The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 26, 1892, Image 3

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    "The Regulator Line"
Tie Mi, ; PorDasi : ki ; AUoria
: ' Navigation Go. .'
H OS IERY, -r ..
FALL WRAPS. -VV; ; : .
From our lady patrons we have received ,
many words of commendation in regard
ta our .Fall. Wraps ; - and they all write
in, saying that they are the handsomest
and - most " perfect fitting garments ever ..
. exhibited, in this . city. We would take
7 - great . pleasure in showing them . to those ' , ,
who have ,as .yet not seen them. X . - .
The Dalles Dally Chronicle.
Entered the Postoffiee at The Dalles, Oregon,
as seoond-class matter.
Local AdTertialnar.
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Special rates ior long- time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
SEPT. 26, 1892
The mitten from a girl has knocked
out more men than the prize-fighter's
glove ever did.
Misses Mary Fraser and Minnie
Michell spent Saturday and Sunday at
Hood River, returning last night.
Dr. Siddall, who has been absent a
week mav again be found at his office
t The funeral of Mrs. Winzler will take
. place at the M. E. church at 10 a. m.
tomorrow. Friends of the family are
invited to attend.
Frank Roach, a popular young man of
The Dalles, has been suffering from in
somnia for some time, last night night
took an overdose of chloral, from the
effects of which he died. .
An unfortunate morphine fiend Frank
Carborne of Cottage Grove. Cala., who
has given The Dalles authorities lots of
trouble, imposed upon the kind and
genial Conductor Comer Saturday, by
having several severe spasms on the
, route to Portland. His antics and his
- misery is enough to perpetually .dam in
hell fire the souls of every fiend who, for
filthy lucre, would sell to a victim such
as Frank is, one grain of the baneful
We have lived in Portland. Twenty
-eight years ago we assisted Barney
-Goldsmith to purchase the present con
solidated city park, but until yesterday
never entertained any adequate concep-
. tion of its superb grandeur. Of all the
parks we have visited, from Yellowstone
to Druid Hill, including Lincoln, Port
land park is the grandest. ' It may be
. -said to cover an area of 160 miles, taking
.' in Mount Hood, Mount - Adams, -Mount
St. Helen, Mount Jefferson, etc., and is
more lovely and picturesque than any
European scenery. A very curious and
interesting feature of attraction has just
beenjidded to the park in the form of a
large pelican. This aquatic bird was
captured on the 8th ever on Tillamook
bar by Jeff Whalen. He was over there
- on a hunting and fishing excursion, and
one day while out in a boat saw the
pelican winging its way over the waters
He fired at the bird, and - though the
distance was great he succeeded in
creasing it. . Thus disabled, the bird fell
into the bay and Whelan sprang out to
capture it. - The pelican fought like a
turk, and came getting away with
Whalen, pecking and beating him mer
cilessly ; but it was finally overpowered
-ana tasen on board. . xne bird was
safely brought ovet the mountains and
today was turned over to City Park
Keeper Myres. It has entirely recov
erea irom me enects ot tne wonnd in
me oacK ana is very lively. This is a
very large specimen, standing several
feet high and measuring eight and a
half feet from tip to tip. Mr. Whalen
tys this pelican belonged to the South
Sea islands. None like it has ever been
seen along this coast, and it . must have
been brought over on some vessel from
its native latitude. There are plenty of
pelican over about Tillamook, but none
like the one captured.'- -
The Model Printing Office in the United
States, West of Washington.
When the sovereign grand lodge of
Odd Fellows met in Topeka Kan., in
1890, they awarded the' contract for
printing the daily proceedings in book
form to the' largest printing office in that
city. The proceedings of each day make
a book of about 80 pages, and 4,000 to
5,000 must be delivered, ready for mail
ing, at the opening of the session the
next morning, requiring a large force of
printers and many presees.-. At Topeka
the work could not be issued in time.
When it was decided to meet this year
in Portland, the body would not consent
unless an office was found here that had
the necessary facilities for; publishing
the work on time. Only one office was
found equal to the task, that of F. W.
