A A VOL. IV. THE DALLES. OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1892. NO. 74; r W. E. GARRETSON, Leading- Jeweler. fiOLK AUENT FOI: TIIK All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St.. The IUe. Or. Rranich and Bach Pios, Recognised as Standards of the high est grade of manufacture. JUDGE NELSON'S DECISION. Hpeaking of patent medicines, the Judge says : "I wish to deal fairly and honorably 'with all, and when I find an article that will -do what it is recom mend (d to do, I am not ashamed to say eo. I am acquainted with Dr. Vander pool (having been treated by Jiim for cancer), and. have used his blood medi cine, known as the 8. B. Headache and Liver Care, and while I am 75 years old, and have used many pills and other remedies for . the blood, liver and kid neys, I most say that for a kidney tonic in rights disease, and as an alterative for the blood, or to correct the action of the stomach and bowels, it ia a very su perior remedy, and beats anything I ver tried. J. B. Nelsox, Yakima,. Wash.' At 50 cents a bottle. It is - the- .poor 4 man's friend and family doctor. JOHN PASHEK, t - Tailor, "' Next doortoWasoo Sun. Joet Received, - a fine 'stock of Baitings, . Pants Patterns; etc., of all latest Styles, at Low Prices. ... Madison's Latest System used in catting garments, ana a nt guaranteea ,. ... each time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. ZX1. H- Young, BiacKsmi ifi & wagon shod General Blacksmitbing and Work done promptly, and all work : Guaranteed." . ' HoFse Shogeing a .Spciality Tfeirt Street, opposite the old Lielie Stand. CBAB. 8TUBIJNG. OWIN WILUAMB. Slubling 8 Williams, The Germafiia, SECOND ST., THE DALLES, - OREGON J8F"Dea1ers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars . Milwaukee Beer on Draught- i Ihe St. Charles Hotel, r PORTLAN DP OREGON: 1 This old, popular and reliable house has been entirelyfarnished, and every room has been re papered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience." Rates reasonable. A good restaurant attached to the hoB"Be.'--'rei-ibua to and from all train e. v- -4, .. -fc..-- - C. W. KNOWLES. Prop. Clothing Our pall lji)e Of. Clothing and Furnishing Goods is now complete. You can - 5aue fTOT)ey By seeing our stock before making your purchases. Ho nn DRUG 3 Snipes Kinersly, -THE LEADING- Handled' by ThreeRsiwjlnisK. ALSO ALlr Patent Deieines and Druggists Sundries, HOUSE PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City for The Sherwin, William &o.Vpainter : - WE ARB ' ' " ' " The Largest Dealers' in Wall Paper. v .":.'' " . '; !. i . if ' V i.' f.'-. V-'. .' . Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Agent for Tansill's Punch." . - 129 Second Street, J. o FlflE WlMEg DOME8TIC And KEY WEST CIOARS. -,. FRENCH'S 171 SECOND. STREET; WM. BUTLER & CO., -DEALERS IN- .,L.,i, JE-. Jii. . Building Material, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Lime; Plaster, Hair and Cement. A lihsrar discount to the trade JEFFERSON STREET, between Second -. .. ;'. si.--; THE LEADING '? ' The Dalles, Oregon and LIEjllQKff THE -CELEBRATED PABST BEER. BLOCK. ;- r.THE DALLES, OR. in all . lines handled by us. and Railroad. THE DALLES, OR MACK RUSSIA MUST ANSWER A TerriMe Account ta Settle ia lie CiTilized forli-. THE HOLER A INVASION SOURCE. An Appaling Supplement to the Awful Work of Famine. CRIMINAL, NEGLKCT BY RUSSIA. The Comtug Problem in International Sanitation The Boundaries -. at - " Matlons. New Yokk Sept. 9. The World thia morning reprodacea the following Jrorn its issue of Nov.' 11 , 1891, with eommenta ; Should present fears be realized and Russia become the starting point bl an4 other invasion of western Europe by cholera, the civilized world will have a terrible account to settle with the czar." Thia waa when Rnseian peasants were dying by the tens of thoDBande from fam ine. In the wake of starvation and death a plague had already, made its appear ance, which Russian physicians called typhus, but which subsequent events proved was true Asiatic cholera. The world now knows that the dreaded cholera has invaded western Europe and America. It also knows that Europe has propagated the plague and that the victims in that country in less than a twelvemonth form an appalling supple ment to the work of famine. Persia and other Asiatic countries are rarely; free from cholera, but weetern Europe is not at the raercv nt AsiaTt -v the germs are carried across the Russian border westward that Europe ' trembles. And that is what ha& now; occurred, through the wretched inefficiency of governmental inspection and the crimi nal neglect of so-called bureau officers. Russia's responsibility to the. civilized worlds grows - apace. Experience baa shown that the tjnaran tiiiing regulations of western Europe and America.; are not an infallible prevention. : Cholera can be limi ted; - and- in - ti me stamped out, batftherriek and loss to com inanities are fncateuJable. w.