CO 4 THE DALLES. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, 1892; NO. 72; VOL. IV. W. E. GARRETSQN, Leaaiaa Jeweler. SOLE AGENT Fill: Til! L- .. . 1 - j - - ,- - J'&Si - ntrnrifT AM Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order 138 Second St.. The Dalles. Or. Our pall Clothing, Of Clothing and Furnishing Goods is'now complete.; Ydli can ' " 5aue foi)ey Kranich and Bach Pianos. By seeing our stock, before making your . purchases.. POLITICS IN CHICAGO. Both Political' ;: Parties are Without Qrganizatioii. , V v POLITICALLY SPLIT ''IS.. TWAIN. Factions J Contending Lftr Supremacy Within the Party Lines. ' ' ONIA SLBKriJfO" ON THEIR AlOlS. Recognised as Standards of the high est grade of manufacture. JUDGE NELSON'S decision: Speaking of patent medicines, the Judge eaya: "I wish to deal fairly and honorably with all, and when I Gnd an article that will do what it is recom mended to do, I am not ashamed to eay bo. I am acquainted with. Dr. Vander pool (having been treated by him for cancer), and have used his blood medi cine, known as the 8. B. Headache and Liver Cure, and while I am 75 years old, and have used many pills and other remedies for the blood, liver and kid nev8. 1 must eay that for a kidney tonic in B rights disease, and as an alterative for the blood, or to correct the action of the stomach and bowels, it is a very sn uerior remedy, and lieats anything I ever tried. J. B. Nki.son, Yakima, Wash At 50 cents a bottle. It is the poor man s mend and family doctor. - Annie Wright Seminary, Boarding and Day School for Girls. Hinth Year begins Sept. 8th . 1892 For Admission, Apply to the Principal IVIrs. Sarah K. White, Annie Wright Seminary. IACOMA, WASH. JOHN PASHEK, it - Tailor, Next door to Wasco San. Just Received, a fine slock of Suitings, Pants Patterns, etc., of all latest Stvles. at Low Prices. Madison's Latest System used fn cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Repairing, and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. v. 1X1. H. Young, BiacKsmitH&wapiSiioii General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all ; work . ; . Guaranteed. Horse Shoeeing a Speiality Third Street, opposite tie olil LieMani MRS. C. DAVIS Has Opened the 1EVERE 3 : RESTAURANT In the Ses;.-Frame BuUdingon SECO! STREET, Next to the ' ; Diamond Flouring Uillsw - First Class Meals Furnished at all Hours. 'i'dWhiie H1p Employed! Vy Id Md Wil . ! 7 i .r. DRUG S Snipes Kin ersly -THE LEADING Beady to fly at Each Other's Throats at the Flrat Koto of War Noth lug Prepared. ' - Handled by Three Registered Druggists, j . ..." " ALSO ALL THE! LEADING Patent ffledieines and Druggists Sundries, HOUSE PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. Agent3 for Murphy's" Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the Uity tor The bherwm, Williams uo. s ramts. -WE AKE- The Largest Dealers in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported . Key West andj Domestic Cigars. Agent for Tansili s runch. 129 Second Street, The Dalles. Oregon . tETTEB? FKOH THK PEOPLE. ' Gnoil Itond and Convict Labor TariflT - , Cholera tc. . " . i Special to The Chbokccm.) . -r- The Dalles, Sept. 7. I have taken a very great interest . in . the question of good roads, how to mate and maintain them : also in the convictlabor question. It seems to me tliat the quickest way to settle toth - of these most important questions would be.for each state to do away.with the present system of con tracting convict labor .and put tho con victs to work on the' public highway. Then would come an era of good road m'akinsrrTt wonld ' settle-rtrikea and labor troubles to a certain extent, for the j convicts would not come into -competi tion with, tradesmen, r. mechanics and day laborers. ' .8. B. R. , Don't Want free Trade. -Dufcr, Sept. 5. I am am V0 years old and was in business during the time the democrats had a tariff for revenue only. Owing to the constant drain . of gold to pay. the balance ot trnae against tins country times were excessively hard and I lost heavily and paid as high as 12 per cent to get gold to run my business. The state banks and stock-security banks supplied the currency, but if you got a bill of it you did not know one day whether it would be good the next. The democratic platform., declares for free trade. Mr. Cleveland said in his speech of acceptance that protection was all wrong. Now how. is Gen. Black or any other candidate going to alter the plat form? They can'tdo it. The republican platform says the manufacturer is en titled . to . the difference in . wages in foreign countries, and it is so. .' M. J . li. . v.