Just Received ! IK ulator Line mm A NEW bjEFRTURE. Ouit of ttie old riit and into the new pro -A. FULL LINE ' OF GENTS' The Dalles, Porfland ani Astoria Navigation Co. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, OVERS H I RTS, MM COLLARS and and CUFFS. gressive age - : v fLATED SPOON SALE JOHN C HERTZ, 109 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES. OREGON". Sim I Silrowc! DOUBLE PLATED TEA SPOONS, TABLE SPOONS AND FORKS Six Tea Spoons in package, three Table Spoons in package, three forks in package. Choice per Package Napkin Rings, Sugar Shells, Butter Knives, Pickle Forks, Peppers or Salts Triple-plate A I, each in Satin-lined Box, choice 25 Cents each. PEHSE & MHYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered a the Postofflee at The Dalles, Oregon, - as second-class matter. Local Advertising. 10 Cento per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear the following day. WEDNESDAY - OCTOBER 5, 1892 LOCAL BREVITIES. Mr. W. K. Corson, is in Portland. Notice the new ad. today of Pease & Mays. Secretary Tozier is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. M. Briggs. Bro. Westerfield, of the Lafayette Leaderis a guest of Judge Bradshaw. Dr. Logan was called to Grant last night to attend the family of Mr. McCoy. Little Miss Emily daughter of J. B. Oossen, is quite ilVather fathers house. German Lutheranervice will be held next Sunday at 10 :30 a', in. at the chapel on Ninth street. W. H. Frazer whose lost watch was advertised yesterday Nfras fouud out where it it. . Miss Anna Peter & Co. made a hand some display of trimmed goods on open ing day. Call and inspect. See new advertisement. Mr. H. S. Cheesman now has three benches running in his boot and shoe factory and repair shop, No. 60 Second . street. Miss M. Montgomery, of Albany, is in the city attending the Press Associa tion, and is' the:jguest of Mrs. C. F. Stephens. ( Winans is a beautifully located Sum mer Resort, and is abundantly supplied with resources for manufacturing. See advertisement today. Mr. W. Lord drove to the city today with a load of K seemeto handle th kitat wheat, and ins about as easy as a "hired man. Everybody is invited to attend the re' ception at the Court house this evening. ' The ladies committee specially request that citizens generally attend. A few days since Mr. W. Boss Winans, of the new town of Winans, Hood River valley, killed two fine large .black bear. . The skins will make beautiful robes. Hon. W. McD. Lewis died last even ing at 5 o'clock, from a complication of diseases, which have kept him confined to his bed constantly for several months past. ' It is quite apparent to any one not wholly blind to the fact, that the Goble railway project, the steamer Telephone, and the U. P. R. all belonc to the "svs- . temv; Keep your eye on this for a fact, brothers of Astoria. - When the dispatch-was read in the Press convention this morning announc ing that Wasco had taken 11 of 13 prem iums for fruit at the exposition, a burst of enthusiasm showed that the boys of the quill were with us today. Darjd Creighton made a dash at the Editors with three watermelons, the ag gregate weight of which was 97 pounds Mr. Brooks arranged them thus for ex hibit :J .-. S81b 28 8 , . 39fb , V .' -O : -; ... These melons grew on soil 1500 feet above sea level, without rain or irriga . lion. ' ' . , , M DO NT miss fcuis opportunity: ONLY 2 Hare and Pennoyer now lie together and Weaver leads them. To our brothers of the Press : If you have not The; Chronicle on your ex. list, put it there now. Senator Dolph passed through the city at ontViay. He speaks at Hepp ner tonight arJH at the court house in this city tomorrow-night. Editors are attracted by the beautiful appearance of mine of our second street business houses, notably that of Pnnz & NitschkeC and the elegant display, prepared pnrposelyior Editors' Day, at Pease & Mays Maj. Magoon got intoChicago on time yesterday. The dispatch says the old gentleman is in fineliealth, and says he had a pleasant trip all the way. He will return baclLbv rail after the dedi cation, do as target home in time to vote. Relic hunters will find something worthy of attentioi in Garretson's win dow. It is a bear-tooth necklace with eleven teeth, taken from an old Snake chief Make-a-face, in 1867, by the grand father of Mr. Chanser. Posters on the street announce that Senator Dolph is to speak in The Dalles tomorrow night. Thb Chkojjicle has information from Mr. Dolph himself that the speaking will be in the evening. He expects to reach here tomorrow afternoon. Capt McNulty's assistant at the wheel yesterday was one' of The Dalles most excellent youngladies, who has taken quite a nincy t6 piloting, and is already familiaVwUh many points along the river, Iva PoVt, 