a; Tfc3 fiHss Daily Chronicle. . JmBnSSSS' . H.MfcB. rHoj? ggioxAt cabd. - , THE DALLES OREGON FRIDAY - - - OCTOBER 7. 1892 i.- ' Published Dally, Sunday Excepted. - L '.-' BY '. THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, .. - ; Dalles, Oregon. The Term of Subscription Per Year Per month, by carrier. Single copy . 6 00 50 5 STATE OFFICIALS. Uovernoi (Secretary of State Treasurer finpt. of Public Instruction. . ' nators. Congressman... State Printer . .B. Pennoyer . w. ju curiae ..fcunp Aietscban E. B. McElroy (J. N. Dolph " )J. H. Mitchell ..B. Hermann Frank Baker COUNTY OFFICIALS. County Judge Geo. C. Blakeley gbenfl T. A. Ward lerk J. B. Crossen Treasurer Wm. Michell Commissioners iJs- parnielle " (Frank Kmcaid Assessor. Joel W. Koontz f urvevor. E. K. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley Coroner. N. JI. Eastwood first HatioDal Bank. -HE DALLES.- - OREGON A. General Banking Business transacted jpuoiw? receivea, BUDjecc to Blgnt Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on lum, can j ran ci sco ana Portland. DS1DDAIX Dbnttht. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Alan tenth sot on Bowed aluminum plate Rooms: Sign of DB G E. SAXDEHS, ' 3ichie DIREOTOKS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Schbsck. Ed. M. WnxiAMS, Geo. A. Lie be. H. M. Beau,. THE DALLES National it Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - - - - Z. F. Moody Vice-President, - - Charles Hilton Cashier, M.A.Moody uraauateot the University of Michigan. Suc cessor to ur. i-ucaer. umce over Frenchs Bank, The Dalles, Or. renens FM. SALYER, Civil, Engh,kkkin-o, 8urvey- ing, and Architicture.-. The Dalles, Or. JF. SNEDAKER, D. D. 8., has located per- manently in The Dalles, and offers his Jer vices to the public in ned of dentistrv. Office in Chapman building, Second street, "jBoouis 36 and 37 over the Post Office book store. TVR. KSITET.V A V rRYw irainn. o.. . . J and SnKOKON. Calls answered . promptly, day or night, city or country. Office No, 36 and 37 CtiHTttrifin tilfwlr - -r Wtf DR. O. D. DOANE PHTSICIAB AND UB exoN. Office; rooms 6 and S Chapman Tnn rth M .,,. ,1 t .i. -..v itwm mt comer. Office hours 9 to 12 A. II.. 2 to 5 and7o 8 P. M. K. B. X.UPDB. rUKIMIKtRI. pjUFOR, s MENEFEE Attobneyb - at- -. . . . , ., over rosc umce umiaing, entrance on V ashingtou Street The Dalles, Oregon. ,--:. era- civniv;-:!) OREGON'S SHOWING AT CHICAGO NEXT YEAR Remains in doub't, but there is . no question about the -a- . h-. rORTLASD Industrial, Ex position which opens Sep- A tember 21st and closes October 22d, being the best Exposition ever held on the Pacific Coast. So far as Oregon is concerned it will be the forerunner of the JSxpositio-ri - at Chicago in 93.';' The principal attrac- s' are ; tho m9crnitifoii inican Band of Providence, An art collection d at $350,000, and ng some of the Ws owned in the United Immense Ilorticult- nd Agricultural exhibits, esult of the combined s 6f almost every county state. A mineral ex exceeding all former - A Stock Department ring tremendous progress. o these are arJded a larwv o number of exhibits than ever before; including a magnifi cent electrical display under the combined Thomson-Houston and Edison Companies. All manufactures in full oper ation. Government models of Battle Ships. The wondei tul Hall of Mystery. The marvelous "Little World," the product of a mechanical genius; all interspersed by novelties incident to the pop ular special days. , Every- ttiing new and nothmsr dead Greatly reduced rates on all transportation lines. General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at ail accessible points. " : : VI7 H. WILSOX Attorxbt-at-law Rooms WW fin n, ..1 R I-1 : 1 . . - - - " " ' t u,, iJiw-L, OCWUU OUBJI. A S- EESNETT, ATTORKEY-AT-LAW. ' Of , a vuuuAUKa liu OWU13. 