The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 20, 1892, Image 3

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Just-Received ! ,
- ' ' ;A kotgL line : qk gents'
. 1 IT i
Tie Dalies, Portland and Aitoria
Navigation Co.
The Re
iilator L
The Dalles Daily Ghronicle.
Entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line lor first Insertion, and 5 Cents
per line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long-time notices
AU local notices received later thnn 3 o'clock
will appear the following day.
SEPT. 20, 1892
Messrs. Win. Copelandand J.B. Yeag
ley of Checto are in (he city. " '
Messrs. A. U. andWm. Lyle, and C.
McPherson, of Cross Keys, are in the
city today. .
The weather forecasts today indicate
light rains with nearly stationary tem
perature. Miss Gertrude MejVr eturned to her
-school duties in Portland after a vaca
tion spent with friends in this city.
Dnfur is represented in the city by
Mr. and Mrs. J. H; Frazer, Miss Ingra
ham, and Messrs. Wm. and N. Kelsay.
Mr. Josh French believes in lots of
manual exercise, and is today assisting
the workmen at pipe laying on Wash
ington street.
Mayor Harrington ofc. Pillar Rock, is
up for an inspectiohvol his cannery in
terests at Seufert's(Kaey, and will be at
the "Umatilla tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Brenner returned
from Portland today. While away Mr.
Brenner was under treatment of an
aurist and returns much improved, but
Mrs. B. is now ill, and their stay in the
city will depend upon her condition.
Mr. Lovejoy left by the steamer Reg
ulator today with the fruit samples pre
pared by Mrs. Dr. Ingalls for the Port
land exposition and worlds fair. Prof.
Lorant also left this morning, but . his
collection will not be forwarded to Port
land until further advices from Mr.
Mr. McNeil,- foreman of Mr. Hugh
Glenn's work in The Dalle3, has con
tributed some superb samples of apples
for the Portland exposition and worlds
fair. If Wasco does not again take the
sweepstakes purse for elegance inthe
display of fruit this year, we shall miss
our guess muchly. . .
A Mr. Geo. Berry was taken off the
train here this morning, on a dispatch
from Pendleton, and detained for a war
rant from thesheriffof Umatilla county.
He was1 accompanied by a wife and
- child, and was identified by a couple . of i
bull dogs in his possession. No partic- I
ulara up to the hour of going to press. i
An insane man, name unknown, but
who claims to bail from .Cocur d'Alenei
gave Marshal Maloney a troublesome
chase to capture him yesterday. He
took refuge on the trestle below Union
street, and fired railway spikes at one
of his pursuers until he . escaped below
'the shops, where he was captured. He
. will have an examination to decide upon
the cause of his strange actions in The
Dalles. ; ?
The marriage ceremony of Miss. Al
mira Calef and Mr. jtsaac Pitblado will
- be eolemnized at ' the First Methodist
cburch'in Portland'ttHs evening. Miss
Calef was formerly ja tudent in the
. ycademy in this city, and has many
friends among the ybunn people bere,
who will extend to he thejbes$ wishes;
Among thet .bridesmaids, will .be r.Mjlss
Maie Williams, of this city, and Miss
Ethel W. Grubbs, of Portland. . .
AVe now have our fall line of Dry Goods,
Cloaks, and Furnishing Goods open, and we
cordially ' invite yon to our store to examine
The republican county central com
mittee rilDfioTd a meeting at The Dalles
on SaturdaySiext in McKinley hall, the
CiiBoxi.E TttiHdjng. .
Hon. F. P.JJIaS spent a few days in
The Dalles. HilffHHiily is still at Cloud
Cap Inn, but expect to return to Port
land this week. J
Mr. F. T. Sargent of Wapinitia, has
changed his residence to The Dalles,
chiefly on account cf the superior edu
cational facilities attainable here.
F, Johnson, of Mountain Home, Idaho,
the desert region which has been made
to blossom as the rose "by irrigation on a
large scale, is in The Dalles today.
Mr. Jas. Benson, oi 5-Mile, has con
tributed to the Wasco collection of fruit
for the Portland exposition anjl worlds
fair, peaches which measure 11?4 inches
in circumference.
