The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 12, 1892, Image 3

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"The Regulator Line"
The Dalles, Tortlani and AUoria
Navigation Co.
Good warm blankets and
bedding is one comfort;
The Dalles Daily Chi-oniele.
Entered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertisings
10 Cents per line for first Insertion, and 5 Cents
yev line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
Weather Forecast.
OJivc forecast for lit. i.j-rour heart en
!1 C.
5 p. in. t ,di:jw:
Ocn-.; -12 a nci ciole- woi-thc-.
Po:tlano, Nov. 12th, 1SD2.
NOV. 12, 1892
'The roads are very dusty today.
Hon. W. II . H. Drrrir was it the
. todav.
Fiee b .bie 1 1 mao: ow at Heron's gal
lery nc r loeta'Bce.
Circuit couvt will begin the fr'l term
in The Dalles next Monday.
Hood T"ver Odd Fei'ows aie to have a
masquerade b;.H Thursday n'sbt.
The Hood Itiver water erpnly com
pany are to elect- officers this a;ic-nc n.
Charley B-iscomb has returned to The
Dalles, arriving here this morning,
party last even'ng.
Wheat hauling has boen at its height
th's wr sk, but firtneiB in this vieinily
say it is nearly all in now.
The GlacTer says M. P. I&enberg pub
':cly woikcd for the detnoc-aiic t'eket
el- ilion day. He was in lucu.
The fi i st social bop of tbe seysra wus
given by tbe Young geitfemea's club.
It was a very pleasant and successful
A hoi se kicked a Jan'ern over 5n tb
Odell barn near llooti Wednesday
evening, and oesi.oyeu ine Darn an
contents. !.o?s$o0.
A score or moe of the i -iends of Miss
Pan' ine Euchler, met at the rcsiuert-.eof
her father last evening and p.issd a few
hours ve-y happily together, the oc :a-
sion be-n'j the anriversary of the youns
ladies b'i in.
Old Boreas kcked up the dust in good
shape today, and to odd Id- bis glory,
whipped the r"ver until :t was a yontig
ocean, in billows uad sp.-ay. The alexin
ferry boat 70clc"-.l l:,:e a cradle on the
. deep, si its coss'Ogs.
The best copying preis in use is a
clothes. wrinjer. . It got its start in tlie
Western Union tele'-apn comp;'uy:8 of
fioes a few yeur8 ago, aod is now nsed all
over the world. They are sometimes
put up in fine shape, coaed, and are the ,
called tbe rap!u toller cop'er.
A mai' glv'ng i be name o'O. E. Jooes,
wasarrcird by ieputy Ur-'ed feiaies
Mars' a1 .faccoa tkis aioroi? fo- sell
ing 1'trruoM.oan i iVj!i, ari v.jaa scAfb
ing biin in the oni:ty jai' be was fojud
to be in possession o: $4,000. About
200 in gold, $700 in cmteooy, ami the
balance in ceit'iicjtes ou t'-e Harnev
county bank.'
The Woodmen and Wort men, at a
Heeiit2 ;.-e'd 'pal o'bt, te"deed a vo'e
of li'unts to the members of te congre
gatOD8l cboj"-, the Geearg Veiio Har-troi-e.
M'ss Da'sy A'laway, liev. W. '.
Curtis, and those ladies who aidrd in
decora' Jog the ball ; also the xeDle 8
of the two orrlevs for their efforts in
makiog t. 3 dedication such a success
ful event. ,
Them at reasonable prices
like ours is another ......
Last even'ng as two boos of Mrs. A.
B. Moore of S-Mile weve going home
from school on a horse a dog irightencd
the borse and the boys we -e thrown to
the ground. One of V em, Johnny, wsi
terrib'y hurt i'roai a k?ck in the face b
the norse. I ne bunes ol one cheek we- e
crush' 1, and he iav lose an eve. Dr,
Hinehart whs sent for and dressed tb
sufferer's wounds.
The choir of the M. E. church are en
gaged in practicing the music to arrom
pany tbe impersonations of Miss S- m
nus at the M. E.' church Tuesday
evening, Nov. 15th. The music is by
Schub . rt and others, and Is very I iuti
fal as well as difficult. During tbe
cathedral scene i'rom Marcae.Ite nd
tbe Last Daya of l'ompeii a co-iedcd
choir wilt add g eally to the effeci:ve
ness. O'hose who prefer humor, how
ever, wiU not be iliuppointcd. a M-es
Stannns 5s first c'ass in oialcct aod bih
Lorocdv a nd can eas:l " set i he house iu
ja ror by ber njate-up and fac'al e-x-presaion.
