The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 10, 1892, Image 3

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    - - -.-in
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E now. have-on exliibition 4i our ceiiiter windoAv .
articles of ' Fancy Work, suitable ion Chiistmas
- presents. These were made by the ladies of v
the Congregational Church, and tlx? proceeds fro m . , .
the sale of these will be used to help defray . the-' ex) v
penses of furnishing the Church.
Pease & Mays.
The Dalles Daily Chroniele.
Kiirrr-'il 11 the t'ostottu-e ut The llaUes, Oreirtin. I
Loral A 1 vrtisiiip.
10 Cents JM.T line for tirsr insi-riion. ami 5 'ent!-
per Miii; ntr i-rtcn siiiist.iieti. iti-'.'rrinii.
Special rrttos for tuiiir tinit' n-itiii..
A !1 lK-ai notices receive.! Inter thrill :i o'f'loi
will appear t:ie follnwinir day.
j Weather Fvrecat. forrrax: for twcntj'foitr hoars entin;ini
o p. 111. lomo. inw:
Snott", with stationary temperature.
DEC. 10, 1892
Hon. ( ieo.
the citv.
. Jol-npon of Dnftir, is in
Mr. (. Kiner.-ly returned on the noon
train today.
Teave your order for cord wood at
Maier )fc Benton's.
Mrs T. M. Sparks, formerly ot The
Dal lee, in visiting in the city.
Hon. W. H. Bijijjjs of Wasco returned
home on the noon passenger today.'
Messrs. P. P. Underwood and H.
Hudson of Boyd, jrave us a pleasant call
AVe are pleased to learn that Mr.
Morgan, editor of our contemporary is-
tieller today.
1 lie alarm ot n re tod a v was onlv tlie
burning out of a chimney at the Cosmo
politan li itel.
Twelve rear old Maddingly "whisky,
Simon Pure for niodicinal purposes, at
Stuhling'& Wiiliains?.
The west hound passenger train came
in this morning at 9 :45 heing ahout- six
and a half hours late. "
The Kev. J. C. Baker, will hold service
at the academy tomorrow morning at
11 o'clock. - A cordial invitation ia ex
tended to all. .
It is very pleasing to hear that Cap
tain Lewis is hetter, and has made some
progress toward recovery from his pro
tracted illness.
Jos. Mac.eachran esq., returned yes
terday from Piineville whew he has
been on business connected with the
Finlayson estate.
The two steam wood saws have de
moralized the Chinese wood sawvers and
they are seldom seen with a buck-saw
at work anywhere in the city.
Do not wipe yonr not1 until you have
taken a good view of the fine display of
handkerchiefs in the first window of
Pease it Mays this evea
The city is very lively todav and trade
seems brisk, but there is a general com-,
plaint of bad roads, and travel to and
from the city is largely suspended ou
that account.
iwo cases 01 8carieunaauliUnonii
is reported in the city. There is no
need of any alarm of its becoming preva
lent as our physicians will check it in
its iiicipiency and stamp it out.
Mr. .1. II. I'iiirnian received three full
I bred rt), ,tr-r thU morning by express,
ron-NMiig of a ,h:mah;in-. Plymouth
an.'.. White 1 evrhon.. Tii.i- menus l,e
K' "' '" u,,'m';.'kt, business in iir.t
.Messrs. jc-,irge and Isaac Joie-j of this
city, went over into Sherman county a
few days ago on a wild goose chase and
succeeded in bagging oH large wild geese
yesterday, and returned home last eve.
Thjev report the shooting as verv fine.
The city ordinance recently passed re
quiring sidewalks to be built on the
burnt district, has had a good effect, and
now nearly all the wa'ks are laid, which
not o-dy a convenience for pedestr-ans,
is a great improvement in the appear
ance of the citv.
acy Shown; of Flovd & Shown, has
just the nicest Christmas present iu the
market. It is a beautiful letter basket.
of dainty make and exquisite style.
The beauty of the present, however,
consists in the fact that the purchaser
of a basket- gets a fine gold watch for
lames wenr, iree witu trie oasKei. i
The public schools in the city are in a
flourishing condition under the new
management. All the rooms are full to
overflowing ami a keen interest is mani
fest in the pupils in their studies. Prof,
(-avan has already rot a tine hold 011 his
corps of teachers and scholars,, and is
d'intr excellent work and withal, is very
There is going to be war to the hilt on
the Union Pacific by the opposition
roads. The representatives of these dif
ferent-lines, accomplished a deal more
than was supposed in their recent meet
ing in Portland. They were instructed
to formulate a scheme for retaliation and
to say. nothing, which ip construed to
mean sharp hostilities regardless of con-
leK? utf ill
Hie. lH3l il
of William
Whkbbas,'' The hand of death has in
viided our c:;stie hall, and removed from
our midst, onr beloved brother, V. H.