13-Mile Point, the Old Man of VfVd Mountain, Bears Statue Point, -etc., N. knowledge which increases the interests in a . trip very highly. When your stove is full ofpaper, etc., the accumulations of a summer, light them as far from the flue as possible if you want to create a fire alarm and smoke your neighbors out, as was done by a neighbor for our Express benefit this forenoon. Otherwise, touch the match just as close to the flue as possi ble. That consumes the pile and it goes off in smoke about its own legiti mate business. Dr. Snedaker, located over The Dalles postoffice book store, is now prepared to administer vegetable vapor for the pain less extraction off teeth. Call and try this vapor and beconvinced that it is a wonderful thing for suffering humanity Dr. Snedaker is also now fully prepared to do what, is called "crown and bridge work," which is the insertion in the mouth of artificial teeth by means of gold bands, tuns avoiding the use of a disagreeable, bulky plate in the mouth Crowns and bridges are used extensively in the east, and if properly made and adjusted, are, a source of the greatest comfort to a person both in appearance and utility. Col. Pat Donan, whom everybody will want to hear tonight at the Press Association meeting, wouldn't miss this trip for anything. He is a loyal Geor gian, but avers that Georgia couldn't compete with Wasco for such fruits as is to be seen at the 11th Hour Exhibit in the grand jury room today. The cream of Wasco fruit must be seen at the ex position where Wasco has taken eleven of thirteen premiums today. Watch for the report of our horses at La Grande this week. Take into consideration our matchless autumn weather, our majes tic Columbia, our gigantic water power, the Inland Empire has all the elements of health wealth and prosperity.'' -FOR- TOMORROW WEDNESDAY The Balance of the Month. Cents. THE EDITORS' DAT. Contributions, Wise and Otherwise, by Journalists in The Dalles Today. Our Bro. Editors have been pressed into the service of The Chronicle to day ; made to contribute something to make the paper interesting, and no one of them has been permitted to know what any other one of them had con tributed. Following is the result : Washington county has paid off $70, 000 iu mortgages this year. Gault. The Dalles the city of the Inland Empire ; metropolis of Eastern Oregon ; proud city of the Columbia whose en terprising citizens welcome and enter tain the Oregon Press Association, may it ever prosper and thrive and the city council appropriate money to complete the cascade locks within two months and three days. Wheeler. The hungry crowd that came up on the Regulator last evening feel grateful to the ladies of The Dalles for the kind ness and generosity bestowed at the table. I take this occasion to refer to a weakness that all editors have for choice viands and charming women. Some of the editors on this trip hadn't eaten anything for a week. Hibbert. The chips of the editorial block says : Give us an open river and, we will show the world one of the richest empties. Bixby. I Give us an open river to the seal let the Oregon and Washington press unite on this one great question and demand, yes, command the powers that be, to re move that great obstruction to the com mercial interests of the Inland Empire the rocks in the Columbia known as the cascades, and also that other human obstruction Thoa. "H. Handbury Tozier. ' The ladies of The Dalles who met us at the Cascades, filled us up at a' boun tiful . spread on the Regulator. May they "livelong and prosper." Norton. A. V. Patterson of the Heppner Ga zette is the ladies man of the Oregon Press association. Rob. Johnson of Corvallis is the handsomest man. - The invincible trio. Chas. Nickell, Ira Campbell and handsome Bob Johnson all here. J. R. N. Bell is missed. Peterson. Many of the young ladies of The Dalles are of the opinion that Leo Peterson, of the Comercial Review, is a charming fellow, though rather fresh r and it is safe to say that they are all acquainted with the fact that he is a married man, notwithstanding that he has been in forming some of them that he is still on the list. Patterson. The people will never rest until the Columbia is open ' to the sea.' They may rebel soon if it is not. Lee. The Dalles ladies, God - surely blesses them. Nickell. The 11th hour exhibit ' takes my eye. Himes. Brandy and soda in the morning, Celilo afternoon. Johnson. We may not be handsome, but we have good appetites and clear conscien ces. Moffett. It Is Hoped Not. Luigi Bono, an Italian rag-picker, was found dead in a basement on Cros by street in New York yesterday. The health officers fear that this means cholera. ' " Wanted. A good girl to do general housework. Apply at this office. 