The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 29, 1892, Image 3

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    Just Received !
Tie Dalles, MM anfl km
. " Navigation Co.
"The Reffulator JM
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising-.
10 Gents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 8 o'clock
Will appear the following; day.
SEPT. 29, 1892
Seed rye for sale at Mays' farm in
Tygh valley. d&w
E. G. Bigbee of Wapinitia, is in tbe
city today -
A. J. Brigham, of Dufar, was in the
city yesterday.
Address "Duncan" this office. See
Merchant Crofton and A. L. Bunnell,
of Centerville, areJn the city.
- Mrs. A. B. Mopre"nd family have
moved in town for the winter.
Eev. RjjW. McBjide of Salem, passed
through today-forearm Springs.
jar. ana miBi leu on me
Afternoon train yesterdaylor Portland.
There is a lot of work daily now on the
Begulator wharf. Yesterday there was
enough for 20 men to do.
The funeral of Frank Roach was
largely attended this mooring. The fire
department was fully represented.
Mrs. E. J. Brown, Mrs. Nichols, of
the Columbia, B. Wolfe and several
others were passengers today by the
" 1 -
" 3 . t !n , r. .i
On and after October 1st forecasts of
the weather will be made by Mr. Pague
for the Pacific northwest, from the Port
land office.
A. W. Branner of Nansene, manager
of the bona fide staging of the
Inland Empire, including some in Cali
fornia, is at The Umatil
Miss Anna Peter JtCo '. will open a
fine display of tripled goods Friday of
this week ancLfnYites the ladies of the
xaty and vicinity to call.
A. H. Boomer passed through the city
yesterday noon from San Francisco, on
the sad errand of attending the funeral
of his Bon John at Boise City. He was
Accompanied by bis family.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phelps of Collins
Landing, arrived by steamer Regulator
last evening on a visit to Mrs. Phelps'
parents. After this week they will visit
the Exposition at Portland.
Mr. Sharp has finished threshing at
his home place, and is now at the same
kind of work On the 5-M!i1n t1hoa.
Ajrain turns out Deiter man was ex
pected. .
The Dufur flouri
awarded the contra
or the War
Indian Agency
tor the coming y
about $2,500 net.
It aggregates
Tom Kelly's pacer will be home from
Portland by the steamer Regulator to
night. Pacer has won a reputation in
the consolidated city amongst horsemen,
equal to any mile a minute horse that
ever wure t t:irvxxigic
- S The Silgol- Mining company was or
ganized in thiscity yesterday. They
are putting prospectors in the Mount
. Adams district at onctLwith fine pros
pects for the futuredevelopment of a
rich mining regioy'tributary to The
Dalles.' We are promised further par
ticulars at no distant day.
g mill has
at for flcoiii n rrtt
From our lady patrons we have received
many words of commendation in regard
to our. Fall Wraps; and they all unite
in saying that they are the handsomest
and most perfect fitting garments ever .
exhibited in this city. We would, take
greaV pleasure in showing them to those
who have as yet not seen them.
A ladies hand bag, picked up between
Varney's and Chenoweth yesterday, has
been left ai The Chronicle office for
identification See advertisement.
Nancy Hankv, at Terra Haute yester
day, on a circle track, threw off 3 seconds
from her record, waking a mile in 2 :04
flat. The event wafl witnessed by 6,000
A Calcutta dispatch of the 28th says
Conway's mountaineering party in
Hindoo Koosh climbed' a peak 23,000
feet high. This is 1,000 feet higher than
any recorded climb.
Man never saw finer trout than comes
to The Dalles daily for Lauer, from
Hood River. Large, fine, speckled
beauties, fresh from mountain streams,
that tempt the palate of an epicure.
.. Mr. Malcolm Maclnnes, assistant sec
retary of the agricultural society, may
be found at the office of Wm. Butler &
Co., corner of Second and Jefferson
streets, The Dalles.