Mr. Manley, who came in yesterday
with another load of wheat, says the
shower was quite a brisk one on the
road, completely saturating an ordinary
Mr. J. O. Mack has returned from the
Salem fair. He says it was the be6t ex
hibition ever given by the state, and if
the articles could be taken to Chicago
next year, would of themselves make a
creditable display for Oregon.
Mr. H. Corson, an old-time and highly-respected
citizen of The Dalles, is re
ported seriously ill. About two years
ago Mr. CoTson was practically paral
yzed, and has never since fully recov
ered from that affliction.
The potato crop has been reported
short in spots; but the prospects are
that the reports will prove to be too pre
vious, according to the work of tbe
clouds yesterday, as was the
case with grain last June.
Mr. Frank Roach returned from Port
land this morning. He says the rain
yesterday did not in the least interfere
with the Sovereign Grand Lodge proces
sion, and the consolidated city showed
off in its gayest attire, the admiration of
all guests and residents.
Another important industry is to be
added to the list of manufactories in
Spokane, which will be a large paper
mill, to be operated by a St. Paul com
pany, .of which Mr. J-B. Streeter, of
that city, 5s at the headjj' .. '
: Mr. Charles N..Wait, secretary of the
democratic state central and campaign
committees, 125 First 8t. Portland,, wish
es us to aay that all democrats visiting
Portland are invited to call and confer
with members of the committee in re
gard to matters in their respective lo
calities ; and, it is presumed, receive an
antidote for The Chronicle doctrines of
national preservation. -y .
. In calling attention to the elaborate
display of Dress ;Gpods and Cloaks, in
the handsome show windows at Pease &
Mays today," Mr. Pease desires us to say
that the credit of the nice arrangement
is due to Mr. Briggs' taste. One window
is devoted wholly to Dress Goods and one
to Cloaks, which the ladies cannot help
but admire, and which seems to say :
For further inspection "Please step in
side." :
Frank G. Lentz, a Pitt6burg wheel
man who is making a tour of the world,
will pass The Dalles some day this
week. He left Spokane at 8 :30 Satur
day morning, via Texas ferry,. Walla
Walla and Pendleton. At Hood River
an.effort should, be made togct ;him to
make A detour .and take, .in' Cloud!' Cap
Inn, over twenty-seven miles of the best
road in the United States". : .. .
Read the announcement of Pease &
Mays. -
The Young Americas returned to pa
pa's this afternoon.'
Mr. C. P. Heald, of Hood River was
in the city yesterday on official business.
Mr. Lem Burgees left the citv yester
day for his sheSranch with his winter
supplies. - 1
Mr. Orin Kinersly returned at noon
yesterday from a jaunt over in Klickitat
Steward J. J. Wiley, who has been on
the sick list for nearly a month, is again
able to take his position.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. . Croseen and
daughter Emily, returned yesterday
from San Francisco.
The chillv atmosphere of the last
th ree days is particularly severe Kon the
familiar housefly. ' . -
There are no rrr in Campbell's name,
but the oysters served at the Columbia
Candy Factory prove that the words
Brothers and September supply all "de
ficiencies lacking to the delicate bivalve.
Mr. W. II. Smith, formerly of The
Dalles, but now a resident of Portland,
in the city on a visit among old friends
this week, has returned to the consoli
dated city.
Mr. Kelley has returned from Port
land, but he left the pacer there. He
was only passed once on the road, and
then by a two-minute horse, driven to
a pneumatic sulky.
A party of VpunaT ladies were out on
Ninth street, aoyone on Fourth street
last night, hamnring the nails down in
the sidewalks, Bingcpcks for hammers.
This ought to adove property holders to
a sense of duty. - , .
. Judge Bennett's office during his ab
sence, is presided over by Mr. N.- J.
Sinnottinaer urbane manner. From
the salutatioDVUie reception and recog
nition Nick gyvSe one on entering the
office, it is plain lo be seen that he be
longs to the courteous class from which
comes the polite hosrih
' A letter from Harry Liebe, dated at
Aix-la-Chapella, Sept. 4th, states that
since the cholera epidemic broke out In
Europe every jfieans of precaution is
taken bjHhe board of health officers to
keep thedisejrse from spreading) and to
prevent thedva.nce of ,this dread dis
ease to the A-e&uninfected districts. It ;
is reDorted ihat no to this time 150.000
xl the inhdbitantsliave died from tbe !