10.5dtf BORN. ; October 4thyb the wife of W. A. Hunt, a goo. v - . THROUGH Freight anil Passenger Line Through dally service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m., arriving at Portland 5 p.m. FASSEN6E1C KATES. One way $2.00 Round trip. . 1 ......... , 3.00 Special rates for parties of six or over. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. FAST FBEIGBT. Fruit, per 100 pounds 30 Melons and Green Vegetables. . . . . .30 Through connection with steamers to Astoria and. Ilwaco without delay. Shipments recerVed at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland on arrival. Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address. W. CALLAWAY, - - General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES. - OREGON THREE CHEERS FOR WASCO ! ! ! Kleven Oat of Thirteen Premiums on ! Fruit Today, a most opportunietlme, and fit ting td the occasion, to be told by private telegrans to Mr. Wtfealdon today that Wasco county Has! en eleven Of th bit-teen premiums Award fruit, at the Portland ex- position t This is subject to which we call the specu il atte nushers. n of our Brother Faber Wico county gainst the world. v : OF H I STORICx INTEREST. The Letter-of Credit Given Dy Jefferson to Lewis and Clarke. ' Anaconda Standard. . As the letter of credit given by Jefferson to' Lewis and Clarke may be considered "the most re markable of its kind ever issued by any government, and because of its great historic interest, it is here given as it was written : ' - Washington-, U. S. of America, July 4, 1803. Dear Sir: In the journey which you are about to undertake for the discovery of the course and source of the Mississippi, and the most conven ient water communication from thence to the Pacific ocean, your party being small, it is to be expected that you will encounter considerable danger from the Indian inhabitants. Should you escape those dangers and reach the Pacific ocean, ypu may find it imprudent to hazard a return the same way and be forced to seek a passage around by the sea in such vessels as you may find on the western coast, but you will be with out money, without clothes and other necessaries, as a sufficient supply can not be carried with you from hence. Your resource in that case .can only be in the credit of the United States, for which purpose I hereby authorize you to draw on . the secretaries' of state, of the treasury, of war, of the navy of the United States, according as you may find your drafts will be most negotiable for the purpose of obtaining money or necessaries for yourself and your men, and I solemnly pledge the faith of the United States that these drafts shall be paid punctually at the date they are made payable. I also ask of the con suls, agents, merchants and citizens of any nation with which we have inter course or amity, to furnish you with those supplies which your necessities may call for, assuring them of honora ble' and : prompt retribution, and our consuls in foreign ports where you may happen to be are hereby instructed and required to be aiding . and assisting to you in whatsoever may be necessary for procuring . your return back to the United States.. And to give moreen- tire satisfaction and confidence to those who may be disposed to aid you, I Thomas Jefferson, president of the United States of America, have written this letter of general credit for you with my own hand and signed it with my name. - Thomas Jefferson. Card of Thanks. . - We desire to return our thanks to the many friends who so kindly did every thing possible to alleviate the suffer ings of the loved one who has passed to the silent shore ; and with her memory will be linked the many' kindnesses of i t , . . . -. .. wuicn Bne ana neriamiiy were tne re' cipients during her last illness. W. E. Sylvester Mrs. Anna Sylvester, ... J. 8. Winzlkk. , w , M ISS : AN N A PETER 5 CO. v .... . ' ine TsL ill inery ! 112 Second street. AMERICAN SCHOOL 0 z o Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in . Boots and Shoes. All goods we sell, we warrant. 114 SBOOiaD BEST IN LOST HIS FIE. A Runaway in Columbia Caused by a Fie -No Bones Broken. Special to The Chronicle. Columbia Precinct, Oct. 3. A pecul iar runaway and what might have been a dreadful accident, occurred this after noon at the Wilder ranch, where Rev. I. J. Powell was threshing for the Wilder Bros. And while all are . thankful that no lives were lost, they can . enjoy the comical part of the affair.' The elder by his quiet and gentlemanly manners wins the respect of all.. So the ladies . kindly sent him a pie to wile away a few lonely moments on the horse power, where he plies the black snake to the twelve sleepy horses trying to keep the other men busy. Dell Wilder carried the pie, and kind hearted as he always is, volun teered, to drive while the