L. L. McCartney yesterday contribut
ed a lot of the Rose of Peru grapes to the
Portland exposition, which are certain
ly not surpassed 0?. any grapes 'yet
brought in. They gwn the city, on
Thompson's addition, anchJor size and
flavor cannot be beat.
Humidity today 60 per centTwitb the
dew point 60 per cent, temperature 69
on a part cloudy sky, shows but little
evaporation at midday. The forecast is
fair, with threatening rain, -stationary
temperature, followed by cooler weather
and changeable winds.
Jos. Southwell complains that the
Celilo and Warm Springs Indians are a
pest to him. They turn their ponies in
to his meadows after dark and take them
out before daylight, and destroy the feed
for his own stock.' There ought to be
some recourse at law for redress of such
Bad Business.
The Astorian says it has just develop
ed that the most strenuous efforts were
made by Puget Sound Odd Fellows, pre
vious to the conclusion of the arrange
ments for holding the grand lodge ses
sion at Portland, to keep the Odd Fel
lows from visiting the mouth of the
Columbia river. It is said that last
April or May Portland Odd Fellows
wrote to the officers of the lodges at Ta-
coma, Seattle and Spokane, asking them
to assist in entertaining the visitors on
their arrival in the northwest, but the
reply was they could not afford the nec
essary money, or hadn't it. The trip
was arranged, however, without their
assistance, and then the Tacoma and
Seattle men tried to switch them off' to
Yellowstone Park. No stone was left
unturned to break up the projected ex
cursion, and even telegrams containing
misrepresentations were sent to mem
bers of the grand lodge. That the ef
forts were without avail, is largely due
to the active measures taken bv Dr
Chance, aided by a general desire on
the part of the intending visitors to see
the mouth of the Columbia. It is due
to tne uaa fellows of Spokane to say
Luub iuey acieu iairiy mrougnout.
A young man, thorough accountant.
familiar with office work, also an ex
perienced grocer, wants position in
store or office. Satisfactory references
rurnisnea. Address,
3td "Duncan," this office
Ladies velvet sachet, containing gloves,
knife, handkerchief, breastpin, a small
amount oi money, etc. inquire at this
Offered ljr tbe Merchants and Business
- Men of The Dalles.
In addition to the premiums already
offered by the Second East Oregon Dis
trict Agricultural Society, at the fair to
be held in The Dalles beginning Octo
ber 11th, the following special premiums
have been contributed for the further
encouragement of exhibitors, to be
awarded by the society :
Farley & Frank, 1 ult. nickle sinele
harness, $30.
Mays & Crowe, 1 Acorn cook stove, $30.
" 1 New Era washer, $10.
" 1 Thompson '8 srpnle
parer, $.
Snipes & Kinersly, dressing case, $7.50.
E. Jaeobsen 4 Co., acordion, $3.50.
" . plush box, $2.
" plush album, $2.
". Webster's TJn. Dic
tionary, $5.
Chronicle Pub. Co., 3 copies weekly
year, $4.50
Chronicle Pub. Co., 3 copies weeklv
6 months, $2.25.
Wasco Sun, 3 copies 1 year, $4.50 .
" 3 copies 6 months, $2.25.
Times-Mountaineer, 3 copies weeklv
1 year, $6. ' '
Times-Mountaineer, 3 copies weeklv.
6 months, $3.
Prinz & Nitsehke, patent . kitchen
table, $9.
A. M. Williams & Co., 1 suit clothes.
A. H. Curtis, 2 barrels Diamond
flour, $8.
The Dalles Mercantile Co.. 5 pounds
D. M. Co. tea, $2.50.
The Dalles Mercantile Co.. 1 pair
Walter H. Tenney sewed Jshoes, $5.50.
ine Danes Mercantile Co.. 1 suit
men's woolen underwear, $4.
Pease & Mays, 1 dress pattern, $6.
