The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 03, 1893, Image 1

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A -
NO. 152
III' Kit
.aav I 1
3 I I
A. M.'Wl'lLLI A MS '& GO.
UX. H- Yoang,
eiilGKSIilim WBPH SilOD
Creheral Blacksruithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Jlorse' Shoeing a Speciality
thirl Street, ajpasitc tie oil Licls staM.
ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets in K.
of P. ball the second and fourth Wednes
days of each month at 7 :S0 p. m.
ASCO LODGE, UO. IS, A. T. A A. M. Meet!
nrsi ana txura Monday 01 each month at 7
MoeU In Hasonio Hall the third Wednesday
f each month at 7 P. M.
Mt. Hood Camp No. S9, Meets Tacsday even
ing of each week in the K. of P.Hall, at 7:30 p. at.
COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, t. O. O. P. Meets
every Friday evening t-7:S0 o'clock, in K.
f P. hall, corner Becond and Court streets.
' Sojourning brothers are welcome.
H. Cixcoh, Bec'y. H. A. Bills, N. G.
FBIENDBH1P LODGE, NO. ., K. of P. Meets
every Monday evening: at 7:30 o'clock, in
Bchanno's building, corner of Court and Second
streets. Sojourning members are cordially in
vited. W. 8. Cam.
D. W.Vltsi, K. of R. and 8. - C. C.
CNION will meet every Friday afternoon
at 3 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited.
rpEMFLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. C. W. Meet
X at K. ef p. Hall, Corner Second and Court
Streets, Thursday eveviinrH at 1 Mf)
" . o aim, financier. M
JAB. NESMITII POST, No. 82. G. A. R. Meets
HalieTer7 tnrQay 7 :8 m: la tiie K. oi P.
E. Meets every Eun6ay afternoon in
.. oi P. HaU. -
VEREIN Meets every Sunda.
n the K. of P. Hall.
DIVISION, No. 167 MeeU in e
Hall the first and third Wednee
month, st 7:30 r Jt.
ST. PETERS CHURCH Rev. Father Bbohs-oxkht-
Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at
7 A. n. High Mass at 10:30 a. m. - Vespers at
7 r. n.
ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite
Fifth. Rev. Eli D. SuteliU'e Rector. Services
every Sunday kt 11 a. m. and 7:30 P. K. Sunday
School 9:45 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at
lor, Pastor. Morning services every 8ab
1 bath at the academy at 11 A. M. Sabbath
' School immediately after morning services.
Prayer meeting Friday evening at Pastor's resi
dence. Union services in the court house at 7
Curtis, Pastor. ; Services every Sunday at 11
A. M. and 7 p. M. Sunday School after morning
service. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free.
ME. CHURCH Rev. J. Whiblbk, pastor.
. Services every Sunday morning at 11 a. m.
. Sunday School at 12:20 o'clock p. tt. Epworth
League at 6:30 p. bc. Prayer meeting every
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A cordial in
vitation is extended by both pastor and people
to all.
Pastor. Preaching In the Congregational
Church each Lords Day it r. L All are
ordially Invited.
Snipes & K
olesi ii Retail Drnin.
. Handled by Three Registered Druggists.
Patent flledieines and
Agents for Murphy's Fin Varnishes and the only agenta in
the City for The Sherwin- Williams Co.'s Paint.
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars.
Agent for TansilTs Punch.
129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon
Dress-Making Parlors
T ; .. ; - . ,
Fahioqable Dfegg and Illo-Malpng
' .
Gutting and Fitting a Specialty.
, Room 4 over French & Co'a Bank.
nffe WlHEg
Druggists Sandries.
AB.E -
and LIQUOR ;
The national Building And Loan As-
saciatian Siaui Finn. , .
First Mortgages on Real Estates The
Best Security
Inside Facts Advance ISews Glance at
Reports -The Leading Instltm
' tions. ' -. v ..
Special to The Chronicle.) .
