' vol. v. . . -, ;-' . '" THE DALLES. OREGON. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 4, 1893. NO. 17. a. m:w m. J4. Young, BiacKsmiin & v3oon ghdd General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. florae Shoeing a Speciality tliri Street, spate tie oil Ltels Stand. W. E. GARRETSOfi. ewelei. SOLB AGENT TOR THE i...i,i r-i All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. Tha Dalles. Or. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successes to v. S- erais.)" ' Manufacture of the finest French and Home Made O -A- 3ST ID I E 'S .' East of Portland. . - -DEALERS IN- Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars arid Tobacco. Can f urniab any of these good at Wholesala or Retail v FnfiSH OYSTErS-f In Every Style. Ice Cream and Soda Water. '104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. Mm r W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine Room The Dalles, - Oregon. &sr Northwest corner, of Second and Court Street. :,(,'. ''. ' ' ILLIAMS & CO D RUGS Sn ipes co THE LEADING W llesiil Retail Diiisk TT :E E3. 23 R.'U C3r iST :r Handled by Three Registered Druggists. ALSO ALL THE LEADING Patent ffledieines and Druggists Sundries. HOUSE PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murprry's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints. -WE The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Agent for Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, Dress-Making Parlors FaMoqable Dpb Gutting and Fitting a Specialty. Room 4 oyer French & Co'b Bank O. -FIflE WlHEg DOMESTIC KEY WEST. CIGARS. FRENCH'S 1T1 SECOND 8TBEET, : ri LY. AKE- The Dalles, Oregon and fllpa-Malpng i MRS. GIBSON, Prop MAG and LIQUOR THE C E LEBRATE D PABST BEER. BLOCK. : THE DALLES,OB. IOWA VS. ILLINOIS. An oil Suit to Settle a BonMary Line Between tne States. . THE MIDDLE OP THE MAIN CHANNEL Oakland Portuguese Desperation, Prac ticalty Exemplified. HKAVV FA1LCKE OF HIRSCH BROS. Arizona. New Blexieo mnd Oklahoma Combining for a Joint Display in Chicago. Washington, Jan. S. The . supreme court today rendered a decision in the case of the state of Iowa against the state of Illinois to settle the boundary line in the Mississippi river, between the two states. Nine bridges cross the river be tween the states, and the suit is brought in order that each might tar only those parts of them within their respective boundaries. Iowa contended that the boundary runs throngh the middle of the main body of the river, regardless of the steamboat channel, and that the measurement .be taken at the normal Btage of water. Illinois claimed the jurisdiction of each state extended to the middle of the steamboat channel. In the opinion rendered today by Justice Field, the court takes the Illinois view of the matter, holding that the true bounds ary is the middle of the main channel. The court ordered a commission of three to designate the line on each bridge, and delineate the same on the maps. Doable Murder and Suicide. Oakland, Cal., Jan. 3. Last night a terrible affair took place on the lino of the electric road between Hay wards aud San Leandro at a point called Ashland Junction. The man who keeps a way side place became involved in a row with a man and his wife who were stop ping with him. He shot them both, killing the husband and dangerously wounding the woman, and then killed himself. All were Portuguese, and had been drinking heavily. Failure of a Clothing Home. Des Moines, Jan. Hirsch Bros., clothing, were attached this morning for $24,000. Other attachments since filed, it is believed, will foot up not less than $100,000 ; the assets may not ex ceed $50,000.. Leopold Hirsch, head of the firm, died Wednesday.. A Territorial Building. Chicago,. Jan. 3. Ground was broken today for the territorial building at the worlds fair to be erected jointly by Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma. Materiala for the building will be con tributed by the territories named. Democrats Control in Kansas. Tqpeka, Kan., Jan. 3. The supreme coni ' is hearing arguments in the cases brought against the state board of can vassers by the populist central commit tee, involving' four seats in the legisla ture. It is believed that the hearing will not result in any change, except to give Rosenthal, dem., the certificate of election issued to Stubbs, rep., by au undisputed clerical error. This leaves the republicans one majority in the house. On joint ballot the democrats will hold the balance of power. Cholera This Tear. Washington, Jan. 4. There Is more than a prospect of trouble yet from cholera in the United States next year. Two factors render the situation serious. One ie the appearance of fresh cases in Hamburg, and the other the continued prevalence of the disease in Russia. Great care has been taken to prevent its gaining a foothold on this side the Atlantic. The speedy passage of a bill giving clearly defined powers to make precautionary regulations, with sufficient appropriations to make them effective, is extremely desirable. Despite the efforts to stop immigration from the in fected countries, the emigrants of those countries are persistent in their efforts to reach the United States. There is also danger of the cholera reaching the United States from the Island of Cuba, because - of the close commercial inter course between Cuba and Spain, and other European ports. Regulations of the. circular of August 19th, regarding the importation of rags, has been en forced, all reports to the contrary not withstanding. . , . ' A fine lot of furniture going very low at Crandall & Burget's new store. . LOCAL 11RKVIT1KS. Additional Record of Current Brents In The City. Astoria has its Irving club, since or ganizing which, it is said, "there is a great scarcity of young men and ladies on the streets." The inference is that the Irving club is a matrimonial or ganization to put tunds in the hands of Clerk Trenchard, "who; issues the mar riage licenses. " t - ' Lee Tin and Wan Kee are putting up a large quantity of bacon on Long Creek this fall. -The Eagle says these enter prising celestials know there is money in the pork business and are making an ef fort to buy all the hogs they can get hold of. Besides the 127,080 sheep reported in Wasco county by '" stock Inspector Thompson, the Antelope Herald reports 65,900 as follows, aggregating 191.980 head in the county : Little & McRea, 4,000 ; John Grant. 