Just Received ! Oo A FULL' LINE OF GENTS' Tii& Dalles, Portland and Astoria "... " ; Navigation Co. : HOSIERY, ;. UN DERWEAR, O VERS H I RTS, MM New This Week! COLLARS and - and CUFFS. "The Regulator Line v WW 000000000-00 PEASE MAYS ooooooooooo o The Dalles Daily Chroniele. Kntcrcda the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. Local Advertising;. 10 rents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents oer line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear the following day. SATURDAY SEPT. 17, 1892 LOCAL BltEVITIKS. Eph. S. Olinger, the Cloud Cap Inn jehu, is in the city today. . .Mr, and Mrs. O. C. Stephens are ex pected nome irom uonaon toaay. Capt. and Mrs. Lewis, Miss Lewis and 41 lady friend, visited Celilo today. " Mr. Kellar of the Washington street bakery, has established a marriage ir 11 1 u . 1 1 1 iil vi Roger rVrijrfjtt will leave for Notre Dame, Indtornorrow night, to resume his classes in college. Miss Annie and Rowena Laswell, of Spanish gulch, Grant county, are visit . ing the Misses Joles, in this city. ' The Baker city delegation to the Sov ereign Grand lodge filled two cars last evening, and they went through with colorB flying. The breeze this morning was worth a big lot of money to growing crops. Air is a fertilizer "in the Inland Empire when it comes up the river. Bert O'Learyand Bert Phelps are going to AnnSAor. The latter to take a course of Vy8'aay the former -a course of study in medicine. The Troutdale Champion, under the management of Fred C. Baker, late of the Leader, has been transmogrified into a neat, newsy readable sheet. Editor BTosfofr of the Observer, practices Axjcasionally. like Bro. Cradlebaugh drShe Glacier ; just to re lieve the mpniotonpfpencU shoving. He has a case in the nextf Wasco circuit court. J. H. BlakenJ, the city expressman, had a contest wnh a kicker in his stable on W'ednescRrysYrho bronco fortunately wore no shoes, ehw-tbe outcome might have been worse lb r James. As it was l, a K. v, l:.l nV: i i "Spears on the streetsow in a limp way. Caroline is greatly disturbed today . because a squaw died owing a gentleman $20. She sit on the sidewalk in front of The "Chronicle vofflce detailing her grievances at a 60-mile per hour gait to another Indian woman; and when asked why she didn't go home and let the man do the grieving, became qnite in dignant. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy start out today .for their drive thri iugt nd Em pire well fitted ior com A nice buggy team was purcha terday from a farmer (in Klick tat, drove them into the city in the leai of a 6-horse wheat team. ?arley & Frank fitted them with a neat, new harness, and a stylish vehicle7 came from Port land by the Regulator. If you stub your toe on one of the in 4 numerable nails which rear their stub born beads above our side-walks, look the next moment to be landed where one will be prodding you in the forehead. These convenient arrangements- are - causing many of us to follow the blind horse fashion. Ladies who appear to have a desire to assist the street clean ing department, however, are the great est sufferers. OUR FALL LINE OF ' MEN'S AND BOYS' - HATS. Boys' Hats, 50 ets- and upward. o Men's Hats, 75 tsv and upward. SEE OUR CORNER WINDOW. We Can Please You. Fresh oysters tomorrow at Columbia Candy Factory. :. Justice Schutz dismissed the case on trial before him yesterday afternoon. S. L. Patterson, and Mr. Davis of Wapinitia, were in the city on business yesterday. All arrangements have been perfected for the dedicatioiof the new M. E. church tomorrowvening. The public generally are corfliallVinvited to attend. If Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brooks', cheerful and hospitable home on Third street has heretofore beeftvcijtasidered cosey, it is very much more sfrtowsince the late improvements which addgreatly to the comfort and Convenience of the-interior. Got Speaking of a box factory in The Dalles, Mr. J. II. Tafle says his boxes came from Grants pass, Southern Ore gon, and he never saw a man connected with the manufacture of them. The Dalles could ship boxes to Grants pass equally as profitably. Hod. Henry H. Gilfrey, reading clerk of the United States senate, is now visiting Salem. His family are in Vir ginia. ' Mr. Gilfrev. has retained his position in the Uffficd States senate over twelve years, a fact that speaks for his great popularity. He will probably soon be in The Dalles, to visit his many friends here. Forecasts of The Dalles weather re ported daily by telegraph, under the auspices of the government weather bu reau, commenced yesterday. This is a matter of considerable- importance in the collating of reliable data, and the bureau will soon find out what has been deficient for want of such data as The Dalles can furnish Twenty-eight years ago next Tuesday Sheridan whippcd,.Early at Winchester in a hot contest pi arms in deadly con flict onthe field of carnage in the at tempt oPcach to lead brother against brother iryVleterniining the right by might. Thousands of the good men in that 'storm oKdeath iive in fraternity now to record tile deeds of valor on that field, "two of tuem in The Dalles were "talkiijg it over Was that advertisement of Maj. Hand put into the Oregonian too soon? else why is it withdrawn today? .Was. one insertion considered sufficient, or was some printer bribed to pi it? A lilch Find. Mr.