J The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUKTY. National Republican Ticket. FOR PKKSIDEXT, BENJAMIN HARIUSON, of Indiana. "fok VlCK-l'IiESIDENT, AVHITELAW REID, of New York. FOB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTOKS, J. F.' CAPL.ES, of Portland. H. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. G. M. IRWIN, of Union. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. NEEDS A PETITION. Bv tlie provisions of the 3d section of the act of congress approved September 29th, 1890, settlers on forfeited railroad lands were allowed two years from the date of that act in which to make pay ments for their lands. Owing to delays in the ipsue of special instructions neces sary to put the act in force, congress framed on February 18th, 1S91, an amendment to the original act, making the time for payments date from Febru ary 3d, 1891, thus giving claimants until February 3d, 1K93 in which to pay. In July last congress passed an addi tional act giving a further, extension un til September 29th, 1S93, but confined its action to actual hona tide rexidenls on the land. The attention of Senator Mitchell was called to this subject when in The Dalles last Wednesday and he very readily took in the situation, and expressed confidence m the prospect of a further extension being allowed by congress. . But the delegation must have some thing with which to go before the com mittee. If parties interested would get up petitions in the different neighbor hoods, stating their need of a further extension and giving the reasons why it is needed, and send such petition, before the meeting of congress, to Senator Polph, who is. chairman ot the committee on public lands in the United States senate, it is confidently hoped that a further ex tension of two years from February 3d, 1893 can be obtained, but there is abso lutely no lime to be lost. All who can show a bona tide intention of purchasing these lands, are interested in this subject. The world's fair at Chicago will far surpass anything previously accom plished in the way of international ex positions. The exposition buildings, ac cording to the testimony of all who have seen them, are wonders in themselves. Many of the state buildings have been completed and are very attractive; all are under way except that of Oregon. If Oregon is without one, enough voters will return, mortified and angry, from the fair to bury in political death, be yond hope of resurrection, any and every man responsible for the deficiency. TUB DALLES, . 'Col. Elliott F. Shephard has a notion ' that the railroads ought to send visitors to Chicago next year at the rate ot ?1 a head. No doubt the visitors would like this well enough, but how about the stockholders? In view of the fact that C hicago is already raising prices within -her own borders the prudent visitor from New York and other places will - need all the reduction on railroad fare that he can get. The dollar fare does 'not include a ride in the $22-a-day hacks after you get there. tBPVMlCMTiaso ' Something is lost when you use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It's Catarrh. The worst cases yield to its mild, soothing, cleansing, and healing properties. No matter how bad your case, or of how long standing, you can be cured. Incurable cases are rare. It's worth $500 to you, if you have one. The manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Remedy are looking for them. They'll pay you that amount in cash, if they can't cure you. It's a plain square offer from a responsible business house, and they mean it. It seems too one-sided, too much of a. risk. It would be with any other medi cine behind it. It only goes to prove what's been said : incurable cases are rare with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Uther so-called remedies may pal liate for a time ; this aires for all time. By its mild, soothing, cleans ing and healing properties, it con quers the worst cases. It removes offensive breath, loss or impairment of the sense of taste, smell or hear ing, watering or weak eyes, when caused by the