TO OUR LINE OF Just Received ! - . . A FULL LINE OK GENTS' Tls Dales, MM and Moria Navigation Co. HOSIERY, V UNDERWEAR, O VERS H I RTS, Ml COLLARS arid and CUFFS. Turn. mm mator Line Tjww , '::;?7iv BbysKnee Pants iiu u ymi Miiuiiiiuii . - i Ths Dalles Daily Ghroniele. Entered a the Postoffice tit The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Local Advertising. 10 Cents per line for first insertion, anil 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear the following day. Weatlier Forecast. Official forecast for Ucentij-foar hours curling at 6 p. m. tomorrow: Fair weather ; slightl' warmer. Pagce. MONDAY NOV. 21 , 1S92 LOCAL BREVITIES. Leave your order for cord wood at Maier & Benton's. - Leave orders for Thanksgiving Tur keys at J. H. Cross' Feed Store. "Troubles never come singly." They are usually wedded with sins. ' It looks funny to see a passenger train come into the city 'stern first," as they do from Bonneville. Councilman Joles is off on a Wild Goose Chase in Sherman county. He expects to return today. The deal of yesterday has secured to the steamer Regulator three fall loads of beef cattle for Troutdale. Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Covington have re turned from a visit to their daughter, Mrs M. E. Titus, at Astoria. Mr. Fred Joelyn returned to Colfax by the midnight train which passed The Dalles at 3 :40 yesterday morning. Geese by thousands were seen above Lyle landing yesterday, leisurely wait ing for the huntsman with his gun. Kenneth McLennan of Antelope, Jas. McMillan of Wasco, and Mr. and Mrs, Gunther of Moro, are registered at The Umatilla. Mrs. John Michell was a passenger by steamers Regulator and Dalles City to Portland yesterday, called by illness'of her mother. Herbert Jameson, brother of M. S. .-; Jameson of The Dalles, died in Denver . on Monday last. His mother was with - him, and the remains' will be brought to Portland for burial. W. H. Butts has provided forty fine, fat and well-flavored turkeys for Thanks giving, which will be raffled at the Snug tomorrow night. Call and see the finest turkeys in the county. Messrs. Bronson, Green, Brown and Lon. Joslyn, returned today from a Wild Goose Chase in the wheat fields east of Arlington. They went armed for a slaughter and they succeeded. - Fine speckled trout, a foot long, may be caught . at the Regulator wharf, Wild dock were killed off the same wharf last week. Make a note of this for remembrance in the near future. . When it was blowing a gale all over the country last Friday night, the gentle . Chinook breezes were playing ' hide' and . seek with the snow capped hills about The Dalles, which caused the snow to. babble in brooklets. Mr. W. Ridgley, of the ditch company came in Saturday, and went to Portland on business,' He . will return by the Regulator this evening; '; When he left ;. the camp at McGuhbins. gulch there was three feet of snow on the ground. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Buckley and Mr. Chas." Davis, of Buckley sheep ranch, east of Sherars, went to Portland yester day bv steamers Kesrulator and Dalles City. .. In lending a hand 3-esterday to load stock at the Regulator dock, Mr. D. M. French lost a valuable watch chain, but he was fortunate in finding it again, after a long hunt. surprising .to be in formed, before long, that Oregon is sup plying the world with nickel. Such is the condition of things that this is quite possible to become the faot. One of the side tracked trains in this city, because of the Reed guyzer, there are two large bell buoys, and three spar buoys, for the 13th Jighthouse district at Astoria. Dumped into the river they would float home. air. raui, a. juoiir, ot oNew lork, is in the city, looking after the interests of the dalles portage todav. He says it is! his intention to press the work at once, Times are ripe, financially and other wise, for the Inland Empire to go ahead apace. f The jury in the case of McClure v. the Railway company, for $200 damages from fire last summer, were out seven teen hours, and brought in a verdict at 11 a. m., yesterday, of $500 for plaintiff. A mere bagatelle, to throw costs on to the plaintiff. Several excursionists made the trip to the Cascades yesterday with Capt. Fred H. Sherman, it being his maiden excur sion with the Regulator on Sunday as master. The start was delayed by the U. P. R. until 12:25 p. m., but the round trip was made in five hours. " G. W. McCoy of Portland, manager the Oregon land, irrigation, lumber and fuel company, passed through for Hood River on his return from the site of the proposed mill, about ten . miles from Wapinvtia.. He had successfuly laid the machinery for the