.
Call and examine
- our stock of
Deserving Prafse.
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr.
King's. New Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell as
well, or that have given such universal
satisfaction. We do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, as we 6tand
ready to refund the purchase price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. There remedies have won their
great popularity purely on their merits.
Snipes & Kinersly's druggists.
Rents In Portland.
Dispatch. "Great city this," said
one stranger to another yesterday; "not
a house to be had." "Oh, there are
plenty of houses vacant," said the other.
"I know," said the first, ''but you can't
get them ; the rent is too high."
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed,
and not less than one million people
have found just Euch a friend in Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
Coughs, and Colds. If you have never
used this Great Cough Medicine, one
trial will convince , you that it has
wonderful curative powers in all
diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs.
Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that
is claimed or money will be refunded.
Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's
drug store. Large bottles 50c and $1.00.
for Rent. .
The only 3-story, fire-proof brick
building in the city. For further par
ticulars inquire of Tom Kelly, at The
Umatilla house.
The finder of a pair of gold framed eye
glasses, will be suitably rewarded on
leaving the same at this office.
A gold watch charm with a small
piece of chain attached, between J. P.
Mclnerny and Leslie Butlers. . A re
asonable reward will be paid for return
of same to Maier & Bentons.
All the Latest Novelties for the Holidays,
The CorrngtiteA Building; next Door to Conrt Bouse. -
Hanisomely FnraisM Booms to Rent liy tlie Day, Week or Monti.
Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook.
. ..... V- -
' Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men.
A full line cf
12-!. BOOKS,
trail in cloti.
Ell Oyer
to select from,
at 25c per vi
iday presents
Something is lost
when you use Dr. Sage's Catarrh.
Remedy. It's Catarrh. The -worst
cases yield to its mild, soothing;
cleansing, and healing properties.
No matter how bad your case, or of
how long standing, you can be cured.
Incurable cases are rare. It's worth
$500 to you, if you have one. The
manufacturers of Dr. Sago's Remedy
are looking for them. They'll pay
you that amount in cash, if they
can't cure you. It's a plain square
offer from a responsible businesa
house, and they mean it. It seems
too one-sided, too much of a risk.
It would be with any other medi
cine behind it. It only goes to prove,
what's been said : incurable cases
are rare with Dr. Sage's Catarrh.
Other so-called remedies may pal
liate for a time ; this cures for all
time. . By its mild, soothing, cleans
ing and healing properties, it con
quers the worst cases. It removes
offensive breath, loss, or impairment
of the sense of taste, smell or hear- -ing,
watering or. weak eyes, when,
caused by the violence of Catarrh,
as they all frequently are.
Remedy 6oJd by druggists, only
50 cents.
All Dalles City warrants registered
prior to May 1, 1891, will be paid if
presented at my office. Interest ceases
from and after this date.
Dated October 13th, 1S92.
L. Rokuex,
tf. Treas. Dalles City. .