ifustlReceivecl'!:: -AvFULL LINE OF GENTS' Tie IJallfiRirtMiMMoria 7 Ma-vagaJaoitGo. v HOSIERY, TJF N D ERWEARr GVERSHIRTS, Ef COLLARS and and , CUFFS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Kntered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. ' "Local Aifvertlalnc 10 (JenUi'peHitie for fenirinifertioriand 5 Cents pet- Une for ench-subseqnent Insertion. . , 8pecial rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 8 o'clock will appear te foUowinjr day. y DNESDAY SEPT. 28, 1892 LOCAL BBKVITIES. I Halo cases to report in the recorder's ourt these days. B. S. Pague returned from the east Saturday crowned with new laurels. Mrs. Fw P. Mays and her two children are in the city from Portland. Seed rye for sale at Mays' farm in Tygh valley. : d&w 'Mr. T. H. Johnson of Dufur. is in the city on a flying business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ahola and daughter Gussie of Goldendale, are in the city. , Isaac Davis of Wamic, is in the city today arranging to leave for Southern Oregon. Jim Blakeley was out this forenoon with a - search ' warrant, hunting for a Justice in the West End. One wagon : load of . furniture from Printz & Nitschke's new store, stood up ten feet above the wagon bed today. ' The rush of teams in the East End continues today, heavily laden with the golden grain of Wasco and Klickitat. . Mine Host Geo. Herbert of Hood River is in the city today. He says this is the 'Season for enjoyment at Cloud Cap. . Messrs. Wm. Michell and C. J. Cran- dall left yesterday for Seattle to attend the Undertakers convention in that city. Miss Anna Peter & Co. will ! open a fine display of trimmed goods Friday of this week and invites the ladies of the city and vicinity to call. Mrs. S. French and Mr.' Frank French were passengers on the-'Regulator this morning for Portland, -where Frank will ( enter the Portland University. r The Canadian Pacific railway officials Vlt Vancouver, emphatically -deny the statement from Yokohama concerning cholera on the Empress of India. ,JThe crop of cereals is ' finding its way to the ship side rapidly en route to Eu ' rope. TheU. P. R. send several big train londa through daily and nightly. . Weather forecasts for the next thirty six hours at The Dalles are : Fair, " fol lowed by warm showers, and cooler weather. Winds shifting southerly and easterly. A handsome wtfidow is- presented by Pease & Maystoflay. The design is a lady drapednn eeiJUnt dress goods, and ejrows some beautiful portier curtains, the work of Mrt Briggs. Mr. Malcolm Maclnnes, assistant sec retary of the agricultural society, may . be found at the office of Wm. Butler & ' Co., corner of Second and Jefferson streets, The Dalles. .Judge Bradshaw returned last night frorn holding a term of the circuit court atjfcondon, but must be away again Monday to hold a term for Sherman county. He regrets this verv mnrdi nn he would, like to be In the ,oity next week at the annual session of the ' press association. FALL WRAPS. From our lady patrons " we . have received many - words of commendation in v regard to our ' Fall - Wraps ; and ' 'they all unite in saying that ithey are the handsomest, and ' most perfect, fitting garments ever exhibited in this city. We would take great -pleasure in-showing -them -to those Vho ; have as1 yet' not'; seen them. PEASE & MAYS. The new palatial store room of Mr. A. Keller' on Second street, is receiving the finishing strokes of the artist. It will be as fine a store as can be found in Portland according to the size of it. l- A piece of money1 was picked:- np this -afternoon about Hjr clocks, in front of Leslie Butler's stojft. The owner can have it by describing ttredenomination of the piece,' and paying for' this adver tisement. The committee - on entertainment of the- editorial visitors will perhaps issue a programme Saturday. Refreshments are to be served to the guests on board the Regulator at Cascade Locks, Tues day, the 4th. ' Hon. A. J. Dufur, the Oregon World's Fair Couiimssioner in 1876, passed through todayVronTufur en route ' to Portland. - TheViold gentleman is in pretty good healtTV, and Still has a fond ness tor work A brother rMr. AKeller, from Peta- luma, who ha been - visiting in The Dalles with his tamily, left on the noon passenger : todaVior New' York.' Mr. Keller says he.wilrgive him six months to make up hits mind to come back to Oregon again. Some rich gold bearing quartz - has been recently, found jin the Blue Moun-? tains, about forty jt&Jes from Pendleton. Within that distance dfhe Dalles there are numerous pfosnfectorin the" moun tains with uopenrty maicavon of some rich strikes F. J j Martin of McMinnville was in the city today and proceeded eastwards on the noon - passenger.