The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 24, 1892, Image 3

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many go.
We are now showing: handsome
lines of ladies Silk Swiss and
Linen Handkerchiefs, Furs,Gloves,
Silk Mitts, Chenille and Silk Ta
ble Covers. .
Any of the above will make useful, as well as ornamental presents,
and we respectfully request you to examine them before purchasing elsewhere.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered the Postofllre t The Dalle. Oregon,
s Meotiiul-claiw niHtter.
Local Advertising.
K) Cents per line (or first iniwrtion. and 6 Cents
pet line for each subsequent Insertion.'
Sfwcial rates for long time nottaes.
A II local notices received bttr than o'clock
will appear tiie following day.
Weather lforeeaat."
Official format for twenty-four komrt ending fat
p. m, tomorrow:
Snow, turning to rain. Haiti Satur
day, chinook wind, warmer. Pagdh.
DEC. 24, 1892
Enderaby people will have Christmas
tree-tonight. - . j,
Leave your order for cord wood at
Maier & Benton'n.
Engineer George, with three care, is
reported ditched below Bonneville.
Barofneter today at2 :30 p. in., marker)
29.25, falling. Temperature stationary.
There is some prospect that a' Bureau
of information will be formed at The
Tin GHBOprrcLB wisher -one and all a
merry Christmas. Be cheerful and yon
will be merryv '
Reports say the ditched coal train !ie
yet an obstruction, three cars being
across the truck.
License to wed was granted today for
Mr. M. Thornton and Miss E. M. Marsh,
daughter of A. Y. Marsh.
Call at Joles Bros, and make arrange
rxients for the celebrated Warner's
batter for the winter mouths.
A rain storm, winding up with a slush
and a freeze, would make it decidedly
intersting for the railway company.
Tl steamer Regulator was towed in
to winter quarters at Hungry Harbor
by the steam ferryboat this morning.
And the .rains descended today, in
The Dalles, upon the juxv and unjust,
according to the predictions by Pague.
Win. Tackuian, a former merchant of
The Dalles, ia in the city band shaking
with old-time friends and acquaintances.
Mr. J. G. Koontz, agent for the Con-
tinenlal Fire Insurance Co., has ' ar
thanks for a convenient calendar for
I be toboggan slide on Union street
will be rolled, and put in fine trim - for
coasting. Out door evening amusements
, now .begin.-
For nice set of carvers Roger's silver
plated table cutlery. Keen Kutter
pocket cutlery, granite ware, etc., go to
Maier A Benton. ' .
Snow boots that have been laid away
for four winters unused, are brougnt out
in The Dalles by their owners this week
and again made serviceable.
A party of young people are arranging
lor a four-in-hand sleigh ride some even
ing irert week. The objective point will
be a visit to Mr. and Mrs, Cashing.
Santft Claua made hia'Brst apiearance
fe-he Dalles at the M. E. church last
, evening, gladening the hearts of many
little' ones, and some of adult age.
A house on West Eighth street has
been quarantined on account of diph
theria. . No alarm is felt concerning the
disease, as the past . experiences ': with
- the health department of the city" gives
assurance that the careful handling of
such and similar cases, places spreading
f the complaint oot of the question.
.; Quietly look around your neighbor
hood and see il there are any who are
not likely to have any Christmas. Play
Sunta Clause a little on yonr own hook.
The only 3-story, fire-proof brick
building in the, city, now occupied by
Cauda II A Burget, for rent. '- For further
particulars inquire of Tom Kelly, at The
Umatilla honse.
Mr. Winans reports the Columbia
rivr gorged all the way across, opposite
the cannery. This accounts for the
scarcity of ice in the stream abreast of
The Dalles.
Rev. O.
tint, church, is yet too ill to preach
Because of this, there will be neither
preaching nor Sunday school servic
the Academy hall . tomorrow
." The Western Union Telegraph Co.
has V surplus of . over $13,000,000. Balfe
Johnson, our worthy Dalles City op
erator, is handy at swelling the sum by
close attention to business.
Mrs. F. W. Baltes, of Portland, was
among the 200 registered at the Umatilla
last night, as in snow blockade. She is
returning from a visit to her parents
Gen. and Mrs. O. F. Bell, of Union,
Oregon: . . . ,
Mr. Wilhelm, living about twelve
miles from The Dalles, and Mr. Young
who lives a 1 Hive him, about fifteen miles
from The Dalles, both on 10-Mile, say
the storm of snow was about the same
up that way as it is here
A floe of ice about 100 feet wide, by
300. or 400, feet, in length, is lodged on a
ledge of rock near the middle of the
river, hall a mile above the vity. This
is the site for the pivotal pier for
coining bridge across the Colninhi
Mr. Henry Williamsof 8-Mile, says
the weather out that way is about the
same as it is here. Snow two feet four.
