The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 25, 1892, Image 3

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US; s.
Misses' and Children's Spring Heel Rubbers.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Eutered a the rostofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Loral Advertising.
10 Cents per line for flrst Insertion, and 5 Cents
per line tor eneh subsequent insertion.
Special rates lor long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
1 Weather forecast.
Official forecast for twenty-four Aor e ndinb at
- p. m. mviorraw:
Fair. Cooler. Stiff frost tonight
Portland, Oct. 25, 1892.
OCTOBER" 25, 1892
Ed, Mack and J. M. Hansen of Grass
Valley, are in the city.
Mrs. S. L. Brooks left this morning by
the steamer Regulator for a visit to Port
land. The U. S. Engineers will again return
to The Dalles before leaving the Inland
Miss Edith Smith of 8-Mile, who has
been in Portland on a visit, returned at
noon today.
New jackets illustrated today in Her
bring's new ad. Take notice of his stock
just now opening.
The Regulator had a first class cargo
out this morning, including stock,
Fagons, grain, fruit, etc.
Hon. A. R. Lvle, ex-Representative of
Crook county, is in the city delivering a
ind of beef cattle sold to the markets.
N. J. Sinnott has received an invita
tion from Chairman Griffin to address
the Blaine club in Portland, Thursday
Dufur is represented in the city today
by Dr. W. L. Vanderpool, W. L. Hen
dricks, Mr. and Mrs. Horatio " Fargher,
and Miss Roth.
r. Jesse La ton, once a pioneer of
Yamhill county, but now one of the
thrifty residents of Sherman county, is
in The Dalles today-
Miss Lettie Johnston left this after
noon for Salem, called to the bedside of
her sister, Mrs. Fritz, who is reported
dangerously ill from typhoid fever.
A man on Union st rpofr. whrt araa mnlr
ing too free with his pistol, was arrested
aDout noon today by Oflicer Maloney
He frightened several people, but didn'
The steam shovel was brought up from
its bluff at Shell rock last night, and will
be given a rest. It has done excellent
service this tjeaaon, and the work shows
for itself. .
Among the visitors in the citv todav
ironi Antelope ana vicinitv. we notice
John Baxter, Malcolm and D. McLen
. vw, C. V. Laur, and Mr. and Mrs. J
Strawberries, fine, fresh, and full
j flavored, are exposed in The Dalles
markets for sale today. There is a sort
of inelallk, taste to the fruit, when the
ybill lgjendered only.
Dr. Vandenberg, writing under date
u ue utn irom .Buffalo, says the ship
- ateut of silica from The Dalles, had not
yet. been heard of. A tracer will be put
on to its course today.
What a graceful, swan-like bird it
must .have been ; way back in the no
Wheres ; to carry 6uch a bone as that
shown on Second street from Alaska
It would be ducks to a bear to have such
a bone as that to pick. '
have in mens wear
Women's, misses'
Twenty tons of clay for the Columbia
hvtav. nfnea n-t1ra i a An rAtltn V fir" I
I1IC1 flaca TT VI IV O j JO JVUVXs is.vrau
Louis. This clav is to be used for conf-
struction purposes. The European clav
for the cupola and retorts, will reach
here tomorrow. It passed Pocatell
Among all the explanations and theo
ries that have been presented concern)
ine the withdrawal of Col. Bob Mille;
from the Cleveland ticket in Oregon
none fits the subject better than that of
Master Willie Crossen, who says "Col.
Bob wasn't tall enough."
foung Chapman, who was believed to
be honest in his declarations of inno
cence respecting the charges brought
against him for having a stolen borfee
in his possession, so deceived the officers
that he must now take his chances in a
criminal prosecution before Justice
The Buffalo Express of the 20th no
tices the promotion of James G. Hub
bard as master mechanic of the Erie
system at East Buffalo. He ia a relative
of Mr. Linus Hubbard of this city, and
has many friends in this city and Port
land who will be pleased to hear of his
well deserved promotion.
Mr. A. Keller, moved into his new
store yesterday morning. A full line of
bread, cakes, pies and confectionary,
cigars, oysters, etc., will be opened. He
invites all his old patrons around to t he
new place, next to the Dalles National
bank, and as many new ones as can findj
time to come, andyie promises to do his
best to please them all.