- He is -looking after his agricultural machine business in the Inland Empire, which has been quite extensive this year. . ; -' Agent T. A. Hudson of this city has been furnished with a copy of the quar antine tag attached to immigrants by the health officers when they are per mitted to proceed after being washed and fumigated in New York. Mr. Hud son's vessels have never yet been called in question ; but tinder present regula-tions"the- tags are required for all lines, in cases of emergency. - ' When in these busy times, a man in The Dalles has to make sundry tiips a day' between the Esi End, : the banks, the'Reguiator'wbtfrf, :the 'telegraph of-: fices, etc.jaVjgb' goes up for an elec . trie car svstemStrelting the city; for a telephone and messenger service. Three things greatlyoieeded now in this city, all of Wfich jnight be combined at less expense than our Niorse feed and sole leatherw.nnnall y Mr. Lee Fairchild of Seattle, who is taking a lively part in the campaign work of Eastern Washington, is in The Dalles today. He hopes to find time to be " with tis at the press association meeting on Wednesday. Mr. Fairchild once rated as the funny man on the West Shore, but Ambrose Bierce denied him: the; right to the rating.' This was because he ?' took a joke" from" Col. Mitchell which Bierce could not possi bly be made to understand without some explanation. . A good many people-vthink the city council should have authority to assist the people financial! in; the matter of finances when contributions are asked for the public good J The whole city of The Dalles forJnstinee is benefited pro rata by a meeting f uch aS the Press As sociation hdst w The man in Tim- buctoo whd may perty here gfets b owner of real pro- ents without any as seesment, when iieclions are made to meet the bills, be use tie is not here to eontn bute." .Chel conncW :is-t the only :plaee'.to apply a 'just proportion of the costs, and it as no power to act Rev. A. J. Wigle and wife of Rowland passed through The Dalles today return ing to their home from Dufur. They wish The Chkomcle to thank the residents of Dufur for the many acts of kindness and sympathy: extended - to them during their sojourn in the pleas-. ant little town, and to say that they will ever feel ' grateful to those with whom they have become acquainted for making their stay ' as pleasant as cir cumstances . would . ' permit. Mr. and Mrs. Wigle were both under treatment by Dr. Vanderpool for cancer, notice of which was made sometime ago in The Chboxicle. -The-Changes of Time. Referring to the - great, success whi cb ia attending the special practice of Dr. Vanderpool, , at'?Dufur, the Fossil Journal says :"IDr. Vanderpool has probably effected more cures of cancer than any other living man. i ; He . is, in short, a marvel. ' 3 About ; fifteen years ago he broke np in the cattle -business near Prineville, and then it was he first directed his energies into the line of medicine, toward which he had . always had a strong inclination. He was then nearly fifty years old and his education was very meager, but he commenced a course of hard study and a Series of ex periments with herbs, roots and other sources of medicine with such splendid results that he is today a cancer special ist second to none, and first-class all round physician. The now famous S. B. medicine is the product of Dr. Van derpool' s researches and experiments. Long live the jolly old doctor. Fifteen years ago he was a crank, the people said ; today he is recognized as a noble public ' benefactor-"and a trul5' great - The Roslyn Bank Robbers. A Tacoma' "dispatch says that the sheriff possee of thirteen in pursuit of the Roslyn - .bank- robbers-- came upon three of them in a dense forest in the Leadway basin, twenty miles east of Roslyn,' Saturday night.