-:Someil th e plagues sent Westward' seemito grow in: virulence as they- gai it foothold . i n --. other coun tries. This ia one .of the', coming- problems in international 'Habitation, As preventive medieiae and hygiene-are the recognized factors in obviating epidemics, questions affecting the public health can take no account of the boundaries of nations. If the czar's dominions are to continue an epidemic-breeder, he and his govern ment may have to be taught a salutary lesson. " ' UoUlnnville Artesian Well. -. McMrsJNViLLK, Sept. 7. An artesian well, .being -bored near the depot, has been sending up a volley of sulphurous air since 2 o'clock. The drill, passed through a 10-foot, strata of sandstone at a depth of 1 CO. feet, w hen ' the mud and water was struck. This wa9 thrown into the air, bespattering the surround ing buildings. Then followed the dry air. A steam gauge gave the pressure at thirty-five pounds per square inch'. The temperature is 65 Fahr. It flows through an inch and a half iron pipe, and has flowed unabated for. five hours. The well has been visited by hundreds. Water is expected when the air is ex hausted, and if the pressure is kept up it will raise the water nearly 100 feet. Commissioner 8cates. . Northampton, Sept. 9. Gov-. Rus sell's new nominee ' for savings bank commissioner, Mr. David W. C. Scatee, has been erroneously reported to be a resident of Newbnryport. He lives in Northampton, where he has resided . for the past ten years,- having previously lived in New Hampshire, serving two terms in the legislature of that state Latterly he' has been engaged in busi ness in Northampton, and for two years he was superintendent of streets here. He comes highly recommended, for the position 'of savings bank commissioner, having a liberal education, and being ah expert in the examination of books and accounts. -- --- - - - - Please Arise and Explain. Review. As the campaign progresses we hope the Washington democracy will tell Ha what they think about the state bank plank in the national platform. President Harrison and Mr. Blaine have shown the dangers, of .the proposition. Why are the democratic leaders so silent about it beauties? - The Staff F. P. Men Are Made or. ;Time8. Disgruntled Lish Applegato wants it distinctly Understood that . he is not going to say, that he likes the mis use to Which he was subjected during' the present administration ; but he will not jutnp elear over the traces nntil he gets bis political bearings a little better in these troublous times. , He will take a tour to the north in ft few weeks, un less the administration does something to prevent it, and make a few non-partisan.' poli&eall speeches oh" the way, in which he wiil' endeavor to apologize for the lack of common eenee displayed by Harrison and his minions in , the eccle siastical wing of the g. o. p. While he is as yet ,a republican, and, of course, Icat.and loy'l,. he won't guarantee that the fur will not fly to some' extent dur ing bis tour, unless .something is done in the interim to change his views. No ordinary appointment will sufBce to act as the balm of Uilead, either. . '- Want Every thins; In Sight. Star. Once Upon ft time a dog swim ming across a river with a nice beef-bone ia his mouth, acted exactly , like the Wells-Fargo express company. - Seeing the reflection of the beef in the water under bis nose, and thinking it was an other piece of beef, he snapped at it and lost bis bone Not long ago the govern ment paid an express company $3,500 for carrying $7,000,000 in gold from Philadelphia to New York. This was more than: the cost of bringing nearly three times that amount across the con tinent. The greed of the '. Wella-Fargo-gang lately compelled the government to ship at ita own risk $20,000,000 in gold from San Francisco, and it looks now as if the government would ".trans fer the express ' business; to its own hands, for it is: well aware that Wells Fargo, like the dog in the fable, wants everything insight. j - . : . '' "-".".Fire in the Berry' Patch. ; Klamath- Star.- - A strong and rapid current of flame flew like a red -steer through the dry- blackberry patch this results were ; dreadfnl ijJhrJdftrs. There waB a wild leaping back of men women, bears and horses, and a glitter ing of tins.' - Fluttering skirts, 'coat tails and horses' hind; hoofs receded rapidly from the fiery, front, while - far 'in the distance ahead of 'these several fine $10 bear pelts seemed to be wafting np the Cascades. Harry.. Pearson, of Keno, says several horses got their ' hair scorched off, and two yonng ladies whose names be ' was unable to learn : were badly burned about, the face and neck. The cause of the fire is the thoughtlees neBS of some camper' who left his fire where it could creep forth ' and wing itself for a. not pursuit of all living