ifiee Sale 3? CLOSING THE SEASON. Ml our pall apd Alipter (Joods must o. R "TTTE will not carry these over to another season, ; and have marked them jiown to pri ces that must sell them and that The Dalles Daily Ghfoniele. Entered the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Local Advertising:. 10 Cents per Hue for first Insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates lor long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appeur tae following day. Weather Forecast. Official forecast for twenty-four hourx ending at 5 p. Mi. tomorrow: Fair followed by rain. Snow in the mountains. FRIDAY NOV. 25, 1892 LOCAL BRBTITIES. A. W. Brenner of Kansene, is in the city. Miss Anna Moore returned to Portland this morning. T. A. Abernethy and.Dr. J. A. Lyon, are in the city. Leave your order for cord wood at Maier & Benton's. Miss Minnie Michell leaves for Tort land on the evening train. Wendell Hall of Spokane, is in the city. Also, Prof. J. H. Fisk, of Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Smith French and Mr. Frank French returned from Portland yesterday. Mrs. Emma Waffle of Umatilla, is in the city, and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Manns. Everybody In The Dalles yesterday observed Thankegiving in a suitable manner, according to taste. Two cows and a valuable dog were killed on the U. P. E. yesterday, be tween Heppner and Cascade Locks. The barometer today in The Dalles shows that another severe storm is brew ing somewhere. It is low and falling. Dutch Flat, eight miles south west of The Dalles, and possibly 2500 feet above, S it was visited by quite a fall of snow last night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Stevens . came up on the Regulator Tuesday, and are spending a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Stevens. Justice Schutz court which has been banging along, awaiting developments for some time past is now about like the mills of the gods, all ready to grind. The Columbia River Fruit company made a large shipment of fine prunes yesterday, and' The CnnoxicLE chal lenges the Pacific coast states to beat it, for quality. C. C.Hobart and wife left on the mid night train for Lew is ton, Idaho, to at tend the funeral of their nephew Will Wiggin, who was drowned in SnaTel river on Thanksgiving day. "vMrs. Helen Harford, W. C. T. U. lec turer for the state of Oregon, will ad dress the citizens of The Dalles at the ' reading room this evening, at 7 :30. A cordial invitation is extended to all. A government inspector of railwavs was hustled through The Dalles at light ning speed yesterday, in a special car with a locomotive. About -three miles - tnis side of the cascades a hand car was met. The men on the car escaped,-but after that locomotive, got through with .that hand car. you could put the latter inty your pocket easily, it was broken ujnjo completely. '. NOW IN progress; a GLOsma OUT SAKE of our entire line of Fall and Winter Dry GoodsClothing, Cloaks, Furnishing Goods; Hats, Shoes, etc., etc. F XT Mr. Geo. F: Beers took a vacation last week, the first one for several years, and in company with Mrs. B. visited the consolidated city,going by the Regulator line. . 1 . In a few hours, perhaps tomorrow, we hope to hear of some first class detective work in the Inland Empire. There is a fine field for it, ripe for a bountiful har vest, oi weii earned laurels. v. w. i inning ui muiau vuuiib J i uui the Warm Springs reservation, are loaded or loading at the East End for the agency. Uncle Sam is very gener ous to these wards of the government. They receive two cents per pound for hauling the goods, then the goods are issued to them gratis. Yesterday the little son of J. W. Jen kins white playing along the flume about five miles up Mill creek, fell about ten feet on some rocks, receiving a scalp wound about 2J inches long, cutting to I the bonei and another cut about half an inch long over the right eye. Dr. Eshel- man stitched and dressed the wound and the little fellow is resting easv. There is some kicking in U. P. R. cir cles because The Chuoxicle sees fit to speak the truth about matters of busi ness in the transportation blockade, in consequence of the Reed geyser obstruc tion. Readers in the Inland Empire are not such fools as to be hoodwinked by falsehood ; and it would be better for the U. P. if they would tell the truth a little more frequently. Judge Blakeley has a petition, accom panied by a letter from Supt. J. H. Misener, asking aid for the Boys and Girls Society of Portland. The approach of winter