3) J ust Received ! :A. FULL LINE OF GENTS" Tie Dalles, PortlanJ asi Astoria : Navigation Co. V. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, OVERS H I.RTS, EiW. COLLARS and and CUFFS. iilator Line mm o The Dalles Daily Chroniele. Kntcrcd a the PostoSlce at Tho Dalles, Oregon, . as second-class mutter. ... Local Advertising. 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. . All local notices received later than 2 o'clock will appear tae following day. MONDAY SEPT. 5, 1892 LOCAL BREVITIES. Dr. Saunders, family arrived from Saginaw yesterday. Several wives of firemen accompany their husbands to Portland today. Another batch of water rights were filed in the county clerk's office Satur day, from the' Portland combination. C. W. Kljtbjt-Cjf Cow canyon, has anoved his fatijjinto the city, to give his childreiywettefSof ilities for attend ing echo Commencing Sept. 5th Miss Alma Schmidt will give piano instructions. For particulars inquire at residence. v . 0-5tf Mr. J. II. Sherer was in The Dalles yesterday, a passenger from Portland by the Regulator Saturday. He was accompanied by Mrs. Sherer. The old hand engine, looking as pretty as a new wax doll, after manipu lations by Engineer Brown, was shipped to Portland last night, for the parade today. Sis columns of prize fighting litera ture, in . the Sunday Oregonian, were received disdainfully by christian people here, and it is supposed elsewhere, yes terday. ' Chas. Butler, of Port Townsend, is in the city. He is buying some cattle now, having taken 160 to 200 head from Win, Floyd on 5-Mile, and Dan Lyle on Wil low creek, at ruling prices.. A philosophical T. P. A. says : "My best hotel (it may be two stories tall or 30) is where they know' me, call me by same, and I notice , it i always well patronized. The finest furniture of a hotel is the clerk." The Umatilla will bo the post to re ceive reports frontheCorbett-BuIlivan light Wednesday V ighL The W U. op-, perator, Mr. Balfe Johnson, haviug made special arrangements to hare each round posted on buljetin board inh hoteL.- r Pursers Hampshire .and Bpfler, on the Regulator and Dalles City, exchang ed pulpits yesterday. Johnny", went through, and.. Truman came through,. They take their, respective, places again J tomorrow. ' . " , i y-- - S. F. Blythe, formerly of Hood Rjver, late candidate on the (democratic ticket residence in Porharfd, we presume, as he has been drawnhs a . juror to serve during the next ter orbe state circuit .court. ." ' "'' ' " ' The Wasco Academy opened for thel term this morning, yiib a good attend-J ance, Prof. J. Illinois, princi Brown, late of full corps of st year. "The teachers the a prospects oi in re now very promising. '' T.J. Driver is in the city today at tending county court. He left - his threshing well in- hand. From him we obtain some valuable statistics of the crop as he and his brothers . find it, 1: threshing for themselves and others, '.which will bo given tomorrow. jBtajftloy palahd a un. aaVLa iJ 4chooV School opens next Monday, and the" boys will need new suits. We "can fit them out complete. : We have suite, with knee pants, for ' $2.00 ; : youth's suits with long pants for $5.00, all beau ties and in the prevailing colors. 1 In ex tra pants we can give you the knee for 50 cents, and the long for $2.00.' If they want hats or caps, we have them, a new lot, just arrived from the east, all the. latest styles and colors. In shoes we offer you 'The Waverly School Shoe", aB a special, bnt we can give you a good shoe as low aB $1.50. Our stock in all lines is full and complete. Come in and look it over PEASE & MAYS. Messrs. Glenn and Kinneisly are in the consolidated city today. ' ' Mrs. Story and daughter Aubie re turned this morning from a visit to the falley. Mrs. M. T1. Nolerf has returnedto the city, and our wortiyP. M. is now domi ciled "at home Mr. and Mrs. C! DixonNate of Brook lyn, have arrived, and are looking for a business location here. ' County cout in session today, Judge Blakeley Jqsiding. The county commissioners IjfilNjneet with Judge ajobaley on wydnesdaS. Conductor Rico was take's very sick at Umatilla to-day, and Dr. Logan was called up to John Day to meet him and administer to his wants. The truth has leaked out why Philips is closing out the millinery store by auction! He is perfecting a beverage that will knock the cholera and will take it to the World's fair. Mrs. French .end her son H. W. French, of Safinawxlich., are here looking after theSStrand Dalles invest ments, and areso wll pleased that they propose to pelnain. ariOswill build a resi dence in the new city. The Jubilee singers took the Regulator lor i-ortiana tms morning. They were well received at the armory Saturday night. Additional Beats would have to have been brought in, only for the free show between Mars and Luna ontside. The public schools and academies of this city resumed studies this morning. Prof. SmithNas pcesent at the public schools