Portland, Ore., Jan. 3.rThe strin
gency of money is being feH. Makers of
notes and mortgages coining due on the
new Year are seeking renewals. Success
is problamatical. The bank statements
are favorable. At this time the sound
ness and stability of the National plan
for Building and Loan Association is
patent. These companies are making
many loans ana that too with great
promptness. Your correspondent has
secured knowledge of the annual reports
of the leading corporations. Maybe
they will not be published for some days.
All are favorable that of the New Eng
land National Building and Loan Asso
ciation shows the greatest per cent, of
assett increase, and that fact, coupled
with their investment stilfCK sales places
this corporation in the lead of all the
sound and prosperous associations.
Complete Flece uf Wcrk by Thi State
Weatner Bureaa.
According to law, the Oregon weather
bureaa has made its report to the gover
nor, which is now being printed, con
cerning the operation of the bureau, and
in addition thereto there appears in the
report the most extensive and valuable
collection of tables, giving the tempera
ture of the various sections of the state,
the precipitation, and the charatcter of
the weather, i. e., whether clear, partly
cloudy, cloudy or rainy on each day
From this report the following interest
ing facts concerning the climate of Ore
gon, which should be more generally
known, are taken: The highest tern
perature on record in the state is 103
deg., and it has been recorded in Jack
son and Umatilla counties ; the lowest
temperature on record in the state is 39
deg. below zero, recorded in Klamath
county. The mean annual temperature
of the whole state is 50.4 deg. Douglas
and Jackson counties have the highest
annual mean temperature; Curry, Jose
phine and Willamette valley counties
have slightly lower mean annual tern
peratures. .
Wallowa county baa the lowest mean
annual temperature, with. Baker,
Harney, Klamath, Malheur and Lake
following. In every county of the state
the temperature has been over 1C0 deg,
except in Clatsop, Coos, Crook, Curry
Linn and Tillamook. Temperatures of
20 deg. or more" below zero have been
recorded in Baker, Gilliam. Grant
Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Union and
Wallowa counties.
The average precipitation of the state
is 34.33 inches. The counties having the
highest amount are Curry, with 82 in
ches, and Clatsop, with 75 inches ; the
counties having the least annual average
amount are Harney with 9 inches, and
Gilliam with 10 inches. Those counties
having less than 15 and more than 10
inches annually are Baker, Crook, Mal
heur, Morrow and Sherman. - Those
counties having more than ' 45 inches
annually are Benton, Clackamas
Clatsop Columbia, Coos, Curry and Tit
lamook. On an average there are 235
clear or partly cloudy days in the state
each year, 130 are cloudy and on 105
.01 of an inch or more of precipitation
The foregoing are the prominent fea
tnres of the climate of the state.' The
report will be ready for distribution
January loth, and can be bad from an
member of the . legislature, any state
officer or from the weather bureaa office.
Portland. '' In addition to ' the minute
climatic details, which ' are;valuable for
study, comparison; etc., the report also
contains interesting and instructive ar
ticles on the climate of the state, con
cerning the soils and soil temperature
of the state, of irrigation, its progress
and possibilities and a summarized
statement of the cereal products of the
state. The report is of inestimable
value, andjia for free distribution. It is
claimed that its value is so great that it
would be" well for the legislature to
order 50,000 or 100,000 copies printed for
distribution at the worlds fair.
Following is a summarized table of
climatic conditions in Oregon, based on
records from eighty-eight stations, and
covering from one to twenty years.
WIATUIB DATA por each county.
Av. annual
2t Temperature No. Days.
n .g
. B j tt f J" n 13 O 53
C0DKTY- : H 5 ? 2 1 3-S Sill
. .: : o : s : 7 : a. : :
- b .