Stock is well supplied with - feed. They
are in no hurry to see the snow disap
pear, as it is needed to soak through the
The youngest member of the Oregon
assembly will ,be C. Ki Wilkinson,
member-elect from Lane county.' He
is but a few months past 21 years of age,
and the youngest man ever elected to a
legislative body on the Pacific coast. .
A subscriber wants to know what a
jute sack factory in the penitentiary
would cost the state. An appropriation
of $75,000 would establish the institu
tion, and it is claimed great benefit
would result to the farmers of the state
y cheapening grain bags.
One of the west-bound trains aban
doned here was" made up at noon today
and sent east at 1 :25 p. m. on the time
of No. 8, which didn't come from Port
land yesterday nor today. It will be of
some benefit to people east of The
Dalles, it is hoped.
Congregational church services for to
morrow as follows : Christmas service
at 11 a. m.; Sunday school at 12:15;
Young Peoples society of Christian en
deavor at 5 :45 p. m." Please observe
change of time. Cbildrens Christinas
concert at 7 p. m., if the weather is
suitable. " ' : '
The services at St. Paul's Episcopal
church on Chrismaa day will be at - fol
lows: Carol service at 7 a. im; Cele-
j brat ion. of Hal y Communion 7 :45 ; Sun
l day school 9:30;. Morning service, fol
; lowed by a second celebration of the
Holy Communion at ll a. m. ; Children's
Christmas service 7." p.' m. '. The offer
ings at the morning service "will" be for
the for disabled clergy
men, and at the evening service 'for the
children's Christmas.'- ' ' ' " ' y -
We have a large :assortment; of
articles r for -: Fancy. -Work, Fancy
Silks, Pon-Pons, Splashers, Scarfe,
!Elmbroidery Silks, etc.
i A A i
A n extra heavy locomotive and cab-
oose accompanied the rotary snow plow
j to the blockade this morning. Her speed
j out of the city was very slow and careful,
i apparently as if afraid of going to the
; bottom of some of the high trestles .on
i the route.
The sheriff of Baker county had more
than the average incumbrance with him
in this blockade, having two prisoners
for Salem, one a young man convicted of
1 murder, and one a convicted horse thief,
i He has them hand-cuffed together but
tor safe keeping lodged them in Sheriff
Wards cross-bar hotel last night.
The rotary snow plow, ad long
pected, has arrived, and gone at last to
the blockade on the line between this
citv-and 'Portland, leaving at 9 :-55,J
About 200 passengers, from three or four
blockaded trains, who were cared for at
tk. TTn.-:n V....1 1.0,4 ;....
made up this morning, and followed the
snow plow about three hours later,
The entertainment in aid of - Rockdale
school came off on Friday last, and was
fairly successful ; $1 4 having been re
alized, notwithstanding the fact that a
party and dance was Tield in the neigh
borhood the same evening. The school
house was nearly filled with an attentive
and intelligent audience, who seemed to
enjoy . thoroughly ' both entertainment
and supper.
' in The Dalles it is never . necessary to
appeal to the public twice for contribu
tions for those less fortunate. This. was
t tested by the mission of Mrs. Rice
ud Mrs. Predsler, which made so many
little ones happy this afternoon at the
ibrary chapel Christmas tree. These
thoughtful preparations - were ample,
and proved to be a most acceptable
function in- the distribution of gifts
amongst deserving ones.
Among the passengers delayed at The
Dalles by the snow blockade, were sotne
whose business was of a nature to cause
them heavy pecuniary damages by fail
ure to get through. One of these was
a gentleman from Salt Lake City, whose
presence in Astoria by the time the
banks open on Monday morning is very
material. Some time since work was
stopped for want of funds on the Astoria
and Portland railway, so called for con
venience; the contractors had performed
something over $350,000 worth of work ;
having perfect confidence in the princi
pals who were backing the project;
when suddenly influence opposed to an
other railway entering the Willamette
valley from any' source, tampered with
the backers to such an -extent ' as to
weaken their . faith in the enterprise ;
money was withheld, and work stopjied.
The committee of Astorfans holding in
trust a valuable subsidy of cash and
lands to be turned over to the railway
on completion of the line as agreed upon,
have been aggravated beyond further
endurance by the meddlesomeness of
outside parties, enemies of Astoria, em
phatically decided to give the company
but one more chance, and the limit pf
time to renew operations on the work of
construction was fixed at Monday, Dec.