mill down, via. the Barlow road, from Portland. The com pany is employing all the men and teams they can get. ' They are paying men $2.00 per day and man and team $4.00 per day, promising work as long as the operations can be carried on. Men with teams should bring, road scrapers with them.. A little spec of cinder no bigger 'than this . caught in the eye from a locomo tive on Main street, nearly set the writer wild yesterday a. m., but as he had suf fered the tortures of an in-growing . toe nail, and a sore throat ; and the day was one of natures best ; concluded to go to the Cascades on the excursion at all events. The sympathies of Sthe crowd and a silk handkerchief from Emil Schanno, afforded some trifling consola tion until Cascade Locks was reached. An inquiry from Supt. Riley sent loco motive .engineer iaycocs to tne Kegu- the offices and emoluments of govern lator, and with a bit of paper the source fcnent from : one party to another the of our troubles was instantly removed, leaders of both sides promptly accept lhe eye lid was raised, the spec, was found, and taken out on the edge of the paper in a jitty. enly must we "live ,o learn." , . -J Estray Kotice. Taken up on the 15th of Oct. 1892, at the "point of starvation, a light red and white spotted cow with notch in upper side of left ear, and brand on right hip, not discernable, and red calf, the owner may have the same by .proving property and paying costs of keeping and advertising. Il.llw4t D. W. Mann, Mill Creek. Boys Overcoats . ' . AT? - ' A FINE LINE OF Bedford Cords IN ALL. SHADES AT You will Find our stock is complete in umbrellas,gossamers rubbers, Arctics, etc. T The democratic jubilee in The Dalles Saturday night wa9 abig blow out. The test of democratic loyalty was measured by the mud on the parader's boots. Along the line several places of business and private residences were decorated and illuminated, notably those of Judge Bennett, W. C. Alloway, Dr. Shackel ford, II. M. Beall, T. A. Ward, J. B. Crossen", H. C. Nielsen, Strubling and Williams, W. T. Wiseman, . , Fisher's Elete, McCoys barbershop, H. Herbring, Blakely & Houghton, Mays & Crowe, Snipes '& Kinersly, The Umatilla, Aug. Buchler, and others too numerous to mention. The procession was the lar gest ever . witnessed in the city Roosters: were in demand and thev appeared everywhere in the procession decorations, etc. In Memorial!). The following resolutions of condolence were adopted at the last meeting of the carpenters and joiners union in this city; Whereas it has pleased Almighty God in his infinite "wisdom to remove from this life, bur beloved brother U. S. Beck nell and while we bow in humble sub mission to his divine will we mourn the loss of the true and loving brother. Resolved that the undivided heartfelt sympathy of the members of the carpen ters and joiners union, No. 544, of The Dalles, Oregon, be tendered to his be reaved parents, sisters and friends. In this their sad hour of affliction with sad dened hearts we have bid adieu to this dear friend and .brother and now with all our love we can but leave him with his father. . Resolved tliaf a copy of these resolu tions be spread at large oh the minutes of the union and the chair be draped fn mourning for thirty days. Also a copy be inserted in The Dalles Daily Chron icle. - i Resolved that a copy be engrossed and resented to the family of the deceased. J. Simonsen, A. J. Hendry, H. Anton- len, Committee. Resolutions of condolence, The Dalles, Dr., Nov. 1892. - Very Worthy Incident. How fittingly the harmony of the democratic jubilee was conducted may be infefred from the appearance of one brigade, composed of democrats and re publicans uniformed '-alike, 'with -one exception, that the hats of the republi cans bore bands of crepe.. These were Williams. ' Win. Corson,' Chas. HiSght, John Hampshire, Fletcher aplkner, Harry Lonsdale and others. us arm in arm did they tramp through ud like brothers, following a band agon that bad been traveling in the urch since I860, with one exception. hey paid The Chronicle office, which, by the way, was illuminated ; a visit much appreciated, as a reminder of the peaceful revolutions of America, where Bthe turning over, in a single day, of all the Ihe result as the inevitable decree of the ypeople. - How truthfully it has been said: "Here the defeated candidate for resident will escort bis successful rival to the inauguration stand, and the whole people, irrespective of party, will greet with tokens of enthusiasm and respect the next chief magistrate of the American people. . Fresh bread of the Geo. Ruch bakery, for sale at the Columbia Candy factory. Campbell Bros., daily. through ; Freiont ana Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) Between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. ni. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. FASSENGEW ATES. One way. Round trip. . . .'. . . '..$2.00 . 3.00 Freight Ratss Greatly Reduced. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland on arrival. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. B..F. LAUGHL1N, General Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON WAPIXITIA LETTEB. Interesting Sketches of .Thing Local and Domestic. ' Special to The Chronicle. Wapixitia', Nov. 19. Election has been over long enough out here, to allow every one. a rest, and giving other things time to happen. The sale of the W. McD. Lewis prop erty which began on the loth, closed k-esterdav. . The attendance was very ood and everything sold at a good fig- are, altogether amounting to about $15,000. The weather has been quite cold, and blustery here for a' week, with a few light skifts of suow, The' Clear creek ditch company are preparing to move their camp from the mountains to the settlement, the -snow being two feet deep at their present quarters. Fall sown grain is up and looks very promising. Cattlemen have their stock about all gathered and in their pastures, which owing to early rains are green and good. Lew Kelly is putting the finishing touches on a nice little, cottage on his Juniper ranch. He puts on a touch and then suddenly departs for Tygh, but ties up a little this side, guess he will get tied himself sometime soon. . R. A. Laughlin has gone to the county seat after winter supplies and a hat. O. C. Paquet and Sam Patterson gam bled their bean crop away and are pre paring to go to China. Liza Jane. They Die Hard. There is now accumulating at The Dalles, and all along the line, train after train' load of freight, including live stock, wbichTthe U. P. R. Co. are unable to transport to Portland because of the guyser which has piled a mountain of earth upon the road below Bonneville. It would seem to be ho more than an act of simple justice, in a case of this kind, for the company to co-operate with the shippers and consignees in aid of reach ing the market, but they don't do it. Yesterday the railway company refused in this city to deliver 100 head of beef cattle to the steamer Regulator, on a positive order from . the owner in Port land, until the freight was paid to the TJ. P. R. Co. on the cattle from this city to Troutdale ; and at the same time it was known perfectly well that the rail road company could not deliver these cattle. The wire was put to work, and Messrs. French and Laughlin were in-, structed to pay the extortion to the U.P. R. Co., get the cattle out, and forward them at once, as they were in demand today. The steamer was held four hours, and the cattle were finally shipped. , "''. It is such outrages as this that calls down upon the heads of the Union Pacific the execration of an outraged people ; they will not be friendly when it is infinitely to their interest to be so; they exact the last nickeland then try to steal the balance. Sympathy for them is worse wasted than pearls cast before swine.'. V .. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, . When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. -When she hod Children, she gave them Castoria JOHN C 109 SECOND STREET, MlSS ANNA PETER & CO, ' SPECIAL jStE -OF- MISSES' and CHILDREN'S Trimmed : SATURDAY, NOV. 19. ' v 112 Second street, - - THE DALLES, OR Dress-Making Parlors FaghioijaMB Die : - Gutting and Fitting a Spssialty. Room 4 over French & Co's Bank., : : MRS. GIBSON, Prop. The Parting of the Ways. ... , Wilkins and Watkins were college chums and close friends. They had been hard students and had taken little out-door exercise. When they shook hands and said good-bye at the end of their college career, they were in im paired health. Both had dyspepsia, liver' troubles and troublesome coughs. Wilkins had plenty- o? money, and decided to travel for his health. Wat kins was poor. "I must go to work for my living," said he, "but I'll try the remedy that Robinson talks so much about Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery." .' - In less than two years Wilkins came home in his coffin. : Watkins, now in the prime of life, is a bank president, rich and respected, and weighs 200 pounds. "The 'Golden Medical Dis covery' saved my life at a critical time," he often says.: "Oh,- if poor Wilkins had only tried it!" For. weak lungs, spitting of blood, all lingering coughs, and consumption in it9 early stages, it is an unequaled remedy. " . , AFTER THE V. V. It. CINCH. Several Bailigjiys Have' Combined to Retaliate on the "System." Chicago, Nov. 21. Officials of the Atchison, Burlington, Rock Island, Col orado Midland, Rio Grande Western and Denver aud Rio Grande roads, after a conference of . nearly a week, have at last decided on a method of dealing with the Union Pacific on account of its fail ure to divide business with them at Denver and Ogden instead of at the Mis souri river. An agreement was reached this afternoon which resulted in the is suance of a joint circular, signed by the general passenger agents of every one of the above roads which, while it is not in the form of a boycott is calculated to make the Union Pacific wince. 