Bater...... 3500 44.0 101 36 12:43 155 85125178
Benton a) 51. S 1CM '2 59.66 139 97 LSt'llli
Clack'mas. 350 52.8 103 3 47.61 140 70 M114
Clataop. .. ltX50.4 91 10 74.08 8fc 105 1TJI1S7
Columbia.. 200 49.1 101 0 4S.02 lmt 40 186 144
Coos 200 51.8 92 - 14 61.58 195 5 175l(M
Crook 350(1 49.8 98 13 11.48 150 125 901 93
Curry 200 52.8 90 27 82.03 108 122 180ll7
Douglas.. . . 600 53.0 102 6 44.66 113 125 129 130
Gilliam 1200 50.6 106 22 9.98 1881, 80 97 71
Grant 3500 18.1 101 20 13.74 117 153 90 S9
Harney.. :. 4000 45.3 97 10 S.95 IK! 91 92 10
Jackson.... 2000 53.0 10S 4 21.55 164 97 114 99
Josephine 1500 52.1 105 5 36 1 104 108 15:! 59
Klamath-., 4200 45.6 95 ! 39 19.70 112 158 95 84
Lake 4500 16.7 104 ' 30 16.36 204 89 72 73
Lane...... 800 52.5 99 3 42.98 115110 140(134
Linn 200 52.4 103 1 44.94 118 100 142:119
Malheur.". . 4500 46.5 104 24 11.69 145 113 107 49
Marion 200 51.2 101 4 13. 4 118 106 141 143
Morrow.... 2000 48.4 102 15 13.03 150 93 122 81
Multnmah 100 52.7 102 2 43.58 9s 107 1601156
Polk 300 51.2 98 39.25 !07 133 126 115
Sherman .. 1500 44.1 103 17 12.08 159 90 116 06
Tillamook 100 51.0 93 15 76. S6 12v! 77 165148
UmuUlla... 1100 52.0 n08 17 16.25 142 106 118 95
Union 2500 47.6 105 34 17.03 137 102 127 81
Wallowa.. . 4500 11. 3 95 21 21.45 190 92 S3 1)4
Wasco.. .1500 52.2 105 19 35. .H 155 95 115107
WashiKton 250 51.4 102 3 37.56 108 107 14911
Yamhill... 300 51.1 Joy 3 41.84 120 84 161 1 144
Averages 50.4 34.33 135 10013iil05
nighest on record In state.
HLowest on record iu stae.
Minus sign represents below seru.
' ' :
Flattering Keparts
From - the
Greeuhorn Cami. '
Corr. Long Creek Eagle, Dee. 23d.
The lateness of the season hns no ten
dency to stop mine owners from coming
to make preparations for working the
remainder of the winter. A party of
men who are interested in mining prop
erty in Greenhorn have lately arrived
from Salt Lake city, Utah, who expect
to make up for lost time by putting at
work an extra force of men on what is
known as the Ruby and tbe Chloride
ledges. It certainly shows that they are
greatly interested and have expectations
of their property developing into some
thing of value.
They are not alone with their enthu
siasm, which is - evident by the way
others are progressing- There is none
that expect to be left behind, each try
ing to outdo the other, which is certainly
no better evidence as to the expectations
which they hope to realize. To use the
expression of an old-timer who has been
here for more than twenty years, and
who was among the first comers, "some
are after tbe chloride, some after the
bromide and goodness only knows but
what some are after, the develides and
their copper stain rock.'. With the ob
servation of the writer,' who has made
the rounds of different camps and who
nas an eye for good properties, I cer
tainly am with them in expectation, of
good returns for what labor they expend
in development of their property. Each
year's amount of labor causes them to
become more and mora interest and
energy to go ahead. - . ,
Wm. Turner, who has been to Port
land enlisting capital to take hold of the
excellent properties he controls, finds
that there is no lack of interest taken
among capitalists in Portland who wish
to get a hold in the good showing mines
in this section. He just had pat in his
appearance at Robisonville with assist
ants to open. and show what the Woor
ley has in store for him.