Baltes & Co., who have completed the
work in a manner very creditable to
themselves and satisfactory to "the Odd
Fellows. The work required a force of
30 printers, ' and was done entirely at
night, the copies being delivered next
morning in time for the session. They
have the largest plant on the coast, and
deliver work at the rate of one complete
job every 10 minutes, including every
variety of printing.
We've heard of a woman who said
she'd walk five miles to get a bottle of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription if she
could't get it without. That woman had
tried it. And it's a medicine which
makes itself felt in toning up the system
and correcting irregularities as soon -as
its use is begun. Go to your drug store,
pay a dollar, get a bottle and try it try
a second, a third if necessary. Before
the third one's been taken you'llknow
that there's a remedy to help you.
Then you'll keep on and a cure '11 come.
But if you shouldn't feel the help, should
be disappointed in the resultsyou'll
find guarantee printed on the bottle-
wrapper that'll get your money back for
How many women are there who
would rather have the money than
health? And "Favorite Prescription"
produces health. Wonder is that there's
a woman willing ts suffer when there's
a guaranteed remedy in the nearest drug
Dr. "Pierce's Pellets regulate the
stomach. Liver and Bowels. -- Mild and
First Political Address of the
Saturday ETenlng-.
Business of a nature which could not
be put off compelled the editor of The
Chboniclk to be absent from the first
political meeting of the season held at
The Dalles Court house Saturday even
ing. But s Bro. Blaine paired his vote
with a democrat in the recent Maine
election, we believed we had a prece
dent,, and selected our contemporary
Morgan to help us out by reporting the
speech for The Chboxicxe. His con
science was all right, but policy pre
vents a report as we expected. An
other gentleman who realizes the situa
tion says : "You can honestly say that
Col. Yeagley delivered a profound and
convincing speech. He spoke fluently
for more than an hour and a ' half, and
although the audience was not as large
as was expected and hoped for, yet those
who were present were thoroughly ap
preciative and went away feeling that
they had heard facts and reasonings
which they had never before thought of.
The Colonel is a sound republican, and
all his expressions bear out the tenets of
his party, and some men differ with
him in this regard, yet there is not a
right minded man who listened to the
Colonel here but who is willing to ad
mit that he is an " able and eloquent
orator, as well as one of the best reason
ers that has ever held forth in this vicin
ity. Colonel Yeagley will leave for
Boise City tomorrow, where he has an
engagement to speak, after which he is
to work all through the present cam
paign. - -
ne of the Boldest and Most Daring
Deeds of the Wild and WjoI y -.
A dispatch from Ellensburg Saturday
says word was received here from-Ros-lyn
todays that Ue bank of Abrams,
Snipes & Compsmy" bad been robbed.
Five masked 'men rode Hp to the door at
2 o'clock and when they left they car
ried with them ft sack of money said to
be $10,000. Today was pay-day at the
Roslyn mines and $40,000 arrived from
Tacoma this morning. The robbers
supposed the money '"was placed in the
bank, though it was taken to the com
pany's office. They executed their plan
in a manner . which would have done
credit to the James boys.
Cashier Abernethy was writing when
the first robber entered, and turned to
wait on the supposed customer, but
found himself facing -a revolver. Dr,
Lyons, who had entered just after the
first highwayman, turned to go out, but
Instead dashed against a pair of revol
vers in the hands of a second robber
The third confederate entered, picked
up Cashier Abernethy's revolver and
knocked him down with it. He rose.
his head streaming with blood, and was
told to keep quiet if- he wanted to live,
The third man then walked to the safe
which was open, took out the coin and
bills, shoved the money in a canvas bag
and threw it over his shoulder. The
three then went out, joining two more
men who had been stationed so as to
guard all the approaches. . . A
S. A. Frazer, the assistant cashier, who
was outside, -grabbed a shotgun and
made for the bank, when one of the rob-
Dera Btoppea nis progreas oy placing a
bullet in his hip. A colored man named
Conoley was shot in the leg and several
others bad narrow escapes. One of the
robbers held the reins of five splendid,
horses, and as soon as the vault .was-
looted, all mounted. -Then- after firing
up and down the street, they put spurs
to their horses and dashed away, disap
pearing on the trail over the mountains
north of Roslyn. -
The sheriff was notified and . a large
posse started in pursuit. It is believed
the robbers cannot escape, as the pe
culiar topography of the country will
aid the officers. The manager of
Abrams, Snipes & Co. arrived at Roslyn
this eveninir and immediately offered
reward of. $1,000 for the apprehension
of the robbers. This is supplemented
by an offer of the same amount made by
Cashier Abernethy. The robbers were
dressed as cowboys and showed them
selves expert norsemen and (runners,
President Snipes, of the bank, was here
today and left for. Roslyn, accompanied
1 T r jr g r- ii
uy rwwcuvo vj. ouiiivan.
