The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 21, 1892, Image 1

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    r-f." . .-
NO. 84.1
LBafliivg:- Jeweler.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
138 Second St.. The Dalles. Or.
Kranich and Bach Pianos.
Recognised as Standards of the high
est grade of manufacture.
Speaking of patent medicines, the
Judge eaya: "I wish to deal fairly and
honorably with all, and when I . find an
.article that will do what' it is recom
mended to do, I am not ashamed to say
so. I am acquainted with Dr. Vander
pool (having been treated by him for
cancer), and have used his blood medi
cine, known as the S. B. Headache and
Liver Cure, and while I am 75 years old,
and have used many pills and other
remedies fqr the blood, liver and kid
neys, I must say that for a kidney tonic
in Brights disease, and as an alterative
for the blood, or to correct the action of
the stomach and bowels, it is a very su
perior remedy, and beats anything I
ever tried. J. B. Nelson,
Yakima, Wash.
At 50 cents a bottle. It is the poor
man's friend and family doctor.
I - Tailor,
51 Hext door to Wasco Sun. ;
Just Keceived, a fine stock of Suitings,
Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest
Styles, at Low Prices.
Madison's Latest System used in cutting
garments, and a fit guaranteed
each time.
tcpaifing and Cleaning
Neatly and Quickly Done.
Stubling & Williams.
The Germanm,
gjSf Dealers in Wines, Liquors and
Cigars. Milwaukee Beer on Draught.
XXI. 8- Young,
General Blacksmithing and Work done
promptly, and all work. . .
florae Shoeeing a Speiality
d'M Street opposite the old Liebe Stand.
The St. Charles Hotel,
, f Til , . :
-This old, popular and reliable house
lias been entirely refurnished, and every
room has been re papered and repainted
and newly -carpeted throughout. .The
' house contains 170 rooms and is supplied
with every modern convenience.. Kates
reasonable. A good restaurant attached
to the house. Frer bus to and from, all
trains. - .... .
1V Wrf'KNOWLES,' Prop.
f v'ife,J!L m:-
- J
Our pall IJije
Of Clothing and. Furnishing
Goods is now complete. You
5aue floi)ey
By seeing our stock before
making your purchases.
Snipes Kinersly.
WioU il Retail Druisis.
Handled by Three Registered Druggists.
. . ,. ALSO ALL THE LEAj6lNG -
Patent (Dedieines : arid Druggists Sundries,
Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in
the City jfor! The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints.
The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper.
Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars.
Agent for Tansill's Punch.
129 Second Street,
J. O.
Building Material, Rough and Dressed
' Lumber. Lime; Plaster, Hair and Cement.
A liberal discount to the trade
JEFFERSON . STREET, between Second
vfifi home J? o
uu iiibuiiiib mil vyjun
The Dalles, Oregon
and LiqilORff
: - u 5 .....
in all lines handled by us.
and Railroad. THE DALLES, OB
.: :.Ti
The Bohemia has Four New Suspected
Cases en Board.
Hamburg Religious. Tracts Bring the
Pest Into His Study.
Death la Philadelphia From Exposure
on Board the Cephens' Fire
Island Trip.
New Yobk, Sept. 21. Dr. Bryam, at
Swinburne island, telegraphs that there
are four new suspected cases from the
steamer Bohemia of the pest-ship Hamburg-American
line.. There is a noticea
ble friction between the federal and
state health. : officers, which begins to
cause apprehension just at a time when
it was supposed the disease had been
stamped out.: Gen. Hamilton feels' that
Jenkins has sent' him infected passen
gers, contrary to agreement. .' Jenkins'
friends feel that .Hamilton is seeking a
selfish advantage by what they deem
the cholera scare at Sandy Hook. . The
scare was set cp to be put down for
personal credit. Some think a clash -of
state and federal authority imminent.
Gen. Hamilton has this afternoon is
sued an official bulletin on the condition
of the camp. In it he says there have
been no deaths from cholera today and
no new cases of a suspicious character
have occurred.
Two weeks ago a Congregational min
ister iu Toronto received several reli
gious tracts from Hamburg. There was
no signature attached to the package,
and the clergyman was curious to know
their contents. He read them through,
which took up considerable of his time,
and laid them aside. Next day he was
compelled to seek his bed, and for the
next week he struggled between life and
death. During two days of his illness
all hopes of his recovery had been aban
doned, but through carev and attention
he finally pulled through. The attend
ing physician pronounced it, a case' of
Asiatic cholera. Clergymen who. know
of the case believe that the tracts wereJ
sent to the minister by some infidel' in
Hamburg. "
A Philadelphia dispatch ' reports the
death of Geo. II. Eeeker, one of the
Normania's passengers who was placed
on the Cepheus and kept off Fire island.
