The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, October 03, 1892, Image 3

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    "The Regulator Line '
Just Received !
Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
aa second-class matter.
Local Advertising;.
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
Dally CQeteoFologleal Report.
The Dalles, Oct. 8.
24 hn
Tint lalles... 29.96 77 i K .00 Cloudless
Po-iland 29.98 80 10 SW .00 Cloudless
Olympia 30.00 72 8 Calm .00 Cloudless
Ft. Canby 30-02 56 4 NW .00 Cloudless
Roseburg 29.98 82 4 N .00 Cloudless
Bed Bluff.... 29.96 S8 2 BE .00 Cloudless
Sacramento.. 29.84 78 0 NW .00 Cloudless
Knreka 30.06 54 6 N .00 Cloudy
Spokane 30.12 76 8 NE .00 Cloudless
Walla Walla. 30.04 80 6 BW .00 Cloudless
Max. temp. 82: min. temp. 46. Forecast until
Tuesday noon fair, slightly warmer.
OCTOBER 8, 1892
Justice Schntz is in Salem today.
"Business before pleasure." Petei
Mr. John Parker of Hood River, is in
the city.
Hon. Binger Hermann is at the St.
Charles in Portland today.
Miss Auburn Story is quite ill at her
father's residence in this city.
Senator Dolphs Tabernacle speech ap
pears in the Oregonian in full today.
It is expected that Senator Dolph will
address the people of The Dalles at an
early date.
Chrisman & Corson's Cape Cod cran
berries are the only fruit that Dalles
producers will admit they can't beat.
Mayor Mays is putting up his third
crop of alfalfa this year. On some soil
it is the grass, bnt not so on all soils.
He has already sowed 110 acres of rye.
Deputy Sheriff,; M A. Leslie of Moro,
visited The Dalles, yesterday to take
charge of his jail' bird, held here for
safety "until court meV at Moro today.
Mr. A. S. Macallister is again in the
city, and will be present at the fair,
and act in his capacity sb President of
the association. He is looking hale and
Mr, J: G. Farley returned from Walla
Walla Saturday night. He says The
Dalles delegation at the district fair are
jubilant over their successes at the ex
hibition of horses. '
Mr. Malcolm Maclnnes, assistant sec
retary of the agricultural society, may
be found at the office of Wm. Butler &
Co., corner of Second and Jefferson
streets, The Dalles.
Mr. Chandler returned to Antelope
today.' He was disappointed at not
being able to meet Hon. C. W. Cart
wright there last night by appointment.
He is preparing to leave Oregon . for
Wild geese, floating placidly by . The
Dalles this fall on the bosom of the Col
umbia, remind us of that phrase of the
"at duck setting upon the pearly, edges
of prosperity" which Portland swiped
from us Bkljn the sixties.
Figs ere raised in The Dalles that
reached a high stage of perfection Lu
Jpe this year. Three branches were
contributed by Mr. E. Schanno for the
exposition yesterday that are marvels.
Those branches were filled with the
fruit in the stages of second and third
crops. Mr. Schanno imported the cut
tingrof hia finest figs from Europe?
From bur lady patrons we have received
many words of commendation: in regard
to our Fall Wraps; and they all unite
in . .saying . that -they are the handsomest
v v v and most perfect fitting garments , ever
exhibited in this city. We would take
great pleasure iri showing them to those
who have as yet not seen them.
Mr. Ed. Wingate of Antelope, is in
the city.
Editor Morgan is suffering from an
attack of la grippe.
Senator C. W. Cartwright left for Hay
creek yesterday.
Buy a new ham of the Columbia
Packing Company.
Hon. M. A,- Moody and Mr. Green
spent Sunday at Cloud Cap Inn.
The committees are now all prepared
for the Press association tomorrow.
Hon. C. E. Hilton listened to "a talk
fpom Dolph" at the Portland tabernacle.
Rev. T. . Eliot, the eloquent Uni
tarian minister of Portland, is in the
city. .
Miss Vanderpool and Miss Warren of
Dufur, took the noon passenger for
Portland yesterday. "
Another box of elegant Muscat grapes
from vineyards of The Dalles, was taken
to Portland yesterday.
Mr. Frank Allen of Camp Watson,
one of the principal stock raisers of
Grant county, is in the city.
F. W. L. Skibbe joined the dollar a
week rackett, and ordered his first suit
of clothing today. Lucky Fred. "
Mr. Bronsons family have returned
from a summer visit to Santa Barbara.
Mr. B. met them in Portland.