violence of Catarrh, as they all frequently arc. Remedy sold by druggists, only 50 cents. H. S. CHEESM AN No. 00 Second St., The Dallet, Or. BOOTS AND SHOES MANUFAC TURED TO ORDER. ALL WORK AND A PERFECT FIT I GUARANTEED. ! All NOTICE. Dalles Citv warrants registered prior to January , 1891, will be paid if presented at mv office. Interest ceases from and after this date. Dated October 13th, 1892. L. Eoedex, tf. Treas. Dalles City. Too Much of a Itlnk. It is not. unusual for colds contracted in the fall to hang on all winter. In such cases catarrh or chronic bronchitas are almost sure to result. A fifty cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure any cold. Can you afford to risk so much for eo small an amount? This remedy is intended especially for bad colds and croup and can alwavs be depended upon, ior-eale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. NOTICE: SALE OK CITY LOTS. Notice is hfcreby given that, by authority of urmniiiiee .no. ,, wnicn passed me common council of Dalles city, September 3d, 1892, enti tled "An f.ninanee entitled an ordinauce to provide for the sale of certain lots belonging to balles city,'- 1 will, on Tuesday, tnc 11th day of October, lV'J2, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder, all of the following lots and parts of lots situated In Gates Addition to Dulles City, v a-co county, Oregon, to-wit: . Ixts 7, S and 9. in block 27, lots 2, 3, 4, 5. G, 7, 8, !) and 10 ill bloeli 31, and all of blocks 3T, :K, 37, 3S, 40, 41, 42 and 43, and lots 1, 2, a, 4, 5 and 0, in block 46. The reasonable value of said lots, for less than which Ihev will not be sold, has been fixed and determined by the common council of Dalles city, as follows, to-wlt A Michigan woman, who seems to have been quite determined to die, took a large dose of morphine, cut her throat, and then leaped into a cistern, where she was drowned. It is not improbable that a similar amount of industry and perseverence, expended in another di rection, would have made her life seem worth living. The famous handwriting expert, David X. Carvalho, asserts that "no man does or can write his signature twice exactly alike." He therefore advances the start ling proposition that "when two signa tures purporting to have been written by the same person are exactly alike it is safe to conclude that one of them is a forgery." Lot 7 in block 27, 22o Lot m block 27, 22.) Lot 3 in block 34, 250 Lot a in block 34, 273 xt 7 in block 34, aso Ixt 9 in block 34, flOO Lot 1 in block 3, 225 J.ot 3 in block 35, 200 Lot 5 in block 35, 200 Lot Tin block 35, 175 Lot 9 in block 35, 150 Ixt 11 in block 85, 150 lxt 1 in block Sfl, 225 1-ot 3 in block 3ti, 200 Lot 51a block :u, 200 Lot 7 in block .'Sti, 175 Lot 9 in block 3(, 150 Lot 11 in block 36, 150 Ixt 1 in block 37, 150 Lot 3 in block 37, 100 Lot 5 in block 37, 100 Lot 7 in block 37, 150 Lot 9 in block 37, 100 iMt 11 in block 37, luo Lot 1 in block 38, 110 Lot 3 in block SS, 100 Lot iiim bloek KS, 100 Mt 7 in block :w, 110 Lot 9 in bloek 3S, 100 Lot 11 in block 38, 100 Lot 1 in block 40, 110 Lot 3 in block 40, 100 Lot 5 in block 40, 100 Lot 7 in block 40, 110 Lot 9 in block 10, W0 J.ot 11 iu b'OCK 40, 100 Lot Unblock 41, ISO Lot 3 in block 41, 100 Lot 5 in block 41, 100 I.ot 7 in block 41, 125 Let 9 in block 41, 100 Ix.t 11 in block 41, 100 Lot 1 in block 42, 200 Ixit 3 in block 42, 150 Lot 5 in block 42, 150 Lot 7 in block 42, 100 Lot 9 in block 42, 100 Lot 11 in block 42, 100 Lot 1 in block 43, 225 Lot 3 in block 43, 175 Lot 5 in block 43, 175 Lot 7 in block 43, 100 Lot 9 in block 43, 100 Lot 11 in block 43, 100 Lot 1 in block 40,- 125 Lot 3 in block 46, 100 Lot 5 in bloek 4ti, 100 Commenting upon those Oregon pio neer families who propose to visit the worlds fair iu prairie schooners drawn by ox teams, the New York Herald says if the plan will permit the dodging of railroad fares, hotel rates and hack hire, it might be generally followed with advantage. Ii89 Gerrfude Howe, who has labored as a missionery in China for twenty years, has returned home accompanied by five clever young