His death was the result of exposure.
He contracted pneumonia that night.
Mr. Beeker was a well-known real estate
dealer, and "had- 'been spending "a few
months -In Europe, .; He walked the
decks bl the Cephens-all-'nlgbt-, and in
the morning; . had r a little Bleep , on a
lounge in the ' open air'.-. He.- leaves a
large-family. --i-u!- ;
. Chicago V Ilorse, Mar kt. .
Special W.THi'CHBoSVciB.V " "w "--'
CracAQO,V'SeptV" 17. The weekly re
view, bxv JS. Cooper,,. commission
salesman of horses, Union Stock" Yards,
Chicago, says r " - Notwithstanding the
very large receipts of horses at the
yards during .the present week the
market continued not only strong but
very active on sound smooth horses, all
sizes, five to seven years old, and well
broken. Streeters, for which the de
mand has been much larger than usual,
were in limited supply and not nearly
equal to orders' on hand. Chunks and
good draft horses were also in fair de
mand at steady and firm prices. There
has been some inquiry for extra good
driving teams and coach horses with
practically none on the market. Range
horses, receipts light with' daily inquiry.
The following summary of prices
shows little or no change from closing
figures of fast week : -i"
Draft horses, 1,600 to 1,700 lbs... J 130 225
1400-lb chunks. 130165
1,200 to 1,300-lb chunks 120145
Streeters . '; ' 100115
Driven 125200
Coach teams 400600
Range horses, 1000 lbs 30 50
The Ditch Delusion. ,
. West Coast Trade. The Seattle Press
continues to labor under the delusion
that somebody or other is opposing the
construction " of the Lake .Washington
canal. . . The Press is in error. No one
objects to the canal, provided always
that the expense of "construction and
maintenance is borne by those who are
to bo benefited. If Seattle'' wants the
ditch let her get in and-dig it.
; V." 5Tf ."CP -T-V
Fire Protection Private 1 Schools The
Crops Cause of the Shortage -Beef
Vattl,jr..ow. Etc. .
Special to Ths Chronicle. 1 .
Fossil,', Sept. 20. The South part of
Gilliam has nothing . to grumble about
in the line of crops, albeit there will not
be half of what- there was last year,
which was in rnanyjrespects a whopper
as regards quantity and. quality of crops
harvested. Threshing machines nn this
vicinity have about completed the work
of the season.-' By reason of so much
grain being dectroyed by squirrels, and
so much being cut for hay in June and
July, the grain yield will be from a
quarter to a .half what our "whopper'
crop was last year. The wheat is of fine
quality.'" ' ;'...' -: - .
Definite conclusions,' embracing a
system of wells and a ' hand engine,
have finally been arrived at by our city
"dads" in the matter of a water supply
for our town. - : - - . , -
. In lieu of public schools two private
schools have been organized for the win
ter to be taught by Supt. L. Parker and
Mrs. M. H. Goodard respectively.
. Hurrah for Uncle Toby' and his anti
drouth queries. '':-!": " " :
j Brazil Savage always ' "gets -thar,"
and as for Mike Kennedy,' well he does
sometimes- anyway. .': A ,- - ;;
j Beef cattle are' selling for very low
figures this year 1 cents and 2 cte.
being tbe . ruling prices for cows and
steers, respectively... .; ...
'. j The Gillman-French Co. have several
hundred head gathered awaiting a more
auspicious market. . . ...,.'
i Gem Gilman and wife have just . re
turned -from Webfoot, whither they
went some weeks : ago, a la buckboard.
He intends moving thither soon.
: Leaves - have just begun to turn a
golden hue, and fall to Mother Earth. -
7 Political Prediction.' '"
If Cleveland - be elected, Oregon will
become prominent in an unusual way,
says an exchange. Justice Field is oM,
and he cannot bear the man from Buf
falo. -.Therefore Field will resign and
allow -President Harrison to. appoint
Senator Dolph to the supreme bench.
The senator will accept gracefully. He
will resign his seat' in the- senate, per
mitting tbe Oregon -legislature, which
meets in January, to elect his successor,
the probabilities pointing to Mr. Sol.
Hirscb, now United States minister to
Turkey. . .. - .
The Soverelgrn Grand Lodge.