-' A PreTentlve for Cholera. . The Dalles, Sept. 7. At a time like this, when . cholera- threatens to invade our land, will, you please publish the following preventive, aDd . if - only one case maj thereby be prevented, it will repay alt. the trouble. Marseilles (or thieves vinegar, as it is called) is pro nounced infallible as a preventive of cholera. It was invented during a sea son; of pestilence, by , four thieves, who spent their time plundering the dying and the dead, with no fear of infection, thei vinegar with which' they supplied themselves being ft successful disinfect ant. Their recipe, which is in use to day, is as follows:' Dried tops of large and small wormwood,- roBemary, sage, mint, roe, lavender flowers, two ounces of each ; calamus root, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, garlic, one and one fourth ounces each ; camphor, one-half OPENED BY THE MAYOR The Contest For Tne LigHt-W ei0f . World-Championship. . JACK McAULIFF WON THE BELT. Sullivan Shall Wear no Pine Pitch Plaster on This TriclL " - - . J r IP fORBEVS BACKEKS. ARE FIBM. Xba Question Will be KaUed When the Pugilist Enter The King To-. . Night. Topic. Chicago, Sept 7. With all the fuss and feathers that were painfully in evi dence during the last two years, both political parties begin the campaign of 1892 in Chicago practically, without organization. The. situation is .better explained by the statement of Ex-Sena tor Bloom-ot. Auburn Park. He says "the republicans have held the city hall and dispensed the city patronage for a year and a half, and yet that party is not only without organization but is practically split in twain by factions contending for supremacy within the party. In the democratic' camp the Harrimon and antt-Harrimon factions have been Bleeping on their arms, but ready to fly at each other's throats at the first, note of war. Nothing, how ever, has been done toward preparing to battle with the common enemy the republicans. At the. opening of -the 'campaiga there was not a democratic organization in Cook county for the purpose of aiding the party at the gen eral election.' The fact is that politics, such as we have had for the last year and - a half in this city, baa not been jjartiean politics, but- mere factional contentions. The city -hall patronage has been used not to strengthen the grand old party, but to strengthen the Gilbert-Hertz-Washburne machine a; gainst the other factions of the party. The patronage has been- dispensed with a .view to controlling the primary elec tions, and not for the DUrnose of carry ing general elections. Democratic punce ; concentrated acetic acid,, two J. o. LV1AGK FIflE WIME$ and LptHg ! DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. 171 FRENCH'S BLOCK. - SECOND STREET, ; : THE DALLE8, OR. W M . BUTLER & CO. -DEALERS - ; .'- -' i ' . IN- Building , Rough and Pressed 3.- A:.7f. lumber, Lime, Plaster, Hair and Cement. A literal discount to the trade in all lines handled by us. 4 JEFFERSON STREET, between Second ad Railroad. THE DALLES, OR plans, such as they are, have been; laid preparatory to a resumption of the wearisome Harrimon quarrel: - Now that the time has come for active work with a . view of carrying the general election in November, nothing is ready and no one appears to know what to do." The republican ' state central commit tee will hold apnieeting at the Grand Pacific hotel today. One of the princi pal questions to be considered will be the disposition. '"of speakers. It is in tended to ' take up the" congressional districts separately and apportion the orators-assigned; by the national com mittee to Illinois for the campaign-. The other questions to rome before the state committee's meeting were consid ered by the executive officers last even ing. Republicans are beginning, to plume themselves in the idea that they are certain to carry the lower house of the legislature, ana whenever tncre is a possibility of , saving a. member, the party, managers can present claims for' the presence ot tne greatest guns, availa ble in the campaign . . ; - : Eastern Oregon Weather. Pobtland, Sept. " 6. Crop-weather bulletin 23 says of Eastern Oregon : The cohcenBns of the weekly reports from correspdndents in tbia section is:: Fine wea'tWefi for -harvesting purposes and general farm work.' There has -been no Talnlanatandiirtng tbe; week j but the Indications ore for a few scattered show- erB before' long, "to cleat up' the smoke and' dost floating in the air, and perhaps i mprove- the -tan tres.:- ! Tiie temperatures have-not beferi quite so high' this week ; the'eittfemeBr:hav ranged frottr 33" to 39V' -'A? light1 frost -ia .reported from TJnion 6tm Won-thethViitd" hardly any damage- at all.