0 t4 1 VOL. IV. THE DALLES. OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1892. NO. 1322 W. E. GARRETSON, I. SOLE AGENT FOR THK All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. The Dalles. Or. Kranich and Bach Pianos. Recognised as Standards of the high est grade of manufacture. JUDGE NELSON'S DECISION. Speaking of patent medicines, the Judge says : "I wish to deal fairly and honorably with all, and when I find an article that will do what it is recom mended to do, I am not ashamed to say so. I am acquainted with Dr. Vander pool (having been treated by him for cancer), and have used his blood medi cine, known as the S: B. Headache and Liver Cure, and while I am 75 years old, and have used many pills and other remedies for the blood, liver and kid neys, I must say that for a kidney tonic in Brights disease, and as an alterative for the blood, or to correct the action of the stomach and bowels, it is a very su perior remedy, and beats anything I - ever tried. " J. B. Nelson, N Yakima, Wash. At 50 cents a bottle. It is the poor , jjian's friend and family doctor. JOHN PASHEK, J - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings, Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Impairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. HAB. 8TUBL1XG. OWEN WILLIAMS. Stubling & Williams. The Gemma, SECOND ST., "' THE DALLES, OREGON "Dealers in Wines, Liquors and t!igars. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. Hi. H. Voang, Biacusmiius wagon sriop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. florae Shoeing a Speciality ThM Street, opposite tie old Liele Stand. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been re papered and repainted and newly . carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Bates reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. . C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. Lew JewelB mm Are You Interested In Low Prices ? We offer a magnificent new stock for Fall and Winter at prices the lowest yet named for strictly FIRST-CLASS GOODS. : High Grades in Every Department. : True Merit in Every Article. ; Honest Quality Everywhere. Fur, muffs, Fat Trimmings. Silks in Evepy Shade and Style. Umbrellas, mackintoshes, f?abbets & Overshoes. We show the latest novelties and keep the very finest selection in all standard styles. nn D D BUGS Snipes &, Kinersly. -THE LEADING Wliolesale and Retail Drnts. TX3RLE5 DRUG- Handled by Three Registered Druggists. ALSO ALL THE LEADING Patent ffledieines and Druggists Sundries HOUSE PAINTS; OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints. -WE The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Agent for Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon J. O. FIJflE WlHEp DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. FRENCH'S 171 SECOND STREET, WM. BUTLER & CO, HAVE FOR SALE A Building 24x40 wareroom; Also An oflice building, office furniture and safe, two horses, one set of wagon harness, one set of buggy harness, one second-hand wagon, one new wagon. Apply on the premises. JEFFERSON STREET, between Second ARE - and THE CELEBRATiED PABST BEER. BLOCK.'. THE DALLES, OR. feet in size, suitable for a - and Railroad, THE DALLES, OR LIQUORp URGENCY OF CANALS Cheap and Miaole Water Communi cation Necessary. HOW THEY DEVELOP THE COUNTRY The Erie Canal Itself the Best Evi dence of Its Right to Exist EVERY YEAR BRINGS EVIDENCE Of tlie Inadequate Railway Facilities to Do the Increasing Business of the Country. Special to Thi Chronicle.) New Yobk, Nov. 18. The import ance of the Erie canal to N. Y., is shown by the Buffalo convention of a few weeks ago, and may perhaps have been reflected in the vote of the state north of the Harlem. The Buffalo convention pertinently called attention to the great canal works being constructed in Europe and to the mag. nificent traffic of the Sault Ste. Marie and St. Clair canals in this country. It therefore urged on the people of New York the election of legislators favorable to giving the canal the improvements it needs to keep in the front rank as a commercial factor. The Buffalo convention need not have appealed to other canal works to demonstrate the importance of internal waterways. The Erie Canal itself furnishes the best evidence of its right to exist. Limited and crip pled as it is, it still maintains a cheap ness in the transportation of large mass es of bulky freights which the railroads cannot rival. If railwav facilities had stood still for the past 30 years with no more . improvement than the Erie canal has had the railways could not be counted as a factor against the canals. But by suppressing all proposi tions to improve the canal in the New York legislature, the canal has been kept to the narrow facilities designed for the