Sheep dip is a terrible drain upon
farmers of the Inland Empire which
they can in a great measure overcome.
Mr. Bonn of this city, has set the exam
ple of cultivating tobacco for dip pur
poses, and his eminent success shows
what may be accomplished. Besides the
prolific growth of tobacco here, we no
tice that' tobacco with leaves thirty
three inches long and seventeen inches
wide has been grown this year in Grant
county along the John Day river. It
was not intended for curing, but for
manufacturing sheep dip! If the prac
tice becomes general with sheep-owners,
tney will save themselves thousands of
Col. Bob Miller has put the state to
$25,000 expense, ' through the various
counties, by not finding out that he was
not eligible as an elector on the Cleve
land ticket, "until a Weaver man could
be found for the place." A sort of slow
combination. Nathan Pierce, a DODulist
of Umatilla county, has been dug up to
combine with the democrats-; and Bob
drops lout, iust because he is inelicrible : r
and he ia ineligible because he is ineli-f Mrs. Harrison died at 1:40 a. m. to
rible. That is the onlv rMr,r. a;T,o J day. It could hardly be said that the
He is said to be suffering from a severed
cold contracted during the recent snoW
storm in Eastern Oregon, perhaps while"
he was up here arranging his ineligibill
ity with Pierce. No man ia at liberty ti
state what the disability of Colone
Miller , is, as the information was im
parted to me under a pledge'of secrecy,'
says Chairman Dan Mnrphy, of thd
democratic state . central ' committee!
"but it is a bigger thing that we havi
discovered than the discovery of Ameri
ica by Columbus. It may be thai
some of the electors on the republican
ticket in the different states are ineligi
ble for the position of presidential
elector for the same reasons, and were I
to say of what thedisability consists, it
is not improbable that the republicans
would withdraw certain of their candi
dates for electors." Republicans make
no mistakes, to rectify which the people's
money must be squandered at this late
day for new ballots all over the state.
- A whip stock eighty feet long, eleven
inches through at the butt end, and
three inches at the top, was left in front
of the United States land office this
afternoon, corner of Washington and
First streets, where it will be planted in
the ground and be used by Uncle Sam's
agents in The Dalles from which to float
the stars and stripes in gentle breezes.
rr-oucher, of Amity, who recently
made a queer discovery as to how worms
get into apples, has just had a peculiar
personal experience: He grew ill one
day last week and began spitting blood
and mattery substance from his lungs,
and among that ejected was a strange
looking beast about an inch long," of an
oval shape, with three legs on either
side about half an inch in length, and'
on the whole a very queer-looking speci
men of animal creation. The doctor
says he feels an absence Sow in his reft
lung, where tbe thing was probably
located, and is much easier now because
of its removal. Doc is sorely troubled
with worms this year.
Fiano Thumpers.
Lovers of music will be highly edified
by the perusal of a New York dispatch
today giving an account of the contest
between a pair of thumpers yesterday.
The account says: Prof. (?) W. J.
Waterbury is still champion ' long-endurance
piano-player of the world. His
record, is now seventeen hours' contin
uous playing. Professor Waterbury and
Miss Ada Melville began playing in a
museum at 9 a. ro. His record was
fourteen hours ; hers was ten hours and
thirty minutes. Both were confident of
winning. To appreciate the severity of
this test of endurance it must be remem
bered that there is no stop of any sort in
the performance for any purpose what
ever, trom y a. m. until 1 :oz a. m., a
stretch of sixteen hours and fifty-two
minutes, Miss Melville never left her
seat, and never once" stopped playing.
At 1 :52 yesterday morning she collapsed.
Her hands fell from the keys to her lap,
and she was too exhausted to raise them
She was utterly prostrated. The pro'
fessor himself, after the collapse of Miss
Melville, played on for eight minutes,
establishing the record of seventeen
hours. Miss Melville s right wrist is
swelled and stiff,' and the middle finger
of the right hand is swollen and aore.
The finger tips of both bands are numb
and blistered. The professor's thumbs
y twice their regular sizei,
patient was unconscious during the
evening hours, for she revealed some
signs of understanding when attempts
were made to relieve her last- moments
by partially opening her parched lips to
receive the stimulating fluid which was
applied to them from time to time, but
not a drop could she swallow, and the
power of . speech had left her frame for
ever. The funeral arrangements are as
follows : . Religious services will be held
at the White House Wednesday morn
ing, after which the remains will be
taken to Indianapolis, where the inter
ment will be made at Crown Mill ceme
tery Thursday--- " '
In this city, Oct. 24th 1892, by Elder
G. H. Barnett, Herbert Powell, and Miss
Nancy McCoy, all of Wasco county.
