Tne Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. National Republican Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. FOB VICE-PKESIDEST, WHITELAW REID, of New York. FOB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. II. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. G. M. IRWIN, of Union. D. M.. DUNNE, of Portland. Commenting upon the recent rich dis coveries of minerals northwest of Mt, Adams, a coteuaporary says: "Mr. Gold en's discovery is located eighty miles from Goldendale, on the northwest side of Mt. Adams and in the northeast cor ner of Skamania county. It can fce reached in two days' travel. Of that distance sixty miles can be made by wagon and twenty miles by pack train over a good trail. A saw mill is on the way in, and a hotel is to be erected. Job Angell, an expert, who has recently examined the prospect, left for Portland to order a quartz mill and smelter. One hundred claims have been taken. Many good prospects remain that have not been covered by claims. No claim I ever saw in California in the fifties," Baid Mr. Golden, "presented the pros pects of this find. My claim is 600x1500 feet, and I believe from appearances there is valuable mineral all through it. I have immense timber on either side, and water power sufficient to run any machinery I may desire to put in." The West Coast Trade, published at Tacoraa, has the following nnder date of October 13, regardingjthe wheat outlook: "The wheat market is strong and active, with fairly 'steady tendencies. Dealers are bidding with more alacrity, and the result is very satisfactory. One sale at Oakesdale last week of 25,000 bushels on board cars to Xacoma buyers at 56)4, caused considerable excitement and forced up prevailing prices 1 cents im mediately. Receipts continue large at Tacoina elevator?, averaging 60,000 bush els daily, which is being bandied with dispatch. There are over a dozen wheat ships in the harbor, and two have so tar completed their cargoes for Europe, while three others aro being loaded." Let us hope that fifty years hence may accomplish for The Dalles all that a cen tury past has for Buffalo. Commenting upon the centennial the Courier says: "Buffalo, too, may join the hoary-headed centenarians. It was in 1702 that the Holland land company first acquired a title to the site on which this city stands today; moreover, just a century ago to day a solitary white man lived on all this region, his cabin being on the spot now occupied by the Mansion house, a a ii t a i - ing." Buffalo is now a city of nearly 300,000 population. Inland commerce and manufacturing has made the city what it is. A terrible hurricane is raging along the entire coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Many vessels lying in the port of Vera Cruz dragged . their anchors, and the -danger of becoming a wreck. It is rumored that one ship sank. Many buildings along the coast were destroyed by the for.ce of the gale Saturday night. Owing to the wet spring Minnesota, North and South Dakota raised this year only 100,000,000 bushels of wheat, a falling off of 60,000,000 from last year's phenomenal yield. In the winter wheat states, except . Nebraska, - the. yield has been reduced by drouth;. Nebraska will yield 22,000,000 bushels. ... The president has signed the procla mation opening to settlement, the sur plus lands of the Crow . Indian reserva tion in Montana, aggregating 1,800,000 acres. They will be open to settlement at once. In the match for the LaCrosse ctiam pionship of the world at Montreal the , Shamrocks of Montreal won three games out of five from the Capitals of Ottawa and carried off the championship. hi j b m JBrought bach to health sufferers from the worst forms of Skin and Scalp Diseases, Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, and all manner of blood taints. It's done hj Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery, which purifies and enriches the Wood, and through it cleanses and renews the whole sys tem. Even Lung -scrofula (known as Pulmonary Consumption) yields to it, if taken in time and given a fair trial. It's guaranteed to bene fit or cure, in every case, or money paid for it is refunded. Only a medicine that docs what is claimed for it, could be sold on such terms. No . other medicine, besides the " Discovery " has, undertaken it. . So. positively certain is it in its