The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 04, 1892, Image 1

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. .... T , T I !
. .. s
NO. 95.
r ......
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
- ' 138 Second St.. The Dalles. Or.
Kranich and Bach Fianos.
Recognised as Standards of the high
est grade of manufacture.
Speaking of patent medicines, the
Judge says : "I wish to deal fairly and
honorably with all, and when I find an
article that will do "what it is recom
mended to do, I am not ashamed to say
so. I am acquainted with Dr. Vander
pool (having 1 been treated ' by him for
cancer), and have used his blood medi
cine, known as the S. B. Headache and
Liver Cure, and while I am 75 years old,
and have used many pills and other
remedies for the bloodr liver and kid
neys, I mast say that for a kidney tonic
in B rights disease, and as an alterative
for the blood, or to correct the action of
the stomach and bowels, it is a very su
perior" remedy, and beats anything I
ever tried. J. B. Nblson,
--"Yakima, Wash.
At 50 cents a bottle. It is the poor
man's friend and family doctor,
i - Tailoi,
Hext door to "Wasco Sun.
Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings,
Pants Patterns, etc;, of all latest ;
. ; Styles, at Low Prices.
.Madison's Latest System used in cutting
garments, and a fit guaranteed
each time.
fepaiiring and Cleaning
V , Neatly and Quickly Done.
Stubling 8 Williams.
The Germania,
JpsT'Dealers in Wines,; Liquors and
Cigars. Milwaukee Beer on Draught.
HI. H- Young,
Blacksmith & wagon SUop
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work -:
Horse Shoeeing a Speiality
TM Street, opposite tne old Lielie Stani
The, St , Charles :f Hotel,
.This old. popular and reliable house
has been entirely refurnished, and every
room has been re papered and 'repainted
and newly carpetearthronghoat. r The
. house cfantiiriff ITOfoo'msandis supplied
with every modern convenience. , Rates
reasonable. A go&'i8irant -attached
'to the house. Frer bus to and f ram nil
trains. . . -v -,( ':-"- V
?r tofw; skNOWLfESPr6rJ.i-
Our pall IJpe
Of Clothing and' Furnishing
Goods is
can " ' . ;-
$aue fT0pey
By seeing our stoclc before
making your purchases.
, nr
D uUll D
w lams 1
Snipes ciKinersly.
Itt id 1
.... A
. . . Handled by Three BegisteisOnii
also hali the "leadinq .. . . f
PatentjDttedielnes rand - Druggists ; Sundries,
i Wi mUZE PAINTS; 01 " Gl.Ail " r
Agents for Murphy's Fine' Varnishes and the only agents in
the Gity for The Sherwin, Williams Co.'a Paints.
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars.
. Agent for Tansijl's Punch. ' -
129 Second Street, The" Dalles, Oregon
J. O
Building Material,
! 1 f-l ':"
f YA
Lumber, Lime, Plaster
A liberal discount to ths trade
r :
now complete. Yobtt"
-. t-v
Rough and' Dressed
Wair and Cement.
in all lines handled by us.
and Eailroad.
IN "
- .. i -..ii
Dr. Bto - Will Hare a
v. ' HeariiiE. ;:
One of the Most Interesting Religious
Trials of the Day.
The I' ope Sends a Delegate on This
Side of tb Pond to Try and Har
monize Opinion.
New Yobk, Oct. S. The famous case
of Professor Charles A Briggs, of the
Union Theological seminary, against
whom charges of heresy have been agi
tating the Presbyterian church for a
year and . a half, came up this morning
at the regular meeting of. the New York
presbytery. The general assembly it
its meeting in Portland, Or., last May ,
refused to accept the presbytery's dis
missal of-the charges- against Brjggs,
and ordered the presbytery ; to proceed
witLv the trial. At the afternoon session
Dr. Hall raised the question, whether
the hearing should be public or. not.
He favored the matter being dealt with
with closed doors, and wanted "all re
ports, even those to the press, formu
lated in session before being sent out.
Dr.: Briggs replied that he favored , a
public inquiry. It was decided that the
public should be admitted, but that if
they made demonstrations similar to
those of the last eession, the gallery
ehonld be cleared.. . -i:
A e1e?ate From llie Pope... . .i
-. Chicago,' Oct. 3. A morning paper
says : "Pope Leo is'sending Monsignor
Satolli," president of . the - Academy of
Noble Ecclesiastics, to this country, as a
delegate apostolic, to take up the' much
mooted school question with prelates in
this country; ill an endeavor to harmon
ize their differences of opinion. 'Mean
time, the meeting of archbishops," which
was to have taken ' place in ' New-"York
early this month, has been- postponed
till November." T .'.: " '"
-Ths. Spencerlan . Era. '. ' ...
Welcome..' On laet Monday a bicycle
rider was arrested by one' of the east
side policemen for having Air - wheel 'oh
the sidewalk; Instead of taking the
prisoner to the8tatioir, a8 he should,
the vigilant ;copcollected five dollars
from the man, told bim he would bold
the money for his One, and let him go.