Tne pel mission t the chiyaatithemuoi
feat-val, k be given ne.t AVedncsday
and Th.Tsday will be tweXy-five eentj,
and the holder of a ticket may enter any
numlw o? times on the date printed on
that t'ctet, whTdi will not be tmnsrera
ble. Fanulies of foor or move V'.king
sapper will be admitted to tbe dpv
o flowers "t e of charge, and those not
wishing to partake of tbe substantial
and elaborate high tea, will find ite
c.ejtn and choeoiale Ixxtlhs, whe;e
light re.Veshmenis will be served. The
chryea 'tbcomm room opens a.t one
o'clock in the af! noon and the high
tea at f ve. The J'sp'ay of cut flowca
oca no ai pieces wj'I far esvea a.;ty
iiing ever ,i?en in oar v'ly, and a uM
attendance sbonld rewnrd Ibe ladies of
tbe gui'd for their nnti-Ing efTorts.
It all cf the pariies given by the
youpg-iueas ciuo tD's winter are as
muca of a suc.'ss cs the one last even
lug p-oved to be, our youoj eople n-ay
eong'atpla'e tbexse'ves '.at at leas
ne even:og of tbe week may be ivo'.t
lensanily spent. TI.e youj-g mena.e
eie'-minea tomaKeinow 'i evec.n
of the week, and tbe fol'owiog j eons
who enjoyed this o--cj8on irelassuied
that ihey aro snc-ecd:nr adupl.'abv
Senator and Mjs. Hilt n, Mr. and M's
Crowe, Dr. and Mrs. Snedaker, Judge
and Mrs. Eiadbhaw, Mr. and Mrs.
Sisbeack, Mr. aod Mrs. Ga-i-eLsoo, Mr.
anl Mrs. Abola, M.S. Freneh, Ms.
"!?yan. Misses Joss-e '.owae, Je..n.iette
aad Annie Willi;u s, A't re Newman,
lone Unc'n, Viig'nt.l a-aa Giaie Marden,
E:; Ftovy, Twl-.i Bi d, Ma:lda Holl's
ler, Me-srs. S. Cauo,.,eil, F.lerlkot ,
J. Baropsbife, .7. Footb, W. Montagce,
F. Garreiscn, H. rrencb, E. Wila;rs,
If. J asdale. H. Fii'dell, F. Mon-'gm-ery,
L. Joslyn: 3. Esi abi ook, M. Don
nel, J. Wei'e, J. Byrne. Tbe mus'c
was iiM-n;8bed by Mess'ti. GoUfr'ed.
Ef Jtcn, 'U.i rebuff aod Paulsen, with
Miss Alma Set .iiIt nt the piano, and
v as e vceTlent.
Excursion Kates.
Grand dfmocai'c i-al'-lralioa a; Pnri
la'id 'J'linri-day Sov. 17t-, IS'.'-J. 'j'oe.
Da.le-1. Po-.'and am: At' -ia Naviiaion
Co., will ifaLe iie X one fore for
tlie lotujd i io. '.''.)e tlaior w'll
leave 'J'ue "a'W at seve-i o"t" "rn-k a. m.,"
on 'lhn'Siijy 17i'j. and reuawfr. w ..'.
DuMes City to s.:'ve at P-iiand alv.;t
five p. m. Tie th.r.vta I I wiil be
made wituoni. telay. Tirkets nay be
bad at too i.-lj.e o" :X. G:eon.
Q'ii tots are good soh 36th and 17, b,
for return on or tiei'ire itie 2Jst.
W. C. Aixoway, gen. agt.
skins Tbat Farther Time be Granted
for Slating Payments..
The following for;u of petition has
been drafied to which tbe names shou'd
lie affixed as eooit as possible, and for
warded lo Senator Jolf.h, c'.rnLin c
the committee, as isliiii'ie'd:
To tbe honorable senate and house of
representatives of the United States of
Your petitioners would respectfully
represent and show tbat your etition
ers are resideols within the district of
public lands forfeited by congress by
act of September, 201 !,1S90, being landa
be-eto.'ore -anted to tbe Noitbcrn
PaciBc i&ih'oud company: that your
petitioners a interest' d in the lands
named in said act and 'orfeil'-d the -e:n.
and restored t tbe public domain, snb
jeettothe prior iTglil3 of settlers and
Other jie'-so.-'S lio'dg and in possess a
thereof; lt)--t li" f he i -ruis of .said act,
and sun'eo'eatal act thereto, the time
o p ,yn-eot then if by parlies 5a pns.' s-
s'on, and cai'tled tbeieio, and by da.e
oi me treoeiai jana omces. oi tiie jn-
fctractions to the officers of the lecal
land offices, for their direction in the
disitosition of said land was and is
extended to February, Sd, 189.1.
