The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 03, 1893, Image 3

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    "The Regulator Line"
Tie Ms, Portland ani Astoria
Navigation Co.
: -; Mess Variety asd Assartrasiit of .
Dolls, Toys, Books, Albums, Pianos, Or
gans, Musical Instruments.
.-V 4-.
V :
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weather Forecast.
Official foretaM for tventy-fourjtonn ending at
S p. m. tomorrow:
Tuesday, fair. Wednesday, light
rains ; slightly cooler.
JAN. 3, 1893
A. F. O. T7 B. 6. U. What is it?"
Col. Jas. Fulton of Fnltonville, is in
the city.
Fpank Fulton esq., of Sherman
:6unty, is in town todaji.
Leave your order for cord wood at
Maier & Benton's.
E. Jacobsen & Co.'s prize
will be tomorrow at 4 o'clock.
A fine lot of furniture going very
at Crandall & Burget'a new store. .
Balfe Johnson spent his happy new
year with his parents in Oregon City. '
Senator Steiwer is expected here this J
evening. He will remain a day or twofl
to interview his constituency. .
Call at Joles Bros, and make arrange
ments for the celebrated Warner's
butter for the winter months.
Carpets and furniture at reduced rates
at Crandall & Burget's, next door to
Floyd & Shown's drug store.
i You can carpel your rooms at about
;your own price by calling on Crandall &
Burget, at the new store on Union
y gtreet.
.f Dr. Eshelman is on the streets again.
having recovered from the attack of
sickness which has kept him confined to
his room for several days.
Crandall & Burget are now settled in
their new store in the Michelbach brick
. . : on Union street, next door to Floyd &
' Shown's. Call around.
W. L. Ward, an old-timer in thefl
, .democratic harness in Wasco county, is!
v prominently mentioned for the appoint
menjja Warm Springs Indi&nr-miWlt.'-v jj
,was brought to the city for medical
jreatment yesterday, having accidental!
"not nimseit tnrougn the arm while toy
g with a pistol.' ' '
The weekly meeting of the C. L. S. C.
fwas held last evening at the residence o:
IMrs. S. L. Brooks, a pleasant time was
"'pent, on' the lesson! . After the literary
'jrci8es lunch was served.'
jThe Supreme court has decided the po-
ical case in favor of Pierce. The court
, Id that while it may have been an er-
r in printing the name on the ballot
,-iee, the vote should not be lost.
The Mitchell people want a slicing of
Jnties to be done by the legislature.
Jey want a slice cut off from the west
rt of Grant, and some of the northern
art of Crook and southern part of Gil
ilm put together and make a county to
j'bf called Mitchell, and the county seat
S Jitchell.
Antelope has put a ,'uall lu motion and
? x X w a petition signed by about 200, sol
v x e are informed, asking the legislature)
t cat a strip off from the northern parti
V Crook, and all of that portion of
iWasco lying east of Des Chutes and
create the county of Antelope, and make
(Antelope the county seat.
our patrons and friends we thank you for past favors
and trust you will all have a prosperous and Happy New
Messrs. J. B. Mowry and J. J. Shaffer
of Moro came over to this city last eve
ning. They report the roads in a bad
condition, and that the ground in Sher
man county is pretty well soaked from
the effects of the snow fall and rain, and
in places is quite mirery.
If any one present at the Domino
party last evening accidentally carried
the "mitten" away, or a pair of mittens,
will thev please leave them at. The
Chronicle office, not so much on
count of their intrinsic vtllue, but
owner prizes them as keepsakes.
New counties up here in the Inland
Empire are getting to be as thick as coy-
otes. . .Besides the two movements uien4
tioned elsewhere today, it is said the bill
is already drawn for Hood county, with-'
Hood river as county seat. This new;
county seeks territory to include Cascade!