Chinese students, two girls and three boys, who will com plete their education and and take a medical course at Ann Arbor. The prince of Wales is being con .demned for not attending Lord Tenny son's funeral. But . who knows what last requests may have been made by I ot 8 in block 27, J225 Lot, 2 iu block "A, 250 Ijot 4 in block 31, 275 Lot 6 in block 34, 300 Jxt 8 in block 34, 400 Lot 10 iu block 34, 1 Lot 2 in block 35, 200 Lot 4 in block 35, 200 Lot 6 in block 35, 200 Lot 8 in block 35, 150 Lot 10 in bloek 35, 150 Lot 12 in block 35, 1 Lot 2 iu block 30, 200 Lot 4 in block 3ii, 200 Lot G in block 30, 225 Lot 8 in block 36, 150 Ixt 10 in block 36, 150 Lot 12 in block 36, 1 Ut 2 in block 37, 100 Ixt 4 in block 37, 100 Ixit G in block 37, 150 Ixit 8 in block 37, 100 Lot 10 in block 37, 1C0 Lot 12 in block 37, 150 Lot 2 in block 38, 100 Ixjt 4 in bloek 38, 100 Lot 6 in block 38, 110 Lot 8 in block 38,, 100 Lot 10 in block 38, 100 Lot 12 in bloc K. 38, 110 Lot 2 iu bloek 49, 100 Lot 4 in block 40, 100 Lot G in block 40, 110 Ixit 8 in block 40, 100 Ixit 10 iu bloek 40, 100 Ixit 12 in block 40, 110 Lot 2 in block 41, 100 Lot 4 iu bloek 41, 100 Ixit Gin b ock 41, 150 Ixit 8 in block 41, 100 Lot 10 in block 41, 100 Ixit 12 in block 41. 1 Lot 2 in block 42, 150 Ixrt 4 in block 42, 150 Ixit fi in block 42, 200 Ixit 8 in block 42, 100 Ixit 10 in block 42, 100 Ixit 12 iu bleck 42, 100 Lot 2 in block 43, V Lot 4 in block 43, 1 Ixit 6 in block 43. 2 Ixit 8 in block 43, 100 Ixit 10 ill block 43, 100 Lot 12 in block 43, 100 Ixit 2 in block 46, 100 Ixit 4 In block 40, 100 Lot 6 in block 46, 125 r.noh nf mid lots will be sold uoon the lot respectively and none of them shall be sold for a less sum than the value thereof an above stated. One fourth of the price bid on any of said lots sVinll he naid in cash at the time of sale, and the remainder in two equal payments on or before one ana two years trom tne aate oi sucn saie. respectively, with interest on such deferied pay ments at the rate of ten per cent, per annum payable annually. Provided that payment may be made in fuU at the time of such sale at the option of the purchaser. The sale will heehi on the 11th dav of Oetobei 1892, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said day and will be continued from time to time until all of said lots shall be sold. Dated this 8th day of September, 1892. FRAXK MEKEFEE, Recorder of Dalles City. Besides above lots, will be sold at same time lots: A, block 82, D. M. ad $100 B, block 2, D. M. ad 100 C, block 82, D. M. ad 100 These lots are situated on Eleventh street, be tween the houses of Mr. More ana A. ti. Jonn son. Terms one-half cash, balance in one year. W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine Room The Dalles, - Oregon, J3("Nortriwest Court Streets. corner of Second and ty Blacksmith Saop, Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, OBEGON". Will repair your fine Baggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmithing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar anteed. :OTG&BOCIIHH, Props. Dissolution of Co-partnership. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Abrams & Stewart has been dissolved by mutual consent. "V. K. Abrauis is authorized to collect all amounts due the firm of Abrams & Stewart, and will pay all demands against said firm. ' -; ". K. Abrams. Wm. Stewart. The Dalles, Or., Aug. 15th, 1892. 8.2od&w6w Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the late firm of Abrams & Stewart, of The Dalles, or V. R. AbramS, either by note or account, to make pay ment of the same immediately . at the bank of French & Co. All notes and ac counts remaining unpaid November 15th, 1892, will be placed in attorneys' hands with instructions to collect. Any claims against the late firm .must be presented at the same place, with proper vouchers, on or before above date. The business of the firm must be closed up without further delay. Res pectfully, W. R. Abkams. 