That owins to the almoit tolal failne
of crops in th's rart of easte-n Oregon,
and eustera Washington, duiing tbe
ye:ir 1SS9, end consequent pu'-tial fu'liire
aod low priecT, miney is very ecarce and
almost jtij possible to be obtained on asy
te ids; tl'at a large nnml -r of peop'e
now in actual possession of said lands
and entitled to make pr'vhase thereof
under the prov:sioos of said act u'-e
p-ior, ph1 l eir means vejr l-urited. a:id
m'r s iu: ; iier "aie of payment, is p -o-vided
by subser-uent aetof ongifjES they
w'!i fit fp ied to loose tbe la mis li wire i
ibe;-a'-e just'y ea.-t'- 1, t jelher v.itb
ad of i oeir wf',-k an ! jnn ove:.e it3 01
taid laois; Yoj' -ei.iioeB l:,t e"i
ies-;r. iiiilly ie.'t"fn yoi'" bo.-)f aide
b-:i.y to e:icid tl)e liice o finu' eai y
and '-.; i er; of s..-:d Jani"s ' al' r" 30 V
woo r.e e eniii'td to puiv!-'ose ii'e-- rj
at tue t .ri-e of Ise p.'.ssje of eaiu i o -ff
it u-e ac and who a;e now in arira'
poss -slon of ea'.ii laavis a:d bjve io"n
and a e sii'l b.o'oing si.d L; jus i : ok1
faiitx v tu tlie inieuiion .o p'.irc'.juse i'.ie
Chaie of Waste if.
On Tuesday nex.t Cjpt. John McNuUw
willt.ike a needed va-uon and C;ipt
bDe-man, nrsc otneer ot tne sleamer
I'a'les City, will go on'as master of Ibjs
liesr.letor. Ca'tt. Mc.SiiUy baa earned
a vacuiioa and wbe ever bis lot way be
cast be w'll oa.-y with him the liest
wishes of a host of ir ieads end aconaioi
ahces, fo: uced du.-ing ihe roaoy years be
has eo safely piloted the p un and t' j i
the Columbia. Opt. She oian is a
yonng man, bat has bad onside-rtble e-pe-Ience
in steamboat3g, and b. Ins
with bim a most eeelleut reputuiioii
for skilli'ulaess in handling Bleu we
and painstaking efl'oris to please tb
pubiic. i. .';.!
Dcmoe -at 'C ra " Hcai ioa at Tbe Da'les
Pair evening N iv. 19th. The 1.
P. & A. ts. C ., v.'IH nate a rate of one
d.ilJa - Vro.n CacdCe 7' i ti'foe 'alle9
and re am. TTi-ls ? good t hree days.
W. C A .i.oivay, gen. agt.
TaLen un on the 'oth o" Oct. 1892. at
.the point of stai ration, a light red and
we-.te spotted cow witJi -notcn. . a upper
side of left ej.-.and brand on i ight hip, not
U'Sne'-nphle, and red ca'f, The owntr aiay
have the same oy covng oro"erty and
paying costs of kf'eping and advertising.
IJ..llW4t L). W. MASS, JM ill LflCeS
Freiont and Passenger Line
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and" Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 6 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Locks with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One way
Round trip. .
. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
General Agent.
General Mauser.
One of tbe Most Intereatlny Mineral
8 pec lumens tn Existence.
Ouc fellow citizen, Z. T. White, says
ibe El Taao Bullion, is the owner of
vbat we believe to be the most interest
ing insect and mineral specimens in
existence. Some months ago Mr. White
was presented with a specimen taken
from considerable depth in the Long
fellow mine of Cliiton, A. T. When the
specimen in' question was fractured, a
L jetle of dull reddish gray was disclosed,
surround, d by a closely-fitting mould of
ion ore ; in fact, tbe beetle lay in state
as perfect aa in life, in its sarcophague
of iron. .
