! to : 1 fl A'' A. .(ifOL" V THE :. DALLES. ()!?EOON.-FRT DAY, DECEMBER .p, 1892. NO. 13i. K V .WILLI ttl. H. Young, General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing, a Speciality Third Street opposits tne old Liebe Stand. SOCIKTIKS. ASSEMBLY NO. 487, K. OF L-lleeli in K. of I', hall the second ajid fourth Wednes days of each month at 7:80 p. in. TA8CO LODGE, NO. IS. A. F. k A. M. Meet oral ana third Monday of met mouth at 7 DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets in Masonic Hail the third Wednesday of earn month at 7 V. V. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Mt. Hood C-arapNo.&Q.Met-tsTneedayeven-Inftof each week In the K. of P. Hall, at 7:i r. M. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 6,I. O. O. F. Meets ever Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K. of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets. Sojourning brother are welcome. H. ClxJDOB, BOfl'y. , . il, A. Bux,N. G. "Friendship lodge, no. 9., k. of p. Meeu X every Monday evening; at 7:30 o'clock, in Bchanno'k building, aimer of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in vlted. W. B. CaM. D. W.Vavmc, K. of R. and 8. . . . , .C, O, n . . r ITOMKN'e CHKlSTlAX TEMPERRNCK ' UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the reading room. A 11 are Invited. TEMPLE LODGB NO. 3, A. O. O. W. Meet. at K. af P. Hall, Corner beeond and Court treeta, i nurway evenings at 7 :30. - -f ,'' i , . UIOMl OIBOHS, W. H Hnu. Financier. M. W. A6. NEKMITH POST, No. 32, O. A. tt. Meets I everv Hattifriav at 7 ao m in tKa v p all. "... " K. MeeU every Sunday afternoon in .of P. -Hall. VEREIX Meets, every bands. ntheK.of P.Hall. , '. DIVlrilON,' No;U67Meetlu ti Kail the first aud third Wednss .monUi, at 7- K .Jt. , . . . . TBI CBCKCHM. ' ' " -: ' ' ' ' ''i. '-'i-" V. .; ST. fETER CHURGH- Rev.- Father -ftroxa-sbbst Pastor. . Low Masai every Unuday t - M. High Masa at 10:30 a. K., Vespers at ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli D. 8utcliffe Rector. Bervlees very Sunday at 11 A.- M. and r. M. Sunday ol0:5 A. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at FIRST BAPTI8T CHURCH Rev. O. D. -Tat-Loa, Pastor. Morning services every 8ab kath at the aMd.n.w at 11. m -'"MHh -Jk Jr.-ver meeting -Friday evening 'at Pastor's resi- tvu'mii iiiiiusuiaieiv alter oominr union services in the court Douse at 7 vS-F.i. . -HJNOREGATIONAX CHURCH Rev, W. c. ..?str v dbtis, i-aior. flerrlrat mtiw. finntl.tf it 11 . and 7 r. M.- Sunday School after mornina aarvloe. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free. " ' ""' r 5 -rr-. . i ME. CHURCH Rev. J. Whisul lwstor. . Services every Sundav morning at 11 a. m.. I Bunday Bcbool at 1:20 o'cloet-r.-. -Kpworth League at 6:80 p. . Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:90 o'clock. A cordial in-: Titatlon Is ezteuded by both pastor and paoplei 4 -- 'I . r; :: . -n i. 1HRI -TIAN CHURCH Rv. 3. W.jixnri, Pastor. Preachlnr Id the Consres-atlonal harsh sen- Lords Dav at a r. sr. All an, rdially Invited. . IpOSIdp pa iwi ;t?l m s 1 i M1 DRUGS THE LEADING - liolesale ii ReiailliiiK Handled by Three Registered Druggists. ALSO ALL THE LEADIIfO Patent ffledieines and Druggists Sondries. HOUSE PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City for The Sherwin, vWilLams Co.'e Paints. -WS The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. - - ' . - .; -t ..-... Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestie Cigars. Agent for Tansill's Pupch. ; 129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon Dress-Making Parlors - : ; : ' ',. : " '' m FaghioqaLie and Illb-Malpng : CuttiR and fitting a Specialty. Boom 4 over French dt Co's Bank. MRS. GIBSON, Prop. t. DOMESTIC KEY WEST CIGARS. . ;. ' ' : FRENCH'S m SECOND STREET-. FIflE WlHEp and LiqUO S & CO. INERSLY, ABB - MAGK, - the . -; celebrated fAB ST BEER. BLOCK.;: V : . THE. DALLES OB. POI'UIJSTS AT HOME. Heouarters to lie Traasferred From Oialia to ManaiK!lisu MANIFESTO TO THE- LEGISLATORS Xo Fusion to be Permitted With any of the Dominant Parties. PERSONAL INTEKEMTS NOT IN IT. f opal let CoBgrMsmen In tn 53d Con-yre---M. Senator Lesite not In tne Senate List. Special to fH CHwiNicue. Indianapolis, Dec. 30. At the con clnsinn of the conference of the peoples party it was decided to remove head quarters from Omaha to this city. In the manifesto to the peoples'partyjegis- lators elect in Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, California, North Dakota and other Ht ates,all and each were instructed to stand firm when it conies to balloting for United btates senators,, and avoid a fusion with any of the dominant parties. It pays : . 'Make a square fight; vote for no man unless you. know that he will ad vocate and defend yonr principles, in the United States senate. We have ar rived at a period in our movement where we must make a square up fight for principle. It the two dominant parties want to fuse on a candidate to defeat us. let thejn do so. - The sooner thev do that the better it wili be for us. You cannot afford to consider the personal interests of any jndiyiduaLjio diflVTenceho.w. good or grearrheTuayhcr thWcwTneavTi?" the tinge of barter, traffic or compro mise attached to our party or principles. The people look to you to carry out the promises made in the last Campaign, and unless you do your utmost in that direction, you will fail; so do your full duty.", " Following' are the populist congress men who will sit in the 53d congress : Jerry Simpson, John Davis, Wm. Baker, J. Hudson, W. H. Harris, Kausas; O. M. Kern, W. A. McKoeghan, Nebraska; J, C. "Bell, W. C. Pierce, Coforao; Francis G. Newlaiids, 'Nevada; 'Marion Cannon, California;" Joseph Sibley, Pennsylvania; "J: W.' Johnson, Michi gan. The senators are W. A. Peffer, of Kansas and J. H. Kyle of South Dakota. Kcpeirt on tlie Corn Crop. The Illinois state board of agriculture has tabulated the reports on corn re ceived Declst from nearly 600 corres pondents, representing every section of the state, and the result is herewith giv en :' 0wThg tolh'elinfavorabTe weather at planting time, the area of corn in 1892 is tbe'snaallest reported in twenty-five years, being ' only 6,188.432 acres, of which '2,70b,"462 "acres In the northern grand division of the state, 1,834,671 in the central, and 653,399 in the southern division. - "In northern IlTinois the'average yield per acre was twenty-five bushels, twenty eight bushels in (he central, and twenty seven bushels in the"1 southern division, ah 'average "for the state of twenty-six Bushels per . acre.. The ' total corn pro dpevamoauts to 137,640,285 bushels, or 80,441 ,756 bushels less than the crop of 1891. -This . was distributed .aa follows : In northern Illinois, 68,409,689 bushele ; central .division", 51,632,Y1S; southern Illinois, :17,606,49i; ; "Owing to the inferior quality of the grain, only eighty-four per cent aa com pared with an average', the ruling price of thirtv-five - cents per hnshel fa lower than that obtained for 'two-years past, and the total value of the crop, ii sold at this price at this date, would be bat $48, 913,834, the smallest corn crop in value since 1873. . In the northern, division of the state the value a'24,S74;655, in the central division $17,487 ,600and in the southern division $6,651,579. "The quality of the "corn this season is much below an average, particularly in Central Illinois, where only lone county (Brown reports it at 10b.,. The quality of the whole . division . is only seventy jBeyen'perJeent". Jof, in average. In the northern division the quality is reported a't"eigb"t"y "per cent.' jof an average,1 and in southern Illinois at eighty-six per cent. - Much of the tjprn is soft anii it in.Tery light and chaffy, so it will srrade nnusuallv low." : -Stewart