curative effects as to warrant its makers in. selling it, as they are do ing, through druggists, on trial It's especially potent in curing Tetter, Salt-rheum, Eczema, Erysip elas, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Glands, Tumors and Swellings. Great Eating TTlcers rapidly heal nnder its benign influence. The Portland Exposition. The Union Pacific system will extend to its patrons the usual reduced rates on round trip tickets which will include ad mission to the exposition, - selling on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. Detailed information can be had by applying to E. E. Lytle, agent. Too Much of a SiBk. . It is not unusual for colds contracted in the fall to hang on all winter. In such cases catarrh or. chronic bronchitas are almost sure to result. A fifty cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will cure any cold. Can you afford to risk so much for so small an amount? This remedy is intended especially for bad colds and croup and can always be depended upon. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, (Ball and me Shirts of all kinds to order, at tiriras which defv competition. Other goods in proportion. P. FAGAN, Second at., The Dalles. Sole Agent for WANNAMAKEK & BROWN, Philadelphia, Pa. The Chicago election commissioners have decided that women are entitled to resister and vote at the coming elec tion, but for trustees of the state uni versity only. M. Laland, French consul at Messina, is appointed to represent France in a similar capacity at San Francisco, Cal, . v.- , The 2-year-old colt Americus, by On ward, dam by Dictator, has been sold to C. J. Hamlin of Buffalo for $15,000. W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and fine Room, The Dalles, - Oregon. Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. H. S. GHEESM AN No. 60 Second st, The Dalles, Or. BOOTS AND SHOES MANUFAC TURED TO ORDER. ALL WORK AND A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. REPAIRING DONE IN A SATIS FACTORY MANNER. C. F. STEPHENS, - : - ' DEALER IN Dry Goods Clothing County Treasurer Notice. . All mnntv warrants registered nrior r.n! 13 ikrq: irill he naM if tyta- sented at my office, corner -Third and VVasniljgton sirepis. . inwawi oawa ua and after this date. - - The Dalles, July 16, 18HZ. ., . - V " William Michkll, 7.18tf Treasurer Wasco County, Or. Boots, Shoes, Bats, Etc. FanDiJ Ijoodg, Jfang, Etc., . Etc., Etc. 134 Second St., next to Dalles National Bank, Dalles City, Oregon. STEAM WOOD SAW We are in the Seld ior the fall and winter work, and will cut, split and pile wood at the lowest possible rates, NONE BUT WHITE LABOR EMPLOYED We are here to stay , will spend our money . here, and try and do satisfactory work. Order boxes at Chrisman Sc Corson's, cor ner of Mlehelbach block, and at the ma chine, corner of Washington and Fourth streets. J. 0. METJJS, : : : THE DALLES ICSl ICR! ICE I Having on hand a large, supply of ice we are prepared to furnish our custom ers with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate. . We guarantee we will supply the demand without, advancing prices throughout the season. Leave orders at C. F. Lauer's store, Second Btreet. 5-2tf Catks & Allison. NOTICE: SALE OP CITX LOTS. Notice is hereby given that, by authority of Ordinance No. 257, which passed the common council of Dalles city, September 3d. 1892, euti tled "An or linance entitled an ordinauce to Erovide for th sale of certain lots belonging to lalles city," I will, on Tuesday, toe lltb day of October, 1b92, sell at rublic auction, to the high est bidder, all of the following lots and parts of lots situated in Gates Addition to Dalles City, Waco county, Oregon, to-wit: Lots 7, 8 and 9, in block 27, lots 2, n, -1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in block S4, ani all of blocks 35, S8, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42 and 43, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, in block 46. The reasonable value of said lots, for less than which they will not be sold, ha been fixed nnd determined by the commou council of Dalles city, as iouows, to-wit: 275 250 MO 150 150 225 200 200 175 Lot 7 in block 27, ?225 Lot 9 tn block 27, 225 Lot 3 in block 81, 250 Lot 6 in block 34, Lot 7 in block 84, Lot 9 in block 34, Jxt 1 in block S), :ci- Lot 3 in block 35, 200 Lot 5 in block w, 200 Lot 7 in block 35, 175 Lot 9inblrck35, Lot 11 in block 35, Lot 1 in block SG, Lot 3 in block 3t;, Lot 5 in block 36, Lot 7 in block 36, Lot 9 in block 36, Lot 11 in block 36, 150 Lot 1 in block 37, 150 Lot Sin block 37, loo Lot 5 in block 37, 100 Lot 7 in block 37, 1 Lot 9 in block 37, 100 Lot 11 in block 87, 100 Lot 1 in block 38, 110 Lot 3 in block 3S, 100 Lot 5 in block 38. 