1. 11X3 u&ues, -uregon. . . . r A Yfi WT7XT-TIV-fTVT m. urn c-z-v-vt a VI Uirva. ix a n "tM T7 l l -L i riiev ixttLiuuai ixuiK, ine uaiies. Oregon. DR. EIaIZA1 A. IKGAXLS, Physician, 6ur cbon find Oculist. , Office: - Koorns 40 and 47 Chapman Block. . - City Wagon Shop, Second St., opposite Hood'sStable, SOCIETIES. TBli DALLES, ASSEMBLY NO. 4827, K. OF L. Meets in K. nf P THoll K.. . w i -- days of each month at 7:30 p. m. OREGON. A. SANDROCK, Prop. P. M TASCO IXDGF., NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets V A-oo- U -li r , . uiovauu uiiiu muMunji oj euca inoij tn air sirro art -I W-AnAn 1- ing. General repairing to order, in a I .awmatiurj manner, at reasonable ii;cs. uive me a call. T-AT.LES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. I J Meets in Masonic Hull the third Wednesday j of each month at 7 P. M. MTiclels 1 1 Lfi i fti ON SALE ' JMiD to Kansas City, St. Paul, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL POINTS East, North and South. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Mt. Hood CampNo. 59. Meets Tuesday even ing of each week in the K. of P. Hall, at 7:30 pm. flOLTJMBIA LODGE, NO. 6, I. O. O. F. Meets of P. hall, corner Second and Court streets." E-rujuuruiiig urumers are welcome. H. Clocgh, Sec'y. H. A. Bii.ls,N. G TfRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets " cveuillg 81 f.M o ciocis, in . 1 curlier ui uurt ana &econa streets. Sojourn ing members are cordiallv in- Vltpii TK7. i . r-.. ' D. W.Vause.K. ofR. and8. " C, C. I LL- I- OM fl HQ WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE ... - AMauxK wm. Auoieuivmtl. Kalnmalklnir liv Kmltv. Some forty years ago, on a cJondless Sabbath morning, the president of Ober lin college, Professor Phinney, walked briskly to the chapel there had "been a distressing drought and began the ser vice with an extremely fervent prayer for rain.1 ,The prayer was long, and be fore it was finished the skies began to darken, and almost before the congre gation was dismissed a copious rain be gan to fall. t The suggestive fact, in this relation & that President Phinney had been observed during' the ," morning to givevery watchful attention to the ba rometer. H. Chandler in Science. ' . Rain Without Clonds. We have it on the anthorifrn- Inf Si T CRoss that in the smith At.lo.nfin it rained on one occasion for over an hour wnen tne sky was entirely free from clouds. In the ManritinR parts of the southern hemisphere this is uui. a rare occurrence; but in Europe it is, and the greatest known length of its duration was ten minutes at Constanti nople. All the Year Round. ; Origin of Two Weller Str,i-I Many of Dickens' stories referred to events much spoken of at the time. The story : of the marbles was, doubtless founded on a talo then current, and the tragedy of the man who killed himself after eating muffins was an elaboration of the account of the suicide of the Hon. Mr. Damer, who destroyed himself after a surfeit of crumpets. Notes and Queries..- ? -. ...... - A. A. Brown, Keeps a full assortment of ' Staple and Fancy Groceries, r-.