1 Oliver Chilled plow.
$14. : ; ;
Blakeley & Houghton, hand-painted
perfumery case, $5.
Maier & Benton, 1 Ramona cook
stove, $25.
John C. Hertz, 1 hat, $3.50.
Stoneman & Fiege, men's calf shoes.
$4.50. .
W. E. Garretson, gold chain, $10.
J. P. Mclnerny, 1 pair colored blank
ets, $7.50.
Crandall & Burget, 1 pair pictures.
H. Herbring, silk tea cover, $4. j : -"
dressing case, $5.
A Large Sale of Horses.
Perry Watkinssr., of lower 15-Mile in
this county, effected a sale of bis large
band of horses, 225 head, a few. days ago
at good prices which were satisfactory to
him and to the buyers, who intend driv
ing them into the southern states, where
they have advices that there is a good
demand. The same parties bought the
entire band of Mr. Perry Watkin, jr.,
150 bead, making a herd of 375 head.
The Watkins bands are very fine stock.
being bred up well with the Percheron
ana uiyae imported stock.
A Bare Bargain.
Two Cottages for sale. Enquire of
.9.28dtf N. Whealdon
Merino Bams for Sale.
For particulars address Tygh Valley
Land and i,ive Stock (Jo., J. he Ualles,
Uregon. dZtw4t
On October 3d the U. P. R. Co. -have
arranged for a cheap excursion to Port
land for trainJeaving The Dalles 3 s. m.
and 4 p. m. at the very low rate of $3.50
for the round trip, including admission
to the Exposition. Tickets will be good
returning up to and including October
5. - For detailed information inquire at
ticket office. n. X. lttm, Agent.
FreigHt and Passenger Line
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m.,
arriving at Portland 5 p. m.
One way $2.00
Round trip . . .......... 3.00
Special rates for parties of six or over.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Fruit, per 100 pounds. .... .'. . .
Melons and Green Vegetables.
Through connection with steamers to
Astoria and Ilwaco without delay.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
on arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Call on or address. " -
Gemerml Agent.
General Manager.
The Single Kali; Railway.
An observer who thought the new lo
comotive for the single rail railway
ought to be exhibited on. the road, was
reminded by another careful observer,
at the Porrland Exposition Saturday
evening, that it would then "be out of
sight" before we could it, as its speed
on tbe rail is ninety miles per hour.
The company will not attempt to test
tbe engine on a track merely for experi
mental purposes as they are' satisfied
without going - to that additional ex
pense. They expect to wait until the
opportunity offers for building a perma
nent road. . They have now three pros
pects in view; One is a road from Port
land to Mt. Hood, another is a line from
Salem to Dallas, a distance of four
teen miles), and tbe third is a line, from
Grand Dalles to Goldendale. In the
latter case the people are very anxious
for a road and it is stated that they will
meet the projectors with a liberal sub
sidy. The engine now built will nse
steam as a motor power, although there
is another motor in course of construct'
ion that is to be propelled by electric-
storage batteries.
To Cascade Locks and Betura Tuesday,.
October , 1898.
In order to give the friends of the
committees and others an opportunity
of meeting the members of the Oregon
Press Association at Cascade Locks,
the I. P. & A. N. Co. will make a rate
of one dollar for the round trip. The
Dalles Brass band will be in attendance.
Tickets on sale at the office or of Purser
on board. The Regulator will leave at
7 o'clock a. m. on that day.
W. C Allaway, G. A.
We've heard of a woman' who said
she'd walk five miles to get a bottle of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription if she
could't get it without.- That woman had
tried it. And it's a medicine which
makes itself felt in toning up the system
and correcting irregularities as Boon as
its use is begun. Go to your drug store,
pay a dollar, get a bottle and try it try
a second, a third if necessary. - Before
the third one's been taken you'll'know
that there's a remedy to help you.
Then you'll keep on and a cure '11 come.