cholera in Jiuseia. -"the pedpte'here,"
he adds, "Ipave lost the nervous' appre
hension which, prevailed at the outset of
the cholera news. -
Charming people, these exceptional
people! Here's a medicine Dr." Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, for instance,
and it's cured hundreds, . thousands
that'ro..' known, thousands , tbat're un
known, and yet your's is an exceptional
case!. Da you think that, that bit of
human nature .which . you., call "1" . is
differentfrom the other parcels .of hu
man nature? "Bat you don't know uny
case.".'; Good friend,. inninety:hine out
of a hundred cases, the causes are the
same impure blood and' that's why
"Golden Medical, Discovery" ; cures
ninety-nine'out of every hundred. ;;Yon
may be the exception. And you may
not.- But would you. rather be the.ex
ception ' or 'would yon "rather ".'Jje'weH?
If you're the exception it costs you
nothing, you get your -money' back but
suppose it cures .you? -Let the "Golden
Medical Discovery" take the risk. ; ";
Freight and Passeler Line
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land, leaving The Dallea at 6 a. m.,
arriving at Portland 5 p. m. ,"
One way . : . .-f: . . . . .$2.00
Bound trip.. ...... ..... '.; 3.00
Special rates for parties of bix or over.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Fruit, per 100 pounds. . ; . . .30
Melons and Green Vegetables. .... .30
Through connection with steamers to
Astoria and Ilwaco without delay.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
in arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. Cali on or address.
' General Agent.
General Manager. - -
Birthday Party.
A very pleasant partjw-was given at
the' residence of Mr: and Mrs. Geo. A.
Liebe to their daughter Lena on Satur
day, the 17th of Sept., it being her 13h
birthday, fhe afternoon was delight
fully passed ii plating and social inter
course. Man .beautiful presents were
received. ; ".
Those . presen were : Edna Glenn,
Pearl Williams Gussie Meins Hattio
Cram, Lena Thomipeon, Grace Glenn,
Clara and Julia Nickelsen, Nettie "red
den, Ida BnrchstorfjEmma OstlamT,
Lizzie Boiin, 1'earl Jolesr Bessie and
Lena Vogt, Rosemary ."Baldwin, Mary
Mclnerny, Dpra Nielsen, Emma Ulrich,
Annie Stuhling, .Valesca Liebe. Mrs.
Hess and daughter Minnie, and Bertha
and Daisy Botefuhr.
How to Chance' an AddresR.
Jjany people do not seem to under
stand the inconvience they put publish
ers to when a ' change of address is desir
ed, by not giving full particulars. The
name of the individual, addressed and
the present post office is as necessary for
a correct change as- that the post office
to which the change that is desired
should be given. For instance : Mr. G.
B. Simpson, until lately Supt. of Wells,
Fargo & Co.; Omaha, having changed
his residence to St. Louis, writes a mod
el letter, as follows : . -Tub
Chkonicj.e, Dalles City, Cr.
St. Locis, Mo., Sept. 15." Please have
The Chbonicle that is now addressed to
me at Omaha, Neb., addressed to me as
Supt. Wells, Fargo & Co., St. Louis, Mo.
and oblige, youra truly,
G. B. Simpson, Supt.
Carved Tree Records.
eight yearago the past sum-
.mer Dr,
ugh Logaa, of this city, then
a boy:' liv
g with' lis father-at Warm
Springs a;
t accompanied his father,
3 Hallirari,' and Dr. W.;C.
xVlcKay, 0
a toar into the Cascade
mountains, In search of "a mountain of
saltj" reported taaxist, by the Indians.
This season evidences' of their visit were
discovered by Ir.fW. E. Campbell, who
returned yesterday from a surveying.ex
pedition in .theime' locality. In the
viciiiily ol some hot springe, in town
shipt 9 S., 7 E., Mr, Campbell came to a
treej which has engraved upon it five
names and dates, as follows : '
PughLogIn, July 31,1864. ivit
.: .Logan, JUikut. hallabak, v. j
: McKay. Auk? 11. 1864. . R. W.:
: Crandali,
!- - J- -
. Thej date opposjte the name of Mr.
Crandall Mr. f Campbell was unable to
decipher, on Ihe -scrap of paper upon ,
which, hehatt copied -it, when he got
back to camp "Thefeeling is described
as someVbat I peculiar to' find - familiar
names a'way out in the wilderness like
this. Speaking to Dr. Logan about the
register, oday, he -distinctly remem
bered the circumstances. His father
waa lost bt khe sinking of the steam
ship BrotheV! Jonathan the next year.