calls for necessary extras, and as the society cares for boys and girls from all portions of the stale, it is no more than right that all parts of the state should contributed The society now have four children from Wasco county, and Judge Blakeley informs us that there are three more here that should be taken to the home as soon as possible. But few reports reach us of people 111 fa hi the Inland Empire witnessing the eteoric displays this week. Dis patcnes snow mat tne new comet is a pretty fair one, even if it was discovered by a mere amateur astronomer. There are six comets now visible in the heavens, and if you look through some glasses you may see as many as twelve. Another comet lias just been discovered, but the astronomer has not yet been able to determine whether -or not. the pplpfit.in.1 hndv hna inaf: nnacorl (hinnnli the throes of a general election. The Thanksgiving dinner at The v Li matill a yesterday was largely patron ized by others than those immediately "at home" there, and it was certainly a inner equal to any given in Orecon. the dining room, which will comforta bly seat 300 persons at one time, was very handsomely decorated, and the tables were ornamented in true metro politan style. Steward Cooper really outdid himself in the display and orna mentation of the center table, upon which was a sturgeon, mutton-head, beef-head, fat turkey dressed, and orna mental cakes, pies, etc., all artistically arranged, and very much admired Pioneer Bakery. Having again reopened this popular bakery and employed the services of a first class baker, I am prepared to furn ish the public with the very best of bread, pies and cakes on short notice. Next door to Chrisman & Corson, Cor. Washington and Second streets, The Dalles, Or. ' Geo. Rich. A quickly, too. You will need Blank ets, Quilts, Underwear, Hosiery, Rubber Goods, Shoes, Dress Goods, Clothing'. Then take advantage of s Er The ISergfelrt Case. The following jury was empanneled . Wednesday, to try the case of the state Bergfeld. Tim. Mahew, H Egbert, Th Harper, J. W. Wallace, Robert Lowe F. Blythe, Charles Cramer, D, W. Hoi gate, L. E. Ferguson, T. E. Wickens, W. J. Harriman, and John Murphy. After the jury was impanneled court adjourned until this morning at which time-the examination of witnesses began on the part of the prosecution. The following witnesses have been examined today up to the hour of: going to press with this edition : Dr. O. C. Hollister, Jos. Nitschke, Jerome Lauer, N. M. Eastwood, A. S. Bennett, Dr. O. H.D. Doane, Dr. Rinehart, Dr. Logan. s Nothing in the nature of new evidence from that reported in The Chronicle at the time of the preliminary examination has so far been adduced. fxhe court room is crowded with snec- tators, many ladies watching the pro- Lgress 01 tne trial witn interest. ' s.., . Last evening a party of young people had a very pleasant time at the resi dence of J. E. Barnett. Games of all kinds, interspersed with supper and laughter, mostly the latter; were the sources of enjoyment of which there was no lack. There were present Misses Grace and Hattie Glenn, Georgia Samp son, Grace and Lillie Kelley, Nettie Freddeu, Julia and Clara Nickelsen, Hilda Beck, Edith Randall, Pearl Joles, Lizzie, Bernie and Martha Schooling, Grace and Bertha Wilier ton, Emma Williams, Delia Michelbach, Eflie Adams, Susie Chase, Beulah Gilgard, May and Edna Barnett and Masters Victor Sampson, Dayton Taylor, Harry Fredden, Neddie Baldwin, Earl Sanders, George Rnch,- Frank and Gay Chase, Rowland Wiley, George Rice and Archie Barnett. All repaired home at a sea sonable hour and in a happy frame of mind, though probably somewhat tired of limb. COSTUME PARTY. Thanksgiving Ere Suitably Observed at The Academy. Wednesday evening the pupils of Wasco Independent Academy entertain- jed their friends in the art studio, appear ing in costume, and masks. The follow- ng characters were represented : Georgia Sampson, Kate Greenaway; Pearl Butler, Grecian costume; Homer Angell, Clown ; Freas Saunders, Clown; Evie Heppner, Alsatian girl; Daisie Alloway, Flower girl ; Myrtle Michell, ,fold Mother Hubbard ; Maybel Riddell, Japanese girl ; Maybel Mack, Chrysan themum; Burnside Taylor,. Topsy; JJaton Taylor, Milk maid; Miss Aque, ind Miss Holcomb, Nobody's chilluna ; 'orrest Fisher, Colored baseball player; 1 r'illiam Fredden, Gentleman of the 14th c mtury ; Fred Snipes, African Iude; Walter Johns, Candle seller; S ay Sechler, Night; Anna Taylor, Astrologer; Ethel Baker, Priscill a ; Julia I ill, Topsy; Laura Thompson, Butter- Willie