-: i ,'and Provisions. which he oBeti at Low Figures. 'lAMENSELV X ill 7 E EVERYWHERE. pV " isirMinni' SMOKING : J TOBACCO, Whether on the hills gaming . In ttie place of business ; or at home; it always fills that niche of com-fort-a good smoke, r Put up Jn handy packages, and recognized werywhere as a Pure Granufattd Leaf Tobacco of the highest qual ty ; it recommends itself to every smokers use. Sold evervwh BULL DURHAM ;s always unrm inuallty, . X 'sweet and -clean. - -The ideal" of Fine Tobacco. - : . r BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO ro .i ,-; Durham. n. c : , -, 7 " flew (lumtia -6. Jptel, . - THE DALLES, OREGON'. BestDollar a Day House on the Coast! First-CIass Meals. 25 CfintW First Class Hotel in Every: Respect. v - r' V ' ..one out the JJest of .White Help Employed. SPEGIfllt PRIGES . to Cash Buyers. TiEMPLE LODGE NO. S A. O. U; W. Meets J. at K. f P. Hall, Corner Second and Coiu-t streets, Thursday evenings at 7:80.- . r. - & W. a Myers, Financier. . JT, XT. I TAS. NESMITH POST, No. 32, G.. R. Meets tJ every Saturday at 7:30 p. m . in th w f b Hall. LEAVE THE DALLES: Xo. 7, west bound. . . . . . 4 :10 p. m. "o- I, " " 3:05 a. m. To. 2, east bound.. 11:55 p.m. o. 8, 1 :25 p. m. BOF L. E. Meets every Sunday afternoon in . the K. of P. Hall. . nESANO VEREIN Meets everv Smidiv evenlng in the K. of P. Hall. L Highest Cash Prices for Ems ana . oiler Prbflnce. uul liio jest oi .vvnite irielp Employed. f T. T. Nicholas, Pvop. kuk f.oie. LL 170 SECOND STREET 2'rV;M:6(,!iNi. Pipe MAINS TAPPED U3STDER PRESSURE. Shop onr Third Street, next1 door west of Young cfc Kuss' ; Blacksmith Shop. , . ROF L. F. DIVISION, No. 167 Meets in the V Af P U.) thttfiw . L : i , , day of each month, st 7:3U P. M. . THE CBUBCHES. FHHHon & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINE'sy Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. . Sight y Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on iSew York, Chicago. St. Loms, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington v . . ' Collections made afi all points on fav orable terms. ; ,efefe- Labels. PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS, and DLXERS. , ST. f ETERS CHURCH Rer. Father Bkoks oeest Pastor. Ixw Mass every Sunday at 7 P. M. " " A NEW Undertaking Establishment PRINZ & NITSCHKE. DEALElis IN- Furniture and Carpets :DKALEI!S TSt siap aqo taiiGy mm Hay, Grain and Ftea. IVTasoniQ Block, Corner Third and Court Streets. Ths Dalles.Oregon: Steamers frnm PflRTI.in fnSiY FRivrKfft Hrer mornts s1 EVERY FOUR DAYS. J. A. Orchard, nastor. RTirPf;VILlCH5;?SH-T,nIon Street, opposite , . 5 I ' . wra :9ur.n. Sunday TICKETS S.a ETTR.OP17. ff19:45 A- Eveni" .w w-r a? j. j . . ' - PIR8T BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. -Tat- I vT..i. c -"'"'"'"S Bcrvices every obd- b f. -Bt,the academy at II a. m. Sabbath i?-"""' imiiieuiaieiy alter morning services aence. Union services in thn mnrt h,n t i w n . , For rates and general information call on E. E. LYTLE. Uepot Ticket Agent. W. ir. IUTRIBURT, Asst Gen. Pass. Agt., 51 Washington St., Poktlakd, Oregon. From TEBlBljlfll! op INTE$I0$ Points THE- OTffH?FfilTTrYAT rtTTTTi-.TT T- lir V J (iTTRTTfi PflHtoi- Cimtfn, . D a a. M. and 7 p.m. Sunday School after mo mi wmuujwo vuiuiauji aaa v i ivu. ' owtuf iree. VT E. CHURCH Rev. A. C Spencib, pastor. is extended by both pastor and people to all. IU IB...... .a-...