- Golden. theXVeteran miner of Goldendale, to The Dalles yes terday from dams, jubilant in the possession of men of horn silver, which a rude- alysis revealed 75 per cent, pure silver, meaning about $27,000 to the ton. He left lor Portland today witu ms treasure anjj will have an ex pert assayer make a thorough test.' Church Notices. . Congregational church services in the court house Sunday a. m. at 11 o'clock, Sunday school at 12:15, and Young Peoples Society of Christian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. All cordially invited. The usual union services in the court house will be ' omitted Sunday evening on account of the dedication services at the Methodist church. Rev. Charles Booth of. Newport, will officiate at St. Paul's Episcopal church iday. A ? igger In Vhe Fen at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. tomorrow. o o 0 0 O O- OOP o FEDERAL 21 ST. 000000 0000 o THE SIGHT HOIK LAW. Beauties of Educating tUe World to The One Ides Of a Crank. It seems that the confusion, arising from the annual inspection of The Dalles City today was occasioned by the late act of congress providing for the 8-hour law. Heretofore Messrs. McDermott and Edwards, the United States inspectors for Oregon, have been wishing to accom modate masters and owners by inspect ing a craft at any time, after hours or on Sunday if necessary, so as not to inter fere with traffic. But the late law is positive and peremptory. In its opera tions the government employe by it terms is the autocrat and the aristocrat. He shall not do ny over-time wort, -anfiSgfee they-attend thw berrefit o j is prohibited from Sunday accommoda tions. If a boat comes in for inspection at 3 p. m. on any dav, and the boiler is blown off", before it cools the hour is up and she must lie there until the next dav after 8 o'clock a. m. before any thing can be done, just to accomodate a crank who pushed the bill through con gress, and it may be the cause of a loss to the community of thousands of dol lars in perishable goods awaiting ship ment, may detain hundreds of people, and embaras business in numerous ways. The sooner the obnoxious fea tures of such a law are made apparent, the sooner it will be wiped from the statutes. The Regulator and Dalles City must make a special trip tomorrow, tho portage railroad must run, and fifty em ployes work a whole day along the entire line just because two obliging gentlemen in Portland are prohibited by law from future acts of accommodation.. Some men are fools enough to think that they are capable of educating the world to their own one idea methods of life, and the author of this 8-hour law is one of them. A Victory for Capt. Phillips. After four days' hard labor, Capt. C. L. Phillips yesterday succeeded in sav ing the sunken float Marie Blain, with the Davis fish wheel attachment. The float was sunk at Grand Dalles, and af ter being practically recovered, took a shoot across the Columbia, striking the Oregon shore above The Dalles, the wheel lodging on rocks and the bow projecting over deep water partly Bub merged. It required considerable inge nuity on the part of Capt." Phillips, without the aid of wrecking appliances, to bring the craft in, but he did it suc cessfully, and will now take a few days off to rest on his laurels and recuperate. With this intention, accompanied by Mrs. Phillips, he will visit the consoli dated cityand take in the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, the indus trial exposition, and the city and sub urban railway the three attractive fea tures of the Oregon Metropolis, next week. Work at Grand Dalles. A gang of m have heen at work for at Grand Dalles, pre- seve: parin ndation for a box factory, machi or which nas oeen pur- chased tland. The building will be 64x90 : power. the build in size, the engine 50-horse carpenters are at work on ag . - The flowing well unearth jus above the site of this factory, ind jnstelow the site of the glass factory, hasBufficient power to supply both factories. - The brick for the glasfi factory will commence to ar rive nxt week. In : connection with these reports it is said Paul Mohr. has let the' contract for delivering seven miles of railway iron at the basin below the dalles of the Columbia. THROUGH FfeigHtaiPasseiiQerLiae Through daily service- (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m, arriving at 1'ortland 5 p. m. , 1ASSKXGKH KATES. One way . - . "... . ... $2.00 Round, trip ..... .-. .'. 3.00 Special rates for parties of six or over. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. PAST FREIGHT. Fruit, per 100 pounds.'. Melons and Green. Vegetables... .40 .SO Through connection with steamers to Astoria and Ilwaco without delay. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland tti arrival.