Boom! to Let. ...
Two pleasant bed rooms in a neat
cottage on the hill, to let. Inquire at
this ot&ce. lO.ldtf
MisBarrlson is Dead. '
ulator Line
Tie Dalles, Portland" anfl Moria
Navigation Co. "
Freignt and Passenger Line
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and" Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 6 a. m. connecting at Cascade
Locke with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One way. $2.00
Bound trip. . . 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
General A cent.
General Manager.
Revival of Work Long Since Abandoned
Hydraulics and Flames tlie
Style Now.
Long Creek Eagle. Placer mining has
been very profitable at Granite creek
his season. J. J. Worcester has ceased
is season's labor on his mines, on which
he has been laboring since the early part
of the year, opening up an old tunnel
run by gold seekers in 1862, and long
since filled up with rock. The tunnel
leads through a fall in - the creek about
forty feet high, and is being converted
into an open cut, fof the purpose of put
ting in a flume. They have excavated
some 200 feet and there is yet eighty
feet to open. They expect to complete
the work and put in a flume in time to
take advantage of the water supply in
the spring. These were rich diggings in
the long ago. From eighty to one hun
dred thousand dollars were taken out
above the falls, and the work paid $80
to $100 a day to the man. With the fall
obtained by cutting away the tunnel the
present miners expect profitable returns,
as they can mine to great advantage.
The reason the old tunnel has not been
opened before is no one cared to tackle
the accumulation of rock, but the work
baa proven easier than anticipated.
Mat Kerwin, a practical miner, who is
in the employ of Sloan & Haskell, of the
Elk creek mines, see us Mon
day. From Mr. Kerwin it is learned
that Sloan & Haskell is running a force
of four hands night and day, drifting out
that which would be impossible to work
with the hydraulic, owing to the hight
of the bank. They have driven one
tunnel in about 200 feet and another
about 150 feet, and are at present realiz
ing handsomely from the claim formerly
worked by O. P. Cresap, during the 60's.
In the meantime the derrick, etc., used
in working the placer mine, is being
moved to a point farther up Elk creek,
and put in readiness for operations in
the spring.
F K E K .
Friends and customers of A. M.
Williams & Co., and John Booth, are
cordially invited to call at their grocery
store Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 2oth
and 26th to test the merits of the St.
Charles Evaporated Unsweetened cream.
Coffee will be served in which this
brand of delicious cream will be used.
This sterilized cream is not only su
perior to any other on the market, but
is better than dairy milk or cream, which
has not been relieved of the animal and
atmospheric impurities. Come one and
. B. St. Charles Linsweetened cream
ia a peerless food for mlanta, and the
sick, as well aa all culinary uses.
The Fence of the Future.
There are a number of strong points in
avor of the Tuna Hedge as the fence of
he future, tbe advantage of this kind of
a fence may be briefly mumerated
follows : It becomes a perfect barrier
against all kinds of domestic animals
after three vears growth ; does not sap
or impoverish the ground, being a strict
ly atmospheric plant, and will not grow
from the seed or bv cuttine the roots
Wience will not spread, itrows only to a
certain uniform Height ana tneretore
ayes not require trimming, it has been
tuyroughly ana successtuny tested in
northern climates and does not kill out
in thV winter time, it serves the double
purpose of usefulness and ornamen-
tatiotrf as it is an evergreen and blooms
urine three months of the year, an in
vitation is extended to thoroughly test
its merits, and every one will be con
vinced that it possesses all the advant
ages claimed for it. - Messrs. Johnson &
Payne- are now taking orders for the
Tuna Hedge and have met with uniform
success. Any one wishing a living grow
ing fence something that will not spread
and will be a fence for all time to come
should give their orders now and get
their fence started this fall. :
Just Received
Miss anna peter s go.
Fine Millinery !
112 Second street,.
Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in
Boots and Shoes. All goods
we sell, we warrant.
1X4 seookt:
Card of Thanks.
