The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 29, 1892, Image 1

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:; , vVOT V.
NO. l?J
XXX. H. Young,
BiaDRsmiifi & voor shop
Genera Blacksmithing and Work done
f promptly, and all work
' Guaranteed.
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Thirl Street, opposite tbe old Liete Stand.
ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OP L. Meet ia K.
of P. hall tbe second and fourth Wednes
days of eacb month at 7:30 p. m.
TA8CO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. fe A. H. Meet
orat ana third Monday ol each month at 7
Menu in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday
1 each month at 7 P. M.
ML Hood Canip No. 59, Meets Tuenday even
ing of each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7::f0 p. m.
COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets
every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in K.
f P. hall, corner Second and Court streets.
Sojourning brothers are welcome.
H. Clodoh, See'y. i. A. Bills.N. Q
FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in
Bchanno's building, comer of Court and Second
streets. Sojourning members are cordially in
vited. W. S. Cm.
D. W.Vabsb, K. of R. and 8. C. C.
I . V101 W'H meet every Friday afternoon
at o'clock at the reading room. All are invited.
rrKMPLE LODGE NO s. a rv n w vj..r.
JL at K. af P. Hall, Corner Second and Court
eireeui, i nursaay evenings at 7 :3u.
u ; ' Gbobo Gibons,
W. 8 Mtiu, Financier. M. W
fAS. NESMITH POST, No. 82, G. A. R. Meets
every Saturday at 7:30 P..M., in the K. of p.
E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in
. of P. Hall.
VEREIN Meets every
n the K. of P. Hal.
DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in
Hall the first and third Wednes
riontii st7-3P m.
rj a
METERS CHURCH Rev. Father Rtuihiu
sbest Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday t
M. Hiirh Mass at Ki:30 a. m. Vnnm .t.
Jr.. :
ST. PAULS CHURCH Union Street, opposite
Fifth. Rev. Eli D.Sutdlfle Hector. Services
every Sunday fct 11 a. f. and 7:30 r. m. Sundav
School 9:46 A. . Evening Prayer on Friday at
I ' to. Pastor. . Morning servises every Seb-
m Muaaemy at u a. m. . saooatn
Cu ana. Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11
a. v. and 7 r. m. Sunday School after morning
servloe. StrangeraBoallally invited. Seats free.
MK. CHURCH Rev. J.: Wbislbb, pastor.
Services every Sunday morning at 11 a. in.
Bunday School at 12:20 o'clock, r. M. Enworth
League mt6M r. at. Prayer meeting every
Thursday evening at 7r8B o'clock. - Acordial Jn
vWation is. extended by both paster mai people
toalL -
Pastor. Preaching In the Congregational
Csarah aab Lcroa Day at I W. su. , 411 are
amaisiiy ia visas.
Snipes l Kin ersly.
Wholesale nl Retail D rnciists.
J' XJ R E3 X H. TJ C3r S
Handled by Three Registered Druggists.
Patent ffledieines and Druggists Sundries.
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnislies and the only agents in
"the City for I'he Sherwin, Will ami Co.'s Paints.
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key West arid Domestic Cigars.
Agent for Tansill's Punch. '
129 Second Street, The Dalles. Oregon
Dress-Making Parlors
Faghioqable Dfe$
Cutting and Fitting a Specialty. ...
Room 4 over French A Co'b Bank. : M RS. GIBSON, Prop.
nE WlME and LIQUOR :
.. ... r TRENCH'S
and Illo-Maing
ri nr. K
' : THE D AIXES&ft R.
A S&arp Chicago Criticism of tbe New
Tort Display.
Concerning the Management of the
Promised Event Next Spring.
Kdneational Efforts to Dissolve Tribal
Dependences Have Been Moat
Marked Other News.
Special to The Chrohicuc.
Chicago, Dec. 29. Since it has been
decided to hold a -national horse show
in this city next spring, comment is
freely expressed in the hope that Chicago
will profit by the ' example set in New
York recently. Society in the empire
city, it is said, is still talking about its
horse-show. It was a gre;t event, ac
cording to the social leaders. There
was a tine display of tailor-made gowns,
of shiny silk hats, beautiful women,
patent-leather shoes and chrysanthe
mums. Also some gorgeous harnesses
and trappings weie exhibited.- There
were horses there to exhibit them on.
A celebrated coaching expert appeared
at intervals in prominence, dazzlingly
accoutered in approved equestrian cos
tumes. It is hinted that he had a new
and appropriate suit for everything he
did. There was interesting conversation
in the boxes ; also a profuse display of
millinery. The one thing wbich seeins
to-' have been rneglectetl -inthe .horse
shbvv'" Was ' a sho wing "of horses. The
latter attracted a minimum of attention.