- Live stock shipments 1 solicited." Call -on or address. - W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. I B. F. LAUGH LIN, ! General Mauager. I THE DALLES, - OREGON Will be Sent to Chicago. Independent. Pomeroy has a freak of nature in formation of a human hand in the .growth of a carrot. It has five fingers with nails as natural as on the human hand. It will-be sent to the worlds fair as one of the great curiosi ties produced in the great state of Washington. Will Be Forgotten Then. Portland Telegram. Sew ' York city might as well give up all interest in poli tics and in the movements of Dave Hill and Tom Piatt as long as cholera is try ing by every door to get into the metrop olis. The only time the good . people of thecitvean be expected to foreet the John L. Sullivan. See Onr Poaches. ., Review. The capabilities of the In land Empire in producing fruit seem more wonderful each year. A single bunch of grapes weighing three and a quarter pounds, grown near The Dalles, is now on exhibition in that city, while at Walla - Walla peaches are shown which measure ten inches in circum ference and weigh ten ounces each. - Maker Connty Jewels. Democrat. The exhibit of ores gather ed by J. W. Virtue for the Portland Chamber of Commerce, representing the mineral resources of Baker county and the districts tributary, is ready for ship ment, and will be forwarded to Portland in a few days. The collection is one of the finest and most extensive ever gath ered in this county, and will certainly prove a grand advertisement abroad." Heaven a Barren Waste. " Washington Independent. Thanks to those grand men all over this county, and all parties who are interesting themselves in our election. You shall not be forgotten ; and when the roll of heroes is called, your names will be the first to respond, "here." Such men are always found battling for their coun try's good. This world would be deso late without them, and heaven would be . a barren waste but for their pres ence, - For sale or trade at a bargain a hotel of 23 rooms in Albina, doing a good busi ness. No saloon connected. Near the shops with good paying boarders. Reas ons for selling other business. Address. Hepkkk a Menefek, No. 521 Delay St., Albina, Ore. 9.17dl0t. Will Make a TRIP to CASCADES ON SUNDAY, Qonnetfiijg uitl? Str. Dalles ity for porciand. TICKETS E$1.00 CASCADES A RITOR JOHH G 109 SECOND STREET, PAU L K RE -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS And. the Most Complete and the X0SP"Pra.ctical Painters and Papier bnerwm-w imams anu J. w. Aiasury 8-faints used in ail our work, and none but the most 'skilled workmen employed. - Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical vkmrinftr.fon or finn mixtnrp. A first pIarr arfr.iolft in all rnlors-" All orders promptly attended to. Store and Faint Shop corner Third and AMERICAN SCHOOL'. 0 z O Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in " Boots-and Shoes. 'All. goods r we sell, we warrant. - 114 SBCONS JSfi'Jb-tDBOEIT BEST IN Into The Olf anoran. Ruby Miner.. Tho man who has never voted that ticket before, but will this year, is getting quite frequent. . " . "Howdelicious is the winning : Of a kiss, at love's beginning," -sings the poet, and his sentiment is true with one possible' exception. - If either party has the catarrh, even love's kiss loses its swtetnees. ,Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is a sure cure for this repulsive and distressing affliction. By its mild, soothing, antiseptic, cleansing and heal ing proprieties, it cures the worst cases. $500 reward offered for an incurable case. -Girl Wanted. To do general housework, in a small family; Inernre at the store of Mr.-N, n arris. u.iouu. NOTICE. 4 To All nham It May Concern: Bv order of the Common Council of Dalles City, made and entered on the 3d day of Septem ber, ISfti, notice is hereby given that said City Council is about to proceed to order and raiike the improvements in streets in said city, as here inafter stated, Hill that the cost of such im- rovements, and each of them respectively, will e levied upon the property adjacent thereto; and said improvements, and each of them, will ue muue, uxiiess wimiii umii k.tth a ii r i l 1 1 vr iiuul publication of this notice, the owners of two thirds of the property adjacent to some or oil of the streets about to be improved shall file their remonstrances against such improvements, as by charter provided. Tho improvements contemplated and about to be made are as follows, to-wit: 1. To improve Third street in said city, by building a sidewalk eight feet wide on the torth side thereof, from Wasliington street to Monroe street. - - - 2. To improve Fourth street in said city by buildine a sidewalk six feet wide on the north side thereof, from Court street to Jefferson street. 3. No improve Fifth street in said city bv building a sidewalk six feet wide on the north side thereof, from Union street to Washington street. 4. To minrovc Fifth s reet in said citr by bnilding a sidewalk six feet wide on the south side thereof, from Union street to Washington street. - 5. To imnrnve Washington street in said city bv building a sidewalk eight feet wide on the west tide thereof, from Third street to Bisth street. 6. To imnrove rcderal street in stud cltv bv building a sldewnik ten feet wide on the west siae tnere jr, irom ine uttey oeiweeu oecoiia ana Third streets to Third street. 7. To imurove Federal street in said cltv bv build ing a sidewalk eight feet wide on the caBt siae tnercoi. irom inira street 10 rouna street. 