; Naturally very much impressed with
his acquired property; Mr. White has-
tened to envelope it in, a piece of cloth
with the view of conveying it to h-s
i-aomei. un uis way, nowever, ne rxi
o-casion to examine the interesting
6j-?iinen and his surprise may be better
imagined than described when he per
ceived a young beetle slowly emerging
from its dead parent's body! and ?u
;eve.y characteristic resembling it, bar
ring Ibe fact that it was smaller.
, Hv'ie time Mr. White called the at-
Icil im of the writer to this fact, the
yomg I :etle was put under a glass by j
its owner. It continued to prosper and
ir crease in dimensions, and lived for
five whole months. Tbe specimen, the
insect in its cyst of ore, and tbe younger
insect cenerah 1 in a pre-historic period
'o be born in the ninet anth century,
ere now ii the Bullion office awaiting
JuJ-je J. F. Crosby, of this city, who
proposes to present them, with the com
.laments of bis fellow-citizen, Mr.
Woile, to a prominent scientific associa
.'on of the Atlantic slope.
Fossil insects are common ; beetles
and other insects enclosed in amber and
other compounds are irrquently met
with, bat geology in all these eas"-?
2"ves an ex planation fci account for the
triper'ance of orgaric matter; but in
fits -aso there is no pusible pretext to
account for the insects enveloped in a
ma) 'i of iron and found far beneath
el R surface, no other tra- c- of organic
!i"e be'ng ji-eseot, is almost beyond
C .12 -egal'o'j.-l -ho'-'-li 8':rv.:''e8, con
duced by the. po8'or .Sunday at 1 1 o'clock
it Liike 21 :2S. "J fe made as though '
ijowou'dgo jartberl" and at 7:30 p.
m. (te .fc Acta 23:15 "He thanked God I
rnd look courage." Sunday school at
12:15. Voung proples society of Chris-
tia a endeavor rt p. u. All percona
pot wOi-Bbipin- eTsswbCi-e are cordially
finvited to unite with ns.
Christian church so - ices will be held
l the Congrciviooal cb'irc!.' Sunday at
; p. n:. Elde-- J. W. Jeokice ill prea:b.
C.-.pi ;st church se. 'cea will be beld r.
he academy to:oo7-row evening at 11.
p cioi.1.-. ii .s 'exp".-ieu ii-ji uev. J. j.
rfiJ.-'ie.- will p:e.-t-h. Jf he does not -
ive n time for sen. 1-3 Pas-'or 'o
will pre.-ch. Sunday fcvhool follows the
ino -. ig fee.-vice. J rere wil' be no
eye'-; service.
Eei.-ct ao"3rav"o.
Pre -SB-Times. lJeatricion of immigra
tici is a subject wb-eU is in the popular
ft'ird " I most to tbe evclnslon of more
im'uediat-jly prgent political policies,
luorgu t'-ete is none more 'tnpovtant to
tbe people. After election it will be
come immediately the leading issue.
Fortunately restricLioa of immigration
at present is.non political; for the rea
son that both pjr.ies feel that a long
step ninst be taken in that direction.
Miss anna peter s co...
Fine Millinery !
1 1 2 Second street.
Dress-Making Parlors
FagMoqaMe M$$
Gutting and Fitting' a Specialty.
Room 4 over French & Co's Bank.
Wasco Comity Official.
Following is the official footings, of the
vote cast in Wasco county at the presi
dential elrction this week :
For John F. Caples " 1 ,059 votes were
cast ; David M. Dunne 1,005'; Geo. M.
Irw'n 1,067; H. B. Miller 1,068.
For W. F. Butcher 497 votes were
cast; Wm. M. Colvig512; Geo.-Noland
512 ; Nathan Pie-ce 857.
TVii- W d Tlnrlfti'-b 507 voiss were
Wm. H. Galvani 499; S. H. Holt
" prohibition.
For 6eo w rlack yote8 were CMt .
! N R Gavlocd 05 . A. w. IjUce8 67 . Gil.
man Pare(. 07.
necAP. rutATioN.
Democratic. . . .
Prohibition. . .
Total 2154
Home -Without a Mother.
T Tte room's In d'soi-der,
Tiie ct s o 1 tbe t ;b'e,
Tbe fower-sS-"l p:et d the m'schief topy;
A ml Jo jo jy It usiejmj ig
As 'oud as ue a able,
For polbr.Bg j,oe iiyot when uamma's away.
