Tiie Dalles Daily Ghronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OK DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. IN THE PRICE OF Entered at the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon, an second-class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. BY MAIL (POSTAGE FBBPAID) IN ADVANCE. Weekly, 1 year 1 SO " 6 months 0 75 u ao . 6 00 3 00 Dally, 1 year. " 6 months. Cook Stores cincres .. V rjJ : " per " " Address all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. GREAT REDUCTION and The democracy are determined upon one thing evidently, and that is not to monkey with the McKinley buzz-saw. They are preparing to go squarely Lack on all promises. Last week one of the few New York democrats who occupy toward the president-elect the position of a personal friend and confidential adviser on matters political, openly de clared that Mr. Cleveland is not in favor of an extra session. . He sees no great advantage to be gained, and numerous dangers which may -: bring disaster! Conditions in the party and in the coun try will have to change greatly, said he, before the president changes hit mind, and unless events of an unexpected character come to pass there, will be no extra session. Thia will be a matter of great disappointment to the more pro nounced and extreme revenue reformers of the Tom Johnson stripe. In addition to this, it will become an accepted tact in political circles in a very short time that Mr. Cleveland will not lend his sanction or influence to the proposed slaughter of Speaker Crisp. It iH repre sented on good authority that lie has gone as far as he caros to in recognizing the tariff-reformers. He thinks Crisp's defeat would be a mistake; that it would be almost suividal for an element to get control of the house which would ..wipe the McKinley bill off the statute books'7 at one session and pass a tariff law on the basis of tariff for revenue only. ; y reduce our large stock of Cook Stoves and Ranges now on hand, we will, for die next 30 days, sell cook stoves and ranges at greatly-reduced prices; we.have marked down every stove in our house from 15 to 2b per cent. This is an opportunity" to get an Ai cook stove at a price never before offered. T; - y --v '. Don't Miss It. . O'TVTySS' There is little doubt but that a general war of rates is about to break forth on the Pacific coast among the railways. The smouldering tire is liable to belch forth any day. The Southern Pacific hit the Canadian Pacific another rap last week on passenger business, and rail road men are indulging in a deal of spec ulation as to the probable result. The first-named corporation has just issued notices to all general passenger agents in the United States of its refusal to pro rata with the foreign road alter January 1st, on tickets reading over the Shasta route from San Francisco to Portland. On and after the date mentioned, pas sengers purchasing tickets over the Can adian Pacific, via the Southern Pacific, to Portland, will be charged full local rates. Many are of the opinion that Uis forced rate will necessitate the much-talked-of line of passenger steamers be tween San Francisco and Vancouver, -the present western terminus of the Canadian Pacific, while others urge that -a different method of retaliation will be pursued, aggressive enough o throw the transcontinental lines into a big rate war. A New England journal, apparently afraid of losing some of its subscribers, -says : "We received in one day four copies of a paper devoted to investing - capital in the west. We hope they have riot been sent broadcast among our read - ers, for such papers are as dangerous as - circulars of the otteries in the Viands of - any but the most experienced financiers When a roan is anxious to make other men rich and pays for a big ad. to let them know it, look out for him, and keep one hand on your purse strings. New England men should be careful how they are tempted by gilded prom ises in the west. For factory men our saving banks are the best for reasonable amounts, and for a thousand or more seek a first class home mortgage, which is the safest. But don't go west with money to invest, for the chances will be against you." What foolish advice to offer sensible readers. 1 ; art Souvenir for Qfiristmas A handsome Portfolio of Photo- ' gravures of the Marvelous Works of God and Man Prepaired at a cost of " $15(0,000 Under the supervision of that . Prince of Travelers and Lecturers.. John L. Stoddard Every view an object lesson in HISTORY, POETRY AND ART. Call on T. J. Hughes, at the store of Crandall & Burget, who is pleased to show it, whether you want it or not. x ITE Owitiir to the ereat demand on the pub lishers throughout the east, only a limited num ber could be securer! for the Oregon holiday trade, and only a few of these are availuble for The Dalles. The Hint to come will be the first served. W. E. GARRETSON, Jeweler. IMlM SOLE AOBNT FOR THIS City Blacksmith T Tsf M S Second St., Opp THE DALLES, Hood's Stable,- All Watch Work Warranted. For Sale Cheap. A citv lot with two houses and out houses, all inclosed by fence. . Inquire at this office. dtf-12.12 Twelve vear old Maddingly whisky, Simon Pure for medicinal purposes, at Stnbling & Williams'. WANTED. By a bachelor to correspond with a good-hearted lady, of medium age and possessed of some means, with a view to matrimony. Address O. B. The Dalles Oregon. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors to W. s. Cram.) Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Made Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. The Italic. Or. W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine Room The Dalles, - Oregon. , Northwest Court Streets. corner of Second and Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksniithing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar- an teed. GU0lHG&HOCKVIflH,PFops. C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN Dry Goods p.0 Plothing ' Boot. Shoes, Mat. Eta. Fancij'EOQdg, lotions, THE NEW TOWN has beeir glutted on the old tami rrtmnd.t at' the Forktand : , . alls of Hood river, with Lrjfe nightly lots, broad streets and alleys, eood soil. pure com water ana trnaae hi prolusion, vertee oral nape, aeiifrnuuj mountain climate, the central attraction us a mountain summer resort and for all Oregon, being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It is a) so uiiparalled as a manufacturing center, beinjr the natural center for 1"0 square miles of the best cedar and tir timber, possess!? g millions of horse power in its dashing streams and water falls, easily harnessed; Where cheap motive power exists, there the manu ' factories will center, 'surrounded by soil and climate that cunt ot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with tra importation already assured you will find this the place to make a perfect home or a paying investment TITLE PERFECT See me on .the ground, or address me at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. W. ROSS; W I N ANS. Ktc., Etc., Kto. 134 Second St., next to Dalles National Bank, Dalies City, Oregon.. O -A. IST ID I East of Portland. IK! S -DEALERS IN- rropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale r Retail eFfBSH oystehs In Kiery Style. Ice Cream and Soda Water. 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. New Jackets FROM TO The international. monetary conference at Brussels has adjourned until May 13th. One of the final resolutions adopted was for the purpose of recognizing the great valne of the arguments set forth in the reports presented and of the discussions held in the plenary sittings, and that while reserving final judgement on the questions submitted, the conference ex presses gratitude to the government of the United States for affording an op portunity to study anew the present position of silver. Continuing, the motion declares the conference haa agreed to suspend its labors and subject them to the approval of the govern ments represented. The American dele gates are booked to sail from Southamp ton for New York, December 21st. PHOTOGRAPHER. The funeral of Henry L. Yealer, the Pioneer who died at Seattle on Thursday took place yesterday under the auspices of the Pioneer association. The body lay in state at the residence on Saturday old friends called to see it. Among them was Angeline, the daughter of Chief Seattle, who wept bitterly as she looked at his face and exclamed :n Chinook, "My best friend is dead." Yesler was oneof the fathers of the town, and his generosity and many good quali ties, endeared all to him, whites and Indians. premium at the Wasco county fair for best portraits and views. s. L. YOUNG, Watches and Jewelry reiaired to order on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. at the Store of I. C. Nickelsen, Sd St. The Dalles DON'T TO SEE TflElVL NEW STOCK OF Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots J 1 ot anonoes. THE DALLES MERCANTI LE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES, ' ! BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S - SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OF . DEBWEA No. 390 to 394, 2d street. The Dalles THE EURO PEAN HOUSE. Tbs Corru(atd Knildlng nest Door to Court Bona. PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. TERMS CASH. H. Her bring; THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. PKOFBS8IOXAL CARD.. L). 61DDALL Dbntist. Gas given for the t.ufui.tMH f-rtmitinn of teeth. Also teeth ;t on floweii aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of le iolden tootn, tsecona oireei. D R. G. E. SANDERS, TTETTTIST. Graduate of the L niversity ot iiicnigHn. cesKor to lr. 'lucicer. Bank, The Dalles, Or. Office over Buc- Frenchs' DR. ESHELKAN (Hom iOPATHIC) Physician and Sdhgbon. Calls answered promptly, day or night, city or country. Office No. iHiand 37 Chapman block. wtf This well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed oc the market. : Hanflsoincly; FMisbed Booms to Rent by . the Daj,; Week or Month. . . Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. MRS. H- FRASER, PfopP. WE HAVE THEM ! All the Latest Novelties for the Holidays, CONSISTING OF " NECKWEAR, : MUFFLERS, - - HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, ETC. JOHN C. HERTZ, 109 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES. OREGON. NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. FRAZER & WYNDH AM. Proprietors. , PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in WA DR. O. 1. 1 U A N E PHYSICIAN AND BOa SBOH. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman -.louli. Keaidence: 8.' E. corner Court and Fourth streeta, see nd door from the comer. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. ... . i i e v. . 23FPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None Dut tne nesi uu Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masnrv'a Paints used in al! our work, and none hn Attents for Masury quw x uU. A first class article m all colors. All the most skilled workmen employed chemical combination or soap mixture orders promptly attenaea to. , - Store and Faint Shop oorner Thirdand WasMngton Sts., The Dalles, Oregon o - c 1- c EC o ' o At the old stand of R. Lasher, no front SU The Dalles, Oregon.