It is hard to tell JusVftow- fair police
powers extend under the Spencerian
era of reform, but it is certainly estab
lishing a bad precedent whenan officer
is allowed to make an arrest, fix the
fine or bail of the prisoner and then
release the mail without taking- him to
the station... It begins to look as though
Judge Carey is to be ignored in pushing
to a finish the great ; reformation of
wicked Portland. ' , - -
The Whaleback Wetmore.
Oregonian. The ship seems to have suf
fered no more material damage from its
weeks of pounding by waves and storms
on a dangerous beach, than the breaking
in of the side of theicabin superstructure.
LTJie ship iiaa not been broken, up. The
nun eeems, inoeu, w ouve Bunerea no
more '; injury i:than ' could .' b repaired
ctuiiiy a'.vu.viuuxi uslii t-uuiu wv pul
led pff .thetatid bankand towed', to a
dockjf; This reveals a powsr pi resistance
without paralell In the history of naval
pot De"r6aiteq ; to prainaryj purposes of
navigatlo'ii, bit it endarea more wreck
fng .without total destruction 5 than any
othet forni ,of vessel ever built.' Unfor
tonatel j fattk epEP.nt vessels-are
built for the purpose of being-navigated
rather than that 6f beiDg wrecked. . :
. Villard Ball Donation.
Eugene Register. I In Villard Hall at
the. state university in this city, hangs
a large and exceedingly fine picture of
Henry Villard, in whose honor the - hall
Vas "named It was placed- there '"Wed-j
nesday and is the gift of the late Mrs.
H. S. Simon, of Salem, and sister of Mrs.
'81' H. Friendl j.'of this cityf)It was pre
sented by "her before her death, which
occurred but a few weeks ago, and her
wishes have been erecutedi - In the eor4
ner of the frame is the card of the donor j
ni thia:'friend fv"thiilLBrverBityJwilI
long hold her in grateful remembrance. '
S. -.Oerinan ; Vtt ysicl an, on Cholera...
Jsw Yobk , Oct. 3. A Berlin special
says Prof. Rumpf of ' the Eppendorfer
hospital, Hamburg, has reported his
experience 'in ; the- treatment of ': 3,000
cholera patients. 'He declares , that all
the vaunted remedies ; are useless, in
cluding Balol,. cres'ol, creos6te," lactic
acid "and bydrocloric acid.-. Injected sul
phuric acid and' inorphia, as suggested
by American doctors, he also found of
no avail, but in mild cases an injection
of tannin .'was .' successful.' . Professor
Rumpf concludes that all methods aim
ing merely at disinfection of the intes
tines fail ;; that the remedies must be
sought which: remove- cholerical bacilli
from the intestines. ; He mentions hot
baths, hot' coffee, tea, wine', champagne
and ' camphor as useful in critical cases.
He adds that an injection of a 'solution
of common' salts "cured 20 per cent.' of
the cases. - Professor Klebs, of Zurich,
who has been treating patients in Ham
burg with injections of a fluid obtained
through the culture of cholera bacillus,
states that after an injection of the fluid
the temperature of the patients soon be
comes normal, and several apparently
hopeless . cases recovered . under this
treatment- - . - :-.-):
Current Topics.
Gen. Weaver appears to be performing
the functions of a mustard plaster in the
already heated south." ' " . ' ,'
"Large hats will be worn',,? says a
fashion note. Interest in the. modern
drama appears to be on the wane. '
- France appears to have had - as much
fun out of her centennial celebration as
she did with her recent anarchistic dis
turbances. - - - "- - '
. President Harrison- promptly "cinched
Chile and the cholera ; we , fancy . he
won't have much trouble doing likewise
by Venezuela. V- :.' ' '
' Rudyard Kipling's earnings are said
to have been deposited in the New
Oriental bank, ' which recently sus
pended, and the writer was so troubled
over it that he abandoned bis proposed
trip to Samon. . .- . .,-;.' -;
',' If . the sun gave forth sounds loud
enough to reach the earth, such' sounds,
instead of reaching "us; in the- space - of
about ;eigbt: minutes,'.'. as light' does,
would '."only ' ariive. after Ja'" 'period of
nearly 14 years.- . ; ' """'
' "The new sub-treasury building at San
Francisco has an electric burglar . alarm
installed between the rows of - bricks so
that any interference - with - either the
bricks or cement will cause an - alarm to
sound.: -- - - - - : - - -
' A laudable movement is on foot to get
President Harpej to get. President .Stry
ker to move Hamilton -college - out west
and make ; it an annex ' to' the great
University of Chicago. It is understood
that Dr.. Harper has- already offered to
Dr Bristol the chair of bibliophifoeopliy-.