100 Lot 7 in block 38, 110 Lot 9 in block S8, Lot 11 in block 38, Lot 1 in block 40, Lot 3 in block 40, Lot 5 in block 40, 100 Lot 7 in block 40, 110 Lot 9 in block 40, 100 Lot 11 in block 40, 100 Lot 1 in block 41, 150 Lot 3 in block 41, 100 Lot 5 in block 41, 100 Lot 7 in block 41, Lot 9 in block 41, Lot 11 in block 41, Lot Unblock 42, Lot 3 in block 42, Lot 5 in block 42, Lot 7 in block 42, Lot 9 in block 42, Lot 11 in block 42, Lot Unblock 4::. Lot 3 in block 43, Lot 5 in block 43, Lot 7 in block 43, Lot 9 in block 43, Lot 11 in block 43, Lot 1 in bloek 46, Lot 3 in block 46. Lot : 5 in block 46, 100 100 110 100 125 100 100 200 150 150 100 100 100 225 175 175 101) 100 100 125 100 Kit) I ot 8 in block 27, 225 Lot 2 in block 34, 250 Lot 4 in block 34, 275 Lot 6 in block 31, 300 J.ot 8 in block 34, 400 Lot 10 in block 34, 125 Lot 2 in block 35, 200 Lot 4 in block 35, 200 I-ot 6 in Llnck 35, 200 Lot 8 in block 35, 150 Lot 10 in block 35, 150 Lot 12 in block 35,. 175 Lot 2 in block 36, 200 ' l ot 4 in block 36, 200 1 ot 6 in block 36, 225 Lot 8 in block 36, 150 Ixt 10 in block 36, 150 Ix)t 12 in block 36, 175 Lot 2 is block 37, 100 Lot 4 in block 37, 100 Lot Gin block 37, 150 IxjI H in block 37, 100 Lot 10 in block 37, 100 Lot 12 in block 37, 150 1-ot 2 in block 38, 100 Lot 4 in block 38, 100 I-ot 6 in block 38, 110 Lot 8 in block 38, 100 Lot 10 in block 38, 100 Lot 12 in block 38, 110 Lot 2 in block 49, 100 Lot 4 in block 40, 100 lxt 6 in block 40, 110 Lot 8 in block 40, 100 Lot 10 in block 40, 100 Lot 12 in block 40, 110 Lot 2 in block 41, 100 Lot 4 in block 41, 100 1x1c c in dock 41, J-xi Iot 8 in block 41, Ut 10 in hlot-k 41, Lot 12 in block 41, I-ot 2 ill block 42, Lot 4 in block 42. ot 6 in block 42, i-Of U.H 8 in block 42, Km ItlO in block 42, 100 Jot 12 in bleck 42, 1U Lot 2 i block 4"., 175 1-ot 4 In block 43, 175 I,it 6 in block 43, 22 Lot 8 i . block. 13, 101 Lot 10 in blcck 43, 100 lot 12 in block 48, 100 Lot 2 in block 46, 100 Lo: i in block 40, 100 Lit. 6 in block 46, 135 Dissolution of Co-partnership. : Notice is hereby eriven that the firm of Abrams & Stewart has been dissolved by mutual consent. ; W R. Abrams is authorized to collect all amounts due the firm of Abrams & Stewart, and will pay all demands against said firm. - . W. R. Abhams. Wm. Stkwart. ' The Dalles, Or., Aug. 15th, 1892.- S.25dScw6w : Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the late firm of Abrama & Stewart, of The Dalles, or W.R. Abrams, either by note or account, to makw-pay-ment of the same immediately at the bank of French & Co. AH notes and ac counts remaining unpaid : November 15th, 1892, will be placed in attorneys' hands with instructions to collect. Any claims against the late firm must be presented at the same place, with proper vouchere, on or before above date. The business of the firm must be closed up without further delay. Res pectfully, - W. E. Abrams. 8.25dw3m S. L. YOUNG, 100 100 125. : ': JEWELER Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on . short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. at the Store of I. C. Xickelsen, Sd St. The Dalles J. FOLGO, ' DEALER IX Candies, Fraixs, Nnts, Soia Water, Ice Cream, ToliaccQ and Cigars leANUFACTUREB OF first Class Syrups for -Saloons and Soda Fountains, Ete. Second Street, Next door to Wingate's Hall Each of said lots will be sold upon the lot respectively and none of them shall be sold for a less sum than the value thereof as above One fourth of the price bid on any of said lots shall be paid in cash at the time of sale, and tbe remainder in two equal payments on or before one and two years from the date of such sale, respectively, with interest on such deferied pay ments at the rats of ten per cent, per annum, payable annually. Provided that payment may be made in full at the time of such sale at the option of the purchaser. me sale win oegin on ine ma uay 01 ucwjuci, 1892. at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. of said dav and will be continued from time to time until all of said lots shaU be sold. Dated this 8th day of September. irj. FEANK MEXKFEE, Recorder of Dalles City . Besides above lots, will be sold at same time lots: A, block82, ?100 B. block 82. D. M. ad ... 