Patrons of the Cascade Locks excur
sion tomorrow should remember that
the Regulator will leave her wharf at 7
o'clock a. m.
County Assessor Koontz is very busy
just now1 preparing the assessment roll
of Wasco county for the board of equali
zation next week.
Hon. J. H. Moaier of Mosier, brought
into the city today corn in the ear, on
stalks 15 feet, high, to exhibit at the
Court house tomorrow.
Miss Cora Joles was among the pas
sengers today by steamer Regulator, for
Portland to visit friends and attend the
Mr. Frank Brown, 'the leading wheat
buyer at Grant, spent Sunday in The
Dalles. He says oniree ferry has ' very
materially cut off his Klickitat trade.
The belated passenger for Portland
this morning was a young man, whose
solace was : "Well, I'll try again to
morrow." This was his third miss,
twice by train and once by boat. '
A genuine hobo of the genius tramp
was lead up to the Hotel de Cross Bar
last night by Deputy TJ. S. Marshal
Jameson, for procuring whisky for an
Indian Caroline. He hails from Seattle.
Mr. Emil Schanno is converting a
large portion of his pear crop into vine
gar, his grapes into white wine, and is
drying his prunes. There are more
ways than one to dispose of the orchard
products in Wasco county.
A very handsome piece, Representing
a printers frame and cases, to be elabor
ately decorated with fruits and flowers,
has been prepared by the skillful hands
of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks as an ornament
for the President's table at the Press
Association convention tomorrow.
One of the handy inventions for fruit
producers is Chrisman'a patent dryer.
Yesterday we saw two boxes o prunes
going to the exposition that -were as
perfectly cured as anything could be in
the fruit line. One of the lots of Italian
prunes ' from which the sample was
taken, was dried in eighteen hours.
Silver prunes were dried in twenty
hours. 5 i' ..
The Gesang Verein Harmonie have
chosen the following officers for the en
suing year: Hans Hansen president;
Ad Keller vice-president; R. Rorden
secretary ; F. Lempke treasurer ; Carl
Gottfried musical director.
Mr. John Bonn of this city has to
bacco stalks that measures six feet in
hight. It was his purpose only to pro
duce this article for the juices to be used
in spraying fruit trees, but the samples
he will show at the court house will in
form the editorial fraternity that tobacco
may also be considered a prolific product
of Wasco county.
Divers have been at work for a week
past removing drift in the Columbia
about a mile above the Celilo cannery.
Some logs havebeen taken out that ap
pear to havve laid in the water since the
days of Noah. It has been piled up on
the beach, lnd after it has dried out so
it will burn, Mr. Taffe will log and burn
it. Some' of this timber would make
fine material for violins and other
musical instruments, but as Mr. Taffe is
only fixing for a seining grounds, he has
no use for the drift.
A new hatchery for salmon has to be
established on the Sandy this fall, as
the Clackamas does not furnish a supply
any longer. The coming assembly will
be asked to take more decided action on
the fish question, if our ealmon are not
wholly exterminated. Capt. Campbell,
one of newly elected representatives
from Clatsop county, says : "To allow
a few selfish cannerymen to carry on a
business that is a detriment to the com
munity at large is foolish in the extreme.
The Sunday law is a hoax ; it was only
intended for a political job, and should
be abolished. The hatcheries may be
made a success if young fish are allowed
a chance but never otherwise."
Lines on The Death of Mrs. Ida WInsler.
of The Dalles.
Hark? the angel voices singing
Welcome to a heavenly guest,
One who left this world of sorrow,
And has entered into rest.
Rest so sweet, in Jesus bosom,
In his arms of endless love :
Could we mourn our dear departed
Call her from her home above?
Though we miss the gentle foot-Bteps
And the smiles of love and cheer
And the voice which softly whispered
'All I leave in Jesus care.' . .
Yet we call thee not dear Ida
From the world of peace and. rest,
But we hope when life is over,
We'll be numbered with the blest.
-A visit From Tourists.
Judge G. W. Lewis and wife, of
Medina, Ohio, on a tour of the Pacific
coast, made the trip to The Dalles Sat
urday via steamers Dalles City and
Regulator, and after remaining here
over Sunday left by steamer Regulator
this morning for Portland, where they
take the Southern Pacific for San Fran
cisco and the east. We have met a
great many highly pleased tourists this
year at The Dalles, but have conversed
with none more delighted than Judge
and Mrs. Lewis They had their first
feast of speckeled trout, and luscious
fruits, here ; and Judge Lewis' . enthu
siasm concerning mountain climbing
and lofty views was indulged in by
many rambles over the summits about
The Dalles. Accompanying them on
their return today they have some of
the fruits and flowers of Dalles city
gardens, but nothing compared to what
they might have had, with a little more
time on a week day, to make the collec
tion. ' r- . .' . - .-
Freisnt and Passenser Line
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m.,
arriving at Portland 5 p.m.