3,000 ; Frank Malone, 7,000; McAulay Bros. 2,000 Z. Taylor, 2,000 Wm. Kelsay & Son (Joe), 3,500 Chas. Don., 1,800; Kohleu & Karlau, 6,000; H. Wagley, 2,500, Lein Burgess, 5,000 Loar & Nectar, 4,000 ; Russell, 2,000 C. B. Durbin, 2,000; Cus Schmibt, r.SOO McLeland & Wiseman, 2,000 Jas Stewart, 2,000 J. & D, McLennon, 2,600; J. D. McAndy, 1,500; J. M, Davis, 1,700; Jackson, 1,500; Brogan & Co. (Phil and Tom, et al.) 4,000; Jas. Abbot, 3,000, Confident of Klection. Tacoma, Jan. 3. Senator John Alien arrived here this morning from Wash ington city - to remain until the state legislature elects a senator. He is con fident of re-election. His chief oppo nent is Judge George Turner of Spokane. As near as can be told, the republican strength in the legislature is nearly evenly divided between them. Davis "Will Succeed Illmself. St. Paul, Jan. 3. A caucus of repub lican members of the legislature is called tor tomorrow night to select a candidate for the United States senate to succeed Cushman K. Davis, whose teem expires March 4th. There is no question as to the result, as there is practically no opposition to Davis' re-election. The joint caucus will undoubtedly decide in his favor bv acclamation. A Party of Reform. Pittsbueo , Jan. 3.: A call has been issued for a conference in this city next Monday of all persons who will join in the formation of a political party for the abolition or suppression of the drink traffic in the United States, and for such other moral, economic, financial and in dustrial reforms as are needed in the country. . Backlen'a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cats, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, "Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly. Fast Time by Prince. Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 3. At Or lando today' Jack Prince broke the world's record for a quarter-mile road run on a bicycle, making the remarkable time of 21 seconds. Blaine a Little Worse. Washington, Jan. 3. Blaine's condi tion has taken a backward turn, but the change will probably not be of a charac ter to excite serious apprehension. The patient has been suffering from consti pation the past two days. ' Broke The Record. Rockford, III., Jan. 3. Malana broke 1,000 glass balls at Armory hall this afternoon. Housed a 22-caliber . rifle. He stood 30 feet from the thrower. His feat breaks the world's record. Malana missed 330 out of the 1.330 balls thrown. A British Bark In Distress. London, Jan. 3. The British bark Chasca, from Sydney for Puget sound, has been towed into Suva partially dis masted. - . Price of Flour Advanced. Leeds, Jan. 3. The Millers' Associa tion has advanced the price of flour a shilling per 18 stone, ' owing to a small strike. Highest of all in Leavening- Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Mm AE2UlTElSf COLD SNAP IN EUROPE. Austria, Germany, France, etc.. Are All Visited liy Boreas. ALL THE LAKES ARE FROZEN OVER. The French Chamber of Deputies Squarely in the Squabble. 9IAKI.NC KEFAIKS TO THE ZAMBESI. Cold "Weather in Earnpe A Panicky Bouse Child Stealing Kxtraor dinary. Bkelin, Jan. 3. The cold is severe, increasing all over the continent. Last night the thermometer marked 10 deg. above zero. A heavy snow is falling in the Hartz mountains. Suspension of traffic is threatened oh several railways. All the lakes in France, Germany and Austria are frozen over, and night fetes have been organized in most .cities. In Vienna thousands -were employed all night clearing the snow from the streets. At Trieste the harbor presents an Arctic scene. A whole family were drowned near Gifhorn, while crossing the Aller on the ice. I'ickcd Out For Prosecution. Paris, Jan. 3. Le Figaro says the next batch of persons selected by the government for prosecution in connect ion with the Panama canal frauds , in clude four members of the chamber of deputies and an ex-minister. It is re ported Floquet will . resign from the chamber on account of the connection of his name with the scandal. Repairs t the Zambesi. London, Jan. 3. Repairs to the British steamer Zambesi will take thirty days, at arcost of 3,100. Tenders were received! from Hong Kong to repair her for 2,600. Surveyors recommend to repair her at Yokohama. - Temporary repairs can be made in one week. Cold Weather In London. London, Jn.s 3. The weather has been very windy for several days. Much ice has formed in the Thames. Traffic above and below London bridge is much impeded by pack. ice. ' The upper river is frozen over. Panicky on the Bourse. Paris, JaJ 3. The bouree closed panicky. W-edJt ' Foncier dropped twenty-nine francs. It is reported sev eral speculators on the wrong side of the market will have to go into liquidation. Cbildstealers at Work. Vienna, Jan. 3. Many parents have reported to the police the last four days the loss of daughters 8 and 12 years old.. It is feared the children are the victims of a criminal conspiracy. . We're not waiting for the bats and" moles, but for men and women who have eyes and use them, who have brains and reason! There's a new world for them suffering and sickly as they are a uew world created from the brain of a skillful physician a discovery the-? "Golden Medical Discovery." Years ago Dr. Pierce found out that -the eeeret of scrofula, bronchial, throat and lung trouble lay in the . beginning at least in impure blood and the weak: tone of the system ; that the way to cure these effects was to remove the cause, that, human nature being the same, the same results might be looked for in nearly all cases. . So confident was he that the exceptions were uncoiwiuon-that he took the risk of giving the medicine to those it didn't benefit for nothing, and the re sults have proved that he was right. And "Golden Medical Discovery" is. the remedy for the million! The only guaranteed Liver, Blood and Lang rem edy. Your money back if it doesn't help you. Leave your order for cord wood at Maier & Benton's. .