The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL. TAPER OF DALLES CITY. AND WASCO COUKTY. National Republican Ticket. KOK PRESIDENT, BENJAMIN HARRISON, of Indiana. Jfou vice-president, WHITELAW. REID, of New York. FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. . H. B. MILLER, of Grant's Pass. G. M. IRWIN, of Union. D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. A startling story comes from Salt Lake city as the reason for the postpone ment of the case of the board of trade against transcontinental lines for main taining higher rates to Salt Lake than to San Francisco. It appears that the preparation of the case was in the hands of Secretary Sears of the board of trade. Matters seemed to bo progress ing favorably until last Saturday, when sixty-six of the moat prominent business houses in Salt Lake united in a petition to the interstate commerce commission for a continuance on the ground Unit they had no confidence in the prosecu tion. Before this the Union Pacific, it being mainly interested, was in receipt of letters from a writer calling himself E. E. Edwards and offering to sell to the road the argument of the prosecu tion, copies of all the affidavits and lists of names of all witnesses. The corres pondence was kept up until the Union Pacific became satisfied from the re ports of detectives and from slips in the correspondence that Edwards was the pseudonym of the son of Secretary Sears. The investigation did not con nect Secretary Sears with the attempt to sell' the testimony in advance, but the Union Pacific claims there is no doubt of the guilt of his son. The cor respondence with the elusive Edwards was closed by the affirmative reply of the commission to the petition of the Salt Lake merchants. The artesian well at McMinnville only yields up wind. It has a pressure equal to thirty-eight pounds to the square inch. A test of the temperature showed fifty-three. It ia a very remarkable phenomenon, and gives rise to a great deal of speculation. The question natu rally arises, how extended is the cham ber in wh?ch compressed air is retained, and is the B ipply practically inexhausti ble. If so, there is a hitherto unknown source of mechanical power stored be neath the earth's surface. Such , a jet as that properly converted would amount to several horse power. If the source is inexhaustible, of course it "could be duplicated indefinitely. The doctors of learning will find employ ment for their talents in formulating a i theory as to how this air came to be pent up in the bowels of the earth. If the flow had been water instead of wind l. 1 1 t - l r l nicy wuulu nave emu it was ioiceu up hv crflvif.alinn frnm a rAsprvni'i' hav!nn o " source higher than the surface vent; but we suspect they really know as little about the facts in one case as in the other. The same compressing force, acting upon a body of Tater, without Uirteeian. flow. They poulticed ber fleet and poulticed her bead, - Ana blistered her back till 'twas smarting and red, Tried tonlca, elixirs, pain-killers and tnlves, ( Xhough grandma declared It was notblog but - -. narres-" And tbe poor woman, thought sbe must certainly die. ..... Till Favorite Prescription'" aba happened to try. No wonder Its praises so loudly they speak. She grew better at once and was well fa a weak. The torturing pains and distressing nervousness which accompauy, at times, certain forms of "female weakness," yield like magic to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and adapted to the delicate organization of woman:' It allays and subdues the nervous symp toms and relieves the paiii accompany ing functional and organic troubles. It's a legitimate medicine an Invig orating, restorative tonic, a - soothing and strengthening nervine, and a posi tive remedy for "female weaknesses" and ailments. . All functional disturb ances, irregularities, and derangements ore cured by it. There's nothing like it in the way it acts there's nothing imo ii in i im way ill sold. it's guar anteed to give satisfaction in every case, or the money paid for it is promptly rciuuueu. .t ... Read the guarantee on the wranner. You lose nothing if it doesn't help you dui it yciu. A Sellable Man. M. J. Griner, a Justice of the Peace at Print, Michigan , says tone; bottle of Cbamberlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy saved hialife. :-Hd"-had been down .with bloody J5dx fotthree" weeks when he . commenced gBrngthia medicine. It sobii nrea ;him, 'andhei believes saved bia fifey "He'. aiao-'sysij ( saved the lives of hreVrMlroadmexr in that vicinity. 'Squire .GTiireris '"te llable and conscientions-manahd what ever he says can be-depended "pponi. For sale by Blakely & Houghton, drug gists. , .Stock Holders Meeting. . Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of "the "stockholders 'of the Wasco Warehouse. company will be held at the offlco of French &. Co,, The Dalles, Oregon,: on Wednesday September 28th, 1892, at 3 :30 p. m., for the purpose of electing directors for the enauing year and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before it. x- The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 12th, 1892. ; G.J. Farley, Secretary Waeco Warehouse Co. td8.12 w V. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm of YeeHop&Uo. is dissolved by mutual consent. Lee Foong man having this day purchased the entire interest of Lee boonK. Tbe business will be continued by Lee Goong and Lee Foong man under tne nrm name of 1 ee Hop & vo. All notes and accounts must be paid to the new firm of Yee Hop & Co. who will settle all debts against said hrm. Lee Gooxg, Lee Sooxg, . Lee Roxd. Those desirine Chinese laborers for anv kind of work can secure them by calling on tins nrm. 9.1()det Dissolution of Co-partnership. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Abrams & Stewart has been dissolved by mutual consent. W. R. Abrams is authorized to collect all amounts due the firm of Abrams & Stewart, and will pay. all demands against said firm. W. II. Abrams. Wsi, Stewart. The, Or., Aug. 15th, 1892. 8.25dJcw6w Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the late firm of Abrams & Stewart, of The Dalles, or W.R. Abrams. either by note or account, to make pay ment ot tne same immediately at the bank of French & Co. All notes and ac- conuts remaining unpaid November f nil. i pnn ?ii -i . .. . lorn, ioj, win oe piacea in attorneys hands with instructions to collect. Anv claims against the late firm must be presented at the same place, with proper vouchers, on or before above date. The business of the firm must be closed up without further delay. . Res pectfully, V. R. Abrams. s.2oaJtw3m STEAM WOOD SAW e are in the field for the fall and winter work, and will cut, split and pile wood nt the lowest possible rates. NONE BUT WHITE LABOR EMPLOYED We are here to stay, will spend our money here, and try and do satisfactory work. Order boxes at Chrismnn & Corson's, cor ner of Michelbach block, and at the ma chine, corner of "Washington and Fourth streets. J. 0. MEINS, : : : THE DALLES 3TOTICB: SALE OF CITT LOTS. Notice is hereby given that, by biithority of Ordinance No. 257, which passed the common council of Dalles city, September 3d. 1892, enti tled "An rr .inance entitled an ordinauce to Erovide for the sale of certain lots belonging to 'alles city," I will, on Tuesday, tne 11th dav of October, 1W2, sell at public auction, to th high est bidder, all of the following lots and parts of lots situated in Gates Addition to Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, to-wit: Lots 7, 8 and 9, In block 27, lota 2, 3, 4, 5. b, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in block SI, and all of blocks 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42 and 43, and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, in block 46. Tbe reasonable value of said lots, for less than which they will not be sold, ha been fixed and determined by the common council of Dalles ICB! ICKt ICKt . .Having on hand a large supply of ice we are prepared to furnish our - custom -era with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate. We eu&rantee we will buddIv the .demand without advancing prices tnrougnont the season. Leave orders at CFHLiBtref's store, Second street. otf;; Gates & Allison.- ' aauiu-. .v' - - '' : ' -- STOTICK. ivy ' . "All Dalles Citv warrants registered prior to October 7, 1890, will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. Dated July 7thf 1892. " : ' . L. Rordkn,' tf. ' ; ; ' ' Treas. Dalles City. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the firm of E. Jacobsen& Co, has been dis solved by mutual consent. O. 8. Savage has this day sold his one-half interest in said firm to E. Jacobsen and said E. Jacobeen is now sole owner of the ! busi ness and will continue the same at the old stand. He will collect all accounts due the firm of IS. Jocobsen & Co. and pay all demands against said firm. E. Jacobsen, Orris S. Savage. . The Dalles Sept. Sd, 1892. 9.3.1m city, as follows, to-wlt: ixt 7 in DIOCK 27. I-ot 9 in block 27, 225 Lot Sin block 31, 250 Lot 5 in block 34, 275 Lot 7 in block 84, 250 Lot 9 in block 31, 500 Lot Unblock 35, 225 Lot 3 in block 35, 200 Lot 5 in block 35, 2C Lot 7 in block 35, 175 Lot 9inbtrek35, 150 Lot 11 in block 35, 150 Lot 1 iu block SB, 225 Lot 3 in block 36, 200 Lot 5 in block 36, 200 Lot 7 in block 3fi, 17". Lot 9 in block 36, 150 Lot 11 in block S6, 150 Lot Unblock 37, 150 Lot 3 in block 37, 100 Lot 5 iu block 37, 100 Lot 7 in block 37, 150 Lot 9 in block 37, 100 Lot 11 in block 37, 100 Lot Unblock 38, 110 Lot 3 in block 83, 100 Lot o in block 38, J 00 Lot. 7 in block S8, 110 Lot 9 in block 3S, 100 Lot 11 in block as, 100 Lot Unblock 40, 110 Lot 3 in block 40, 100 Lot 5 in block 40, 100 Lot 7 in block 40. 