What a scene of discomfort and con
fusion borne would be if mamma did not
return. If your wife is slowly breaking
down, i'rom a combination of domestic
carea and female disorders, make it your
first business to restore her health. Dr,
Tierce's Favorite Prescription iswithout
a peer as a remedy for feeble and debili
tated women, and is the ooly medicine
for the class of maladies known as female
diseases which is sold under a positive
guarantee from, the manufacture: & that
it will give satisfaction, or the money
refunded. It is a positive cure for the
most complicated cases of womb
Pioneer Bakery.
Havi)g again reopened" this popular
bakery and employed the services of a
first class baker. I am prepared to fnrn
ish the public with the very best of
bread, pies and cakes on short notice.
. ei door to Uhnsman & uorson, uor,
Waab'igton and Second streets," The
Dalles, Or. Geo. Rcch.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Whea Baby waa aide, we kt her Caatoria.
When ah waa a Child, she cried f 0c Castoria,
When ahe became SUss, she clungo Caatoria,
When he bad Chfldrea,ahogTe them Caatoria
We bz to inform the public that we
are about to open a night school of busi
ness and abort band bere in the city,
anci i-especic'iy soiicc tte patronage ot
all sjch young men and women as desire
to secure a praeti.-al Knowledge of busi
ness. For lull and farther particulars
apply at room 4, over rrench's bank.
Clack Gibson.
11.2dtt Ewabo W. Waaicr.
County Treasurer's Kotieo.
All county warrants registered prior
to May 1, 1889, will be paid if pre
sented at my office, corner Third and
Waihington streets. Interest ceasea on
and aiter this date.
The Dalles, Oct. 31, 1892.
W ILL) A t M IC flELT.,
JO.Cltf Treasarer Waico County, Or,
I will sell a few lots in the citv cheap :
titles clear. .Now, is your time, call or
address A. Kennedy,
11.7-56 N-ntb street, The Dalles, Or.
and dloa-Maing
For Bale Cheap For Cash.
The best ranch in' Gilliam countvr
Oregon. Being tbe E. y& of the N. V.
and N. E. of the S. E., S. y. of S. W. of ,
sectioa 10, S. E. of tbe N. E., N. of
N. W. of section 11., and the N. W. of
the N. E., and the N. E. of the N. W. of
section loy tp. 6, S. 21 E. of the W. M.
xnis rancii contains CUU acres : some
of which: is erasing. There are fair
buildings on the place, and good water.
For further information address C. W.
Richie,. P:. &. box, 108, Walla Walla,
Wash. 10.2;)dwlnx
A. Care for Cholera.
There is- no use of any one suffer-in sr
with the- cholera when Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
can be procured. It will give relief in a
few minutes and eure in a short time.
I have tried it and know. W. H. Clin
ton, Helmetta, N. J. The epidemic at
Helmetta waa at first believed to be
cholera,, but subsequent investigation
proved it to be a violent form of dysen
tery, almost as dangerous as cholera.
This remedy was used there with great
success. Fob sale by Blakeley & Hough
Having on hand a large supply of ice
we are prepared to furnish our custom
era with ice in any quantity at a reason
able rate. v e guarantee we will supply
the demand without advancing prices
throughout the season. Leave orders at
C. F. Lancr's store, Second street.
5-2tf - Gates & Allison.
Notice is hereby riven that, bv authorltr of
Ordinal! oe No. 257, which passed the common
council of Dalles city, September 3d, 1892, enti
tled "An ordinance entitled nn orainauce to-
Srovide for the sale of certain lots belonging te
alles city," I will, on Saturday next offer
for sale at publio anetion, to the highest bidder,
all of tbe lots and parts of lots situated in
Gates Addition, to Dalles City, Waco county,
Oregon, not heretofore sold, as previously adver
Eaoh of said lots, will be sold upon the lot
respectively and none of them shall be sold for
a less sum. thai the value thereof as above
One fourth of the price bid on any of said lots
shall be yaid In cosh at the time of sale, and the
remainder In two equal payments on or before
one and two years from the date of such sale,
respectively, with interest on such deferied pay
ments at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, .
eayable annually. Provided that payment may
e made in full at the time of such sale at the
option of the purchaser.
The sale will begin at the hour of ten o'clock:
a. ni. of said dav and will be continued from time
to time until all of said lots shall be sold.
U-ldtf Kecorder of Dalles. City.
Instantaneous Portraits. Chapma
Block, The Dalles, Oregon..
Campbell Bros Proprs
csuccessars to . s. Ciaa.)
Manufacturers of tbe finest French and .
Home Made
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tokcco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesala
or BetaU
In Every Style.
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
... 1
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or