Michel ; therefore lie it
llemilred. That in the death of our
iror.ber, Friendship lodge has lost a
aitiit'ul Ki-i"ht and. wort brother,
eloveil, esteemed and resjiectd, not
oilv by his brother Knights, but by all
who knew him.
He: il 1 rii. That we extend to the rela
tives of our brother our deepes-t sympa
thy in the'r a Miction and assure them
'iiat even this cloud of affliction has a
si'ver lining in the .fact that the ibe of
the deceased was pure and .upright and
one that all should strive to emulate.
liesnlied. That, our castle nail be
d raned in mourninir for sixtv liavs in
(honor of the deceased, and that a copy
i Jul these resolutions be presented to the
iamily of the deceased and handed to
,the county papers for publication.
W. H. Wu.sotf,
. W.,
L. E. Ckowk.
A merry party consisting of students
from the Acadeinv, was last evening en
tertained at the residence of Geo. Snipes.'
The evening was passed in pulling candy
and other amusements. Those present
were Misses Clara Davis, P.eulah Patter
son, Mable Riddel, Maie Beali, Emma
Bonney, Pearl Williams, May Seckler,
Ethel Baker, Daisy Allaway, Nona Kowe,
The Haie Kojs.
The W'al'a Walla Statesman of the 8th
says: "Dr. E. P. Ea'iin is in the city
today from hia farm near Milton.
Speaking to a Statesman representativu
about the arrest of the Hale boys for the
robbery of the Koslyn bank, the doctor
said :
It disgusts me to hear the newspapers
speak of Ca! Hal? as one of the worst
desperadoes that ever infested this coun-
itrv. 1 have known him since baovhood.
have attended him many times in a pro
fessional capacity and I know that is
not his nature. He is an imbecile, as
harm 'ess as -a school boy and his com
mit, big a deed requiring the display of
as much nerve and spirit of daring as
did the robbirg of the lioeiyn bank, I
i-onsider morally impossible. I. do not
believe that he ever was a hundred
miles from home in his lite. His hroth
The steamers' of the D. P. and A. N.
Co. will tie ,np for repairs on the 17:h
inst. and will not -run tor an-tii. two
weeks, after which time tri-weekly trips
will be made until .spring ( !i"r per
mitting.) -' V. C.'Alt'AWAV,
' B. F. Laugiilix, ' Ge'iemkAgt.
' Manager. ; 12.7td
Bessie French, and Messrs. Homer An-fl
trel, Freas Saunders, .Tames MalonevJ! ers Ed and Nat have a reputation for
Forest Fisher, Fred Snipes, Walter inS 8"eak tiliev!S. stealing a slick ear
, , Tr .. V. , t if on' the range now and then, but to
A'Cbl.V II., , V. Mil t A'U'UI, UUIIII
Cooper, Willie Fields and Walter Nor
man. s
Amongst the notables met with in
Portland th'9 week are tlie Columbia
river salmon canning barons, who are
endeavoring to form a trust. The great
est difficulty in the way seems to be,
said one of them, a lack of our trust in
one another. Mr. J. O. Hanthorn dis
missing the subject said: "What wor
ries us is rne tact tliat tlie industrv on
the Columbia river is certainly 011 the
decrease on account of the scarcity of
salmon and although we pay a tax on
our fish to keep Oregon rivers well
stocked, the laws are so lax that the
money is not- all collected, and that
which is collected its not sufficient to
carrv on the business. Jf the same
amount of apparatus had been used to
take fish from the Columbia river
fifteen years ago as there is used now,
1 ,000.000 cases could er.-ilv h ive been
packed annually, while now with all the j
tish we can buy, we have difficulty in j
t tirniiitr out half th't amount.' I
pioge trorn their natures as 1 know
them, it would be absurd to think of
them committing a deed requiring so
much nerve and boldness. ' Cal on the
other hand has always borne a good
reputation, and, as I said before, 1 be
lieve it is impossible for him to have
l-een interested in this robbery as it
would be lor a little child.
Dr. Eagan believes the arrest to have
been a scheme of detectives to get the
big reward offered."
We are informed by a prominent citi
zen of Fossil that Cal Hale was in that
city the very day of tlie robbery and
purchased a bi'l of goods from Messrs.
Steiwer & Co. ,
A.n tmusual offer
the one that's made by the propri
etors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Unusual, but made in good faith.
It's a reward of $500 for an incura
ble case of Catarrh. If you have
one, the money's for you. . But you
can't know whether you have one.
i till vou've tried Dr. Suge's Remedy.
v"i,"r,t'o ;..i.i r. ..l.:.
-a niLiuauic ii y itlly oilier
meansi yields to that. By its mild,
eoothincr, cleansing and healing
properties, it cures the worst cases,
no matter of how long standing.
That's the reason the money can be
offered. There's a risk about it, to
be sure. But it's so small that the
proprietors are vwilling to take it.
The symptoms of catarrh are,
headache, obstruction of nose, dis
charges falling into throat, some
times profuse, watery, and acrid, at
others, thick, tenacious, mucous,
purulent, bloody, putrid and offen
sive ; eyes weak, ringing in ears,
deafness ; offensive breath ; smell
and taste impaired, and general
debility. Only a few of these
symptoms likely to be present at
Real Kfttate Traneferfl.
No 1 fr.-i-lii fain va'
si t
hist !iJi;i:
Stoi in jiist the
and was in si
iiion li of -John
t he ruild A an. ui
, th-.y
oilier ;
. ''.ya.
into ;t snow
it l.'tuiUUIu.
ide of the-
? iee;ji'l on
ton wiier.; it
was aoout four inches J :
N !-.:
til" t'
HJ id
- r-i-
ci;r; :a
the re.i The seci ct:i::y of war has
tu the bid of Messrs. .1. t;. and I.
i'. or Sr.n t ri- i!i;iMt:;-,L'
M:l.! pre! 'it-k-: ,1T. tl-i cii-r-lcs of
'!,.:'i' in . l! i-i.i-.T onlv rpiiinii.s for
;C'i'S-tiU t i'l!1 to -.11- "atisi':!;t.y
. oi 'vw:;!'. ooricv ''i--::-.
i- -.1 ruio-r-j'.' l in.---..'-.t ? t.-iiay,
t T: -: r- ! ..;- ':r..-; .-.t' . '-.,iv - .'..
t'j liie.thiiir b-':. The truti, of
Dec. 5. B. S. Huntington to J. H.
Johnson, assignee's deed, s'a of se1,
the ne.1 of se1-4, and the se5 of ne of
sec 22, tp J, s 13 e w. m. Consideration
2,1S5. ' '
Feii. S3. tjnit claim deed, L. V. Wil
son and E. L Wilson ; . same to J. II.
Johnson and P. Johnson..-
I Dec S. Win." M." Cantrell and wife
j to Aniirew Andersoii, e' of nw'( of s;c.
j 2o, s p 4. s. r 13 e w. in. - SO ai res. Con
i sii'tt1! -'ation t ). " -. "
i Oct. .". :'rai:k lluiitt and v, "f- to
V I-
wife, s e
Considei -.
First preminin at the Wasco county
fair for liest portraits and views.'
Campbell Bros. Proprs
iSttccPssers to W. s. Cram."
r 14. 2
Oct. 17
1 s i
i---irer, n e -
in. Cotisidvra.ion
1.. J. K -iniir tine
2, tp 1 ii, r 14 w. in..
o-0. .
9. Fi'unk Unott and
- ; 2. 1 ii
-ort is',t.
j r i - w. iu. Couaiue;a.ivit ,-5j
MHiiufHctiircTs f the tinest- Kreiioh nun
KM of l-'cirtl.iM-t.
tiEA t.Kus i.S
k:yhi FniiTs, Nuts. Cigars aiii 'Hw,
!r. fur; --fyTr-
j ' 10 f s!eioit.i Street. Thts UAdrt.'Ov.
- Elite Variety and Assortment of ;
lolls, Toys, Books, Albums, Pianos, Or-
' n a i a
ans, iviusicai rnsirumems.
o ty o t .t )
look mk 'i w&t A M line or v
x o o o
" r 4f T -
We Have Made-
Sweeping Reductions.
Call and examine
our stock of
holiday presents
Tub Days Cleaii Si !
- r : - - . -
At 65 cts.
sl to sl,50
At" $1.15.
: i
s2 tbisS,SO
Tjiss Anr;a pster.G .o,
. '