1 10 Lot 9 iu block 40. 100 Lot 11 in b ock 40, 100 Lot Unblock 41, 150 Lot 3 in block 41, 100 Lot 5 in block 41, wo Lot 7 in block 41, 125 Lot 9 in block 11, 100 Lot 11 in block 41. 100 Lot 1 in block 42, 2T0 Lot 3 in block 42, 15o Lot 5 in block 42, 150 Lot 7 in block 42, H Lot 9 in block 42, 100 Lot 11 in block 42, 100 Lot 1 in block 43, Lot 3 in block 43, 17 Lot 5 in block 43. 17 Lot 7 in block 43, 300 lx)t 9 in block 43, 100 Lot 1 1 in block 43, 100 Lot 1 in block 46, 125 Lot 3 in block 46, 100 j-nt & in block 4i, km I ot 8 in block 27. 225 Lot 2 iu block 3t 2T0 Lot 4 iu block 34, - 275 Lot 6 in block 3 1, 300 i-ot Mn block 34, 100 Lot 10 in block 3-1, 125 I-ot 2 in block 35, 200 lot 4 iu block 35, 200 1 ot 6 in Mock 35, 200 lot 8 in block S5, 150 lot in in block S5, 150 Lot 12 in block .36, 175 Lot 2 in block Srt, 200 Lot 4 in block 36, 200 1 ot 6 iu block 36, 225 Ixt 8 in block 36, 150 Lot 10 in block 36, 150 Lot 12 in block 36, 175 Lot 3 in block 37, 100 Lot 4 ill block 37, 100 Lot 6 in block 37, 150 Lot 8 iu block 37, 100 Lot 10 In block 37, 100 Lot 12 in block 37, 150 Lot 2 in block 38, 100 Lot 4 in block 38. 100 lot .6 in block 38, 110 Ixit S ia bio k 38, Lot 10 in block 3, lxt 12 in bloc .- 3S, Ixt 2 in blrck 4;t, Lot 4 in bl-ick 40, I.rt 6 in block 40, I-ot 8 in blcck 40, lot 10 in bloiA- 40, t 12 in block 40, Lot 2 in 41, Lot 4 in block 11. Ixt B in b ock 41. . Lot H ia block 11, US 10 iu block 41. Iit 12 in block 41, ij.t 2 In block !2, lx,t 4 in block 42, I-ot in block 12, lt & in block 42, Ixt 10 in block 42, ixt 12 iu block 4 Notlco. The Dalles, Wasco county. Or., Aue. 23d, 1892. I herebv notify all business men,, and the public generally, that I will not- be resnonsible for anv debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. F. J. Davis, she having left my bed and board. 8.24d5twlt Ed. Davis. Co ant j- Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior 10 iviarcn is, ibv, win oe paia it pre sented at my office, corner Third and Washington" streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. The Dalles. July 16, 1892. J . William Micheli., 7.18(f j Treasurer Wasco County, Or. v.The Ice VTagon. The' ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on the streets every morning from 6 to 8 o'clock. - Any orders for ice left with Will Vanbibber's express or at the store of Chae. Lauer will be promptly at tended to. ' Cates & Allison. 225 lot 2 in bUick 43, 100 MM 130 W0 11K 110 100 100 110 1C1) j co : 150 i loo 10(1 125 150 150 2 100 100 100 175 175 Lot 4 in block 4:j Ixt 6 in block 43, 225 Lot 8 in block 43, 100 Iot 10 in block 43, 100 Lot 12 in block 43, 100 Ijot 2 in block 46, ' 100 Ixit 4 in block 46.. 100 Lot 6 in block 40, 125 KhcH of suld lots will be sold uiMiii the lot respectively and none of them shall be sold for a less sum than the fulue thereof us above stated. One fourth of the price bid on any of snid lots shall be paid in cash at the time of siile, and the remainder in two equal payments cm or before one and two years front the, dale of such sale, respectively, with interest on such defericd pay ments at the rnt" of ten nor cent, tier annum. Sayable annually. Provided that piiyinent may e made iu full at the time of such sole at the option of the purchaser. i ne sale win begin on me tun oay ot ocioDer, 1892. at the hour of ten o'clock . in. ot Miid dav. and will be continued from time to lime until ali of said lots shall he sold. Dated this 8th day of Hcptcmlicr, 1W2. FRANK MKNHFEK, Recorder of Dalles City. J. FOLCO, DEALlill IX : Candies, Fraixs, Ms, Soda Water, Ice Cream, TotaaM Cigars;: X.tWUFACTUBZR OF First Class .Syraps , f of Saloons and Soda Fpantains, Etc. , . . Second street. Next door to Wingate's Hall Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, THK DALLES, - - - - - OBEG Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages", shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksmitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guaranteed. This is a curious political year, with plenty ol tickets in the field. With so much confidence of success we are apt to be careless. Republicans must work, and work hard and peristent'y, this' year. This is not because their cause is weak or that there is any lack of arms and am munition. Indeed, the light before them is probably harder than it would be if there were weak spots in the cause, detective arms and insufficient ammu nition. It is just because everything is in their favor so much so that it may fairly be said that "even the stars in their courses fight for them" that there is danger. That