commerce of half a century ago. It is hoped that the continuance of the policy may yet extinguish this last of the old canals and thus check the pop ular demand for improved internal waterways. It is difficult to avoid the recognition of the same influence in the fact that the political conventions of both parties this year indorsed the loan of $100,000,000 of government credit , to an inter-oceanic canal over a thousand miles away from Untied States territory, while proposi tions for a much less costly encourage ment to the internal waterways which will do the people a hundred-fold more good are treated with scant considera tions'. Corporate influence is undoubt edly inimical to the development of a comprehensive system of canals connect ing the rivers with the lakes and the lakes with the ocean. This was very short-sighted, as it is becoming more ap parent that the proper, functions of the canals and railways are entirely separate. ' Political Notes. The official vote of Vermont gives a re publican plurality of 21 ,667.-. Official returns show the election of Belknap (rep.) to congress from the Fifth district of Michigan. The chairman of both committees in Wyoming claim the state legislature, and it will take an official count to de termine the result. It is stated the fusionists of North Dakota will ally - themselves wi:h the prohibitionists and inaugurate a most vigorous war on saloons. On the face of the returns from the second district of Kansas, Fanston is re elected to congress by 68. Moore his democratic opponent, has given notice of contest. The latest returns from North Dakota give Shortridge, fusionist for governor, 1,800 majority. The entire fusion state ticket is elected except Dahl (.rep.) for secretary of state, who has 200 majority. The supposed princeless jewels and sacred relics, ownei by the late Rev, Father Mollinger, and which played such a prominent part in the thousands of cures performed by the priest at Pitts burg, Pa., prove to be bogus,- and the al leged golden altar in St. Anthony chapel, ia nothing but wood,, covered with a cheap gilt. The man who built the al tars and put the relics in position, says there is not a truly valuable Btone in the whole building. .v f - . . Dolph to Succeed Field. ' - - . San Fbancisco, Nov. 16. The Even ing Post says, according to news re ceived from Portland, Or., that Stephen J. Field, associate justice of the United States supreme court, will soon resign, and the vaeancy will be filled by the appointment by President. Harrison of United States Senator Joseph N. Dolph, of Oregon. Telegraphic Flashes. Word has been brought to Buffalo, Wyoming, of the assassination of two more outlaws. The dead cattle thieves are the notorious Mike Brown and Geo. Hanks, fugitives from " Montana. "Both were found shot in the back near Hot Springs. Four outlaws have been killed in that vicinity in the same way within two weeks. Brown was one of the most notorious cattle thieves in Wyomiog. . The $2,000 reward has furnished an incentive for the officers in trying to ferret out the murderers of Henry Planz at San Jose, Cal. The woman , theory seems to be the most plausible, as the l:8t of married ladies with whom he was very friendly, increases. The Constellation is now at Naples for the purpose of taking on board and conveying to the United States works of art by American artists for the Chicago exposition. The Rothschilds will send another 1,500,000 in gold to Russia next week. Half has already been purchased. It is expected the remainder will be secured without having recourse to the Bank of England. - One of the most important election contests ever known in Nebraska has be gun in the supreme court. It is an appli cation for a writ of mandamus to compel the clerk of Clay county to issue a certi ficate of election to the republican candi date for the legislature, on the ground that the independent candidates, who received a majority of the votes, had been endorsed by the democrats, and in ! printing the official ballots the names of the independent candidates were placed twice on the ticket. At the same time another contest from Knox county was started, which, if successful, will unseat an independent representative and seat a republican . If these changes are made, the legislature will be a tie on joint bal lot. Official returns show the election of Jerry Simpson to congress in Kansas by 1,400 majority- It is now believed that he will not try for the senate, as the fusionists fear they will not be able to elect his successor in the house. Mrs. Lease charges that he is a democrat and is merely using the people's party. He says he favors a. democrat for senator, "because they played fair with ua this time, and we will need them in the future." On the face of the returns from the