Base Ball Game.-.
Saturday afternoon the Ferguson base
ball nine of The Dalles distinctively sent
back to the east a great big "No I"
the inquiry: ."Is base ball - playing
losing caste," by being swiped- by the
Dafur nine.-'. The game' stood nine to
fifteen. Starr, McGreer, Ferguson and
Wiley left records. So did Jenkins and
'Fulton of Dufur,.
FreigHt ami Passeier line
" Through. daily-service (Sundays ex
cepted). between The Dalles and Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m.,
arriving at Portland 5 p. m. -,-
One way . : . . . . . ...... : . $2.00
Konndtrip.' . v. .-... . ;, . ; . . . ; ... . . 3.00
Special-rates for parties of six or over.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Fruit," per 100 pounds. ".'. . .". . - .30
Melons and Green -Vegetables. '. .v. . .30
Through connection with steamers to
Astoria1 and "Ilwaco without - delay.
Shipments received at., wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
in. arrival. --Live stock- shipments
solicited. Call on or address. -
General Afent.
General Msnacer.
The Hidden Hand.
Senator Dolph in a letter to Mr. Hub
bard says : - "I am doing everything in
my power to hasten the work at the
Cascades, The plans and specifications
have been approved and Major ' Hand
bury directed by telegraph to advertise.
I am getting a list of the contractors in
the east to whom the advertisement can
be sent." . . ' -
.- Oregon Presa Association.
Portland Dispatch.
The following is the program, for the
first day of the meeting of the Oregon
Press Association . to be held at The
Dalles on Tuesday, October 4th, and
continue in session for three days. Tues
day, October 4th, take the.TJnion Pacific
trail f rora Portland at 8 :4a a m., and
eave the train at the . Cascades, where
members will be met by a delegation
from The Ealles, and from that time
will be the guests of the latter city. A
lunch will pe served, after which all will
be given an opportunity to view" the
government work at the locks. The as
sociation will convene in annual session
on board the boat upon leaving the Cas
cades, The Dalles citizens having de
cided to escort the members of the as
sociation by boat from the locks to The
Dalles. At 2 p. in. meeting to order.
Roll call and addition of new - members.
Reading minutes of last session. Presi
dent's annual address. . . Secretary's re
port, other reports.
Northwest Notes.
The cannery at Celilo is running to its
full capacity. The salmon catch is
large and 29,000 cases will be put up.
The erection of alarge pulp mill at
Kettle falls is contemplated. The loca
tion is an excellent one for that purpose.
Twenty-six thousand-bushels of grain
was sold Irom tney armers' alliance
platform at Athenarthe other day at
prices ranging from ; fift-x-five to fifty-
seven cents per bushel. . . A
Av specimen of ..float tin has been
brought into Pendleton from the John
Day country. The Tribune .says it is
supposed that the mother ledge is in
close proximity ..although it has not yet
been discovered. . A thorough search is
to be made for it at once.
A settler in western Washington,
-j&hose .claim.lies well back in the woods,
has in -a- short time killed twenty-three
bears, .two cougars and about thirty
wildcats.- The attempt to , disposess
such occupants of government land
would'not be -to the- liking, of many
homesteaders.- . -i r ; : j
Ezra Meeker,' one of .the largest hop
growers in western - Washington, esti
mates that at least one-balf 'of the croD
hasbeeh, lost this year, while three
fourths' of the remainder : is damaged
through tn ravages of the hop louse,
He claims that timely gpraying will in
sure unfailingcrops. -The
salmon hatchery on ' the Clacka
mas river, near Oregon city, is greatly
hampered because of the inability to
procure salmon. - The hatchery - has a
capacity for handling 12,000,000 eggs,
but only about 5,000,000 have been, ob
tained any year since it was put in
operation, and , this year nothing has
been done. - -
Portland , Exposition.'