One way $2.00
Round trip 3.00
Special rates for parties of six or over.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Fruit, per 100 pounds 30
Melons and Green Vegetables 30
Through connection with steamers to
Astoria and Ilwaco without delay.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address. '
Oeneral Agent.
General Manager.
1.1st of Officers, and Programme of the
Convention This Week.
The following are the present officers
of the association : President, A. Nolt
ner, Dispatch, Portland; first vice-president,
J. B. Eddy, Tribune, Pendleton ;
second vice-president, F. S. Harding,
Telephone-Register, McMinnville ; third
vice-president, Ira L. Campbell, Guard,
Eugene ; fourth vice-president, W. J.
Snod grass, La Grande ; fifth vice-president,
Mrs. W. J; Plymalc, Jacksonville ;
Secretary, Albert Tozier, Pythian, Port
land ;, treasurer j O. P. Mason, Portland;
sergeant-at-arme, Leo Peterson, Com
mercial Review, Portland.
The Oregonian says:' "Already a
number of members have arrived in the
city, and will take in the exposition be
fore leaving town. Mr. W. H. Hurl
burt, assistant general passenger agent
of the Union Pacific, has kindly offered
transportation to The Dalles and return
to all who will apply at the office, corner
of Third and Washington streets.
Papers that have no contracts with the
company will be given them upon ap
plication. The programme is to leave
this city on the 8 :45 train Tuesday
morning, and go to the Cascades, where
a delegation from Tile Dalles will meet
the visitors, and a banquet will be given.
The government work at the locks will
be inspected, and then all will be es
corted to the metropolis of the Inland
Empire by boat. The meeting will be
called to order by President Noltner im
mediately upon the departure from the
Cascades. The wife of a member is
welcome to attend the association and
will be given transportation. The citi
zens of The Dalles have invited all mem
bers and ladies to become guests of that
city during the session, and all told, 120
have accepted the invitation. The ses
sion promises to be a profitable one.
The association will probably vote to
visit the world's fair in a body, and will
elect delegates to be present at the open
ing of the same. The patent side ques
tion will receive considerable attention ;
also foreign advertising. The secretary
reports 176 publications in the state, of
which number 3o are less than 12 months
The remainder of the programme is as
follows: -v
Tuesday, 8 p. m. Meeting called to
order. Roll call ; addition of new mem
bers. Reading minutes of last session.
President's annual address. Secretary's
annual report. Report . of delegates to
National Editorial Convention. Report
of committee on grievances. Report of
committee on legislation. Report of
the committee on state of the fraternity.
Report of the committee on resolutions.
Wednesday, morning session from 9
to 12. Unfinished business. The fol
lowing practical papers will be read and
discussed: "History of Oregon Jour
nalism," J. B. Eddy : "The Moral Re
sponsibility of the Press," Rev. J. R. N
Bell. Afternoon sessjon from from 1 :30
to 5. The reading and discussion of
practical papers will be . continued as
follows: "Personal and Impersonal
Journalism," John Michell ; "Corpora
tions," Mrs. W.J. Plymale.
Thursday, raorninz session 9 to 12. r-
Unfinished business. New business.
On October 7th the U. P. R. Co. have
arranged for a cheap excursion to Port
land for train leaving The Dalles 3 a. m
and 4 p. m. at the very low rate of f 3.60
for the round trip, including admission
to the Exposition. " Tickets will be good
returning up to and including October
9; For detailed information inquire, at
ucKes once. -. - js. ja. jureus. Agent.
And the Most Complete and the
." JPCTractical Painters and Paper
Sherwin-Williams and-J. W. Masury's
the most skilled workmen em cloved.
chemical combination or soap mixture. '.
orders promptly attended to.
Store and Paint Shop corner Third and
Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in
Boots and Shoes. All goods
we sell, we warrant.
Dalles Horses at Walla Walla.
The Dalles delegation at Walla Walla
report having a splendid season. Our
Dalles horses have made line records for
themselves, and won many laurels. Mr.
J. O. Mack's horses, Anita, Parole,
Sireata, and Mamie S., carried the day
in several leading contests last week, in
some of the prettiest races of ' the
tour. On Saturday Anita won -the - first
purse in the 2 :38 contest t350, time
2.294 ; and first prize for the finest ex
hibition trotting horse on the track.