8.25diw3m J. FOLCO, DEALER IX REPAIRING DONE IN A SATIS FACTORY MANNER. -jCaniies, Mis, Ms, Soda Water, C. P. STEPHENS, DEALER IN Dry Goods (Clothing Uoots, .Sline. Hats, Etc. FanciJ Ejoodg, jfotioiig Ice Cream, Tobacco anl Cigars JIAXCFACTCBER OF first Glass Syrups for Saloons and Soda Fountains, Etc recond Street. Next door to Wingate's Hall DEW DROP INN. I.. C. SHERWOOD, Prop. Ktc, Etc., Etc. j : -: - I The very best Wines, Liquors a,nd Cor l' li:l?. Imported and Domes- . 134 Second St., next to Dalles National ! , tic cigars. Bank, Dalles City, Oregon. . ' ; ' , THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES.' BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S - SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OI No. 390 to 394, 2d street. The Dalles INHNS. 5 HE NEW TOWN bus been platted on the old ramp ground, at the Forks and - Fall of Hood river, with large sigbtlv lots, broaa streets and alleys, good soil, lnre cold water and shade in profusion, perfect drainage, delightful mountain - climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort and for all Oregon, v ' . being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It is also unparulled as a manufacturing " center, being the natural center for 1j0 square miles of the best cedar and tir iimuCT, pti:u&iiiK iiuiuuus or nor&e power in Its ansniiiK Birearas imu waier-. falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exihts, there the manu- factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that canuot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, aud with trnportation already assured you will find this the place to make a perfect home or a paying investment TITIiE PERFECT See me on : the ground, -or address me at Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon. N W. ROSS W1NANS. Freeborn & Company, -DEALERS IX- Wall Paper antf oon pioaliliiigs, 295 ALDER ST., COR. FIFTH, Ova Number 95, " Poetlaxi, Okegox. V V t New Jackets FROM TO $30. Dorr TO SEE THEfl. NEW STOCK OF 5 V i t W t i i i ' it DEALER IX- Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Clothing;, Hats, Boots ami Shoes. PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. Hay, Grain, Feed & Flour. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. It behooves everyone, especially the workingman, to buy where he can buy the cheapest and can get the mostjfor his hard earned money. We solicit a share of your patronage. Cash paid for eggs and poultry. A!i goods delivered free and promptly Corner Union and Second streets, The Danes, Oregon. NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. FRAZER & WYNDHAM, Proprietors. yS1TV?!b.:Tr. -...s iJvrT- Trunin wnnnrnnr.wVC3!7? i1 S-v .-l Tr7..i'w'!i,j.' J IftU S5 S. P 01 At the old stand of R. Lusher, no Front St.. The Dalles, Oregon. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. Th Corrugated ISuilding next, loor tn Court House. Handsomely Fnrnisbeil Eooias to Rent cy tte Day, Weefc or Monti. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook TRANSIENT FATROTTAG-E SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. THE CELEBRTTTED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the beat Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed on the market. TERMS CASH. H: Herbring. FLOYD & SHOWN, -DEALEKS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES AND GHEMIGALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Parfumery, Etc. . Pure Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. : . Corner Union and Second Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. S K I B B E- HOTEL-, JE9. "VA". Zj. sit: Fropr. 11 (2) 0 o K o m W -; s B PLUSH STKTIONHRY BOX9S "With twenty-four sheets of Fine Note Paper and Envelopes to match FOR 35 CENTS THIS WEEK ONLY DEO. Jacbbsen s Oo-, 163 Second Street. MUSIC STC - The Dalles, Oregon Also Organs and Pianos at Reduces Prices. PAUL KREFT & CO., - DEALERS IN- ; :, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in jrgpr'pract,;Cal Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors.' All orders promptly attended to. " ' ; ; ' , ; " Store and Paint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts.', , The Dalles, Oregon the dead laureate? ,