things, Including the 'camper- himself. - 5 As inieaioai Dan. - A valley merchant has the following ingenious dun embodied in bis local ad vertisement.. It is good reading': '"The best way ta keep your credit good is by not using it too indiscriminately. A thing to remember : September is tle month to pay bills, whether you receive duns or not. The best time to pay. bills ia when you have, the money. Never put this off until those you owe have to employ an attorney to-assist yon in rail ing . the money. t It is dangerous busi ness." Baa Modified Hi Wishes'. Coulee City News. : When we started the News we had three objects in view governor, senator or congressman," After we were "fairly in it" we found so many aspirants wantiug the same soft snaps that now we are looking up some other worthy object by which we can reach the highest rounds in the ladder of fame. Music In The Paleoae. Colfax Commoner. The hum of the threshers, the whirr of headers and the strong voices of the drivers mingling with the chuck-a-chuck ' of the grain wagons, make the pastoral music' which floats' to one on -the breezes of Indian snmmer, and the tunes they play are stir ringonea. -v- f i. - - Ad-rlce. . Walla Walla Statesman. The psople of Spokane gave Jim Hill $2,000,000 to bring the Great .Northern to their city. Now, then, Seattle, chow your grit and give $3,000,000 yourselves to dig your canal, and dig it 18930 U -;;:.,'' I- Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. 1 "Q'F '" -1 :------J&1SS& REFUGEES ARRIVED. Villagas Safely Landci on Gsnerons-. American SoiL . .. HOW THEY WERE ENABLED TO SAIL Influence of War Vessels of Foreign . Powers ia Venezuelan Waters. --' CONSTANT FACTIONAL . '.FIGIITING ' President Villaga) Comes Here. Not as - an Exile, but for the Bent In terests of Llv. - Chicago,, Sept. 9. A New. York spe cial announces the arrival, there of' President Villagas, and a number of refngees from Venezuela, who were en abled to leave Venezuela because of the influence of war vessels- of foreign pow ers. ' Passengers oh the same vessel say that the state of affairs in Venezuela is ' worse than ever' It ' was formerly a struggle for supremacy between parties, h,ut now tho war has degenerated into constant fighting between factions and " brigands, eo that all of Venezuela is in a state bordering .on anarchy. "I am still president of Venezuela. - Nobody bas any fight to the title, for I have not lesigned,"- said Guillermo Tell Villa gas. "I -was - neither imprisoned, nor was I exiled. General Mendoza was commander of a portion of the govern ment army." He refused to obey the or der of Ybirrra, who was my minister of war,' and suddenly andnnexpectedly returned to Caracas with his command.' He sought me , immediately, end ur- -Mtlxjun9e:edcia:taii I which I refused to. perform, having proper respect and regard, for the "laws. and constitution of my country, which I was bound by oath to uphold and main- -tain. Thereupon he proclaimedhim- ' self dictator of the republic. - I was un able to perform the functions of my of fice, and deemed it best to retiro from the country." - A. Sprig: of Gentility. London, Sept. 9. It seems to be def initely , settled that the ancestral ' acres of the Marquis of Ailesbury can be sold to liquidate its owner's debts, and that their future owner will be Lord Iveagh, who belongs to the great brewing house -of Guinness. - Here are sixteen miles of. forest, located " right in the garden of " England, and possessing a historic in terest that is beyond the measure of wealth. . Its new owner will lie more worthy of - the" memories of the place than the worthless eprig who bas squan dered a vast fortune. Lord Iveagh bas by honest work over the vats of hia an cestors, made a position for himself, as well as money enough to pay 750,000 ' for the Savernakc mansion and its vast acres.. The brewer of brown stout is to . be congratulated, as are also the Mare quis of Ailesbury 's numerous" creditors. ! . The Kins; Is Dethroned. . Telegram. ; The ruling monarch of pugilism ia dethroned and the coronet of muscle will ornament another brow. Beef alone- is conquered by beef and brain combined. How are the mighty, fallen I Now the rabble will lift their hats and cheer a new king, while the former leader withdraws by himself and inquires for' the shortest route to ob livion. ; The offspring of refined Boston; the product of the land of baked beans galore, the demolisher of faces, and the-; chief exponent of the "manly" art, is in disgrace., - '... f - : .-' Transitory Honors. - Courier. -What a contrast between' the bard that passed the portals of death. Wednesday morning and the pugilists that fought to a finish within the gates of the Olympic Club that night.- The fame and glory of the former shall not die as long, as literature lives but the honors of tho latter are only transitory and fleeting, rv.rt"." z!r'y-'-'"- y -