26th. This spurred Messrs. Corey, Bros,
to renewed effort, and they have made
complete arrangements for the final and
perfect fulfillment of all parts of the
original contract. '. They ' are here,
snowed in-; Monday the 26th is not far
distant, but we hope they may be able
to greet "mine host" Megler. and affix
their names upon the Occident register
not later than 10 o'clock tomorrow night.
Then' in truth Astorians may "enjy the
holidays' with- them. ';- ' ' V '.
is- ft,-
' ''M Chroalels . Nondsj,'
Christmas is associated with so much
that is best in ' the . human heart, ' that
even printers are deemed worthy of a
vacation, that the occasion may be
suitablv observed by them. Henee, do
not look for Thi Cbronicli Monday p.
ro. The force will be out coasting on
bobs, or in boats, as may be suitable to
the weather. .
. .- Christmas Gesst. r.
Mr. Andrew Keller, in his confection
ery parlors adjoining The -Dalles Na
tional bank, has -an extensive line of
holiday goods, in -the 'shape of fancy
cakes, candies and k nick -knacks. These
are suitable for presents and should find
tadv sale. They consist of every va
le ty of cake and candies made in dif-
rent shapes. The elegant windows
isplay these to an advantage, and are
urte attractive to old and young.- -. -
Hotlce to Contractors.,
Thb Dali es, Or., Dee. 14. 1892.
hief Engineer!)' office. - Columbia Rail
ay A Navigation company.
Sealed proposals .will be received' at
this office until December 28th, 1892, for
the construction of the portage railroad
of this company Horn Columbus to the
western . , termiuus (opposite Crate's
point), a distance of twenty-two miles,
including grading, bridging, tnnnelwork,
tracklayiug and ballasting. Rock exca
vation and tunnelwork to 'be com
menced by January 15th, 1893, and
completed by May 15th, 1893, and all
remaining work to be completed bv
July 15th, 1893. Maps, profiles',
plans, specifications and approximate
estimate of quantities can be obtained
by application to the chief engineer, .as
also the blank ' forms for proposals on
and after Saturday Dec. 17tb. No pro
posal will he -received unless written
upon such blanks. - All ' payments, will
liemade in cash, within - twenty days
from the date of each monthly estimate,
such monthly estimate to be made on or
alout the last day of each month during
which the work was done or materials
furnished. ' The right to reject any bid
is reserved. All applications or bids to
te addressed to Kmikv . Olivkh, Chief
Enigneer, French's building. The Dalles
Oregon. - -
It isn't the usual toay
it's just the reverse to pay a
patient when you can't care him,
Nevertheless, that's what's done by
the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ca
tarrh Remedy. They promise to
pay yon $500 if they can't care
your catarrh, no matter how bad
the case. ! It isn't mere talk it's
business. Y-iu can satisfy yourself
of it, if you're interested. And yoa
ought to be, if you have catarrh.
It's faith in their medicine that's
behind . the offer. It has enre
thousands of the worst cases, where
everything else failed. You can be
cored, too. If you can't, yoa get
the money. They're willing to take,
the risk you ought to be. glad . to
take the medicine. : ; v ; : ;'.'
It's the cheapest medicine you
can buy, because it's guaranteed to
give satisfaction, or your money ia1
returned. ; - ' -
You only - pay for ths good you
get. 'Can you ask more?, C-iV- .'.
That's the jpeetdiar plan, all Dc.
Piaroa's medicines ara sold on. '
For gentlemen,; we have just re
ceived our holiday line of Neck
wear, Silk, and Linen Hand ker-;
: chiefs, Suspenders, Gloves, etc.
' Mm Variety ni Assorte&t of
Dolls, Toys, Books, Albums, Pianos, Or
gans, Musical Instruments.
o o o o o o o
TMs WeMer's Dic-
tiopary, only $1.00 !
Wnere can yon' "da
O O O 1 o o o
-We Have Made-
curifno holiday Dresents
-v est fads in glassware given away with Tea.
STORY BOOKS for the children with each can of
Baking Powder.
CHRISTMAS CARD TEA A -pound of elegant te
with a beautiful imported Chr stmas Card.
SMOKERS' ARTICLES-Elegant .pipe and fine to
baccos in tins; also, a very fine line of Cigars in.
, boxes suitable for Christmas gifts.
FINE GROCERIES-Pancy Ch-ese, preserved Fruits,,
potted Meats. Sauce r , Salad Dressings and Pick
. . , les for, the holidays.
: Sweet Cider, Pfesh Nuts and Figs.
TREES. ; ;-.-.. ' . . ; . -
'".'J': See, Show, Windows.
' o o o. o , o . ;
A full, line tf
loM ia cioti
flit Oyer M
10 select froa:
at 25c w yC;
o o o u o
if 1 1
Ii i "
h t