feeling of confidence which makes a man careless about going to the polls is not the right sort. . And there are evidences that we have too much of it. ..... That was a happy thought of Supt. R. W. Mitchell ; but almost invariably his thoughts are happy ones. From ex pressions of opinions heard on all sides from the Odd i Fellows who visited our great Portland Exposition last night, the conclusion can be reached that they were surprised at the splendid showing, and will carry -away flattering impres sions of the resources and industries of Oregon. Persons whose zeal outruns their dis cretion and whose tempers discount their judgment do not take disagreeable consequences into consideration when joining a mob or urging men to violence. It is the old lesson, older than the proverb which declares that "the pru dent man foreseeth evil and hideth him self, but the simple pass on and are punished." .-; ; ' GENTLEMEN ! BEFORE YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, calf (and See: me JE& Shirts of all kinds to order, at prices which defy competition. Other goods in proportion. P. FAGAN, . Second St., The Dalles. Sole Agent for WANNAMAJCER BROWN, Philadelphia. Pa. C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN Dry Goods Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hats, Etc. FanciJ oodg, ftang, . Etc., Etc., Etc. 13-1 Second St., next to Dalles National Bank, Dalles City, Oregon. W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine Room, The Dalles, - Oregon. )TNorthwegt corner of Second and Court Streets. " - iT- 331. OIE-OSS ' - ' UEALfilt IX , - . ... i Hay , Grai ri, Feed & Flour. j HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. It behooves everyone, especially the workingman, to buy where he can buy the cheapest and can get the most for his hard earned money. We solicit a share of your patronage. Cash paid far eggs and poultry. Ali goods ilsliyared free and promptly Corner Union and Second streets, Th Dalles, Oregon. NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. PRAZER & WYNDHAM, Proprietors. V) - S -2 a w o 55 n t. o r1 -i At the old stand of R. Lusher, no Front St, The Dalles, Oregon. MAIER & BENTON DEALERS IN '' . OiXU ,-V V WLJ and CrabApple GROCERIES, ST8E&, HARDWARE TINNING AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders cor. Third and Union or 133 Second st. THE DALLES, OR. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, ' M AUGUST BUCHLiER, Prop'r. ; This well-known Brewery ia now tarninZ oat the best Beer and Porter east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health- " """wucea, ana only tne first-class article will be placed tne market. on Tke Iiateh String is Always Oat T Sprii) ipd Summer, "Bnt trortfj are things, and a Bmall drop lnpug&t. produces SEASON 1892.5 nttrrfare things, and I iron drop of Ink YVK TKU8T TO INTKKKST AND DO YOU GOOD. Buy Our Shoes -MAXUFACTURT; BY- ' 1,2 . WALTER H. TEN NY VS. CO., BOSTON, 7MERSS. - s ' "ni..'t 1 -j-O. - THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. t ,SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. JIECT SPII6 HJID SUPER DBY GOODS i COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Gents' Famishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes. . ,j fi i;;- -- --- .' Full Assortment of the Leading Manufacturers : Gash Bayers mill save money by examining oar stock ana prices oeiore parcnasing elseamere. H. Her bring SFC IB I. W. Xj. HOTE Propr. s o H a 00 m J a H B H 5"? a e CHI CKERING PIANOS ; EARHUFF, ORGANS. Sold on Easy Terms. A LSO, a fine assortment of 12-Mos., Cloth- Jtsouna, only twenty-hve , cents each Look at - our Show Windows. SCHOOL BOOKS FOR ALL SCHOOLS AT BED ROCK PRICES. Jacobsen & 16P. SECOND STREET. The DaUes, Or. CLOUD CHP INN; . . .':: ' J : . - - ' ' f . Open firom Jaly 1st to October 1st. j This picturesque hostlery, built of silver fir logs, and rooted securely on the edge of n precipice on the north side of Mount Hood ia within fifteen minutes walk of the perpetual ice and enow of Eliot Glacier, 7,000 feet above the sea level, twenty-seven miles from Hood River, over the finest roads in the United States. Fare for the round trip $8.00 ; rates per day (3.50. ' The Table at Cloud Cap Inn is supplied with everything the market affords. Hot and cold baths, etc., the best of guides will take you to the top of Mount Hood by the best practicable routes, which are from the Inn. - W. A. LANGILLE, Manager. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The Corrugated Building next Toor to Court Hons?, - Handsomely Furnished kRgom) ; toRent liy ine Day, eefc or Month. Meals Prepared, by, a First Class English Cook. TT ATTPSTTnTa-T' PATRmSTAGE SOT.TCIT'ET) , Good . Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. . ' . " Sv'i'i 'Ori-t '.W '.: