Tlie Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPEK r DAIXKS CITY. AKD WASCO COUNTY. Xutorvd at ttoa Fomoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, aa second-class matter. ! 8CB8UKIPTION RATES. bt mail (postasb raarAio) in abtamcb. Weekly, 1 year i 5? o monuu. r j; ' j 0 do j Pally, 1 year. . , i o monias. " w 0 50; Address all communication to " THE CHROH- , . .PTA' S.4CA' FACTORY. Following the lead of Ths Choniclb for an employment for the state eon victs in ;Oregou which would not be oppres-! eive to free labor, upon our suggestions ot a jate sack factory in the peniteutiary, W one is condncteil in Walla Walla, several journals of the stai have favora- . lily commented. Th Pendleton Tribune of . yesterday thinks "tht-matter of let ting this labor out to the highest bidder, as has been done in the pat, is not a Tyise policy. The state can jnat as well Utilize it ami reap considerable profit thereby, and yet not bring such labor " into competition with other institutions which employ free men in this state. The state of Washington has made a success in this matter, and it aeeuis that Oregon would do well to follow the ex ample set by her sister state. The man ufacture of jute bags ' is a business that has a large field, and there is room for another jute mill in Oregon. In fact, Oregon alone could easily use all the bags that could be manufactured by the labor of the Oregon convicts and the production of this commodity would be profitable, and not interfere with the employment of free labor, while the present system of letting out the labor of convicts to the highest bidder allows this class of cheap labor to interfere with the wage earners of the country, sucli as the manufacture of stoves, which ought to be produced by . the manufacturing industries ol the country. The manufacture of the jute bags at Walla Walla last year, to the number of about two million, had a great tendency to keep the corner from lieing made on the Calcutta bags, and actually saved the states of Oregon and Washington vast sums of money. No Iwjtter way can be suggested to use the convict labor ot this state than for this state to build jute mills and manu facture the jute bags in competition with the jute manufactories of India, for no . other class of labor except convict labor i v . fu.ii mmnete witli the uauuer labor of India. Democratic orguns continue to wail over "the corrupt use of money by re publicans" in the late election. They . seem to think it will serve democracy as a shield to hide behiu.i. But when the president elect openly led the forces with 25,00O ami a democratic newspaper boasted of raising $34,000 and hundreds of otiiers made equal claims to such honors, the howl against republicans will not amount to much, and will hardly serve to hide their own crimes. A pner in Eugene is kicking at Hague because they had a sunshiny day recent ly wh-n his forecast of the weather, an jiotfiiced rain. That is rough. Up this way the people place considerable con fidence in the forecasts of the weather, and we disagree with the Register. We think "the fellow" who sends them is mighty right, and does much to soothe the nerves on a chilly day by his mod eration clause. The question of supplying free text hooks to all pupils in the public schools ' of Washington is being agitated by vari ous' papers throughout the state, the conBenBns of opinion being generally in favor of the movement. In part of at least twenty-one staU-s in the Union school books are in whole or in part supplied free to scholars, and in the whole or part of eleven states text books are entirely free. Engineers Meek, Kennedy and Chalk, who divided names and created one for the station known as Mekecha, left be hind them a puzzler equal to that left by Buckley, Colter and Davis, who sim ilarly divided and .left Bucoda for their cool mine, or Chief Engineer Thielsen's daughters Clara and Fannie, for whom Clarnie was named. Tourists generally write these names as coming from our charming Indian dialect. A petition is in circulation for a di vision of Grant county, the new county to embrace most of the territory north of the range of mountains north of the . valley now lying in Grant county, and a tier of townships from Umatilla county. Baltimore cut into a monster plum pudding and sent President Elect Cleve land "a twelve ound slice." It was "English,", yon know. A. duck or a enipe pudding would have been more pointed. Democrats claim that is a Cleveland winter." It Is pretty much such a one as followed his election eight years ago. A sort of paralvzer, so to speak. There are several combinations on foot for the speakership and presidency of the senate. It is said they extend in to the politics of the future. ' "' " ' GREAT IN THE ; PRICE OF i " . Don't Miss It. flrt Souvenir for Gbrisimas A handsome' Portfolio of Photo gravures of the Marvelous Works' of God and Man Prepaired at a cost of S 15iO.OOO Under the supervision of that Prince of Travelers and Lecturers. John L. Stoddard Kvery view an object lesson in . HISTORY, POETRY AND ART. Call on T. J. Hughes, at the store of Crandall & Burget, who is pleased to show it. whether you want it or not. 3COTK Owine to the arrest demand on the pub lisher throughout the east, only a limited num ber could be secured fur the Oregon holidiiy trade, and only a few of these lire available for The Dalles. The first to come will be the first served. For Hal Cheap. A city lot with two houses and out houses, "all inclosed bv fence. Inquire at this office. dtf-12.12 Twelve year, old Maddingly whisky, Simon Pure for medicinal purposes, at Stnbliug & Williams'. WANTED. By a bachelor to correspond with a good-hearted lady, of medium age and possessed of some means, with a view to matrimony. Address O. B. The Dalles Oregon. " . ' COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors to W. s. Cram.) Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Made O A1STDI IE s, . Kaat of Portland. DEALERS IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesaia ; r Retail ! OYSTHRS-10 In Srery Style. " v "- Ice Cream and Soda Water- 104 Second Street, The Dalles. Or. PHOTOGRAPHER. fair for best portraits and views. S. L.. .YOUNG, Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. AT THI Store of I.O. Nlckelaen, 3d Ht. Th Dalles V PBOFICsRIONAJ. CABD. DnlUDAlA. Dbntist. Gas glTen for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth -et ou flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Blgn of lie Golden Tooth, Second Street. E. G. K. SANDERS, 1 J i i iTNTTXgT' Graduate of the IJiiiveriilty of Michigan. Suc cessor to Dr. Tucker. Office over Frenchs' Bank, The .Dalles, Or. DR. ESHELK aK (How kopathicj Phtsiciak and SORGKON. C'alle answered promptly, day or night, citv or country. Office No. 86 and 87 Chapman block. . wti DR. O. l. DOANK PHT8ICIA-ain BUS qioh. Office: rooms 5 and- 6 Chapman -.!. Kesldence: 8. K. e mer Tourt and Fourth streets,, see md door trom the corner. Ofiloe hours t to U A. M., 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 i". M. REDUCTION O reduce our large)stqck of Cook Stoves and Ranges now on hand, we will, for the next 30 days,sell cook stoves and rangesyat greatly-reduced prices ; we have marked down evefyStoVe in our house from j 5 . to 26 per cent This is an opportunity to get ah Ai; cook stove at a price never before offered. ' a " : - W. f. GARRETSON. Mini Jeweler. SOLK AGENT POR Till All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelriy Made to Order; IS HMIWd Bk. TIM IISllM. f. W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine Room The Dalles, - Oregon. Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. I aafajL J New Jackets FROM TO. ... $30. ft ft U IT;, ha r DON'T pRIh TO SEE THEJi. 1 roT-i t lik- ." '3 -ynit.,Jpt-? l amm, 50 NEW STOCK - OF Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and PRIQES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. H THE CEliEBRKTED : COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. ' This -well-known Brewery is now taming oat the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the roannfactare of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed oc the" market. . PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and DeriRns in .. Sr""Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None hut the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masary's Paints used in all our workrand none but the moat skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paint. :. No chemical cumbination or soap mixture. - A. first clasa article ia: all colors. -All orders promptly attended to. . -'.-i,;. . :r - ' 1 - Store and Paiat Shop bornar Thirdand Washing tan Su., The Dallea, Oxegoa arid Ranges City Blacksmith Shop Jl ' 8eoond 8t., 0pp. Hood's Stable, THIS OALI.IM, - - ORHGON. Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, Hhoe 'your fine. . Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blackamitbiiig in the finest style. , Satisfaction guar- anteed. . GtyWWG:& HOGKMflfl , Props. 1 c; f, STEPHENS, DEALER JN Dry Goods i0 (Clothing Rot. 8hotf HiUt- KW. Btc. Kte., Kte. 134 Second St., next to Dalles National ...i Bank. Dalles City, Oregon.. cv.i' '.-e-A .a.-: j -j-sf J SI ?34w inoes. ;. TERMS CASH. J Herbring. ' . ' I t - r Va '.: WINRN HE MEW TOWN Jibs been platted on the old camp ground, at the Forks and k Falls of Hood river, with lnrce siKhtlr tots, broad streets and alleys. good so ' - pure cold water and srmdeln profusion, climate, the eeutrnl attraction as a mountain summer resort and for all Orearm, being the nearest town to Mt. Hood, tt is also nnparalled aa a manufacturing -center, being the natural ceuter for LVi square miles of the best cedar and ar timber, posessi--g millions of horse power in its dashiugf streams and water falls, essily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the manw x factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that can- ot beexeeUeal anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with tranfportation already assorsi yon will find this the place to make a perfect home or a paying IaTXam TITLE PERFECT W. ROSS THE DALLES M . SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OF mmmm m 10 No. 390 to 394, 2d street. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. . The Carrufsled Rnlldlnf peil Iliior Oonrt Hose -; .".-! Handsomely Fnrnisliea -Rooms to Rent iy tie Da?, Week or Mouth. - : Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAdrE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. JAHS. H. FRASER, Pfopf. WE HAVE THEM ! . . All the Latest Novelties? for the Holidays, - ; . I1 ; .' --consisting' or " ' r "; ? NECKWEAR, ' ;" MUFFLERS, r ' HANDKERCHIEFS, - SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, ETC. JOHN C. HERTZ, 109 SECOND STREET, NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS FRAZER & WYNDHAM, Proprietors. ll'WIiTril.''' U3 .8 -as . 'at At the obi stand of R- Lasher, I aV Kfi -W. '-Ht raana I S perfect drainage, delightful mmintxta See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. WI N AN S, ERGANT1LE CO The Dalles THE DALIJES. OREGON. s - Ok "1 ret T B Si .' o 2r no Front Sc. The.Palles, Oregon.