To the kind friends who were so sym
pathetic and helpful in our late bereave
ment at the loss of our babe, we extend
our sincere thanks, and may God
bless them, ia the prayer of ,
Mr. and Mas. W. T. Kame.
Oh, this ringing in the ears!
Oh, this humming in the head V
Hawking, blowing, snuffing, gashing, '
Watering eyes and throat a-rashing,
Health impaired and comfort fled,
Till I would that I were dead !
What folly to suffer so with.', catarrhal
troubles, when the worst cases of
chronic catarrh in the head are relieved
and cured by the mild, cleansing and
healing properties of Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy. It purifies the foul breath, by
removing the cause of offence, heals the
sore and inflamed passages, and perfects
a lasting cure.
.Having on hand a large supply of ice
we are prepared to furnish our custom
ers with ice in any quantity at a reason
able rate. We guarantee we will supply
the demand without advancing prices
throughout the season. Leave orders at
C. Jr. Lauer s store, Second street.
5-2tf . Oatbs & Avisos.
For Sale.
Tver HnirA lnta nnd a rnttnafl. nn " 9th
street, one block west of Union. Very
desirable. Price reasonable, come quick,
apply to N. Whealdon.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was oleic, we ga-re her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she pave them Castoria
A Cure for Cholera.
There is no use of any one suffering
with the cholera when Chamberlain a
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
can be procured. It will give relief in a
tew minutes and cure in a snort time
I have tried it and know. W. H. Clin
ton, Helmetta, N. J. The epidemic at
Helmetta was at first believed to be
cholera, but subsequent investigation
proved it to be a violent form of dysen
terv, almost as dangerous as cholera.
This remedy was used there with great
success. or sale by Biakeiey Hough
ton. .
County Treasnrer's'Kotice.
All county warrants registered prior
to March 13, 1889, will be paid if pre
sented at my office, . corner Third and
Washington streets. Interest ceases on
and after this date.
The Dalles, July 16, 1892. " ,
William Michell,
7.18tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or,
Notice. :.
i ity uraer 01 tne uommon council ot vanes
1 fStv maiia nurf onlAmH tn ttio 1'?h Hup nf 1 1"
ber, 18!. notice is hereby given that sold city
council is about to proceed to order and make
improvements In streets in said citv. as herein-
after stated, and the cost-of such improvement
will be levied iitkiii the nronertv adiacent there
to, and said improvement will be made, unless
within fourteen days fiom the final publication
oi this notice, the owners of two-thirds of thi
property adjacent tnereto, shall tile their re
monstrance against such improvements as by
charter provided.
The improvement contemplated and . about to
To improve Wa-hinetoll. Fulton and Lautrblin
streets in said city. by constructing a sewer of
terra-cotta, from the Columbia river at the foot
of said Washington street, and running thence
south on said Washington street, to the junction
of said street with Fulton street, ana running
thence easterly aong said Fulton street, to the
junction' of said Fulton street with JLaughlin
street, and running thence southerly along said
Laughlin street, to the allev next south of Alvord
street, said sewer to be of twelve inch terra-cotta
pipe from tne point of beginning, above men
tioned to the allev between Fourth and Fifth
streets, and of ten inch terra-cotta pipe from said
piuee, uiiue lenmnauon tnereoi, as uoove Bulled.
jjaiea cms -zia aay oi uctoDer, isz.
Fbahk Mekifee,
Recorder of Dalies City.
A Cholera Scare.
A reported outbreak of cholera at Hel-
metta, N. J., created much excitement
in that vicinity.- Investigation showed
that the disease was not cholera but a
violent dysentery, which is almost aa
severe and dangerous as cholera. Mr.
Walter Willard, a prominent merchant
of Jamesburg, two miles from Helmetta,
says Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and '
Diarrhuea Remedy has given great satis
faction in the most severe cases . of dys
entery. It is certainly one of the best
things ever made." For sale by Blake
ley & Houghton, druggists.
Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Campbell Bros. Proprs
(Successars to W. S. craa.)
Manufacturers of the finest French and
Home Hade
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholcsala
or Retail
In Every Style.
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
; "
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Watches and Jeweh-y repaired to order on
short notice, and.satisfaction guaranteed.
Store of I. C. Mlckelsen. 3d St. The Dalle
Letters of Credit issued available in ho
.X . Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington. .
Collections made at all poimta on f a j
arabla terms.