The Dalles, Portland' and Astoria
Navigation Co. will sell round trip tick
ets from The Dalles at $3, including ad
mission to the exposition. Tickets on
sale daily at the office or on board the
regulator.- W. U. Aiiawiy.
; V." : n : : : '.Gen'l Agent.
-' ' '.. ' And the Most Complete and the
'. 0 Practical Painters and Paper Hangers, ' None bat the best brands of the
Sherwin-Williams. and J. W. Maeory's Paints used in all out work, and none but
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Maaury liquid Paints. No.
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. "-. Alf
orders promptly attended to. , . , .. - , ... ' ., . -:.
Store and Paint Shop corner Third and. Washing ton Sts.r : The Dalles, Oregon
Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in
Boots and Shoes. . All goods
we sell, we warrant.
best in
For sale or trade at a bargain a hotel
of 28 rooms in Albina, doing a good busi
ness. No saloon -connected. Near the
shops with good paying boarders. Reas
ons for selling other business. -
Address. Hipnir Mknefkk,
.No. 521 Delay St., Albina, Ore.
. .'' - - - - . . 9.17dl0t.
. jroTiCE. : ,
To All Whom lt May Concern:
By order of the Common Cosneil of Dalles
City, made and entered on the 3d day of Septem
ber, 1892, notice is hereby given, that said City
Council is about to proceed to order and make
the improvements In streets in said ity, as here
inafter stated, and that the cost of such im
provements, and each of them respectively, will
be levied upon the property adjacent thereto:
and said improvements, and each of them, will
be made, unless within fourteen days of the final
?ublication of this notice,, the owners of two
birds of the property adjacent to some or all of
the streets about to be improved shall file their
remonstrances against such improvements, as
by cnarter proviaea. -
The improvements contemplated and about
to be made are as follows, to-wit:
1.- To imorove Third street ra safd citv. bv
building a sidewalk eight feet wide on the north
side thereof, from Washington street to Monroe
street. - -
2. To improve Fourth street in said city by
building a sidewalk sbc feet wide on the north
side thereof, from Court street to Jefferson
3. if o improve Fifth street In s'aid city by
building a sidewalk six feet wide -on the north
side thereof, from Union street to Washington
4. To Improve riitn street in saia ity or
building a sidewalk six feet wide on the south
side thereof, from Union street-to Washington
5. To Improve Washington street in saia city
by building a sidewalk eight feet wide on the
west tide thereof, from Third street to- Sixth
street. .
6. To improve Federal street in said city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west
siae mere ji, irom tne aucy Deiween Decona ana
Third streets to Third street.
7. To Improve Federal street in said city by
building a sidewalk eight feet wide on the east
side thereof, from Third Btreet to Fourth street.
8. To improve Laughlin street in said city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west
side thereof, from Second street to Third street,
and a sidewalk eight feet wide on the west side
tnereof, trom Tnira street io r ourw sireei.
9. To imnrove Laughlin street in said city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the east
siae tnereoi, irom eecona street to x niru street,
and a sidewalk eieht feet wide on the east side
thereof, from Third street to Fourth street.-
10. To improve Jefferson street in saia city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west
side thereof, from Second street to- Third street,
and a sidewalk eight feet wide on the west side
tnereoi irom xnira street to r ounn street..
11. To imnrove Madison street in said city bv
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west
side thereof, from First street to Toird street.
' 12. To improve Madison street in said city by
bnilding a sidewalk ten feet wide on the east
side thereof, from Second street to Third street.
All of said sidewalks wiU be built, constructed
and erected in accordance with the provisions of
an ordinance to define and establish the width
and manner of buildinr sidewalks in Dalles
City, being Ordinance No. 108, which passed the
Common Council of Dalles City Huron 7th, 1885,
except ns otherwise hereinbefore specified.
uatea uiis U'tn uay ot sevtcmDer.