8. To improve Laughlin street in said city by building a sidewalk ten -feet wide on the west side thereof, from Second street to Third street, and a sidewalk eight feet wide on the west side thereof, from Third street 10 Fourth street. . To improve J-aughliu street in said city by buildiug a sidewalk ten feet wide on the east side thereof, from (jecoud street to Third street, and a sidewalk eight feet wide on the east side thereof, from Third street to Fourth street. 10. To improve Jefferson street in said city bj building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the west side thereof, from Second street to Third street, and a sidewalk eight feet wide on the west side thereof from Third street to Fourth street. 11. To improve Madison street in said city by building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the. west side thereof, from First street to Tnird street. 12. lo improve Madison street in said city by bnilding a sidewalk ten feet wide on the east side thereof, from Second street to Third street. All of said sidewalks will bo built, constructed and erected in accordance with the provisions of an ordinance to define and establish the width and manner of building sidewalks in Dalles City, being Ordinance No. 10S, which passed the Common Council of Dalles City March Tih, 18S0, except as otherwise hereinbefore specified. 1 Dated thi9 10th day of September. 1892. FRANK MENEFEK, 9.14dl Recorder of Dalles City. , NOTICE. To Ml Whom It May Concern: By order of the Common Council of Dalles City, made and entered on the 3d day of Septem ber, 1892, notice is hereby given that said City Council is about to proceed to order and make the improvements of streets in said city as hereinafter stated, and that the cost of such improvements, and each of them respectively, will be levied upon the property adjacent thereto: - and said im provements, and each of them, will be made, unless within fourteen days from the iinal pub lication of this notice, the owners of two-thirds of the property adjacent to some or all of the streets about to be improved shall file their Ve monstrance against such improvements, as by charter provided : The improv.-ments contemplated and about to be rondo are as follows, to wit; 1. To improve Union street in said city, by building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the cast side thereof, from First street to Second street. 2. To improve Second treet in said city by building a sidewalk ten feet wide on the north .uw luciwi. 1 1 in uuiuu buwi iuuri Bireoi. All of said sidewalks will be bnilt, constructed and erected in accordance with the provisions of an ordinance to define and establish the width and manner of building ' sidewalks in Dalles City, being Ordinance No. 108, which passed tho Common Council of Dal ea Citr. March 7th, 1SS5, except as otherwise hereinbefore speciuvu. - . Dated this 12th day of September, 1S92. FRANK ME ME FEE, -9.14dl4 : Recorder of Dalits City. HERTZ, THE DALLES. OREGON. FT & CO., AND GLASS. Latest Patterns and Designs in Hangers. None but the best brands of the Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon X O AMERICA. I Stock Holders Meeting The regular annual meeting of the stock holders of The Chronicle Pub lishing Company will be held in the hall over The Chronicle office at 8 p. m., October 14th, 1892. Directors for the ensuing year will be elected, and such other business as may properly come before said meeting will be transacted thereat. ; V. G. Bolton, secretary. -. 9.2td A Traveling Man's Experience With Diarrhoea. " -I am a traveling man and have been afflicted with whattis called chronic diar rhoaa for some ten years. Last fall ! was in Western Pennsylvania, and accident ally was -mtroaucea . to (Jhamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoa Remedy. I ventured to 'make a trial and waa wonderfully relieved. I would like now to introduce 11 among my menus. Jti. M. Lewis, 24 Freeman street, Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by Blakely & Houghtoa. druggists. . - - .. . : Citv taxes for 1892 are now due and payable within sixty days, at the office. of the undersigned. - ; - L. Korden, Uitv treasurer. Dalles City, July 6th, 1892. .. . : saved tils child's Lire. A. N. DilfeVbough, York, Neb., savs: "The other dav I came home and found my little boy down with cholera morbus, mv wife $r?RWl. not tnOirini what, to do. 1 weui. sirarguiwuy aim gut a cent bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera" and Diarrhoea Remedy, and gave it ac cording to directions. You never saw such a change in a child. Ilislimbsand body were cold. I rubbed his limbs and body with my bands, and atter I bad given him the second dose he went to sleep, and, as ray -wile says, "irom a death-bed he was up playing in three hours." It saved me a doctor bill of about three dollars, and what is better, it saved my child. I can recommend it with a clear conscience." For sale by PHOTOGRAPHER. Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. - CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs .-(Sttossors to W. i Cran.) - , Manufacturers 01 tne tines 1 r rencn ana -Homo Made O JHL iN -I ' JL.J24 S East of Portland.' . ' . -DEALERS 1N- Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wbolcsala or Retail frFKBSH OYSTEtS&- In Every Style. . Ice Cream and Soda Water: 104 Second Street. Tho Dalles, Or. ': - DEW DROP INN. The very best Wines, Liqnora and Cor dials. Imported and Domes - tic Cigars.