But if you shouldn't feel the help, should
be disappointed inithe resulte-you'll
find guarantee printed on the bottle
wrapper that'll get your money back for
you. ": -, , . . .. . "..
- How many women are there who
would rather have the money than
health? And "Favorite. Prescription"
produces health. Wonder is that there's
a woman willing ta. suffer; when' there's
a guaranteed remedy in the nearest drug
store. " ' -
Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate tbe
stomach. Liver and Bowels. Mild and
Portland Exposition.
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co. will sell round trip tick
ets from The Dalles at $3, including ad
mission to the exposition. Tickets on
sale daily at the office or on board the
Regulator. W. C. Allaway,
Gen'l Agent.
"The Portland Exposition. .
The Union Pacific system will extend
to its patrons the usual reduced rates on
round trip tickets which will include ad
mission to tne exposition, selling on
Mondays, Tuesdays .and Fridays of each
week. Detailed information can be bad
by applying to E. E. Lytlb, agent.
Don't forget the county fair.
And the Most Complete and the
QF"Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of tbe
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masary's Paints nsed in all our work, and none bat
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All
orders promptly attended to.
Store and Faint Shop coiner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon,
Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in
Boots and Shoes. All goods
we sell, we warrant.
114 SX300DJS
For sale or trade at a bargain a hotel
of 28 rooms in Albina, doing a good busi
ness. No saloon connected. Near the
shops with good paying boarders. Reas
ons tor Belling otner Dusiness.
Address. Hepnek a Menefee,
No. 521 Delav St.. Albina. Ore,
To All Whom It May Concent:
By order of the Common Counea of Dalles
City, made and entered on the 3d day of Septem
ber, 1892, notice Is hereby given that said City
Council is about to proceed to order and make
tne improvements in streets in saio. cny, as Here
inafter stated, and- that the coot of such im-
Erovements, and each of them respectively, will
e levied upon the property adjacent thereto:
and said improvements, and each of them, will
be made, unless within fourteen days of the final
fiubtication of this notice, the owners of two
hirds of the property adjacent to some or all of
the streets about to be improved shall file their
remonstrances against such improvements, as
by charter provided.
The improvements contemplated and afeont
to be made are as follows, to-wit: .
1. To improve Third street in said city. by
building a sidewalk eight feet wide en the north
side thereof, from Washington street to Monroe
street. , .
'A. To imnrove Fourth street in said citv nv
building a sidewalk six feet wide on the north
side thereof, from Conrt street to Jefferwm
:i. No improve Fifth street in said city by
building a sidewalk six feet wide on the north
side thereof, from Union street to Washington
4. To improve Fifth street In said city by
building a sidewalk six feet wide on the south
side thereof , from Union street to Washington
5. To improve Washington street in said city
by building a sidewalk eight feet wide on the
west side thereof, from Third street to Sixth
6. To improve Federal street in said city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west
side thereof, from tbe alley between Second and
Third streets to Third street.
7. To improve Federal street in said city by
building a sidewulk eight feet wide on the east
side thereof, from Third street to Fourth street.
8. To improve Laughlin street in said city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west
side thereof, from Second street to Third street,
and a sidewalk eight feet wide on the west side
tnereoi, irora rnixa street io ourtn street.
9. To improve Laughlin street in said city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the east
side thereof, from second street to Third street,
and a sidewalk eight feet wide on the east side
thereof, irom inira street to r ourcn street. ,
10. To imnrove Jefferson street in said citv bv
building a sidewallc ten feet wide on the west
side thereof, from Second street to Third street,
and a sidewalk. ight feet wide on the west side
thereof from Third street to ourtn street.
11.- To improve Madison street in said city by
bnilding a sidewalk ten feet wide on tbe west
side thereof, from First street to Tnird street.
12. 'to improve MadLson street in said city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the east
side thereof, from Second street to Third street.
