t THE DALLES. OREGON. TUES DAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1892.'- VOL. IV. NO. 83; W. E. GARRETSOH. leailing Jeweler, SOLE AGENT FOR THE . - All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St., Th Dalle. Or. Kranich and Bach Pianos. Recognised as Standards of the high est grade of manufacture. JUDGE NELSON'S DECISION. Speaking of patent medicines, the Judge says: "I wish to deal fairly and honorably with all, and when I find an article 'that will do what it is recom mended to do, I am not ashamed to say so. I am acquainted with Dr. Vander pool (having been treated hy him for cancer), and have nsed his blood medi cine, known as the S. B. Headache and Liver Care, and while I am 75 years old, and have used many pills and other remedies for the blood, liver and kid neys, I must say that for a kidney tonic in Brights disease, and as an - alterative for the blood, or to correct the action of the stomach and bowels, it is a very su perior remedy, and beats anything I ever tried. " J. B. Nelson Yakima, Wash. At 50 cents a bottle. It is the poor man's friend and familv doctor. JOHN PASHEK, t - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Just Received, a fine Block of Suitings, Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest Styles, at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. fepairung and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. CHA8. 8TCBL1XG. OWEN WILLIAMS. Stubling S Williams. The Gefmania, SECOND ST., THE DAlLES,- - OREGON "Dealers in Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. XJJL. fl. Yoang, BlaGKsitU Wagon SHop General-Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeeing a Speiality Third Street, opposite the old Lieoe stand. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular arid reliable bouse . baa been entirely refurnished, and every "7 room has been repapered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Kates reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the booee. Frer bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. inn Glothingv ' Our pall Ljpe Of Clothing-and Ktarriisfairig GoQcis "is nowcompl-ete. You. can . 5aue fTOT)ey By seeing pur stock before making your purchases. a nn a Ma DRUG Sn i pes & -THE LEADING Wholesale and Retail lists. . P U3FL ES TD R. "O" C3r "S Handled by Three Registered Druggists. : ALSO ALL THE LEADING . Patent (Dedieines and Druggists Sundries, HOUSE PAINTS OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Itf urphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City for .The Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paints. -WE The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Agent for Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, ' The Dalles, Oregon J O. FlflE WlMEp DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. FRENCH'S 171 SECOND STREET, : WM. BUTLER & CO., -DEALERS IN- Building Material, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement: ' A liberal discount to the trade JEFFERSON STREET, between Second Mkr Williams 1 loo Kin ersly! ARE- MACK, and LIQUOR THE C C LEBRATE D PABST BEER. BLOCK. : THE DALLES, OR. in all lines handled by us. and Railroad. THE DALLES, OR NO FEAR W CHOLERA i-fjijo till "blCiS People Pay no .Tnrtlier -Attention; to :-it in New Tul; j A SCARE OCCURS IX NEW JERSEY, j Nurses and Coavalesccnts Leave" Eliza- v ".' ' -. ' - beth Hospital in Fright. .-." THE HOSPITAL IS. QVARAKT1SKD. A Staten ' Island Pole the - Catuie of "the Scare An Expert Diagnosis' , to be Made. . r j Xew ',Yobk, Sept. 20. With the ex ception of a scare in- Elizabeth yester day, nothing of interest' is seen, in." the papers concerning cholera. . This sus pected case is a Pole' named John Cu sick,;who was- taken to the hospital from some., chemical works on Staten island, suffering- from what the physi cians are inclined to think is Asiatic cholera. This morning the hospital authorities telegraphed the New - York bOard of health to send a cholera expert to diagnose the case. . All nurses and patients in the hospital able to move left the building this morning in fright. The hospital is quarantined. - In this city the cholera as a matter of news has fallen out of public interest. The city papers print it on the inside pages, reserving the more prominent places for the Grand Army encampment and politics. " No new cases have appear ed, and news comes from quarantine of the arrival Of the- steamer Furnessia, from Glasgow with 629 cabin passengers. Three hundred and fifty-six passengera from the steamers Rugia and Scandia were taken to Hoffman Island this morn' ins;, making the total number in quaran tine there 1065. The passengers from the pest ships Rugia and Scandia thus turned loose are among tne people who are not known to have been infected, and are being held there merely as a pre cautionary measure. Thirteen of the lot from the Scandia had been in the pest on Swinburne island. DFATH TO MONGOLIANS. - An Unreasonable Slaughter of the Late