Gait, breeding and baild gave way in
interest to fanciness in harness and the
liveries of the horsemen. -This state of
affairs is not new. It has marked most
of the swell horse-shows of latter years.
If those interested in the show to be
given in Chicago next spring wish to
cause a novel and interesting diversion,
they must pay less attention to inci
dental trifles and more to the horse;
That noble auimal is, after all, deservr
ing of a little attention. Without hiin
there would be nothing to hang all thte
fine harnesses on. i
Chicago, Dec. 2a. Special. Rev.
Dr. Vandyn who has made a tour of the
far west in the interest of th
cause of education among the Indians,
was in this city last evening en route to
Washington. There can be no more in
teresting subject than that of the condU
tion of tbe Indians. Educational work
and the efforts which have been
made to dissolve the tribal dependence
of these people and place them upon the
independent tooting of citizenship have
been most marked. It is a healthy in
dication that attendance in the j Indian
schools has increased 13 per cent ; that
5,900 Indiana who have received lands
in severalty . have become citizens, and
that by this means of allotment 26,000,
000 acres of land hitherto lying idle have
been opened to settlement; Four, hun
dred years after the discovery of Amer
ica the Indian problem is still unsolved,
bat in these facts and figgres there ia a
significant promise of a solution.
Joe Baehman Dead.'
JSan Francisco, Dec. 2f Joseph Bach
niaa, who died here Monday, was quietly
buried at the Jewish cemetery in this
city today, many of the prominent mer
chants of the . city . contributing the
means for defraying the funeral ex
penses. Twenty years ago Baeh'maoi
was one of (he. leading . operators of Port
land, Or. He and his brother were very
inSuential in local politics, and Joseph
Bachman, when 35 years of age,' was
elected city treaeurer of Portland, hold
ing . that . position for two successive
terms. His brother Addie was then
elects city. .treasurer and Joe retired to
assume charge of the bank of Oregon, aq
institution that eventually wound . up
its affairs in bankruptcy, .causing the
two Bactimanv brothers . to- flee the
country and remain in hiding for fear of
arrest, Bachman resided here severs)
years prior to hie death, The'wherer
abobts of Addie Bachman are unknown.
Death otljoring Pickering.
San- FbamciscoI Dec. 28. Loring
Pickering, one of the proprietors the
Morning Call, of this cityi died e :45
tftif jfornfrjfry&f'jut iljpesa p! jeeyeraj
weeks, ciee4 )jr .i jmpj)ctipa of
tpmach end Jrilnejr( rpubla, ' . .
The Medal Contest.
A. moderate sized audience attended
the contest for the Demorest medal nt
the Court house last evening. The
contest was .in every respect' a most
decided success, the contestants each
throwing so much vim and energy into
their selections and showing so much
thorough training that it was a "difficult
matter for the judges to award - the
medal. The judges were Prof. Brown,
Mrs. C. Dounell and Mr. H. H. Riddell.
The medal was given to Master Earl
Sanders. Following is the programme:
Singing from Gospel Hymns.
Prayer, Rev. J. Whis'lerv.
Remarks by Mrs. S. French, president
W.C. T. U.
"The Cry of Today," Walter Reavis.
"Prohibition Warriors Form in Line,"
Stella Harvey.
"Our Country's Cruel Tyrant," Archie
Battle Call," Fanny
"Boys of America," Earl Sanders.
"Young America's War Cry," May
Music, mandolin and guitars, Messrs.
F. A. French, John . Booth and F. Gar
retson. '
Presentation of medal.
Benediction, Rev. W. H. Wilson.
These contests are given by the W. C.
T. U. and the proceeds are for tbe bene
fit of the free reading room. It is a
most worthy object and . is deserving of
the support of all our citizens.
The balles Markets.
The Dalles, Dec. 29. The Dalles has
not much to say of its markets: Outside
of the holiday trade, business has been
normal. The usual inquiry for provis
ions and groceries has been of its usual
tenor, and prices remain steady. In the
meat line there is a firm and upward
tendency, especially in bacon and hams,
prices have advanced somewhat anil
from best advices the top has not been
reached. The short corn crop through
out tbe corn states this year and the fail
ure in the. loss of young hogs in the early
part of. the year by etenttEiV'Tiksrlsat short
the pork pack of tbe east, nearly 50 per
cent, so it is stated, and prices will be
governed largely by this shortage of pro
Our quotations on farm products are
without change
Butter and eggs are in fair supply and
prjce8are steady. ., '
The wheat Situation and condition te
mains quiet with a little better feelii g
abroad. Portland quotes valley at $1.10
to $1.15 and Eastern Oregon at $1.02 to
(1.05 per cental.