-..T.i'-'-j.ka ' 11 "-TUT v I RAOS -V. Design v Marks. - ltr-w coptrichts ' 'a.'1? f'?1 'aJon o cum njectsd in ath&T m, u. pnpuation of opinion as to infrlnnmrat. VJ Uty of ptrtu, and Ih. .roLuoTina ir rouceB- tc-, .entire. rimOTHiiRij, KquitableBuildinB, s MTWawfjimMi,,, pnbllhtr' pjio. 1 Br"roMntnaial vaaapalrt ior -wntio rhi. imumi . Is the line to take --' TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. U Wi Mi? ar Eoute- Ifc runs Through Vestlbuled 'lrmn pvofv i a"6 pi Paul and Chicago NO CHANGE OF CARS. OomtvisAfl nf Tilnir r . ' ." . " xnjis UIlDUrUttSSed. m I I- 0 wiaui iaicstequipmeuc. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS . vwuoii uuicu, una in w n ir ?nml.Wi.Furni,hed ..wa aaou wiu cwuiiu-ciHss nctets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES - ' v ' A continuous line, connecting with all linn affording direct and uninlerruptldreice. ' YOl)TTElTIjlM: Is called to the Tact that ' ' Com mete ITnrlrrfolrir - VcroKli'cki. and as we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will w wn ttcuoruingiy. Eemember our place on Second street. ucAb tu iuooqv s cans. . The Dalles FaGtopy ETBST STEBET. FACTORY NO. 105. O.Tri- A P Q of the Best Brands ' .u.ubU , nuu uiucva iruiu an parts oi tiie country filled uii me anortesi notice. Tlift "rinniifaf.Inn r. TTIIj" nirf m t liAK has become firmly established, and mo uciiau ior me nome manufastnred ui.isi.T3 xo xuurcaQiiig every aay. J- A. ULRICH & SON Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. . , Pu'lman Sleeper reservations can be secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket office of the company. , - . Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to . W. C. ALLAWAY, : Agent D. P. A. Nar. Co., Regulator office, The Dalles, Or., or . . , A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't. General Passer ger Agt., Portland, -Jgn. Carrie, the Finest Lino of- .t:l i. .1 . I'IGIUI e To toe found in the City. 72 lOashinston Street. The Snug W. H. BUTTS, Prop.- Ho. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles, Or ' '- " -. ' This well, known stand, kept by the jj. jDutts, long a resi dent Of Wasfift ennntr liaa on . J." line BIAHJK. OI . - . . r - ( i . Sheen Herder's Delight anil Irish .Histnphni.. i . o . iwiimvuuuvi in. fact, all the leading brandsof f3n Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give the oia man a can and yoa will come again. MRS. G. DAVIS In the New Frame Building on SEC0XD STREET, Next to the . " Diamond Flooring; Mills. First Class Meals Furnished at all Hours. : Only White Help Employed. ,7 Giothietr cinci BOOTS ANEr SHOES, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, : CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON, J THE DALLES, OREGON. J. S. COOPER, Corner Barn. Union Stock Ya rile rft.ofTA Tii;: The Largest and Only Strictly Commission Dealer I IT . V T . . . -. in noises in me united states. Commencing the'3rd of August and every" month throughout the yW will hold , Special Extensively Advertised Sales of lAiESTGRN RHNGE HORSES Reference': Rational Live Stock Bank, Chicago, 111. . ' ' ",' ' ' . , ' (Chicago National Bank, Chicago, 111. VrNt8 TOF PSItlCUlarS. Washington SITUATED AT THE HEAD OF NAVIGATION! Destined to be the Best Manufacturing' Center In the Inland Empire. Best Selling Property, of For Further Information Call at the Off Ice of Interstate f- l :' .... , ItivestineDt Go., I. D. TAYLOR, Tie DaDei Or. ; 72 Waslifa St, Mill Or