When at Salem Anita took second purse
and prize. On Wednesday, at Walla
Walla, Parole took the purse, $250 in
the three-eighth dash. In the same
race Sireata took the second purse, $50.
On Thursday Mamie S took first purse,
$200, in the quarter dash. The delega
tion will be at La Grande this week,
and will then return to The Dalles to be
in attendance at the fair to be held here,
beginning on the 11th, continuing five
Old Nursery Favorites.
There was Tom, the Son of the Piper, '
Jack Sprat, and Merry King Cole,
And the Three Wise Men of Gotham,
Who went to sea in a bowl;
The woman who rode on a broomstick,
And swept the cobwebbed sky.
And the boy who sat in the corner,
- Eating his Christmas pie.
These were some of the old favorites,
but they have been supplanted by the
"Pansy" and "Chatterbox" stories,
"Little Lord Fauntleroy," and "Five
Little Peppers." The old fashioned
pills and physics have been superseded,
and wisely, too, by Pierce's Purgative
Pellets, a mild, harmless and effective
cathartic. They are pleasant to take
so gentle in their action that the most
delicate child can take theni, yet so ef
fective that they will cure the most ob
stinate cases of constipation, stomach,
liver and bowel troubles. They should
be in every nursery. As a gentle laxa
tive, only one for a dose.
. . ' . Boomi to
Two pleasant bed rooms in a neat
cottage on the hill, to let. Inquire at
this office. . lO.ldtf
A voung man, thorough accountant,
familiar with office work, also an ex
perienced grocer, wants position in
store or office. Satisfactory references
furnished. Address,
3td "Duncan," this office.
A Bare Bargain.
Two Cottages for sale. Enquire of
9.28dtf N. Whbalpon
Portland Exposition.
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co. will eell round trip tick
ets from The Dalles at $3, including ad
mission to the exposition. - Tickets on
sale daily at the office or on board the
Regulator. W. C. Axlaway,
Gen'l Agent.
For sale or trade at a bargain a hojtel
of 28 rooms in Albina, doing a good busi
ness. No saloon connected. . Near the
shops with good paying boarders. Reas
ons for selling other business.
Address. Hepnee a Menefee,
No. 521 Delay St., Albina, Ore.
: : JEWELER : :
j . .
Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on s -.
short notice, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Store' of I. C. Xlckelsea, 3d St. The Dalles
Latest Patterns and Deeigns in
Hangers. None but the best brands of the
Paints used in all our work, and none but
Accents for Maaurv Liauid Paints. No
A first class article in all colors. . All
Washington St., The Dalles, Oregon
03 i
To Cascade
Locks and Return Tuesday,
October 4, 1893.
In order to give the . friends of the
committees and others an opportunity
of meeting the members of the Oregon
Press Association at Cascade Locks,'
the D. P. & A. N. Co. will make a rate'
of one. dollar for the round trip. The
Dalles Brass band will be in attendance.
Tickets on sale at the office or of Purser
on board. . , The Regulator, will - leave at
7 o'clock a. in. on that day.
W. C. Allawiy, G. A.
The Portland Exposition.
The Union Pacific system will extend
to its patrons the usual reduced rates on
round trip tickets which will include ad
mission to the exposition, selling on
Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays of each
week. Detailed information can be had
by applying to E. E. Lytle, agent.
Don't forget the county fair.
Saved His Child's Life. -
A. N. Dilferbough, York, Neb., says:
"The other day I came home and found
my little boy down with cholera morbus,
my wife scared, not knowing what to do.
I went straightway and got a 25 cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera,
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and gave it ac
cording to directions. You never saw
such a change in a child. His limbs and
body were cold. I rubbed his limbs and
body with my hands, and after I had
given him the second dose he went to '
sleep, and, as my wife says, "from &
death-bed he was up playing in three
hours." It saved me a doctor bill of
about three dollars, and what is better,
it saved my child. I can recommend it
with a clear conscience." For sale by
Blakely & Houghton, druggists.
Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Campbell Bros. Proprs
(Successors 10 W. s. Cram.)
Manufacturers of the finest French and '
Home Made
O -A. 1ST ID I B S ,
' East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobaeca.
Can furnish any of these goods at Whoiesal
or Retail
III K-rei-y Style. -
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or.
- I.. C. SHERWOOD. Prop. .
The very best Wines, Liquors and Cor- '.
, ' dials. Imported and Domes
tic Cigars.