The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. National Republican Ticket FOR PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of .Indiana. JyOB VICBPRESIDEJJT, WHITELAW REID, of New York. FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. H. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. G. M. IRWIN, of Union. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. OUR MERC U AST MARINE. From Washington today we have the annual report ot the commissioner of navigation, in which is advanced some new ideas as to what is. most needed to improve our merchant marine. Com. O'Brien expresses the opinion that the exclusion of foreign vessels from partici pation in our domestic and coastwise commerce, provided by the act of 1873, has alone saved our ship-building and shipping interests from ruin, and that in the absolutely protected branch of our merchant marine we have attained success in nautical affairs far surpassing those of any other nation on the globe. He says: "While American steam navigation has been entirely driven from the trans Atlantic trade, it survives on the Pacific ocean, first for the reason that American trans-Pacific lines are liable to sustain themselves through the association with an absolutely protected steamer line be tween New York and San Francisco, and the benefit of protection which arises from their association with a transcontinental railway line." The commissioner, however, calls attention to what he regards a threatning danger on the Pacific and says it is the fact that the dominion has enabled the Canadian Pacific railway to construct its line across the continent and place on the Pacific ocean a line of steamers which receives from the Canadian and British governments an annual subsidy of $400, 000 a year, which is five times the amount paid annually to American steamers carrying to and from Asia, which several times exceed in magnitude the mails carried by the Canadian lines. He re gards this as an assault upon the dig nity, as well as upon the commercial and shipping interests of the United States, and as a protective measure rec ommends the imposition of a discrimin ating duty upon Asiatic goods when imported into the United States from Canada. While the tonnage of American built vessels employed in the protected do mestic trade of the country has ad vanced, the unprotected foreign com merce branch of our merchant marine - has declined. ' He does not regard the r i r i l a xj measures oi renei aireauy auupieu aa adequate to the restoration of American shipping engaged in foreign commerce, The commissioner says : "The adoption of the policy proposed by the house committee on merchant marine and fisheries for admitting foreign built ves sels to both our domestic and foreign trade would inflict upon the ship-bnild- me and ship-owning interests a more severe blow than it received from con federate cruisers during the late war." The' committee designated by the treasury department laat August to es tablish a dividing line between shearling sheepskins, the wool on which has no commercial value and may be admitted free, and those on which the wool is sufficiently long to be subject to classifi cation and subsequently to duty, has reported that the "wool on all shearling has a commercial value, but from inves tigations made by this committee we are of the opinion that' the wool on shearling sheepskins, which does not exceed a quarter of an inch in length on the body of the pelt, is of such little value that all should be passed free of duty ; that all shearling skins where the wool exceeds a quarter of an inch in length should be subject to duty." This conclusion has been adopted as a rule of the depart ment, and all collectors have been so notified. A Denver dispatch says that Dr. A. J. Overbelt and Silas Hutchett, two of the electors on the Weaver ticket, refused to permit their names to be used as the head of the Cleveland democratic ticket. Their action is embarrassing in view of the fact that the Clevelandites have withdrawn their electors and substituted populist electors. The people of Washington will see to it that John L. Wilson is reelected to congress, for they believe that one good term deserves another. No - state ever had a more faithful and industrious rep resentative -than Congressman Wilson, and having proved his eminent, fitness for the position it would be a serious loss to the state to fail to re-elect him. A Boston gang of counterfeiters has floated $30,000 in spurious coin in that city. ). Peter la Married. Peter the Poet, the famous editor of the Klamath Star, last week married a Klamath Falls widow named Mrs. May field, and here is the graphic description the Star "sub" g"ives"the interesting affair : Peter the Poet has gone and got married. He and his girl had been fool ing around the rosy whirlpool a consid erable time, but they were carried com pletely under Wednesday evening,, their two lives of single blessedness being delightfully crushed into one. Peter said on departing that he did not care whether he or she was the one, since she is a Klamath girl, and a Klamath girl is the best kind of a girl ever blended into masculine identity. ' The wedding party consisted of only . a few near-at-hand friends, and the choice dinner was dis patched hurriedly while waiting for the stage, which whirled the happy couple off toward the railroad. -. A Significant Fact. Post Reveille. Many readers of the Reveille who attended the encampment held at Washington, were in daily at tendance at the Randall house where Gen. Hobeon had rooms. And all will remember how gayly and in fact elab ately the buildings in this vicinity were decorated, Grand Army Hall, Willards, Randalls, and in fact every house on Pennsylvania avenue from 14th to 15th, excepting No. 1429. Here not a single flag waived to show the occupants loy alty. Not a single banner, but stop, there was a banner, or rather an adver tising sheet telling to the hundred thous sand loyal hearts that passed by, that it was occupied by the democratic com mittee. A significant fact; many saw it : many remarked the total absence of flags or other, decorations. Ojunwosrcjaeao Shut the door against disease. Danger comes oft enest through impure blood. Keep your blood in order, and yon keep in health. For this, nothing equals Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. It invigorates the liver, puri fies and enriches the blood, and rouses every organ into healthy ac tion. By this means it cures. Ev ery part of the system feels its saving influence. Dyspepsia, Indi- festion, Biliousness, Scrofulous, kin and Scalp Diseases even Consumption ( or Liung - scrofula ) in its earlier 6tages, all yield to it. It's the only Liver, Blood and Lung Remedy that's guaranteed to bene fit or cure, or the money is re funded. Trying terms to 6ell on but it's a medicine that can carry them out. " Golden Medical Discovery " contains no alcohol to inebriate, and no syrup or sugar to derange digestion. It's a concentrated vegetable ex tract ; put up . in large bottles ; pleasant to the ta9te, and equally good for adults or. children. KOTIVE, All Dalles City warrants registered prior to January 0, 1891, will be paid ii presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. Dated October 13th, 1892. L. RORDES, tf. Treas. Dalles City. Too Much of a Risk. . It is not unusual for colds contracted in the fall to hang on all winter. In such cases catarrh or chronic bronchitas are almost sure to result. A fifty cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure any cold. Can yon afford to risk so much for so small an amount? This remedy is intended especially ior bad colds and croup and can always be depended upon. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. S. L. YOUNG, JEWELBE Wntohes and Jewelrv repaired to order on short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. -at thk Store of I. C. Nlckelsen, 3d St. The Dalle W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine " Room, The Dalles, - Oregon. 36T"Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. 7 City Blactaraith Snop " Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, THE DALLES, OREGON. Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all vour blacksmithing in the . finest style. Satisfaction guar- ' anteed. ' "" GtiWltfG & HOCK .Props. H. S. CHEESM AN No. 0 Second st, The Dalle. Or. BOOTS AND SHOES MANUFAC TURED TO ORDER. ALL WORK AND A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. - REPAIRING DONE IN A SATIS-j FACTORY MANNER. . O. F. STEPHENS, DEALER list Dry Goods - . Boots. Shorn, lint. T.iv. FanciJ tjoodg, Jtang Klc. Etc. 134 Second St., next to Dalles National Bank, Dalles City, Oregon. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S - SPOOL SILK v FINE LINE OF No. 390 to 394, 2d ar. H. GROSS -DEALER IK- Hay, Grain, Feed & Flour. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRtCTLY CASH. It behooves everyone, especially the workingman, to buy where he can buy the cheapest and can get the most for his hard earned mone-. We solicit a share of your patronage. Cash paid for eggs and poultry. All goods delivered free and promptly Corner Union and Second streets, The Dalles, Oregon. NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. FRAZER & WYNDHAM, Proprietors. 1 -s - o EC 3 At the old stand of R. Lusher, THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The Corrngated Building next Door to Court House. " .. HaMsomely Furnislie4 Rooms to Rent tte Day, Veet or Monti." ." . Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. jvihs. H- FflSEH, Pvopv. THE CELEBRHTED COLUMBIA AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. ..This well-known Brewery is now turning oat the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. .The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on the market. - " ., Dlssolatlan of Co-partnership. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Abrams & Stewart has been dissolved by mutual consent. W. R. Abrams is authorized to collect all amounts due the firm of Abrams & Stewart,- and will pay all demands against said firm. - - . . W. R. Abrams. V . The Dalles, Or.,. Aug. loth, 1892. 8.35d&w6w Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the late firm of Abrams & Stewart, of The Dalles, or W.R. Abrams, either by note or account, to. make pay ment of the same immediately at tbe bank of French & Co. All notes and ac counts remaining unpaid November loth, 1892, will be placed in attorneys' bands with instructions to collect. . Any claims against the late- firm must be presented at the same place, with proper vouchers, on or before above date. The business of the firm must be closed up without further delay.. Res pectfullv, W. R. Abrams. ' S.2odfcw3m J. FOLCO, DEALER IN LCanflies, Ms, Nuts,Ma Water, Ice Cream, Tobacco and Cigars MASCFACTPBER OF first Glass Syrups fop Saloons and Soda Fountains, Ete. Second Street, Next door to Wingate's Hall DEW DROP INN. T.. C. SHERWOOD, Prop. : Hie very lest Wines, Liquors and Cor- .. dials. Imported and Domes- I . tic Cigars. street, The Dalles O. C3 O in- PC no Front St.. The Dalles, Oregon. BREWERY, " MINKE SHE NEW TOWN baa been platted on the old tamp ground, at the Forks and , Falls ot Hood river, with large sightly lots, broad streets and alleys, good soil. -"- jwire cold water and shade in profusion, perfect drainage, delightful mountain r : . climate, the central attraction as a mountain rammer resort and for all Oregon, ' . being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It is also unparalled as a manufacturing center, being the natural center for 130 square miles of the best cedar and nr i timber, possessing millions of horse power in its dashing streams and water ' " falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the manu- factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that cannot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with transportation already assured you will rind this the place to make a perfect home or a paying investment TITIiE PERFECT W. ROSS Freeborn & -DEALERS IS- Wail Paper ana 295 ALDER Ol.I Nl'HlilB 95, - New Jackets FROM S3.nO $30. OOIl'T FAIL TO SEE NEW STOCK OF ; Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Clothing, Hals, Boots and PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. FLOYD & -DEALERS IX- DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Perfumery, Etc. Pure Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. .. - " . Physicians Presenfptions a Specialty. Corner Union and Second Streets, - - . The Dalles, Oregon. S KI B B E5 PLUSH STKTIONKRY BOXGS With twenty -four sheets of Fine Note Paper and ." Envelopes to match FOR 35 CENTS THIS WEEK ONLY 3E3- Jacobsen db Co., 163 Second Strtet, Also Organs and Pianos at Reduces Prices. PAUL KR EFT & CO., DEALERS IN : PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, . . . And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in P5-Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masnry's Paints used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. - Store aid PaiarShop corner Third and See me- on the ground, or address me at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. V WINANS. Company, Boom mouioinos. ST., COR. FIFTH, - Poeti.and, Orkgov. , Shoes. TERMS CASH. Sri H. Herbring. SHOWN, H O T E L, IE. 2 -AT- MUSIC S T C , - .' The Dalles, Oregon. : Washington Sts.-, The Dalles, Oregon 2,