Outside of mining news there is no
greater interest taken in any subject
than the divixion of the couuty, a peti
tion for the same having been circulated
among the mining community of this
portion of the county. That subject
deeply interests all. ,
luklen'f Arnica Salva.
Thk Best Salve in the world for Cuts, j exceptions were uncommon that he took'
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt RLeum, the risk of giving the meriioine to those
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, fit didn't benefit for nothing, and the re
Corcs, and all Skin Eruptions, ' and j suits have proved that he was right,
positively, cures Piles, or no; pay re- And "Golden Medical Discovery" is It is guaranteed to give perfect tbe remedv for the million! The only
eawu, r rciuuueu. rnce
25 cen tamper box.
ror saie Dy snipes s
y . Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
- -
ES2iLRn2!2f ; FOSSES'
Bereayemeiit in the White Honse Pre-
mU Receptions.
An Unprecedentedly Dull Holiday Sea
son fur Washington.
Mnoli Important Work Will Hava to Ke
Attended to WHen Cong-res
Special to Thi Chroniclk.
Washington City, Jan. 3. The hol
iday season has been unusually quiet in
official circles in the capital. The con-,
tinned bereavements which have be
fallen President Harrison have pre
vented the holding of any entertain
ments or receptions at the White House,
including even the New Year reception,
which it was announced some weeks ago
would not be held this season. Hence
the Executive Mansion has been prac
tically closei to the public' for several .
weeks, at a time when it-is usually bril- .
liant with merry throngs and - resplend
ent with handsome costumes. The
critical illness of Mr. Blaine has further
checked any effort toward entertaining
in official circles, his former prominent '
relation to toe present administration
rendering it improper that any of the
cabinet families should participate ex
tensively in social affairs. Indeed, the
afflictions of the presidential household
would have prevented that,- but Mr.
Blaine's illness adds to the quiet in .
society circles. The present session of
the 52d congress is not quite up to the
ante-holiday record of the short session
of the 51st congress. The house has so
far passed the army appropriation bill
and reported only the fortifications bill..
When fhe holday recess of the 51st- con
gress was taken, the army and the navy
bill will be reported and "called up at an
early day. The total amount of this bill
as it passed the house was $t?4.197,6:9,
with an estimate of $25,922,955. The
bill as it passed the house was $1,7.5,316
le 88 than the estimate, and $110,860 less
than the appropriation of laet year.
Tb is bill will probably be the first defi
nitely disposed of after the reassembling
of congress.
Gossip and predictions concerning the
probable cabinet of President-elect
Cleveland are becoming very prevalent
and the discussions naturally take quite
a wide range. The only direction in -which
there seems to be anything like
agreement among the prophets is in re
gard to post of the secretary of the
treasury, the general opinion being that
it will be offered to Senator John G
Carlisle, of Kentucky. The secretary
ship of state, it is alleged, has been
offered to William C. Whitnev, of New
York, Mr. Cleveland's former secretary
of the navy, but has been by him de
clined. This, of course, is merely gos
sip, however, and cannot be autheoti-'
cated. Edward J. Phelps, of Vermont,
ex -Secretary Thomas F. Bayard, - of
Delaware, and several others are now
being discussed as suited to the position,
and the names mentioned in connection,
with all -the other portfolios are too
numerous to repeat.
We're not waiting for the bats and
moles, but for men and women who
have eyes and' use them, who have
brains and reason ! There's a new world
for them suffering and sickly as they
are a new world created from the brain
of a skillful physician a discovery tb
"Golden Medical Discovery."
Years ago Dr. Pierce found out that
the eeeret of scrofula, bronchial, throat
und lung trouble lay in the beginning
at least in impure blood and the weak
tone of the system ; that the way to cure
these effects was to remove tho cause,
that, human nature being the same, the
same results might be looked for in nearly
tall case. So confident was he that the
. guaranteed Liver, Blood and Lung rem-
edv. Your
money back if it doesn't
j help you.'