The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 15, 1892, Image 3

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would call your
attention to many g
Uy for the HOLIDAYS.
purcnaseq specia
We are now showing' handsome
lines of Ladies' Silk Swiss and
Linen Handkerchiefs, Furs,Gloves,
Silk Mitts, Chenille and Silk Ta
ble Covers.
Any of the above will make useful, as well as ornamental presents,
and we respectfully request you to examine them before purchasing elsewhere.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Poatoffii-e at The Dalles. Oregon,
:tj Mroiui-elnst mutter.
Lnrnl Advertising.
10 Cents jer line for Hrst insertion, mid 5 Oenu
per line for eiimi subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
Weather Forecast.
Official Jorecwt for twrnty-fnnr hour eiuiing at
$ p. . tomorrow:
Fair, followed
hy rain. Slightly
DEC. 15, 1892
H. F. Davidson of Hood River, is in
the city.
Leave your order for cord wood at
Maier & Benton's.
Mr. Amos and Hannah Root, of
Mosier, are in the city.
Mr. W. B. Day of Chicago, is regis
tered at The Umatilla.
Good morning, this. Nice, balmy at
mosphere. Genial sunshine.
F. L. Masters and Jas. P. Leverett of
Goidendale, are in the city.
B. C. Samuel and J. D. Underhill, of
New York, are at The Umatilla.
Mr. C. L. Frost of Bake Oven, and
Frank Fulton af Biggs, are in the city.
The Dalles has no boom, but she keeps
right along in the even tenor of her way,
Hon. Lon Cleaver, register of the
United Stated land office at La Grande,
is in the city.
Call at Joles Bros, and make arrange
ments for the celebrated Warner's
butter for the winter months.
It will not be for the lack of frightful
examples, if the legislature fails to give
the people a better iaw for decent roads.
Call and take your pick of the finest
selection of umbrellas in the city, suita
ble for Christmas gifts, from $1.00 up, at
H. C. Nielsen's.
A scientist claims to have discovered
a poison in eggs. It matters little to
people in Oregon what is in them at 40
cents a dozen.
T. E. Jones of Mitchell, is in the city
today. He had no particular, difficulty
in getting through, but found pretty
bad traveling in places.
The Dalles Dancing club were to give
a Domino party at the armory tomorrow
night, but it has been postponed. The
regular soiree will le given as usual.
The Astoria chamber of commerce has
passed a set of ringing resolutions favor
able to the rapid opening of the Colum
bia river to free an untramnieled navi
gation. The movement of wheat toward the
seaboard does not in the least diminish.
The Dsillesis keeping pace with the In
land Empire in proper proportionate
. shipments.
The city should follow in the footsteps
of Portland and pass a police regulation
to slop sale of cigarettes to boys. There
is a state law but it is said to be a dead
'. , Every fifty cent cash purchase at
Floyd & Shown's secures an opportunity
to take a Christmas gift of. a fine odor
set. Call and see the goods.' Cor.
Second and Union. ' "
Justice Scliutz Iihs decided not to per
mit soot to accumulate in the pipe of his
coal stove, and has hit upon the plan of
removing such actions by freely burning
zinc in the fires. It is a clearing remedy
- i
The Dalles, Portland anil Astoria Nav
igation company will have a coairuodions
wharf and dock in this city when the
structure now beuun ih finished at the
foot of Court street. - "
W. V. Baker, state food rammit
eioner, is trying to force the Portland
restaurants to serve pnr butter. He
deserves the thanks of the public who
want to know with what their bread is
buttered. '- "Ci
The Dalles is in good supply of fuelY
for the winter. There are in addition!
to that on the beach, 3,000 cords of. tiri;
pine and slab wood on the dump at th j
Lumbering Co.'s flume in this city, y I
lhe Dalles Lumbering cam party are
running their mill constantly and are
iMirtinir 90 (M1 tr 30 00(1 Wt lr
dav. The company will not shut down !
until they are compelled to by heavy
snows and ice.
Dr. J. M. Frace of New Jersey, who
has been a visitor to The Dalles for two
days past, returned to his home this a.
in. via. San Francisco, much more than
pleased with what he has seen, in the
ordinary way of using that term.
Mrs. Frank Sels of Canyon City,
daughter of Capt. J. W. Lewis, and Mrs.
J. E. Snow of Dayville, arrived this
morning. Capt. Lewis seems to be im
proving very nicely. He was able to
affix his signature to a few official papers
luesday. N
lhe Union Whist clUb was ente-
tained last evening at Keller's hall by
Judge and Mrs. G. C. Blakeley. The j
evening passed very pleasantly at drive
whist.. Mr. J S. Fish carried off the
first prize, while the boobv fell to M
W. H. Wilson.
It is with pain that we learn of the
death of the wife of our fellow townsman
Mr. Jos. Frieman. She dieil last even
ing about five o'clock of ursemic poison
ing, and though all was done that care
or medical skill could avail, she passed
from this life. The sympathy of all is
tendered to the bereaved family.