on Silver- New York. Dec. 3rt. Senator Wm M. Mwnrt of Nevada, in an interview save: "Both political parties are mak - ing an egregious mistake in fighting the free coinage of silver. It has got to T . . - . . " " -'("I- a i ikcb a million votes last November, and cap tured states , which hitherto have been rock-ribbed republican. They de manded free silver, and : I . make the prediction that if the republican party fails to Induuefree eU ver- it hereafter will' bo unable to carry fingle state west of Iowa. Should "the democratic party ignore it, now that it is soon to be restored to power, the peoples party will elect a presidential candidate in 1890." ftplit Expected tn Montana. Helkna, Mont., Dec. 30. It now seems a foregone conclusion the legisla ture will split into two bodies, as it did two years ago, and that two senatorial claimants will go to Washington. One will have credentials signed by the gov-' crnor, secretary of state, and speaker of a republican house. The other voucher will be signed by the president of the senate and the speaker of a democratic house. A. J. Davidson, democratic member-elect of the house, is lying al most at -the point of death in'Heienal He will have to be taken to the house in his bed, if indeed he can be taken at all, next Monday, when the house meets for organization. , Work DeUyrd. Salkm, Dec. 30. Muc h of the work of the. board of equalization, iias ' been made impossible becaupe the report of ! the last board was never printed. It i has never been filed with the state printer as the board orderetl should be done.' John P. Robertson prepared conr siderable valuable work for that report and enough were ordered printed to sup ply one to each assessor and members of the legislature, with suggestions as to eqalized assessments and needed legisla tion. The governor did not know that the first hoard had never made a report and has written Secretary Carroll at Union, Oregon, to file it at once so as to get it printed in time for the. legislature to consider it. irtiinhnKnidebtdiieaK. Salem, Dec. 30. The question is being agitated of asking the legislature to pass a bill authorizing counties to bond their indebtedness. We are informed by lawyers' that such a biU wonld be uncon stitutional. The state constitution pro hibits a county from contracting an in debtedness of over $5,000, therefore no person would buy the bonds even if they were issued. The only way to bond the indebtedness of couuties is to procure an amendment to 'the constitution, and such procedure would take three years time. . - - ' -. ; Senator Carlisle's Place. Washington, Dec. 30. Aa announce ment is made with a good deal of posi tiveness . thatSenator Carlisle '-'of Ken tucky" will accept the treasury portfolio, and from present indication',, will have that honor "conferred oh him by Presi dent Cfeveland in the formation of the cabinet. . , -On tlie Kid's Trail. Saw Francisco, Dec. 30. Captain Myers, of the Eleventh infantry, had a brush with the Kid's band of reuenade Indians on Wednesday, near San Carlos, Ariz., but the renegades escaped in the darkiaes8. Four detachments of troops are on the Kid's trail. Takes 1,000 'people to buy Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, at 50 cents a bottle, to make' up "$500. One failure 'to cure would take the profit from 4,000 sales. Its makers profess to cure ''cold in' the head," and even chronie'eatarrh, and if they fail they pay $500 for . their over confidence ... , - - Not in newspaper words bnt in hard cash! Think of what confidence it takes 1 to put that in the papers- and mean it. Its makers believe in the remedy. Isn't it worth trial? Isn't any trial preferable to catarrh T After all, the mild agencies are the best.- Perhaps they work' ''more slowly, but they wOrk-more Yurty.' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are an active agency but guirt" and frit They're sugar coated, easy to take, never ' shock nor derange the system and half their power J is the mild way in which their work is j done. Smallest, cheapest, v easiest to take. One ine a dose. Twenty-five cents a vial.'" Of all druggists Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov'tReport. -Vf- '-(ru.. - . ' ! i. -. . . i - T- - r 1" r'- - , : . '. .- rST -. . .-. a. ,j J I U2 fit' THE IDAHO ASSEMBLY- j " . 6XH t)6rS Arrifc and tSe - Caiiyas: Begun for':PosiHaiis. . . GOVERNOR McCOXAELX'S ARRIVAL He Encountered a Perfect Ovation af the Moscow Depot WATER TO - RKnilM A IliSilKT The Largest Irrigating Canal in tlta Country to He Completed Early ' -Seit Year." '' . '' Special to Th Chroniclr.I ; ' , , j BotBK City, Dec. 30. Members.-' of . the legislature are beginning" to assem-! ble, nnd the canvass for positionsia :lh&'; house has begun. D. T. Miller of Adl; county and F7 J. Mills of Bingham, are" the prominent candidates for speaker." For chief clerk of the house Charles H." Reed and J. E.: Rouusville, both of Ada,; have so far appeared. J. D. Flenner of' Boise, James A, Lock of Bellevne, J. B. Brown of Bellevue and Fred B. Russell of this ciLy, the latter a democrat: are' in the field for chief clerk of the senate. J. H. Wickersham, late democrat ic can didate foe senretary of state, is promi-, nently minti'-pd for eergeant-at-arma WJth l'" .""dsoeof P,liss and JW flMgeyia o, -"s lt is a qnestionl yet how the parties v. a ben it - - v - - comes to tne luv... neither has : absolute control to tne iibmiu v !r has : absolute .'-,control-tU. . McConnell, accompanied y bW- house. accomplished daughter Mis9 Minnie, r . . . i v. !i:. i. : -. jhave arrived, crossing inrougu hbu-- -v h.,hm Mii Orecon. and were received ; . mosrctTrdlally. On leaving his home ia " Moscow, Gov.' McConnell encountered a perfect ovation at the depot. The silver cornet band and au immense concoursal of people were assembled. An avenue. was formed and the governor ran "the gauntlet, being pelted with handful s rice from everyone in line..-The by wishes of the north acrompaiiy - lu After locating seats in the car hei loudlv called for. and eme'reed w rear platform, rendering - a neatl of thanks for this high ' evidence gard. Three cheers and a tiger 1 the departing train. It is announced that the Boise and irrigation company bn been nized and that work on . the New Yi canal , will pe resumea ln-ctne sprun This is the largest irrigation canal in . the country. It starts ' on ' the Boih'9 river ten miles above the city and will . irrigate the arid plateau on the st(uth ward. About $500,000 has been spent od the work and $1,000,000 will lie required -to complete it. ' Two years ago the - En glishmen and Americana interested irk it had a falling but. and work was shot - t i. L 3! down. 'r After tons, negotiations " they ar- ! 1 rived at an agreement to exchange all their 'stocks' 'and bonds for preferred stock and issue a neW first mortgage for $1,500,000. The dith is to be coinpfetvd to 5-Mile crossing next season. Wher, completed the ditch ' will be 70 miles long, and will irrigate 300,000 acres of land. ' - Cramp Makes a Pass. Washington, Dec. 29. The award of - , contracts for - the new warshijis - has ' - "ched such a plane of importance as to : demand consideration. by the president and cabinet. Cramp, is making a over the proposition to give one contr . tr Ran f.a tiAiaAA' u n .3 . hIT inaiof ' the lowest 'bid heing -'accepted-je? tnreaiens to onnir iui navv ae-r -n, I intn nnnlmuinL nntnrintV if thf.-i 7. -IT.-". "--- ' is not awarded to him. - x - Con cress ma a Randn1's EsttV. : Phiuadklfbia, "Defi 29. The Vinal account : of the estate of the late pan- gressman Samuel . J.Randall ehowehe left property valued, u $789, while the fees of the undertakers and phyacians -j who attended him are VU94. 7. - - : - 1 ' .- II rl " --'-. mm ' : -ym , i !-1 r'rO ' . .n-r.,K -