-v Threshing opera tions continue in'full activity. -In por tions of Grant county the wheat crop is expected to turn out almost as good as the average crop. Haying-has been go ing on steadily ; there will be ah abun dance of it this year. Stock is looking very . well.. - Potatoes :Sare deucedly scarce, is the cry ndw heard everywhere, except in Malheur count nrGiliiaftr correspondent writes that there is hardly ft baBhel of merchantable tubers in his district today Oats are now be ing harvested in Sherman county, and the yield will &iriy:gca.,Fruitris reported as "ripening fast; apples es pecially. ' 'These ar-vTeinarkably free from insects this season. ponces; strong vinegar, . eight pounds. Macerate the herbs in the vinegar for two weeks; strain, press and "add., the camphor dissolved in : the -acetic acid. It Is used as a perfume .about the per son, or dropped in the water for bath ing. A little of it burned on a shovel will deodorize a room. S. P. M. . j: -x Sir Charles Cox. Independent. : There passed away, by the death in London a few days ago of Sir Charles Fox, a . character whom Thackery wonld have delighted- to por tray. '. Sir Charles1 was a man. whose un usual stature and excessive thinness would have made him noticeable in any circumstances, and these physical ec centricities were accentuated by his sui- srular 'attire. lie wore invariably a dress coat of antique cut, gray trousers, open buff waistcoat, high Gladstonian collar and an immense neckcloth.' His hat was of a style of several generations ago. Sir Charles was a constant peram bulator of the streets, and a noted at tendant at weddings. "-iU'S - ; A Temporary Epidemic. St. . Lonis .GloberDemocrat. There were more and worse labor distnrbances in 1877 and 1886 than there "have been in 1892, but the - country recovered from them all right. The English papers, are too hasty in predicting the oolapse of the social and political fabric in the United States. . . .v . " , . St. Louis, Septi'Sow' Jans has ". the distinction of eU"n;iii nxfi"10 com; bined aggregation of the human-brute character of the world this week,""and her mayor has distinguished himself by opening the arena with a formal speech by announcing at the Olympic club last night that a contest for the light-weight championship of . the world wa's about -to take place. Ho received a ronsing . cheer. .-. As the ex-mayor finished his : brief speech Professor John Duffy, , the . official referee, crawled through the padded ropes. . s. The pugilists Mc- . Aulifle and Myer soon appeared, wear ing only trunks, shoes . and stockings. They, shook hands at 9 :15 and returned to their corners.. At 9 :2b , time was called. Fifteen rounds were fought, when Myer went down for the last time. - He tried to get up, but .his strength was . : gone, and he fell on the lower, rope- and '. then on tho floor. The crowd gave a great yell as the. referee gave tlie de-.' cision, and Mac stood ready to shake Myer's hand. Myer's seconds had to lift him to his feet und take him to his corner. - Mac ran over to him and grasped the defeated man's hand. Then the. happy victor shook hands with everybody. Afterthe battle, Dick Roche . challenged "any! man---in the world to fight Mack at 138 pounds, "to weigh at the ring side, for $1,000 a side, ami the best purse any club can hang up. : Ia regard to the coming fight, between Corbett and Sullivan tonight, the Cor bett men claim that in previous fights Sullivan has worn his trunks high up, and that beneath he had worn bandages to protect his stomach. Phil Casey says fighters frequently- wear : a : pine pitch plaster over the abdomen to stay them during the contests Frank Moran, who has a share in the Sullivan stakes, was questioned as to the Sullivan view of the Corbett claim that the champion must dress no higher than the navel iu this - fight. "We have nothing to sa3- in the matter," quoth Morari.. "Sullivan will go .into the , ring . ready to fight. If there is any question as to the methods. complaint must be made to the- Olym- . pio Club officers, who will act as thev deem right. We havo no controversy wi tlx the Uorbett crowd." Hood River Irrigation. Glacier. At the request of many citizens, we publish the fact that a meet ting will be held at Armory hall, Wed nesday afternoon next at 2 o'clock for the purpose of discussing the water question. - The object being to see if some plan can be devised ,by which the. water can be supplied by the people themselves. The crop from live, acres of" strawberries on each side of the river, will pay the coat of building a : ditch carrying water enough for all,' in fottr ... years. Or if one-bundred farmers will each plant 100 feet square to strawber ries, the crop will pay f6"r the ditch- in one vear. - And yet we hesitate .about tackling the job. - ' - : -" ' V. Royal Baking Has no Equal. The United States ; Official Report Of Uie Government Baking Powder tests recently made, under authority of Congress by the Department of Agriculture, Washington; D. C.,: furnishes he; highest authoritative infor- mation. as to which powder is the best The Official Report shows ; the, ROYAL superior to all others in leaven ; , a creani ; . optartar; powder of highest quality.