second district, Funstoa is re-elected to congress by 65. Moore, h's democratic opponent, has given notice of contest. There is a conflict between the laws of the United States and the laws ot the State. of Washington in regard to the date of the convening of the electoral college. The last legislature, following the act of congress of 1792, fixed the first Wedneeday of December following the day of election as the day of meet ing. The law . of 1792 was, however, changed by an act of congress approved February 3, 1887, and the time of meet ing by .that act is the second Monday in January, next following the election Congress has power under the fourth section of article two of the constitution of the United States to determine the day on which the electoral college in the several states shall meet, and, thereto -e, the state law being in contravention of the existing act of congress is unconsti tutional. 'The Washington electors will accordingly meet in Olympia on January 9, 1893. Two masked bandits entered the bank at Woodstock, Minn., last Wednesday evening and demanded of Cashier Perry and his assistant, Mr. Craig, that they open the vault. One of the men took Perry in charge, while the other robber forced Craig to open the vault. The robber then helped himself to what he wanted, and the pair left with a large boodle, the officers say $1,000, but it is feared that the amount is greater, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. SEATTLE SMALL POX. Eighteen Cases in Quarantine But no , Alarm as to snreaning. SEVEN OTHER TOWNS HAVE CASES. Gen. Weaver has Broken Loose Again oh His "Friends." ONLY A BIT BEHIND REPUBLICANS. His Theory as to What Mr. Cleveland Intends to do 'With The Three Great Ideas. Tacoma. Nov. 18. Thpre is hnt nrm case of small pox in the city, and no new cases have developed in either of the two lodging houses from which the case now in the pest house and the one who died were taken, and no alarm has been manifested by the people as every place has taken precautions to prevent are 18 cases in Seattle, all isolated in the cases came have all been quarantined with all their occupants. George Mc Lennan, a railroad laborer, died at the pest house yesterday.' There is one case at Snohomish, one at Lowell, one at Sultan and four at Index, all along the line by which the railroad men come. At Friday harbor, a single case has caused great excitement. New West-, minister and Vancouver health authori ties, acting under instructions from pro vincial health officer Da vies, are inspect ing all steamers from the sound before they are allowed to land. Weaver Talks Plain. Des Moines, Nov. 18. Gen. Weaver's address to the voters declares that as the peoples party is but little behind the republican party in the number of states carried ; it will doubtless hold the balance of power in the United States senate ; that it has doubled its adher ents in the house; secured control of a number of state governments ; holds the balance of power ' in the majority of states, and has gained a large following in everv state of the south. Weaver says the almost annihilation of the re publican party organization leaves the adherents of that party free to align themselves with the anti-monopoly " And industrial movement. The accession of the democratic party to power is the result of a violent reaction and is not the deliberate judgment of the American people. The leaders of the democracy he declares, are without any ' well de fined policy, except that of contemptu ous disregard for every element of re form within the ranks of their own party and among the people at large. The new administration will-ignore the three great contentions of modern times, relating to land, money and transporta tion, and, in fact, while the force of the new regime will be exercised to prevent reform in these important matters the nrgent demand for free coinage of silver is to be disdainfully ignored, and in con tempt of the doctrine of Andrew Jackson European aristocrats are to be permitted to dictate our financial policy. The uniform legal tender currency of the government is to be sacrificed and seri ous attempts made to force the people to return to the fraudulent system of state: bank issues. In General Weaver's opinion the violent political storms of 1888 and 1892 signify a turbulent condi tion of the political atmosphere, fore shadowing an approaching crisis. He urges that the work of organization be pushed with energy in all states. Pioneer Bakery. Having again reopened this popular bakery and employed the services of a first class baker, I am prepared to. furn ish the public with the very best of bread, pies and cakes on short notice. Next door to Chrisman & Corson, Cor. Washington and Second streets, The Dalles, Or. Geo. Rdch. Flfeip