A Washington special says that Sena
tor Dolph, at the urgent -eqnest of the
American Review, has prepared an arti-
le for that publication which will
appear in the January number under
the caption of "Reorganization of the
Republican Party," in which he dis
cusses the causes of the defeat of the
party and its future policy and prospects.
Mr. C. E. Bayard received telegraphic
orders from Washington, D. C, last
evening, to proceed to Portland forth
with and take charge of the office of the
late special land agent of the general
land office, which was made vacant re
cently by the oeath of Mr. R. G. Seavey.
Mr. Bayard left on the 4 o'clock passen
ger train to assume his duties as ordered.
German Lutheran service will be held
next Sunday in the chapel on Ninth
street at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Every one
welcome. Rev. Horn has made his last
missionary trip this year to l rout Lake
tnnd Hood River. In the winter time he
(ill attend to hie German school and
(reparation for confirmation.
Reports say that W. C. Eddon,..who
was recently placed on trial in Sprague
i accused of murder, had been found
'. guilty of manslaughter. The wife of the
a -cneedwas formerly Miss Maude At-
j w;.ter of this city, a very estimable lady. ' volume, and the sketches which are pre
; g. eally respected ly a large circle of ac- enmed to be steel illustrationsare a cross
; quaiiitances, who deeply sympathize : between a common wood cut and a poor
; with her in 'he afflicted visited upon , electro. The only xteal about it is the
I We have no particulars of the 'j price, $10.00 per volume, which,' would
We have a large assortment of
articles for Fancy Work,. Fancy
Silks, Pon-Pons, Splashers, Scarfs,
Embroidery Silks, etc.
A dispatch from Salem informs us
that tomorrow morning the boa'd of
equalization will leave Portland for a
tour of Eastern Oregon, for the purpose
of obtaining information from the coun
ties alone the road as lo values and
methods of assessing.
Plows are still running through the
regions tributary to The Dalles. Mr.
Benson, of 5-Mile, says he still finds tht
ground dry in places, but is not alarmed
bot hat be well soaked in due
time-as it. is now in better condition
than it was last winter at this time,
Mr. James Burlingame of Wamic,
who has just returned from an eight
weeks' visit in the Willamette valley,
save there is no lack of rain down that
wav. While absent he contracted to
de,1Ter hi" "rpln flock of turkeys,150
head, to a fortiana dealer at tair, prices
for the Christmas and New Year holi
day's. ,
The Small and Early dancing club,
composed of many of our pleasure loving
young people and under the guidance of
Miss Winnie Mason, passed a very
pleasant time last evening in threading
the mazes of the1 popular dances. The
people of our city are determined to en
joy themselves during the coming winter
and with the whist and dancing clubs
that ares being formed the winter will
pass quite merrilly.
It is now the season for "Beautiful
snow" poetry, but in lhe Dalles a more
appropriate subject would lie: "Lud,
jlLnd. Lud, what shall we do with the
inua, mua, noua. Alter an eaia ana
pone, however, it must be admitted that
lnmd in the streets is far preferable to
grass, and the mud
fact that there is a
is evidence of the
very considerable
amount of business transacted on thesqn
streets which prevent the growth sf
grasses. .
Besides working the U. S. land office
into a muddle, Harbison has worked
nearly every one in The Dalles into a
fever of bitter hatred of' himself. He
has contracted bills he will not pay ;
moved the land office from one street to
another; bought a flag, and asked the
public to pay for it ; raiseda pole for it on
credit ; and hits generally put on more dog
than a Washington city "lunch fiend" at
a Chesapeake watering place. It is
time for him to get out, before somebody
aggravates the muddle by taking the
value of an unpaid bill out of his snob
bish hide.
We but echo the sentiments of the.
democracy when 'we say .that ho more
suitable man can lie- found in Oregon
to fill the place of U. S. Marshal for
this district than our townsman Col. J.
B. Crossen, the present efficient clerk of
Wasco county. We would riot damage
his prospects for the place by suggesting
the thought, but may be permitted to
state that his appointment would give
perfect satisfaction to all parties where
he is best known, and we are pleased to
learn that he has an excellent endorse
ment for the office.
Julian Hawthorne has not advanced
his reputation very largely by his "Story
of Oregon," as it comes to us from the
press of the American Historical Pul
lishing Co. of New York. Iri snbstance
the work is a very cheap and unsatisfae-'J
tory "write up," in Iwo volumns; and
the books have not ev.en the merit of a
; more than ordinary stvle about them.
j They contain but alxjut 400 pages to the I
be dear at $2.50-
Fresh Columbia river smelt at
Kirby's today.
Mr. E. H. Merrill, steward of the
Regulator, will put in his vacation on
his O. B. Farm at Hood River.
The residence of J. R. Reynolds of
Hood River, was burned yesterday nu-rn-ing.
Mrs. Reynolds was sick during
the night, and her husband got up and
built a fire in the stove. He afterwards
went to bed, leaving the fire burning,
a ud a defective flue caused the house to
burn. Insurance on the house arid fur
niture, 450.