Dr. McKay 9 still living, in Umatilla
county. Lieut.- Halloran disappeared
from the active stage ot life many years
ago and-his fate is .unknown at this
time. 1 . . -
Stove "Wanted. A : good cook tove.
State size and price. Address, Siovk.
1 O. Box,S81, The Dalles. 9.20dtfwlt
' The Coliimbia'didn'i" have a.'rippldn
the sufface.Sunday from tbe Cascades
to" The' ' DaliesV'Hind' "the fast steamer
Regulator was given a chance ' to test
her steaming qualities. One sail, the
Julia going - jjQwn,':.wjtha; picnicr party
after cord wood at Chenoweth, and half
a dozen smaller -crafts were all that were
met by the way to" divert "the 'attention
of . tourists and excursionists on toard.
And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in
"TO" A T. T . 1g "F TTg - '
gjBP" Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all our work, and hone but
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. - A first class article in all colors. All
orders promptly attended to. '".--
Store and Faint Stop corner Third and "Washington Sts.. . . The Dalles, Oregon
- Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in
j.. Boots and Shoes. All goods
? we sell, we warrant.
U4 SZ10OMT) smmEi
A Horse on the Melon Man.
Long Creek Eagle. "See here Pat,
why didn't you give ne a compliment
ary notice when I brought that wagon
load of fine melons to Long Creek the
other day," was a (Question propounded
to ye editor' a few days ago. We replied
by. saying, "why didn't you compliment
the "shop with one of the ine'lons?".
Seeing the point, our friend had 'nothing
more to sav. . -'. .' ' v "' -' :"'
''For sale or trade at a bargain a hotel
of 28 rooms in Albina, doing a good busi
ness." No saloon connected. Near the
shops with good paying boarders- Reas
ons for selling other business.
Address, - Hepnee 4 Menefee,
No. 521 Delay St.-, Albina, Ore.
, 9.17dl0t.
To AU Whom It May Conctrn:
By order of the Common Council of DhTIcs
City, made and entered ou the 3d day of Septem
ber, 1892, notice is hereby given that said City
Couneil Is about to proceed to order and make
the improvements in streets In said city, us here
inafter fetated, on-1 that the- cost of such im
provements, and each of them respectively,' will
and said improvemeuts, uud each of them, will
be made, unless within fourteen davs of the final
Fmblication of this notice, the owners of two
hlrds of the property udjacent to some or all of
the streets about to be improved shall tile iheir
remonstrances against sueli improvements, as
by charter provided.
The improvements contemplated and about
to be made are as follows, to-wit:
1. To improve Third street in said city, by
building a sidewalk eight feet wide on the north
side thereof, iroin Washington street to Monroe
1. To Improve Fourth street in said city bv
building a sidewalk six feet wide ou the north
side thereof, from Court street to" Jeiterson
8. No improve Fifth street in said city by
building a sidewalk six feet wido on .the north
side thereof, from Union .street to Washington
street. .
4. . To improve Fifth s' reef in said city by
building a sldewulk six feet wide on the sooth
side thereof, from Union street to Washington
5. To improve Washington street in said city
by building a sidewalk eight feet wide mi the
west tide thereof, from -Third street-to Sixth
6. To improve Federal street in said city by
building a sidewalk ten foot wide on the west
side there rf, from the alley between Second ond
Third streets to Third street.
7. To improve Federal street in said city by
building a sidewalk eight feet wide 011 the east
side thereof, from Third street to Fourth street,
8. To im?rove I-augulin street in said city by 1
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west !
side thereof, from Second street to Third street,
and a sidewalk eight feet wide on the west side
thereof, from Third street 10 Fourth street. !
9. To improve Laughlin street in s:iid city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the east
side thereof, from becond street to -Third street,
and a sidewalk eight feet wide on the east side
thereof, from Third street to Fourth street,
10; To Improvo Jefferson sireet in said city b
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west
side thereof, from Second street to Third street,
and a sidewalk eight feet wido on the west side
thereof from Third street to Fourth street..
. 11. To Improve Madiscm street in said city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west
side thereof, from First street to Third street.