Locks. s i
Frank P. Taylor "of 3-Mile met with a
very serious and painful injury yester
day which is liable to result in the loss
of one of his feet. He was riding a horse
when the animal slipped and fell on his
leg, breaking the bones at the ankle
joint. Dr. Doane was called, and will do!
all he .can to save t-he f
at the residence of B. S
Huntington Saturday evening, and help-
ing '92 out welcomed the advent of '93,
j By means of whist the evening passed
I very pleasantly. After whist a delicious
lunch was served. Those present were :
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hostetler, Mr. andfi
Mrs. W. H. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. B. S.
Huntington, Miss Rowland, Miss Brooks
Mr. L. Ains worth, and Mr. Edward Hos-4
mong those who observed thehappyl
old custom of making New Year calls,
none were more alive to the real pleas
ure of the day than the A. F. O. T. B. O.
U. s, Messrs. F. A. French, Jno. Booth,
HayWard Riddell, Fred W. Wilson,
Ed w. French, Robert Mays, Jr., Frank
IGarretson, Harry Esping, Vivian French
md Edward Patterson, who armed and
j i 3 "II " .. . - . . , U.WM,
ubanjo and case - of cards made the day
melodious wnerever they went. Com
mencing among the East End residences
and working their way westward, the
merry strains of music betokening their
advent, they called on their various ac
quaintances "nnd enlivened each resi
lience with the rendition of jolly tunes, fl
find were in turn1 enlivened at mi
places by delicate - collations, whichf
nerved them, to more vigorous efforts!
The afternoon and a. portion of the eve4
ning. were consumed ere they ceased r
but they were finally effectually silenced!
by the breaking of a zither string andj
compelled t6 desist and await the com-:
ing of another New Year. J
Among the unique in social matters
the experience social at the M. E. church
Saturday evening takes the lead. This
was an effort on the part of the ladies to
raise money for the organ fund of the
church. The plan was for each lady to
earn a dollar, or so much as she could,
by whatever means she should choose to
employ! and at the social to relate her
experience in earning the money. - The
experiences were many and varied, and
included many different ways of earning
money. Some cleaned streets and
shoveled snow irom the sidewalks, while
others sold eggs, popcorn, pies and bot
tles, medicine bottles presumably. One
earned a portion of her dollar by main
taining silence for a day ; but one hard
ened schemer act' no- on the nresuniDtion
Rthat silence gives consent, took advan
tage of her inability to speak and pro
posed to her and now he wonders if sil
ence does mean consent. Another by
searching the street in quest of a lost dog;
some darned socks, and others did wash
ing, made dresses, and in other ways too
numerous to mention, the ladies earned
their respective sums which amounted
in the aggregate tp $100)0." After the
experiences were related refreshments
were served, which was one of the " most
pleajhagexperiences of the eTfining
The Young Men's Dancing Club
closed the day yesterday with a Domino
hop at Wingate's hall. A large number
were masked and the various colors and
costumes made a very pleasing effect,
Dancing was indulged in to a late hour.
lLTie.masic'.was.,' furnished by Messrs.
Benton, Birgfeld and Burchtorf. A
pleasant diversion was the rendition of
a few pieces by the mandolin and guitar
club. . Among those, present were Mr.
Mr. and Mrs L' E Crolye, Senator and
Mrs Hilton, Judge and Mrs Blakeleyl
Mr and Mrs'H J Maier, Mr and Mrs W
H Wilson, Mr and Mrs. W E Garretsonf
Dr and Mrs Snedaker, Capt and Mr
Sherman, Mr and Mrs H M Beall, Mi
and Mrs F A Houghton, Mrs A Varney
Misses Jeannette, Maie and Annie WiM
liams, Laura Burgess, Clara, Etta and
Auburn Story, Iva Brooks, Mary FraV
zier, Virginia and Grace Marden, Grace
Campbell. Dora Fredden. Ruth CooDerf
Florence Lewis, Matilda Hollister, Win
ified Mason, Gosser, Minnie Gosser,;
Alma Schanno, Messrs F W Wilson, Ed,
Williams, J Bjrne, F Garretson, Jno
Booth, Grant, Edward and Robert!