Crossen, Grover Cleveland ; eddie Baldwin, The Press; Bertie aldwin, Soldier; JakeMcCown, School irl; Willie Fields, Brownie; Clara avis, Pearl Williams, Maie Beall, Bessie French, Gypsies ; Beulah Patter son, Cleopatra; Harry Kelly, Shylock ; Aimee Newman, Evelyn Newman, Annie Williams, Macbeth's witches; Jauie Maloney, Gypsy ; Charles Clarke, Sweet Sixteen; Emma Bonney, Gypsy mother; George Dufur, Gypsy. After the masks were taken off sing ing, tableaux, and charades were given, the whole concluding with chocolate and refreshments. It was a very pleasant evening to all invited guests. " fSy It D MHYS Wedding Bells. Married at Tangent, Oregon, Nov. 17th 1892, at the residence of the brides sister Mrs. Mary Churchill, Frank B. Stevens, of Condon, Oregon, and Miss Lillian Rohrer, of Mt. Vernon, III. Rev. Lee officiating. e rooms were beautifuilv decorated for the occasion, and at the appointed hour for the bride and groom to make their appearance, the mellow light streamed out on a scene of beauty. The guests were a happy party of relatives from different localities, who appreciated the importance of the occasion also the delicacies of the wedding feast so lavishly spread. Handsome and valuable pres ents formally presented by relatives of both parties. The bride has for years licld a position in the foremost ranks among the prominent educators, both in her old home in Illinois, and in Eastern Oregon. The groom is well and favora bly known as a successful stock raiser in Eastern Oregon. Both parties have a large circle of friends who unite in send- JUng after them kind wishes lor their prosperity and happiness. May they ive without a discord to break the sweet music of domestic happiness, and their lives be attuned to harmony and useful- ess. ISad 1'lace For a Hennery. It is given up by all the best authorities tjhat a hen is the most provoking animal IBiat exists ; and certainly Dick Power, le gentlemanly station agent, post- aster and merchant at Mosier is will ing to bear added witness to that truth. Fr two years he has been justly proud a band of fine leghorn chickens, but varied experience in the time named so discouraged him that be has ost decided to abandon poultry rais Many have been killed by the cars, led by paesing tramps, and occasion- ly, perhaps, been mulched by friendly ain bands. But laterly they have aken to riding awav on freight cars, having flown up in search of grain, and failing, through either perversity or ter ror to fly down again when the train is in motion. On one occasion recently it made Dick so mad to see his stock passing majestically by that he quickly got his shot gun and pursued the fleeing train, killing five of them, and bringing them home in triumphal glory. The Only Hope. Inter Mountain. There is not a man in Montana outside the Warm Springs insane asylum, who .believes that the democratic party' with .both" houses of (congress and . the presidency, will ever pass a free coinage bill. The only hope for silver lies in the international con ference, which is a republican idea. laost or Stolen. . - "Cap," an Irish setter (large dog with yellow hair) Wednesday ; collar on neck marked "Thos. Harlan, La Grande," if not removed. Any information as to his whereabonts please leave at Chron icle office. Milton Hablan. The Quickest Way to Care a Cold. Do you wish to know the quickest way to cure a cold? We will tell yon. To care a cold quickly, it must be treated before the cold has become settled in the system. The first symptoms of a cold is a dry, loud cough and sneezing. The cough is soon followed by watery ex pectoration and the sneezing by a pro fuse watery discharge from the nose. In severe cases there is a thin white coating on the tongue. What to do? It is only necessary to take- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in double does every hour. That will greatly lessen the severity of the cold and in many cases will effectu ally counteract it, and cure what would have been a severe cold within one or two days time. Try it and be convinced. 25 and 50 cent "bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. this GREAT MARK-DOWN SALE Remember first comers have choice of selections. N. B. All marked in plain figures. 