Protected Pheasants. Complaints against persons for slay ing Mongolian pheasants still continue. The temptation to shoot these beautiful and toothsome game : birds proves 'too strong for the country sportsmen ; however,-none of these pheacants ever find their way into the markets here, or grace the table of the Portland epicures. Pre vious . to this to kill the Mongolian pheasant .was against the law, and the risk was too great to tempt any game dealer- to expose them for sale. Out through ' the valley- the shooting of these birds seems to be indulged in with comparative impunity now that the law has expired. The. Albany Democrat of Thnrsday says : . "One of the two men accused of killing 231 Chinese pheas ants in two days says they were two weeks killing them, an average of nine teen a day for each man. Among hunt ers the Chinese question is the absorb ing theme, and the words squabs, setting hens, etc., are mixed up in a manner to confuse, confound and upset a common man. "1 In the meantime a breakfast of the Celestials - knocks ont even the an cient dish of nightingales. Whether killed with their heads up, on the ran or on the wing, they present a diet un surpassed this side of Mars. Hunters should do all in their power to preserve the bird- perennially, for it makes a noble dish ; but the universal verdict is that for pure enjoyment nothing has been offered ahead of hunting the Mon golian ring-necked pheasant and. his trotting mate. Leave the squabs alone; pick oat the strutting rooster, the ten dei -breasted youngster - verging into roosterdom and the meek-looking hen, and blaze away for the fun of yourself and friends." . , . " . Don't Like Lively Coos. , Eugene Journal. The man who wrote that article in the Coast Mail of Septem ber 1st, concerning the notorious Cap tain Symons, the great Siuslaw, the state university and Eugene, ought to be swung up on sight, without judge or jury. We are almost tempted - to - print it to show the brazen impudence of the Coos bay tewneite speculators, wliO are boom ing their operations with government re ports and government money ; bntthe language is not fit for publication in this community, being two much like a buzz saw or a dull rasp, which grates on re fined feelings. TBI MALHEUR Mt'BIlEBS. A' Botly contested -Case Whiskey Saved " KJ . Them Prom Hanging. 1 .. . -. From the "East Oregonlan. s -' -; ' A letter' jnst received from Vale. Mal heur county, contains- the- information that in the case of ,the State of Oregon vs. William and. John '' Bailey, jointly indicted .with: Lee Mullen, Al Mullen and John Coder,' for murder in tho: first degree, for the killing of William Hum bert on April 5th, 1892, a - jury was ob tained Thursday morning at 1 1 o'clock, just one week aud two hours having been -consumed in the effort, and. the case immediately 'proceeded to trial. The evidence closed at 0 o'clock in the evening, after which the. counsel pro ceeded to argue the case to the jury, and the charge and instructions of - Judge Clifford to. the jury were, finished at; 1 o'clock when, the jury retired Indeliber ate on their verdict. In eighteen hours they returned: into court with a verdict of murder in the second "degree.V - Th case was hotly contested ou both sides, and but for the fact that the de fendants were in an intoxicated' condi tion at the time Of the-offense, the ver dict of the jury would undoubtedly have been murder in the first degree. At one time during their deliberations the jury- were about equally divided for murder in the first and second degrees,' bat after being oat eighteen hours, those who were for murder in the first, degree,, in order to arrive at a verdict, concluded it better to- return a verdict .of murder in the second degree. The case of The State vs. Al and Lee Mullen and John Coder, jointly indicted with' the .Bailey boys, proceeded to trial Saturday morning. It will be very hard to obtain a jury in this case, inasmuch as about one hundred jurors were examined in the former case, and of course .hardly any of them will be qualified to sit in this case.. - . ; - Should Patronise Oregon.' r Ashland Tidings.' . Portland has let the contract for building her new city hall to Gould and G laden of Omaha, for $361,370, to which to get the actual pro posed cost about $100,000 will have to be added for extras. The stone to be used in the building will be shipped all the way from Wyoming, whereat people in terested in quarries tributary to Port land are justly displeased. Portland expects the trade of her own state and gets a portion of the trade of interior Washington, yet; she must shipr the stone for her- magnificent new city building from Wyoming, while the home quarries . remain undeveloped. Such is the reward we get for paying our bills to the Portland merchants on the 1st of every month promptly. - . After Totten's Theory? ' - Telegram.' A letter has 'at last been received from Captain Oakes, although several claim that they have heard of him before. He writes his" wife