Vi. To improve Madison street in said city by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the east
side thereof, from Second street to Third street.
All of said sidewalks will be built, constructed
and erected in accordance with the provisions of
an ordinance to define and establish the width
and manner of buildin; sidewalks .in Dalles
Citv, being Ordinance No. 108, which passed the
Common Council of Dalles City March 7th, I8S0,
except as otherwise hereinbefore specified.
: Dated this 10th day of September. 1892.
9.14dl t Recorder of Dalles City.
To All Hltom It May Concern: ' .-
' By order of the Common Council of Dalles
City, made and entered on the 3d day of Septem
ber, 1892, notice is hereby given that siricf City
Council is about to proceed .to order and make
the improvements of streets- in- said city
as hereinafter stated, and that the cost
of such improvements, - and . each .of them
respectively, will ... be levied r upon .. the
property adjacent thereto: and said im
provements, and each of them, will be made,
unless within four:een days from tbe final pub
lication of this notice, the owners .of two-thirds
of the property adjacent to some or nil of tbe
Btrects about to be improved shall file their re
monstrance against euch . improvements, as by
charter provided : .
The improvements contemplated end about to
be made arc as follows, to wit;
v 1. - To improve Union -street in said city, by
building a sidewalk ten feet wide on "the east
side thereof, from First street to Second street.
2. To improve Second street in said city by
building a sidewalk ten. feet wide on tbe north
side thereof, from Uniontreetr to Court street.
All of said sidewalks will be built, constructed
and erected in accordance with the provisions
of an ordinance' to define and establish the
width and manner of -building sidewalk! in
Dalles City, being .Ordinance No. . 10S, -which
passed the Common Council of Dal e- City,
March 7th, 1S35, except aa otherwise hereinbefore
Dated this 12th day of September, 1892. -
. : - FRANK- NEHEFEE, - -9.14dl4
Recorder of Dalles CMy.
FT &. CO.,
. CO
Stock Uoldera Meeting.
The regular annual meeting of the
stock holders of The-. Chbonicle Pub
lishing Company will be held in the hall
over The Chronicle office at 8 p. m.
October 14th, 1892., Directors for the
ensuing year will be elected, and such
other business as may properly come
before said meeting will be transacted
thereat. V. G. Boirosf, secretary;
A Traveling Man's Experience WltK
; ; I am a traveling man and have been,
afflicted with what is called chronic diar-.
rhosa for some ten years. Last fall I waa
in Western Pennsylvania, and accident
ally was introduced to Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. ;
I ventured to make . a trial and waa
wonderfnlly relieved. -1 would like now
to introduce it among my friends. BL
M.J Lewis, 24 Freeman street, Cleveland,
Ohio. - For sale by Blakely & Houghton,
druggists.. . .
City taxes for 1892 are now" due and
payable within sixtv days, at the office
of the undersigned. - '
Lr. Kobden. Uttv Treasurer.
Dalles Crrv, July 6th, 1892. ' f- : .
Saved His Child's Life.
A. N. Dilfer bough, York, Neb.,' says:
"The other day I came home and found
my little boy down with cholera morbns,
my wife scared, not knowing what to do.
I went straightway and got-a -25 cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and gave it - ac
cording to directions. You never saw
such a change in a child. His limbsand -body
were cold. I rubbed his limbs and
body with my hands, and after I - had
given him the second dose he went to
sleep, and, as iny wife eays, "from 'a "
death-bed he was up playing in three
hours." It saved me a doctor bill of.
about three dollars, and what is better,
it saved my child. I can recommend it
with a clear- conscience." For sale, by
Blakely & Houghton, druggists. ",
Instantaneous ' Portraits. Chapman
Block, The Dalles, Oregon. .
Campbell Bros. Proprs
(Succassrs to .',s.: Craa.)
Manufacturers of the finest French and
-; . Home Made : -
G JL isT ID I E S ,
. East of Portland. -' ' '
Tropical Frails,' Nuts, Cigars and Tobaceo.
-V:. ';-''-
-Can furnish any of these goods at WholessJa
or Retail . -
.'- In Krery Style. " "". ' '-'
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. .
X.. C. SHERWOOD, Prop. ": ; " '""
The" very best Wines, Liquors and Cor
dials. ' Imported and Domes
; " ". tic Cigars. - :' . .--