May be, ifthe Evening Post . succeeds
in getting Grover Cleveland :elected, . it
will' be able i ! to get-Dock' '.Jenkins
bounced. 1,TThe crime ; with' 'which the
Dock is charged is that -of . haying v de
clined to let "Mr. Godkin out of quaran
tine before he took a sulphur bath"; " " ' '-
". '. r. .- ;- r :-, : .. y , -,
T.he opeu fire place in the? new- public
library building at Machias, Me., will
be constructed of stones which . were
used for. ballast ad board -'the British
war schooner -, Margaretta, captured by
the Americans near Machias during the
early part of the revolution. ' '
; Bismarck is quoted by Mr. "Bftrnet,' a
New-York' merchant," whcEad a twenty
minutes' chat wth the jox -chancellor at
the Bad Salina.jTKiBeea'gen," during the
summer, as having Txpreseed a warm
desire . to see this country and some
.likelihood of visiting . the Chicago fair
next year. . Thfe Announcement should,
at once settle i n't he negative the ques
tion as to "whether KaisefsVVilhelm will
be there. : - - - -'- 1 ' -'
; James Wood, a poor Irish carpenter of
Springfield, HI., must have been born
with two golden ' spoons in his moutli.
He has just returned from Englajid "with 1
$120,000 awarded him in the settlement
of the estate of John , Wood"," his great
grand-uncle.'-' Now it is discovered that
be is an heir to the Hatfield 1,000,000
estate," now in" the" English chancery;
court. -. . - . . .
(i Highest of all in Leavening-Power
fii Sift
Dr. Cronin's" SasBectel Murderer Talis
'v ' . " Guarfleilly.
An Elopement Leads to the Arrest of
an Entire Family. ' "' . .'
James Shaekleyv of Pendleton, Sued, '
II Itt en and Kicked, all Within a
. Week Minor Mention-. ' .
- SaLem. Or., Oct. 3. When inter
viewed .today, Thomas Coleman, alias
Carlson,' and supposed to be Geoghegan,
or '-Cooney, thei fox,"'- Dan' Coughlin's
friend, and the suspected 'murderer. of .
Dr."' Cronin, talked with -more caution
than , yesterday. His every-word was
guarded. He made this positive- state
ment: - v'-1- ' :"- -,; '-';-:
-"As I eaid before I had -nothing- to-do
wilh that Cronin case.' It is a delicate
matter, and I don't' care to talk about .
it. - I have a good idea how my name' :
got mixed up with it, but I "do not want
to talk-of it.'r There are people in
Chicago who know I bad nothing ta do.
with it. I'll demand all my legal rights
ii .the matter and ; will, make a fight
agaiast going to Chicago. I knew
O'Sullivan, but not intimately. I never
knew Dr Cronin and never saw "him' to
my recollection. I wasn't in, Chicago.
duringlhe trial and don?"tkhow.whether .;
or not I knew . Burke. I' was never, ar
rested in' Oklahoma as the - suspected'
murderer of Cronin. ;". ' ; . - - " '.' " ; '
Coleman's two-year term in-the' state
prison expires here in a month..'; ; ' '
. r A Kidnapping Case. -,
' Union, Or., Oct. 3. Frank Jacobs' and .'
Miss Tennessee Baisley, of Dnrke, Baker
county, were married, in' this city . Sun
day. - J. C. Baisley, the. father of- the"
bride, appeared and immediately ' swore
out a warrant for the arrest of Jacobs,
his father; mother and brother, .bo. a.
charge of kidnapping the girl, who it is
'claimed Is only 15 years of age.'. The'
enraged father, finding that an alfidayit
had been 'made to the county, clerk that
the girl was over 18 years, hadadditional
warrants placed in the hands of the offi
cers for the arrest 'of Frank and Fred :
Jacobs on a charge . of perjury;" The '
first case came upjn Judge.'Blaskeslee's
court yesterday and the plaintiff asking '
for further time,' .Thursday t was set as
the date of trial. "Fred Jacobs escaped ',
arrest, but the other defendants were
committed to jail Under $500 bonds-,.
Which they were. unable to give, i; j . ,.. ,
A Farmer's Hard Lnck..'
Penil.ktox, ; Or., Oct. 3. Sunday '
morning James Shockley was kicked iii
the breast by. a vicious horse which he
was harnessing. .The kick was terrific
and might have resulted : more seriously
had he not been very near the animal's
heel 8." Shockley was' badly bitten a few .
days ago by a mare, and has genuine -hard
luck, having been sued, bitten and
kicked within a week.
Cleveland the . Platform. .
Oregonian. One , part of Governor
Penrioyer's -epeech' is' sound. This is
his criticism of the democratic party and
its candidate for their positions on the
tariff' question. While the" platform, as
Governor : Pennoyer remarks, declares
protection unconstitutional, the ' candi
date promises that protection shall be,
maintained, but only for the benefit of
manufacturers. This is a perfectly cor
rect statement. The candidate sets the
platform aside, '.and announces that him-
self is the platform. ' '
, The nebula., in Orian is a fine tele
scopic object now. The great black
space in this nebula is known, among
unpoetic star-gazers as the .coal-hole.
No star has ever been see a in this hole
-Latest U. S. Gov't Report