; Portland, Sept. 21. The roster of
elective officers for the next two years
is as follows, according- to the election
yesterday : . Grand sireC. F. Camp
bell, London, Ontario, Canada. Deputy
grand 6ire J. W. Stebbens, of New
York.- Grand secretary Theodore Ross,
of. Newark, N. J "" Grand treasurer
Isaac A. Sheppard, of New York, -
Cheer Up Bosebnrgr
Klamath Star. Owing - to the short
ness of fruit in, Douglas county, the can
nery don't rattle a cents' worth. Noth
ing jingles but the money going out that
should have stayed in, and Roseburg is
a little sad. Cheer up Roseburg J. You're
the shire town of a-county whose maids
and meadows seldom fail of bloom! .
Spuds to show.
Review. , Potatoes -measuring twenty
eight inches in circumference have been
raised this season on Salmon bay. - Like
other monster vegetable products re
ceived this year, they will be sent to
Chicago to show -what Washington, can
do in that line. " ..
"Mr. Cleveland," says a republican
paperr "admits that he cannot carry his
own state." No doubt some democratic
friend will in turn confide this admis
sion to Mr. Cleveland. . .- ...
Even the coffin-makers, assembled at
Chicago, urged the necessity of keeping
cholera out of America.'
Demand the Difference.
In buying baking powders, as well as any
thing else, insist upon having the worth of
your money. If another brand is urged upon
you in place of the Royal, bear in jnind that
it has from 27 to 50 per cent, less leavening
strength than the Royal, as shown by the offi
cial chemical tests; which is equal to from 13J
to 2 5 cents per pound less value than the Royal.
If.yoU';buy a lowclass powder, see that you
are charged a.correspondingly: lower price.
The Summering Season Suddenly Ceases
- at Rociavay.
Winds Fan The Flames---No Water
Supply at Hand to Fight Fire.
Cause of The Fire Unexplained Losses
Foot up Half a Million Dollars
or More.
. Rocka way Beach, L, I., Sept. 20. A
conflagration started at noon, which
threatens to wipe out a large section of -this
resort. Ihe seaside museum, Foley's
hotel, "' Messmers' hotel, William .
Burgess' hoiel, Murray & Dalz hotel
and the grand Ocean hotel are all ablaze, -and
undoubtedly will be destroyed..; The'
whole population has turned out to fight
the fire, but their efforts will be of little
avail as there is a scarcity of water, and
a strong breeze blowing which fans the "
flames.- The fire departments of Rock
away, Lawrence and Woodsburg have
been summoned by telephone. It is re
ported 20 lives are lost. - The fire broke
out in the museum on Seaside avenue,
situated on the most thickly populated
part of the beach, where all- are frame
buildings.- The 'flames spread with as-
tonishing rapidity and soon reached the
opposite side . of the - street. All the- .
buildings on both sides of . the way-on
Seaside avenue from a point near the "
site of the old Seaside house, which was
destroyed by fire a few years ago seemed
to be doomed. The Longlsland railroad
depot was destroyed. Mrs. Bertha
Kingsland, wife of tire proprietor of the
Kingsland hotel, was badly burned while
trying to save some effects. Ttfo other :
ladies, guests, were also severely burned. .
The Long Island railroad is transferring'
fire companies as fast as . possible on flat
cars .from.. In wood, Ozone Park, Far--Rockaway,
Woodsburg and Lawrence. '
At 2 o'clock it looked as though all the .
buildingB on Seaside, avenue would be
destroyed. .If this proves the case, the
loss will be fully $400,000. . The cause of .
the fire is not yet explained.
Grover Snecninbs.
Telegram. Tammany hall is the most'
powerful political machine that was
ever known. Its power is illnstrated
when a man with the nerve and back
bone of Grover Cleveland bows defer
entially at its feet. The incident far
ther illustrates that Mr. Cleveland is "a
better politician than he used to be. .
He now puts a proper estimate on the
yalue of party organization.
Mount Hood ' Gold Fields. '
Telegram.' II. S. Campbell, aged
sixty-seven years, an old-time pros-,
pec tor, came into Portland today with a
sack of gold and silver-bearing quartz,
which he says he found -in tbe vicinity
of Mount Hood. Mr. Campbell alleges
that he has discoveied a veritable
bonanza. He took the quartz to an as
sayer, to have it assayed. .
! " Arrived Safely.
Washington, , Sept. 21. The special
from Loon Lake bearing Mrs. Harrison,
passed Saratoga on time, the jatient
bearing the trip heroically. They will
arrive over the Pennsylvania in advance
of the limited express.