elder ate. Everything went well for a while re gardless of the jealous glances and wounded feelings of the other men. But suddenly the tumbling shaft broke loose and the horses started faster than was safe or pleasant for Dell and the elder. But they kept their position un til some of the horses went down when they made their escape. No one hurt except the elder, he says his feelings are badly hurt, because be lost half bis pie. . Len. Floral Deeorations. The ladies' -committee on floral decor ations, on board the steamer Regulator yesterday, were very highly compli mented. They prepared five elegant pieces, the largest one representing a printer's frame, with cases filled with choice flowers, such as The Dalles only can produce. They prepared 150 bou- tonieres, also, so that all could be pro vided. "O, the language of flowers," and how it did talk for The Dalles, the Inland Empire, an open river, and, and, and, well ; everything so charming. This committee consisted of Miss Iva Brooks chairman, Mrs. Gourlay, Misses lone Ruch, Caroline Booth and Grace Michell. " Old Nursery Favorites. There was Tom, the Son of the Piper, Jack Sprat, and Merry King Cole, And the Three Wise Hen of Gotham, Who went to sea in a bowl; The woman who rode on a broomstick, And swept the cobwebbed sky, And the boy who sat in the corner, Eating bis Christmas pie. These were some of the old favorites, but they have been supplanted by the Pansy" and "Chatterbox" stories, "Little Lord Fauntleroy," and "Five Little Peppers." The old fashioned pills and physics have been superseded, and wisely, too, by Pierce's Purgative Pellets, a mild, harmless and effective cathartic. They are pleasant to take so gentle in their action that tne most delicate child can take them, yet so ef fective that they will cure the most ob stinate cases of constipation, stomach, liver and bowel troubles. They should be in every nursery. As a gentle laxa tive, only one for a dose. A Girl Wanted. For general housework in the couhtrv. Apply at this office. 9-30dtf H. S. CHEESMAN No. 60 Second st, The Dalles, Or. BOOTS AND SHOES MANUFAC TURED TO ORDER. ALL WORK AND A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. , , ; j, REPAIRING DONE IN A SATIS THE DALLES, OR. to . o to AMERICA. A Cholera Scare. A reported outbreak of cholera at Hel metta, N. J., created much excitement in that vicinity. Investigation showed that the disease was not cholera but at violent dysentery, which is almost as severe and dangerous as cholera. Mr. Walter Willard, a prominent merchant of Jamesburg, two miles from Helmetta, says Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has given great satis faction in the most severe cases of dys- -entery. It is certainly one of the best thin era am, maflo " lVti sola Til o h- a ley & Houghton, druggists. - On October -7th the U. P R. Co. have arranged for a cheap excursion to Port land for train leaving The Dalles 3 a. m. and 4 p. m. at the very low rate of $3.50 for the round trip, including admission to the Exposition. Tickets will be good returning up to and including October 9. For detailed information inquire at ticket office. . E. E. Lytle, Agent. A Cure for Cholera. There is no use of any one suffering, with the cholera when Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can be procured. It will give relief in a few minutes and cure in a short time. I have tried it and know. W. H. Clin ton, Helmetta, N. J. The epidemic at Helmetta was at first believed to be cholera, but subsequent investigation proved it to be a violent form of dysen tery, almost as dangerous as cholera. This remedy was used there with great success, r or sale oy uiafceiey & Mougn ton. Portland Exposition. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. will sell round trip tick ets from The Dalles at $3, including ad mission to the exposition. Tickets on sale daily at the office or on board the . Regulator. - W. C. ailatay, . j Gen'l Agent. The Portland Exposition. ' The Union Pacific system will extend to its patrons the usual reduced rates on round trip tickets which will include ad mission to the exposition, selling on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. 'Detailed information can be had by applying to E. E. Lytle, agent. -. Don't forget the county fair. PHOTOGRAPHER. Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. '- COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors to V. S. Cram.) " '-" ' Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Made O-A-lsr ID I'B S,: East of Portland. -DEALEBS IN- Tropical Fruits, Nats, Cigars and Tobacco. ' Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesaia orBetail - ; - .-' In Every Style. - Ice Cream and Soda Water. ; " ": 104 Second Street. The Dal lee. Or. FACTORY MANNER... , :