- - A battle en sued and one of the desperadoes was wounded. All three escaped into the darkness. ' The meeting was a surprise both to the pursued and pursurersThe uncertain light made : firing dangerous and it was not until the three riders turned to flee that the posse opened fire. One of the desperadoes was seen to reel in the saddle, and is thought to have been wounded. .A mountaineer reported that he saw two of the fleeing robbers going at full speed up. the mountains early Sunday morning. . The third is thought to be hiding in the brush. Sun day morning three' saddled horses were found in the woods near the trail which the robbers followed on leaving. Roslyn. Two of them were positively identified as those ridden by the .robbers. The Sheriffs- posse was increased to 125 men. The country for 100 miles about Roslyn is being scoured. The reward has been increased to $2,500. Descriptions of the robbers -have been secured and sent broadcast. . ' A Senator on Stilts. Stilts-walking is the order of the day among the children ; but -it is not only confined - to the youths in West Dalles, for it is not an - uncommon occurrence to see one of its most prominent citizens on the topmost pinnacle of a pair of stilts. In- spite of his size he is a pro fessional in the art, and together with a certain society , young .man, ? who is equally as sure footed, if not, so graceful, will soon start for the worlds fair on stilts. THROTOH i .Through daily- service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles -and Port land, leaving The Dalles . at 6 a. m., arriving at Portland 5 p. m. PASSBXGKIV BATES. Oneway . . ..... . .'. .$2.00 Bound trip . . . : 3.00 Special rates for parties of six or over. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. FAST KBKIOHT. Fruit, per 100 pounds . . . .30 Melons and Green .Vegetables - .30 : Through connection with steamers to Astoria and - II waco ., without . delay. Shipments received at .wharf any. time, day or night, -and delivered at Portland on arrival. -" Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address. W. CALLAWAY, ... -Oeneral Aent. B; F. LAUGH LIN, General Manager. THE DALLES. - . OREGON ' The . Press , Association. '. Antelope Herald. iThe Oregon press association will meet at The Dalles on October 4th,. and the citizens of . that place are making: preparations for the royal entertainment of the editors while there. Eastern Oregon should be - well represented j. aa ranch -useful ; informa tion is to be gained' at these meetings. Besides we deem it the bonnden.idnly of an editor to -take advantage' of .every: oppor tunity -that .will insure him' a Jittle recreation and a few good, square, ;frfe lunches. EXCURSION. To Cascade Locks and Ketnrn Tuesday,, October 4, 1893. -' In order to give-." the- friends of the committees and others an opportunity of meeting the members of the Oregon Press ; Association at; Cascade, Locks, the D. P. & A. N. Co. will make a rate of one dollar for the, round trip. - The Dalles Brass band will be in- attendance. Tickets on sale at the office or of Purser on board:' ' The Regulator will leave .at 7 o'clock a. m. on that day. ..'' ... W. C. Allaway, G. A ' - Funeral Notice. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of The Dalles Fire " De partment held in the Common Council room at 7 :30 p. m.t Wednesday, Sept. 28th, to make arrangements for attend-) ing the funeral of our late. Brother Fireman, Mr. Frank Roach. . Geo. Williams, ,: .". J. S. Fish. Geo. Liebe, F. W. L. Sjcibbe, ; Committee of arrangements. . .9-28d2t We've heard of a woman who said she'd walk five miles to get a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription- if she could't get it without. That woman had tried it- And it's a medicine which makes itself Jelt in toning up the system and correcting irregularities as soon as its use is begun. Go to your drug store, pay a dollar, get a- bottle and try it try a second, a, third if necessary.- Before the third one's been taken you'll4know that there's a. remedy to. help- you. Then you'll keep on and a cure '11 come. But if yon shouldn't feel the help, should' be disappointed in the results you'll find guarantee printed on the bottle wrapper, that' 11 get your money back for you. ' "'. ' . . How many., women are there who would rather have the money than health? - And -"Favorite Prescription" produces health. Wonder is that there's a woman willing ts suffer when there's a guaranteed remedy in the nearest drug store. ',- - r. ": r Dr.- Pierce's - Pellets regulate the stomach. Liver and Bowels. -'--Mild and effective. A Bare Bargain. Two Cottages for sale. Enquire of -9.28dtf IN. Whkai-dox Portland Exposition. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. will sell round trio tick ets from The Dalles At $3, includiiigjid - mission to tne-exposition, rickets on sale daily at the office or on board the JKeguiator. - V. U. Allawat,. rGen'l Agent . i t The, Portland."; Exposition. - " The Union Pacific system will extend to its patrons the usual reduced rates on rouna trip tickets which will include ad mission tto tho exposition ,. .selling on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. Detailed information can be had by applying to E. E. Lytle, agent. -Don't forget the county fair. - - JOHN. C 109 SECOND STREET, PAUL KR EFT & DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS 7 And the Most Complete and the : JCftPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. -. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masory's Paints nsed in all our work, and none bnt the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masurv Liquid Paints, i No chemical, combination or soap-mixture. A,-first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. . Store and PaintShop corner Third and "Washington Sta., y The Dalles, Oregon AMERICAN SCHOOL 0 z p. , Stoxeman & Fiege, dealers in j Boots and Shoes . All. goods " we sell we warrant. 114 SZSOOPiTX) 0173?l.333a"r B EST I N For sale or trade at a bargain a hotel of 28 rooms in Albina, doing a good busi ness. No saloon -connected. Near the shops with good paying boarders. , Reas ons for selling other business. , i Address. " Hepneb a Menefee, ; No. 521 Delay St., Albina, Ore. 9.17dl0t. . - '. r. : aroTcs. -,'-- - ToAU Whim It May Omeern: -. - T3 n . . W n Vimmj-im .f?l,ruIt ftf Till 1 1 Ctl City, made and entered on thpJJd-dny.pfupteni-bOT, notice is -hereby -given nai naid City Council is aooat to prooeea vr oriwr aauj huikc the improvements in street&iji i14 .city, -us bere inafter stated, and that Uie.fOfct 'oiwiqh, im provements, and each oX.tbeaijespGCUj-cly, will be levied upon the preperty ; tiditteet tburetoi and said improrements.-fiua-eaeh of ..fhem,; will be made, unless within foutean,insst uia nnai publication of thia. notice, the-oiruers of two thirds of the property adjacent to some or all of the streets about to be improved shall file their remonstrances aeainst such improvements, as by charter provided. , -ne improvements conicmpiuieu .aim uuuut to be made are as follows, towlt: 1 Tt ImnmTA Third. fltrMt In said r i tv. TiV huildin? a sidewalk eieht feet wide on the Dorth side thereof, from Washington street to Monroe street. - ( 2. To Improve Fourth street in said city y buildins; a sidewalk tix feet wide on the north side thereof, from Court street to Jefferson street. 3. No improve Fifth street in said city by building a sidewalk six feet wide on the north Bide thereof, from Union street to Washington street 4. To improve Fifth sireet In said city by building a sidewalk six feet wide ou the sooth side thereof, from Union street to Washington street. d. To Improve Washington street in said city by building a sidewalk eight feet wide ou the west fide thereof, from Third street to Hixth street. 6. To improve f ederal street in snia city Dy Imllrtinir a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west side thereof, from the alley between Second and Third streets to Third street. 7. To improve Federal Btreet In said city by buili ing a sidewalk eight feet wide on the east side thereof, from Third street to Fourth street. . lo improve l-nugnnn sireci in ssia city Dy building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west side thereof, from Second street to Third street, and a sidewalk eight feet wide on the west side thereof, from Third street 10 Fourth street. 9. To improve J-aughlin street in said city by building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the east side thereof, from Second Btreet to Third street, and a sidewalk eight feet wide on the east side thereof, from Third street to Fourth street. 10. To improve Jefferson street in said city by building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west side thereof, from Second street to 1 hird street, aud a sidewalk eight feet wide on the west side thereof from Third street to Fourth street. 11. To Imnrove Mudison street in said city by building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west side thereof, from First street to T.nird street. 