9.14dl . - ' Recorder of Dalles City.
To All Whom It May Concern:
Bv order of the Common Council of Dalles
Citv, made and entered on the 3d day of Septem
ber", 1892, - notice is hereby given that said City
Council is about to proceed to order and make
tne improvements oi uireets in saia. city
as hereinafter stated, and that the cost
of such improvements, and each of them
respectively, will be - levied upon the
property adjacent - nieretu; ajiu saiu - im
provements, and each of them, will be made,
unless within fourreen davs from the final trab-
lication of this notice, the owners of two-thirds
of the property adjacent to some or all of the
streets aooui to oe improved snail nie melt re
monstrance against sucn improvements, as oy
charter provided :
The improvements contemplated end about to
be made are as follows, to wit ;
1. '. To Improve Union street in said city,- by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide .on the east
side thereof, from First street to Second street.
2. To improve Second street In said city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the north
i. r t t - : . . .A . i .
All of said sidewalks will be built, constructed
and erected in accordance with the provisions
of an ordinance to define and establish the
width and manner, of building sidewalks iu
Dalles City, being Ordinance No. -108, which
nassed the Common Council of Dal en Citv.
March 7th, 1885, except as otherwise hereinbefore
specinea. .
Dated this 12th day of September. 1892.
M.nan iiecoraer oi .Danes city.
: yJEWELEB.:. :
Watches and Jewelrv renaired to order on
short rjotiOi, and satisfaction guaranteed.
' - AT THI
Store of I. C. Nlckelaen, Xd St. The Dalles
Latest Patterns and Designs in "-
Stock Holders- Meeting.
The regular annual .meeting of the- .
stock holders of The Chronicle Pub
lishing Company will be held in the half.,
over Thi Chronicle office at 8 p.- m.r
October 14th, 1892. Directors for the :
ensuing year will be elected,- and . ssch. -other
business as may properly com v
before said meeting will be transacted
thereat. V. G-. Bolton, secretary.. . '
9.2td '
A Traveling Man's Experience-' With. .
I am a travelfhg man and - have - been -afflicted
with, what is called chronic diar -rhcea
for some ten years. Last fall I was
in Western Pennsylvania, and accident- .
ally was introduced to Chamberlain's-'
Colic, Cholera and- Diarrhoea Remedy. :
X ventured to make a- trial - and wast.
wonderfully relieved. - T would like now
to introduce it among my friends., H.
Al. lewis, Z-l freeman street. Cleveland.
Ohio. For sale by Blakely & Houghton,
druggists. . .
City taxes for 1892. are now due and -
payable within sixty days, at the office
of the undersigned. - -
Jb. kobdek, tjity i reasurer.
Dalles Citx, July 6th, 1892. .
. Saved His Child's K.Lfe.- .
A. NV Dilferbough, York, Neb.',, says :"
The other dav I came home and '' fountt
my little boy down with cholera morbus,. "
my wife scared, not knowing what to do.
I went straightway and got-a 25 cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera;
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and" gave it ao- '
cording to directions. You never saw 7
such a change in a child. ; Hislimbsand. :
body were cold. I rubbed his limbs and
body with my hands, and alter i- bad .
given him the second dose he went to
sleep, and, as my wife says, . "from a
death-bed he was -up playing in three
hours." It saved me a doctor bill ot
about three dollars, and what is- better.'
it saved my child. lean recommend it
with a clear conscience." For sale- by -
Blakely & Houghton druggists.. ,
Instantaneous -Portraits' ' Chapman
Block, The Dalles Oregon J ; ;
Campbell Bros. Proprs
-tsuccBSflrs to . s. cram.) - -.
Manufacturers of the finest French and '
Home fade . -. - ' v
O .A. 3ST ID I E js ,:
-1 East of Portland. '. -.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale
or Retail . .. '. . .-.-...-.-' l-
In Kvery Style.
; Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. .
'- " C. SHERWOOD, .Prop."; "
The very best Wines, Liquors " and Cov
- f dials. . Imported and Domes-. V - -
- tic Cigars.'"