All of said sidewalks will be built, constructed
and erected in. accordance with tbe provisions of
an ordinance to define and establish the width
and manner of building sidewalks in Dalles
City, being Ordinance tio. 108, which passed tbe
Common Council of Dalles City Mured 7th, 1SS5,
except as otherwise hereinbefore specified.
uatea tain jutn aay 01 eepiemDer. ibhz.
9.14dl4 Recorder of Dalles City.
To Alt Wbom It May Concern:
Bv order of the Common Council of Dalles
City, made and entered on the 3d day of Hep tern-
her, isuz, notice is nereov given teat said city
Council is about to proceed to order and make
the improvements of streets in said city
as hereinafter stated, and that the cost
of such Improvements, and each of them
respectively, will be levied upon the
property adjacent thereto; and said im
provements, and each of them, will be made,
unless within four:een days from the final pub
lication of this notice, the owners of two-thirds
of the property adjacent to some or all of the
streets about to be improved shall file their re
monstrance against such improvements, as by
charter provided :
The improvements contemplated end about to
be made are as follows, to wit;
1. To improve Union street in said city, by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the east
side thereof, from First street to Second street.
2. To improve Second f treet in said city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the north
side thereof, from Union street to Court street.
All of said sidewalks will be built, constructed
and erected in accordance with the provisions
of an ordinance to define and establish the
width and manner of building sidewalk in
Dalles City, being Ordinance Ko. 108, which
Sassed the Common Council of Dal es City,
arch 7th, 1885, except as otherwise hereinbefore
Dated this 12th day of September, 1S92.
9.14dl4 Recorder of Dalles City.
Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on
. Bhort notice, and satisfaction guaranteed.
r - AT TBS
Btore of I. C. Klckelien, Sd St. Tbe Dallas
Latest Patterns and Designs in
Stock Holders Meeting;.
The regular annual meeting of the
stoek holders of Tbb Chronicle Pnb-
linhino,.r 111 Vu L.1J l.ll
over Thx Cheoniclk office at 8 p. mv,
October 14th, 1892. Directors for the
en suing year will be elected, and such
before- said meeting will be transacted
thereat. V. G. Boltoit. secretary.
A TraiwMns; Man's Experience Witfe
I am a- traveling man and have beem.
ill Z j r. i l . ,1 , . : . J r
rhcea for some ten years. Last fall I was
in Western Pennsylvania, and? accident
ally was introduced to Chamberlain'
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I ventured1 to make a trial and was
wonderfully relieved. I would- like now
to introduce it among my friends. H.
M. Lewis, 2 Freeman street, Cleveland-
Ohio. For sale by Blakely & Houghton,,
druggists. -
City taxes for 1892 are now doe and.
payable within- sixty days, at the office
of the undersigned.
Tj..TlfiiTiSTC Citv Twninivr
Dalles City, July 6th, 1892:
Kmwrl Him r!hlll T.if.
A. N. Duferbongh, York, Neb., saysr
The other day X came home and- found" '
my uttie ooy down witn cnoiera morbus,
my wife scared, not knowing what to do..
I went straightway and got a 25 cent :
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera.
3 Tk: I T. i . i
BuuLiarriiuua nemeay, ana gave IV- ac
cording to directions. You never saw
such a change in a child. His-limbsand .
body were cold. I rubbed hia limbs-and.
body with my hands, and after I had
given him the second dose he went- tov
sleep, and, as my wife says, "from a
death-bed he was up playing, in- three
hours." It saved, me a doctor bill of'
about three dollars, and-what- is- better,,
it saved my child. lean recommend it
with a clear conscience." ' For sale bjr
Blakely & Houghton, druggists.'
Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Campbell Bros. Propra
(Succssssrs tt . S. Cram.) '
Manufacturers of the finest French and
Home Made
Bast of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale
or Be tail ,
- In Every Style.
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. .
t. C. 8HEKWOOD, Prop.
The very best Wines, Liquors and Cor
dials. Imported and Domes-'