12. lo improve Madison street in said city by bnilding a sidewalk ten feet wide on the east side thereof, from Second street to Third street. All of said sidewalks will be built, constructed and erected in accordance with the provisions of an ordinance to define and establish the width and manner of buildinr sidewalks in Dalles Citv, being Ordinance No. las, which passed the Common Council of Dalles City March 7th, 1SS5, except us otherwise hereinbefore specified. - uaiea mis u."in any or nepiemoer. iz. .... FRANK MENEFEE, 9.14dl4 Recorder of Dalles City. NOTICK. 4 To Alt JKhom It Hay Concern: By order of the Common Council of Dalles City, mnde anl entered on the Sd day of Septem ber, lftS2, notice is herebv given that said City Council Is about to proceed to- order and make the improvements of streets in said city es hereinafter stated, and that the cost of such improvements, . and each of them respectively, will be levied - upon the property adjacent thereto: and said im provements, und each of them; will be made, unless within fourteen days from the tinal pub lication of this notice, theowners of two-thirds of tho property adjacent to some or all of the streets about to be improved shall Hie their re monstrance against such improvements, as by Charter provided : The improv -ments contemplated tnd about to be mode are ns iollows, to wit; 1. To improve Union street in said citv. bv building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the east tide thereof, from First street to Second street. 2. To improve becond street in . said city by bnilding a sidewalk ten feet wide on the north All of said sidewalks will be built, constructed and erected in accordance with the provisions of an ordinance to define and establish the width: and manner of 'buildine sidewalk in Dalles City, being- Ordinance No. 106, which passed the Common Council of Dal es City, March 7th, 1884, except as otherwise hereinbefore specineo. , Dated this 12th day of September, 1892. " FKANK MENEFEE. 4 - SJ 9J4dl 1 Recorder of Dalles City. s. XV YOUNG, Watches and Jewelry repaired to order on. -short notice, uud satisfaction guaranteed. '.-..' .' -AT THK . Store ofI.C. Nickelsen, Sd St.Tb.e Dalle HERfTZ, THE DALLES. OREGOX. AND GLASS, Latest Patterns and Designs in X o I CA. -i $tocIc Holders Meeting-. : The regular annual, meeting of the stockholders of.. The Chboniclk Pub lishing Company will be held in the hall ' over The Chbo-iclk office at 8 p. m., October 14th, 1892. Directors for the ensuing year, will be elected, and such other business as may properly .come before said meeting ' will be transacted: thereat. V. G. Bolton, secretary. 9.2td - - ' ' . A Traveling- Man's Experience Wltkt Diarrhoea. I am a traveling man and have been afflicted with, what is called chronicdiar rhrea for some ten years. Last fall I was in W estern Pennsylvania, and , accident ally was introduced ' to Chamberlain's Colic j Cholera and , Diarrhoea . Remedy. I ventured to make a trial and , was wonderfully relieved. I would like now to introduce it among my ; friends. H. M. Lewis, 24 Freeman street, Cleveland, Ohio. - For sale by Blakely & Houghton, druggists. City taxes for 1892 are now due and payable within sixty days, at the office of the undersigned. ' Ji. Koeden, tjity Treasurer. Dalles City, July 6th, 1892. Saved Bis Child's Life. A. N. Dilferbough, York, Neb., savs: "The other day I cameliome and found my little boy down with cholera morbus, my wife scared, not knowing what to da. I went straightway . and got a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and gave it ac cording to directions. You never saw such a change in a child. His limbs and bodv were cold. ' I rubbed his limbs and body with mv bands, and after I ' had given him the second dose he went to sleep, and, as my wife says, - '"from a death-bed he was up playing in three hours." It saved me "a doctor bill of abouUt-hree dollars,, and what is better, it saved my child. -1 can recommend it with a clear conscience." For sale by Blakely & Houghton, druggists. PHOTOGRAPHER. Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Successors to . S. Cram.) . Manufacturers of the finest French and , . . Home Made . . . O JL lST 3D I CE s , East of Portland. -DEALERS IN- Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholes! or Retail -.i,. - V T Style..;;- Ice Cream and Soda Water. - 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. 7 DEW .DROP INN. - -LVC. SHBRWOOp, Prop. , The VQry. test Wines, Xiqaors and Ckr- .. dial 9 , Jmported and JDomee- j 'I- v-