100 C, block 82, D. M. ad. . .' 100 intwe jou are sibuaieu tm jietcitiu aiaxi) uv tween the houses of Mr. More and A. G. John son. Terms one-half casi, balance in one year. MM , Jlti t AILVVILUIUIUU hJXl.J Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, THE WAI.LE8, - - - . OHEG Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, 6 hoe your5 fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blackemitbing in - the ' . finest etyle. Satisfaction guar anteed. . . GUHHIHG & HOCKMBN .Props. DEW DROP INN. X.. C. SHERWOOD, Prop. The very best Wines, Liquors and Cor dials. Imported and Domes tic Cigars. . iF. jEl. CROSS -DEALER IN- Hay, Grain, Feed & Flour. HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES TERMS STRICTLY CASH. It behooves evervone, especially the workingman, to buy where he can buv the cheapest and can get the most for his hard earned money. We solicit a share, of your patronage Cash paid far eggs and poultry.. All gaods dsliYersd free ani'promptly Corner Union and Second streets. The Dalles, Oregon. NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. PKAZER & WINDHAM, Proprietors. rss5rg?:nnrtfi V '!!' 1 14,4 1 illkV -S.I HKflihf X rre it: -... - ss 5. fa & At the old stand of R. Lusher, no Front St, The Dalles, Oregon. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. N This -well-known Brewery is now turning out the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances 'for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduoed, and only the first-class article will be placed on the market.- mimhms SHE NEW TOWN has been platted on the old camp ground, at the Forks and Falls of Hood river, with large sightly lots, broad streets and alleys, good soil, ture cold water and shade in -nrofusion. uerfect drainam. delichtfnl' - climate, the central attraction as a mountain summer resort and for all Oregon, . being the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It is also unparalled as a manufacturing center, being the natural center for lot) square miles of the best cedar and iir timber, possessing millions of horse power in its dashing streams and water- . falls, easily harnessed. Where cheap motive power exists, there the nianu- factories will center, surrounded by soil and climate that canuot be excelled anywhere for fruit and agriculture, and with trantportariou. already assured ' you will find this the to make a perfect home or a paving investment. TITLE PEECT See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River, Wasco' . County, Oregon.-, W. ROSS W I. NANS. PAUL KRE FT & CO., -DEALERS EST- P AI NTS, OILS AN D . GLASS, And the Most Complete and the Xatpst Patterns, and Designs inCM SSr"Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of th. Sherwin-Wjlliams and J. VV. Masury's Paints used in all our work, and none bat the. most skilled workmen employed. . A cents for Masurv Lianid Paints. N chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. - - .- Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. SOLE- AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. 1 1 . . :. : BRAINARD & ARMSTRONG'S . . . . . . SPOOL SILK FINE LINE OF No. , 390 to 394, 2d street, . The ; Dalles NEW SPRIfil fillD SUIHRIER DRY GOODS COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. ..Ci f I Glothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes-; A Full Assortinent of the Leading Manufacturers. Cash Bayers 'will1 save, money' . by eaminingr odr stoek and priees before purchasing elsewhere! CHICKERING PIANOS ; EARHUFF ORGANS. Sold on Kasy Terms A LSO, a fine assortment of 12-Mos., Cloth Bound, only twenty-five cents each.. Look at our Show Windows.' ' SCHOOL BOOKS - V . 1 !: i; FOR ALL SCHOOLS' AT BED ROCK PRICES. ' 16i SECOND STREET. The Dalles, Or. SKI'BBE HOTE opr. 5 e. sfkte - rc-P t; . .to i -is aw- g 1 9 TWF- FT TPOPFATST HOT JSH. V The Corrugated Bolidlng nextlidOT Jto Court Soui. r''-"", .' Handsomely; Fnrnisliefl :.Eoois to Rent ly tne Day,"f eei .ur Mona: MnAln Dvnnnrnrl kif n CIrrt ,' PtfJOO : tnollCh ! Pnfl!? TRANSIENT PATRONAGE, SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for: Commercial "Men. r3j S- J ' lilt. :k. - 'i.i