1 The Story Confirmed. Milwaukee, Nov. 21. The-news of Mr. Pabst's marriage to Margaret Mather is confirmed. 'Two years ago Miss Maher played the part of Gretchen here, and young Pabst was one of ; the smitten ones in her audience. He was at a susceptible time in life having but just attained his majority, and it was well known that most of the floral tri butes that went over the orchestra lead er's head and footlights came from him. He had prospective wealth and a good face and figure in his favor, and the actress did not look on' his attentions with very marked disfavor. , Gustav is the second son of the brewer and was educated in a' military school and was made a member of Gov. Peck's military staff with the rank of colonel. Until the recent brewery consolidation he was the secretary of' the Pabst brew ing company. ' - ,. Wanted by a lady : A position as nurse. ; Inquire at Chronicle office. . .Thanksgiving eve., Nov. 23d, 1892, the long record of .'dullness under which The- Dalles has been suffering from the recent destruction, of the opera house, is to be broken by the advent of Prof. C. W. Kent with bis famous lecture on the subject of Charles Dickens and his great est work "Old Curiosity Shop" assisted by a series of beautiful dissolving views illustrative of .the story of "Little Nell" operated by his clever partner Mr. Leon Bories. - Amongst the'beautiful pictnres of - child life which Mr. Dickens has given us there is not one bo touching, so appealing to all hearts ' as that which Messrs. Kent & Bories have selected for the entertainment of Our citizens. Due announcement by posters will be given as to prices. HERTZ, THE DALLES. OREGON. and fJloaMaing County Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to May 1,1SS9, will be paid if pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. The Dalles.'Oct. 31, 1S92. William Michell, 10.31tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or. THANKSGIVING EVE, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23d, 1892. ARMORY HALL. V PROF, m KENT ' AND 2I1S Illustrated Enfertaiiiiiient ON. THE SUBJECT OF Charles Dickens and Little Nell ' R beautiful stony of child life ap pealing to all heapts. PRICES OF ADMISSION, 50c and 25c. NOTICE: SALE OF CITV LOTS. Notice is hereby given that, by authority of Ordinance No. 257, which passed the common council of Dalles city, September 3d, 1892, enti tled "An orjjnnnce entitled an ordinauce to provide for the sale of certain lots belonging to Dalles city," 1 will, on Saturdav next oiler for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, all of the lots and parts of lots situated in Gates Addition' to Dalles City, Waco county, Oregon, not heretofore sold, as previously adver tised, Each of said lots will be sold upon the lot respectively and none of thera shall be sold for a less sum than the value thereof as above stated. . One fourth of the price bid on any of said lots shall be paid iu cash at the time of sale, and the remainder in two equal payments on or before One and two years from the date of such sale, respectively, with Interest oh such deferied pay ments at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, gayable annually. Provided thut paymeut may e made iu full at the time of such sale at the option of the purchaser. The sale will begin at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said da y and will be continued from time to time until all of said lots shall be sold. Dated this 1st day of November, 1S92. -FRANK MENEFEE, 11-ldtf Recorder of Dalles City. PHOTOGRAPH ER. First premium at the Wasco county fair for best portraits and views. - COLUMBIA GANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Succjssms to-. s. Cram.) - Manufacturers of the finest French and -... Home Made C -A. UST : ID I IE2 S , East of Portland. ' -DEALERS IX- Tropical Fruits, Ms, Cigais and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesala -or Retail - In Every Style. '' Ice Cream and Soda Water. I 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. Hats