Notice to Contractor.
The Dalles, Or., Dec. 14, 1892.
Chief Engineers' office Columbia Rail
way &. Navigation company.
Sealed proposals will be received at
this office until December 28th, 1892, for
the construction of the portage railroad
of this company from Columbus to the
western terminus (opposite Crate's
point), a distance of twenty-two miles,
including grading, bridging, tunnelwork,
tracklaying and ballasting. Rock exca
vation and tunnelwork to be com
menced by January 15th, 1893, and
completed by May loth, 1893, and all
remaining work to be completed bv
July 15th, 1893. Maps, profiles,
plans, specifications and approximate
estimate of quantities can be obtained
by application to the chief engineer, as
also the blank forms for proposals on
and after Saturday Dec. 17th. No pro
posal, will le received unless written
upon such blanks. All payments will
be made in cash, within- twenty days
from the date of each monthly estimate,
such monthly estimate to be made on or
about the last day of each month durimr
which the work was done or materials
furnished. The right to reject any bid
is reserved. All applications or bids to
I -e addressed to Emkbv Olivek, Chief
F.ugineer, French's building, The Dalles,
By a bachelor to correspond with a
iood-hearted lady, of medium age and
possessed of some means-, with a view t
matrimony. Address O. B. The Dalles
s-. " " Checked
the frightful inroads of Scrofula
and all blood-taints. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery purifies
and enriches the blood, cleanses the
system of all impurities, and restores
health' and strength. It cures all
diseases arising from, impure blood.
Consumption is one of them. It's
r imply lung-scrofula. In all its ear
lier stages, the " Discovery " effects
a cure. It's easy to Bee why. The
medicine that masters scrofula in
one part, is the best remedy for it in
another. . It is the best. It's war
ranted. It's the only blood and lunrr
, remedy that's guaranteed to benefit
. , ,
or cure, or tne money will be re
funded. No other medicine of its
class does it. How maiiyv would be
left if they did? .
It's the cheapest blood -purifier,
sold through druggists, ( no inatter
how many doses are offered . for a
dollar,) because you only pay for
the good you get.
Your money is returned if it
doesn't benefit or cure you.
Can you ask more?
For gentlemen, we have just re
ceived our holiday line of Neck
wear, Silk and Linen Handker
chiefs, Suspenders, Gloves, etc.
For Sale Cheap.
A city lot with two houses and out
housesall inclosed bv fence. Inquire
at this office. ; dtf-12.12
Twelve year, old Maddingly whisky,
Simon Pure for medicinal purposes, at
StublingA Williams'.
The steamers of the D. P. and A.N.
Co. will tie up for repairs on the 17th
inst. and will not run for about two
weeks, after which time tri-weekly trips
will lie made until spring (weather per
mitting.) W. C. Allaway,
B. : Uiiuhuk, . General Alft.
Manager. 12.7td
A girl to do housework. Inquire at
T. A. Hudson's office, 83 Washington
street. dtfl2.12
rtlDlMLi- Dkstibt. Oat, given for the
wOjiUxs. .extraction of teeth. Aim teeth
on flowed Mluminnin plate. " Room: Stern of
- ijolden Tooth, second street.
rvR. G. E. 8ANDKRS
I 1 Hi'TsT'T'Tgyr'
i radnate of the
le I". Iversity of Michigan,
csor to lr. Tucker.
t ifflce over Freuchs'
Hank, The DiUleo, Or.
Dl(. E8HKLM AN (Hon iopathk.; Physician
and bUROBON. Culls anMvred promptly,
iluy or night, city or country OtfiVe No. 86 and
37 Chapman block. wtf
U okon. Oitica: roouib 6 and 6 Chaniran
-k. Ki-sidciice: 8. E. c rner "onrt and
Fourth Htreets, sec nd door from the corner,
i iflW hour to 12 A. M.. J t.. rnd 7 V. I'. M.
MM Variety and Assortment of '
Dolls, Toys, Books, Albums, Pianos, Or
gans, Musical Instruments.
1 , o o O O O O it
m Atm rtTiTiTin Li-.v ?t?'ff
A" mi k oh k
This Welistef
Mary, only $1.00!
(Alif i-vt
Where can yon do tT.'
V.AA.-n I 1 " hl
'S BlC- Miw;'j''
-We Have Made "' '
Call and examine
our stock of
First premium at the Wasco county
fair for best portraits and views.
Campbell Bros. Proprs
rSwcKssrs to W. s. Craa.)
Manufacturers of the finest French and
Home Made :
East of Portland.
f- -1BA1.ERS IN
Tropical Fruits, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of theee gooda at Wholi
r Retail
In Kvry tityle. .. .
Ice Cream and Soda Water
loo Second Street. The Dalles. Or.
o o o o o o
A M line 'of
12-Mo. BOOKS,
iml in clotl
lilt: Over 200
io select from,
at 25c per vol
o o o o o o o
i r.
2 4
4 g