Beef cattle have felt a slight advance
in quotations. Mutton 'sheep are- in
good request and prices are up. We
know of one lot of 1,500 lambs that were
sold on the top at $2.50 per head' for the
coast market, this of course was top fig
ures as they were very fine, It is a con
ceeded point that all kinds of meats will
rule higher this season than they did
during the past. The reason is obvious
when we take into consideration that
the country is a resort for buyers for
meats for other markets, eastward. '
In this city Christmas eve, to the wife'
of E. R. Smart, twins, a bov and girl.
weight eight pound each. Mother and
oaoies doing well.
.Takes' 1,000 people to buy Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy, at 50 cents a bottle, to
make up $500. Oue failure' 'o cure
would take the profit from 4,000 sales.
Its makers profess to care "cold in the
head," and even chronic catarrh, and if
f : 1 . V.nn !-,Afl I tkn!.
j j r 1..- .
.. , . . . . . 1
cash! Think of what confidence it takes
L.i.t tv.;i. (Lu.. .
-to pat that in the papers and mean 'it.-
. Its makers believe fn
e remt y ,
1 t any trial
Isn't it worth a trial? Isn
preferable to catarrh?
After all, the mild agencies are tbe
beet.- Perhaps they work more slowly,
but they work more surely. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets . are an active . agency
but quiet . and mild. They're sugar
coated, easy to take, never shock nor
derange the system and half their power
is the mild way in which their work is
done. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to
take. One a dose. Twenty-five cents a ' the vote in California. There is no, an
vial. Of all druggists. " ' ;.: .certain sound about a 175,000 majority.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.--Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Beer Managers in MilwanSee and Beer:
. in St. Louis Up in Anns. :
Increased Wages and More Beer De
manded by the Brewers' Union.
Psbt Will Probably e Singled Out
For the Boycott Againat th .
Special to The Chronicle.)
Milwaukee, Dec. 29. The threatened '
strike of the brewers union in this city .
is not yet settled. The union embraces
in its membership the men employed in '
every brewery in the city and all have'
decided to demand an increase of wages.'
The increase asked for is f a month on,
the wages of all members of tne union-,
and brewery workmen. At present the
employers are bound by an greeme::t
which wilLexpire Jan. 1st. The demand
for increased wages is basfd on the fact
that St. Louis brewery workmen receive
about 45 a nwtnth more wages than those
in Milwaukee. The men employed int.
the cellars here receive front$55 to $60 & .
month and those in the wash i'i&ue from'
$50 to ijoo. Besides, as is the custom . invi v
all the breweries, the men receive" - -liberal
allowauce of beer-checks and .ara-r'v'
allowed to drink whenever they feel like
it. The leaders in the union Bay they: .
do-do. not threaten a strike as yet, hut.
feel confident that the increase will ba
granted. ,
This, however, is by 110 means assured..
The Milwaukee" brewers have been
shaken up quite frequently, and the St.
Louis prices were always at the bottom
of the trouble.. A year ago the biggest'
St. Louis breweries, after a long struggle
capitulated to the Brewers'- union and
paid the wages demanded by the iiibb.:;iv
Since that time the St. Louis manufac-' ;
turers of beerth said .to have excited
the union here to demand the. sam
,wages from Milwaukee brewing firmed :. . '
T.'ie Milwaukee employers claim that in ,
St. Louis the men work overtime with-
put pay, whileTiere they are paid for alt
overtime at one and one-half times that
rate of their regular pay. They say this : """"
more than offsets any "-difference ini .'
wages. The boycott 'has been found to) ;
be more effective against bser than ar y
other commodity and the big. brewer
fear its power. It is the method of thtf
Brewers' anion to single out one or two)
big brewers in a city and let the othe 9 -alone.
In case there Is a strike here tho , '
Pabst brewery will be singled out, al
though the Schlitz brewery may also 19 '
included. If the men go out it means a ,
big strike. ' - ' , ; ,-- . "
Oregon's Day Blmxby.
Aatorian. Papers throughout the east
are beginning to pnblisb lists of the
states that are to be represented at the
World's Fair. . To the shame and dis
grace of the people of Oregon, oars is the
only name that finds no place, in them,
and the fact is made more noticeable by
the knowledge that oar neighbors to the
no"nana 8a" ot us nave each pre-
pared a magnificent exhibit. It is true,
v KaIiaita t Vl U f ftA K. ... nc 1. t
cuiture nae actually gQt together a fevv
1 ,i T. , .
iiuuure pujiiiBu ppive, peara, etc., oils
we would suggest that tliese, however
awe inspiring, are hardly representative
of lumber, fishing, or any of oar promi
nent interests.
No Uncertain Sound.
Telegram. Senator. Mitchell,
elect ,
us - fathering tbe
bill . to
vote', can
. comfort
senators by popular
much . cheer, aud .