from Chicago .for "money with which to come home, saying that he has no recollection of leaving home. When Captain Oakes left - here he had $2,400, and many thought he went to New Orleans to wit ness the fights. " This he denies, and in explanation of the disappearance of the coin says he was drugged, robbed and shipped to Chicago. This portion of his letter has created considerable amuse ment among his friends, and be will bej the subject of much good-natured rail lery when he gets home providing his wife sends him funds to travel on. Oregon all Bight. The steam thresher is now pouring in to the Oregon horn of plenty tremendous loads of wheat, and all the warehouses stand smiling at the fun. And all other branches of business smile - gladly when the glittering stream of cash meanders toward the agricultural business. Ore gon generally has a golden autumn, a silvery winter and an emerald spriDg. Oregon is all right. , v While the wheat crop is considered short, and wiil consist of fewer bushels ' fpr the ; state than last year, it is consoling that the farmers are engaging in more mixed farming, and that there will . be more dollars made through the year than wc made last year. Klamath Star.' !,. - .1 JParmers Institute; : -. ' Observer. - The farmers of - Eastern Oregon will hold an institute at Milton on the last two days of this month. An interesting program is being : prepared for the occasion. . : - : . : ' r - Highest of all irj Leavening Power. Latest U: S: Gov't Report.: - MRS. HARRISON'S CASE So Mncn Improved Tnat.Sne Will Start ; For Wasniklon May. RAIXS ALONG THE RIO GRANDE. The Stricken Section Along The Border , . - Greatly Benefited. rRE-HISTORIC ItACE-KELICS riNI. Phoenix Contributes Kellcs Which May Settle Many Heretofore Disputed ' . - Qo'stions." Loos Lake, Sept. 20. Mrs. Harri-v son's physicians yesterday morning de- cided to complv with her request to be -- taken to Washington. She starts to day it she continues to improve. ,1. .- : -" Freshened by the Bains.- . Sas Antosio, Sept. 19. Major W. E,"-' ; Creary, who has : just arrived from an extended trip through" the - strickened -section along the Rio Grandev border. J states that the recent heavy rains have - ' produced a wonderful change in the ap-- :-f pearance of the country. .At. Laredo he, " I. found grass in abundance. - -". " : A Prehistoric Bace. " ' j '". " - PiitENii, Arizona, Sept. 19. In dig- ... ging a sewer on . Madison street, work- V , ' men have broken into a " burial place of " : -a prehistoric race, and the find will set- ;- -tie many questions heretofore disputed by scientists. The fact that they ere mated their dead is proved "by the find- ". ; ing of several urns containing the ashes of their bodies, together with the teeth " -and pieces of skulls. -. - : " - " " - ' - San' Francisco, Accidents--7. - Sah Fbancisco, Sept. 19. A rocka- - v way containing seven young people was: upset on ' a steep grade in South San Francisco yesterday:: Several '' of the '' party were cat and 'bruised, and 3Iiss, ; WilhelminaSmith, 28 years of age, was : J so severely injured that she- died early - 7 (his morning. ; Joseph Linsky, aged 4T ' years, one of the'most popular police 7 officers in this'city, was' found dead In bed this . morning, having been accl- - dentally asphyxiated by gas. His wife and little son narrowly escaped a si mi- -. lar fate. They are still prostrated, but - -not in a dangerous condition. ' John v. i Hunt, Louis Geary and Michael Swee- " ney went boating yesterday. The boat , capsized, and Geary and- Sweeney, each "? 24 years of age, were drowned. . - . ' " Another H1U Trick. - ; ". Keview. -The Arrest of .labor commis sioner Peck puts the New York democ- -racy in a ridiculous light. Of course the motive is one of pure spite. . Every- ; body understands that if the statistics had been to the liking of the democracy,---" . Mr. Peck would not now be under ar rest. ; Probably the democratic press will say, though, that the arrest is --an-'. .. ' other Hill trick, played for the purpose of downing Cleveland. ; - Would Change P. . D. . : . ' . . " Klamath Star. A Coos county nj.au -wants the salary of the governor cut down. Fifteen hundred - dollars a year . is mighty small steam for the pardoning v . power to run on.- Should that merciless . Coos bay citizen ever get into the peni- tentiary, he'll change - his mind pretty ;r soon'after changing his clothes. . ' - - Front valcatta. . - San Francisco, Sept. 19. The ship ' Carbet Castle arrived this morning, 166 days from Calcutta. When the ship . left the port there were 111 cases of ". -cholera there.- Although - there was no "--"'.' sickness on board, the vessel was placed r.: in quarantine, and will be thoroughly" fumigated. - . i-- ' Has Arrired in South America. .,- ' , , - - . ' ... Valpab.viso, Sept.' 19. The" -steamer - America has arrived at Buenos : Ayres - , from Genoa'. It .had on ' the' voyage v twenty-four deaths from cholera, and "' has been strictly quarantined. ' .'.'-. ' -