0 The Parting of the 'Ways. Wilkins and Watkins were college chums and close friends. They had been hard students and had taken little out-door exercise. When they shook hands and said good-bye at the end of their college career, they were in im paired health. Both had dyspepsia, liver troubles and troublesome coughs. Wilkins had plenty of money, and decided to travel for his health. Wat kins was poor. ."I must go to work, for my living," said he, "but I'll try the remedy that Robinson talks so much about Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery." In less than two years Wilkins came home in bis coffin. Watkins, now in the prime of life, is a bank president, rich and. respected, and weighs 200 pounds. "The 'Golden Medical Dis covery' saved my life at a critical time," he often says. '"Oh, if poor Wilkins had only tried it!" For weak lungs, spitting of blood, all lingering coughs, and consumption in its early stages, it is an unequaled remedy. " , For Sale Cheap For Cash. The best ranch in Gilliam countv, Oregon. Being the E. of the N. W. and N. E. of the S. E., Si , of S. W. of section 10, S. E. of the N. E., N. H of N. W. of section 11., and the N. W". of the N. E., and the N. E. of the N. W. of section 15, tp. 6, S. 21 E. of the W. M. This ranch contains 400 acres ; some of which is grazing. There are fair buildings on the place, and good water. For further information address C. W. Richie, P. O.. box, 108, Walla Walla Wash. 10.29dwlm American Cholera. From the Daily Ekveillk, Whatcom, Wash. "T. C. Burnett, the democratic candi date for sheriff; was taken violently ill at Clearbrook. He had all the symp toms of Asiatic cholera, and for an hour or two it was feared he would die. They finally gave him a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which revived him until a physician ar rived." That is precisely what the manufacturers of that medicine recom mend for cholera. Send for a physician but give their medicine until the physi cian arrives. If cholera become preval ent in this country next summer this preparation will be" in great demand be cause it can always be depended upon. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. , . NOTICE. All Dalles Citt warrants registered prior to January 6, 1891, will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. Dated October 13th, 1892. ' L. Rordex, tf. Trcas. Dalles City. IfOTlCE: SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is herehy given that, by authority of Ordinance No. 237, which passed the common council of Dalles city, September 3d, V&ri, euti tled -"An ordinance entitled an 'ordinauce to Erovlde for the sale of certain lots belonging to alles city," 1 will, on Baturdav next offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, all of the lots and parts of lots situated in Gates Addition to Dalles City, Waco county, Oregon, not heretofore sold, as 'previously adver tised, Each of said lota will be sold upon the lot respectively and none of them shall be sold for a less sum than the value thereof as above stated. One fourth of the price bid on any of said lots shall be paid in cash at the time of sale, and the remainder in two equal payments on or before one and two years from the date of such sale, respectively, with interest on such defcried pay ments at the rata of ten per cent, per annum, payable annually. Provided that payment may be made in full at the time of such sale at the option of the purchaser. The sale will begin at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said dav and will be continued from time to time until all of said lots shall be sold. Dated this 1st day of November, 1892. FRANK MENEFKE, 11-ldtf - , Kecorder of Dalles City. DEW DROP INN. r.. C. SHERWOOD, Prop. The very best Wines, Liquors and Cor dials. Imported and Domes-. . - - tic Cigars. PHOTOGRAPHER. First premium at the Wasco county fair for best portraits and views. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs . (Successors to . S. Cram.) Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Made O ZLST DIB s, East of Portland. DEALERS IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale or Retail eFtESH -4- OVSTEHSft- In Every Style. ice Cream and Soda Water loo Second Street. The Dalles, Or. ' "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland anJ Moria ''Navigation Co. THROUGH Frejgnt anflPassengerLlne Through daily service (Sundays ex oppted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles - City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland . (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. ' . ' . " l'ASSEXGEK ATES. One way ......... Round trip ... . .$2 .0ft . 3.00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland on" arrival. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address; . W. CALLAWAY, ' General v Agent. LAUGH LIN, ; V . General Manager. ..: B. F. THE DALLES, OREGON