Mays. S. O. Campbell, John Hampshire
H French, F Faulkner, Jos Worsley
Vic Maiden, Wm McCruro, M Donnelly
D J Malarky, RESewall, G C Willis
j a jurossen, u J anowden, tl Lon
M. Jameson, H Montgomery
Common Council
The regular council meeting of Dalles
city was held on last Saturday evening
with the following members present:
Hon. Robt. Mays, mayor ; C. E. Haight,
PauI Kreft, T. N. Joles, C. F. Lauer and
,-Jas. Wood.
On motion, a committee of Messrs.
Haight, Kreft and Wood was appointed
to recommend some way at the next
meeting for enforcing the cattle ordi
nance. The resignation of E. B. Duiur as
councilman in 2d ward was accepted.
On motion a vote of thanks was ex
tended to Mr. Dufur for his faithfulness
and efficient services as councilman.
On motion a reduction of the assess
ment on the Goldstein estate was re
ferred to the judiciary committee.
On - motion, the report of the com
mittee on streets and public property
was adopted recommending .that Mr.
Matin be not allowed to build in Liberty
On motion, the recorder was instructed
to give notice of the ' construction of a
sewer in the ally between First and Sec
ond streets, from Laughlin to -Jefferson.
On motion, that an electric light be
placed on Ninth and Pentland streets,
be not granted.
The matter of planking across the
railroad track on Court street was re
ferred to the committee on streets and
public property. ' V
The committee on streets and public
property reported that the draining of
Ninth street was impracticable, as the
cost would exceed more than the prop
erty benefited could afford to pay.
The reports of the recorder, marshal,
street commissioner and treasurer were
read and placed on file.
IrocjillllJiii '
Freigru and Passenger Line
Through dally service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land. -Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Locks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One way. . . .
Round trip.
. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
General Agent.
General Manager.
An ordinance transferring certain
monies out of the general fund was read
and passed unanimously. ,
Petitions asking for licenses to sell
liquors, wines, etc., in first ward were
granted to Stubling & Williams, W. H.
Butts, F. Lemke, Ad Keller, Wiseman
& Marders, A. Bettingen, jr., Chas,
Frank, Sinnott & Fish, Maetz & Pundt,
J. O. Mack, F. W. L. Skibbe, Dan Baker
and Ben Wilson.
On an election for councilman to fill
the vacancy caused by the resignation
of Mr. Dufur, Mr. Ed. M. Williams, was
chosen. '
Mr. C. E. Haight was appointed
chairman of the judiciary committee and
Jas. Wood was appointed on said com
mittee in place of Mr. Dufur, resigned.
On motion the city advertising was
awarded to Toe Daiit Chbonicle for
the ensuing year.""
On motion the recorder was instructed
to confer -with the water commission in
regard to irrigating the public school
On motion the marshal was instructed
to proceed with the delinquent taxes of
1891 and 1892 by levy and sale.
On motion the recorder was instructed
to present a bill to the countv court for
the reimbursement of the city for goods,
etc., furnished the families of Johns and
Woods, indigent poor.
Warrants were ordered in payment
of claims against the city as follows:
For pay of city officers, water, light,
rents, etc., as per regular monthly state
ment. Dalles Lumb. Co, lumber $31 25
Maier & Benton, mdse 14 70
Mays fe Crowe .... 14 35
G..T. Thomson, smithing 6 10
Crandall & Burget, filing saws. . 3 75
E. Biggs, labor 15 00
F. M. King, labor. 22 00
Joles Bros., mdse. 1 00
Farley & Frank, do 3 00
Snipes & Kinersly, do. 2 35
J. C. Meins, sawing wood 4
Robt. Christiansen, labor 1
Jas. Ferguson, hauling
Dr. O. C. Hollister, medical, at
tendance 16
Maier & Benton, mdse Johns
family.: 2
ChriBman Bros., do :
Joles Bros., do. . 7
H. Herbrinsr. do. : 2
Blakeley & Houghton, do... 9 55
Mrs. L. S. Davis, labor. 10 00
D. D. Garrison, do 12 00
J. M. Foard, hauling 50
J. P. Mclnerny, mdse 70
Umatilla House, meals 3 months 18 35
Death of Dr. McKay.
Dr. William C. McKay died of heart
failure at his home near the Umatilla
Indian agency yesterday morning. He
ate a hearty breakfast and went to the
barn to care for his horse. He was found
soon after lying by the horse's feet in
the stall, dead. Dr. McKay was one of
the oldest and best known pioneers in
the state. He was born at Astoria
March 18th, 1824. His mother was a
Chinook princess and his father, Thomas
McKay, was the son of a partner of John
Jacob Astor.
For Bent.
The only 3-story, fire-proof - brick
building in the city. For further par
ticulars inquire of Tom Kelly, at The
Umatilla bouse. .
S pectaeles Lost.
The finder of a pair of gold framed eye
glasses, will be suitably rewarded on
leaving the same at this office.
A girl to do housework. Inquire at
T. A. Hudson's office, 83 Washington
street. dtfl2.12
This feMer's Dic
i 1
- -5-
tionary, only $1.00 !
i J 1
where can- yon . do
. , tetter?
OOP o o o o o
-We Have Made
Sweeping Reductions!
Call and examine
our stock' of
Deserving Praise.
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and
have never handled remedies that sell as
well, or that have given such universal
satisfaction. We do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, as we stand
ready to refund the purchase price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. There remedies have won their
great popularity purely on their merits.
Snipes & Kinersly's druggists.
Piastres Prominently.
Baker City Dem. The road question
is being generally discussed by the
papers, and the general idea is that the
legislature should take up the subject
and give the people of this state a whole
some law in the matter. The road
question is one in which every citizen
should take an active interest, for there
is nothing that figures more prominently
in the settlement and development of a
country than good roads.
A Million Friends.
.A friend in need is a friend indeed,
and not less than one million people
have found just 6uch a friend in Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs, and Colds. If you have never
used this Great Cough Medicine, one
trial will convince you that it has
wonderful curative powers in all
diseases of Throat,. Chest and Lungs.
Each bottle is guaranteed to do. all that
is claimed or money will be refunded.
Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's
drug store. Large bottles 50c and $1.00.
A gold watch charm with a small
piece of chain attached, between J. P.
Mclnerny and Leslie Butlers. A re
asonable reward will be paidior return
of same to Maier & Bentons.
All the Latest Novelties for the Holidays,
Tha Comratod Bslldlor next Door to Court Honn.
Handsomely Fiirnisnci Rooms to Eent by the Day, feei or Month.
B a MBHa a a M M
Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook.
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men.
WHS. H. pASEf, Pfopv.
o o o o o o o
A full line oT
T 1
gilt. Over 200
to select from,
at 25c per voL
o o 5 o o o o
holiday presents
Jt isn'i done.
by others that's why the guarantee
of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription,
should command attention. It's a
f uarantee that means something,
f the medicine doesn't give satis
faction, in every case for which it's
recommended, the money is prompt
ly refunded. Remarkable terms
but it's a remarkable medicine. AB.
the functional irregularities and.
weaknesses peculiar to womankind,
are cured by it. For leucorrhea,
periodical pains, weak back, prolap
sus and other displacements, bearing
down sensations, and all " female
complaints," it's an unfailing rem
edy. It is a . powerful, restora
tive tonic and nervine, imparting
strength x and vigor to the whole
Try it, if you're an ailing woman.
If it doesn t help you,- you have
your money back.
As a regulator and promoter of
functional action, at that critical
period of change from girlhood to
womanhood, u Favorite Prescrip
tion " is a perfectly safe remedial
agent, and can produce only good,
All Dalles City warrants registered
prior to May 1, 1891, will be paid if
presented at my office. Interest ceases
from and after this date.
-Dated October 13th, 1892. . ;
tf . Treas. Dalles City.