and assletgaProf. Gavin in the opening. ProvGjayin comes., from Roodhoaso puJmcchoolJU., where he was principarfor,fouSt years. prise eaturaay evening, in the form of a visit from D. A, Sawdey, Esq of Erie, Pa., traveling in company with Dr. Peter Barkley and wife, en route home from the Knights. Templar conclave at Denver. Mr. Sawdey is a nephew of Mrs. Lewis. - A gentleman from chivalrous Georgia, was a guest at tho Umatilla yesterday. The Tennessee Jubilee Singers, as black as the ace of spades, were guests also. The Georgian revolved the situation over in his mind somewhat sardonically and smiling as he addressed ' Col. Sinnott, said: "There don! t appear to be much difference in this country, between a white man andaJnlgge."' "No,"' was Col.,8ir4npttquick rep5yr,,there is not; except that.eoe is white, and. the . other is black." ' ' C fF AJbpat jBixty-five -Dalles city fireman are parading jn -.Portland .today..7 It is n-pecassion;,. jrhifhs-will. ..be -observed hereafterribvegon annually. It is .in keeping witbax admirable custom now xlevelopirig throughout the United States, siniilar to ttrski'day 6fC' by per sons following the same trades .and oc cupations. -;'''' ';'"' A - Ilel Estate Transction. Sosan F. Dibble,, of Portland, has received a patent for 160 acres of the pabHedomaint near -Hood River, upon which appear the epencerian hand of Benjamin- Harrison affixed by Ml Mc Kaan , secretary, and the big' red eagle seal. But Susan sold the land to C. W. I Pellett, for $100, and both patent and deed were nied.ior recora this morning in the county clerk's office. - ' BORN.. -t In this citv. Sect, 4th. to the wife of U. llerbring, a daughter. O Common Connoll. . The regular monthly meeting of the council was held Saturday evening in the recorder's office. - Present,' Hon.- Robert Mays, mayor; E. B. Dufur, Paul Kreft, H. J. Maicr, C. E. Haight and Thomas H. Joles, councilmen. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The petition of J. C. Hostetler and L D. Ainsworth, for rebate of taxes, was read, and, on motion, referred to com mittee on -streets and public property. Bide for constructing corral for im pounding cattle were opened, as followo : John Parrott, $37; P. C" Davis, t65 ; John Cates, $66; C. M. Touts, $78; A. Anderson, $86. , It appearing that the bid of John Parrott was the lowest one offered, the saue was, upon motion, ac cepted. ,' . . - A report from the. fire and water com mittee was', read and, on motion, adopted. ' A motion to build an- engine house of wood on the old site was carried unani mously. On motion, the committee on fire and water was instructed to have plans and specifications drawn for the nilding. ThewmmHtee was aleo in structed to have plans aiid estimate of cost made of a brick building of the same size. " The report of the finance committee on the petition of F. W. L. Zkibbe for readjustment, of assessment,, recom mending that said petition-be. denied, was read, and, on motion, adopted. On motion, it was ordered that the taxes of Mrs. Poorman, amounting to $1.25, be remitted. The report of the committee to whom was referred the appeal of E. P. Fitzger ald from the decision of the board of equalization; recommending that his assessment:, as.flxed by the -said board, be reduced $750, and no more, was read, and, on motion, adopted. . .. The committee on streets and public property, to whom was referred the pe tition of ; G W. Rowland and others, asking that certain sidewalks be built, verbally recommended that new side walks be ordered constructed , through out the burneddistrict, where not al-1 ready rebuilt. On motion, . the . re corder was instructed to publish the no tice! of such : intention, as , required by j law, and that separate, .notice, ba given for each etreet or r part - of 'street.;-' On motion, it was ordered that the recorder be instructed to publish- the -required notice of-the intention of - the city coun cil to improve . the east -.side of Union street, by .-the. -rebuilding of aBidewalk from First to- Second -street ; 'also-, the north side of -Second street, from Union to Court street.. The regular -monthly reports of the recorder, marshal, street commissioner tnd treasurer were read and placed on file. . ,;; . ; .. , , An ordinance entitled, An ordinance to provide for the . sale of certain .prop erty in Gates, addition-; to Dallas city, was read and adopted. ' - The matter , of : the sale of . the mill property belonging to the-city -was,- on motion, referred to the committee- on streets and public, property. . . .. On motion, the street commissioner waa instructed to repair the street lead ing to the fair grounds, and tauthbrized to incur such expense therefor as should be necessary. . ' A lease of certain property from T. T. Nicholas for the term ftw.o years, at the rental of $18 per. annum,.tQ be used for city pound, was- read and on , motion ratified. " ' ' ' .". THROUGH Fieiglt anil Passeier Line Through daily service' (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land, .leaving The Dalles at 6 a. to., arriving at Portland 5 p. m. I'ASSESOEE KATES. One wav $2.00 Round trip: 3.0J freight Rates Greatly Reduced. FAST FREIGHT. Fruit, per 100 pounds. . . . Melons and Green Vegetables. . . . .40 .30 Through connection with steamers to Astoria and ' Ilwaco without, delay. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered ot Portland n arrival. . Live stock shipments solicited. Call on or address. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, General Manager. THE DALLES, - OREGON "The following claims against tho city were read and on motion allowed and warrants ordered drawn on. the proper funds for the same : : . ' F Menefee, recorder's salary . . . .$100 00 D Maloney, marshal's " .... 100 00 J F Staniels, street commissioner 8100 L Rorden, city treasdrer . . . . : .. . 25 00 Geo J Brown, engineer fire dept. 80 00 J 8 Fish, fire warden., . , 12 00 Joles' Bros; can coal oil 1 L Rorden',' recefpt"books. ....... 4 Water commissioners, water rent 32 Duck Sing, witness fees'. . . 1 DC Ireland, : " " 1 II H Riddell, " " ,...... . i C E Haight, . feeding prisoners, , 4 C Howe, night watchman. . . ... 75 GC Bills, " " , 62 Electric Light Co, for lights 276 Geo Brown, paid for sawing wood. 1 Maier & Benton, mdse 13 A S Cathcart, hauling 2 J T Peters & Co, lumber . . ; 8 A I Cathcart, hauling, . 21 J S Schooling, 8 W Vanbibber, " ........... 7 Total $919r41 There appearing no further business the council adjourned. - ' ' - Argnment for Go.Kaads. One factlodihsi tip very prominently reflecting the advantages to the country from the work done, on Tygh hill this year, and; that is this: Heretofore, at threshing time, farmers, would rather not thresh; their- wheat in the- Wamic region, than to pay-cash for it. They saidTto threshers take your pay in grain or we, don't thresh. " This year it is ai- rectlyVbe opposite of this. . And further more, Vo haul from. that, region - to The DaIleafVa3,Pract'cal'y out tno .qnes- Son.' -l4ow the roundabout twenty-one dies .vi; Sherers grade is dispensed ithind' i country from which The 'alies ne r got a load of wheat before,. thersi will is year come 15,000 bushels I Campbell, ros. arrived- in last night wituvtwo s of 5,250 lbs. each. They say they topped once on. . account of the grade. will add 1,500 lbs. to each! load iter, coming in easily with 6,750 lbe. ta load " There ia the propt of the pudding. w Good wagon roada -are as necessary to the life of a community as bread and bmSer is to a health child. - - S The TyKh; road -is exactly three miles and! forty rfds long we have plainly established the fact that it is the best investment for the. people, and for The Dalles, that could have been made; 'and the only wonde.rs ;fer that it has been so king netclected. , ' : ' K ' V : A&K -EAiuelu r erns, or any oww- man who has nassed over it. and Thk Ciihoni- cle statements will be more than -sus tained. , There is'a -balance duei-oa the work; which shonld be: promptly' paid to Superintendent T. J. Driver. KmIdc Wttfc TTolTes. : Many a thrilling tale has been told by tra vetera of a race with wolves across the frozen steppes of Russia. Some times only the picked bones of the hap less traveler are found to tell the tale, in our own. country thousands are en gaged in a life arid . death raceagaiust the wolf .Consumption, t- The 4)Cst ;wea-; pons with whlch to fight the foe. ls Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This renowed remedy has cured myriads of cases when all other medicines and doc tors had failed. It is the greatest blood .purifier and restorer of strength known to the world. For all' forms of scrofu lous affections (and consumption is one of. them V it is unequalled s :' jenjedy . ithe r 36 loaV nevec s ad bereb JOI-IH C 100 SECOND STREET, PAUL KREFT & CO.; -DEALERS -IN- PAINTS, OILS And the Most Complete and the sOCSPractical Painters and Paper Hangers. None bnt tho best brands of the Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masary's Paints used in all our. work, and none bat the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. - . " Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon. AMERICAN SCHOOL, Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in Boots and Shoes. All goods we sell, we warrant. o 114 BEOI BEST IN Dissolution ' of Co-Partnersblp.' Notice is hereby given that the firm of E. Jacobsen & Co. has been dis solved by mutual consent. O. S. Savage has this day sold his one-half - interest in said nrm to ju. Jaeoosen ana saia m. Jacobsen is now sole owner of the busi ness and will continue-the same at the old stand. He will collect all accounts due the firm of E, Jocobseh A Co.-and pay all demands against said firm. : .' . :; .- .: - . E. JicoBSKi . .'' Orris .8. Savage. The Dalles Sept. 3d, 1882.-' : . .' .3.1m - Dissolution Notice. The co-partnership heretofore existing between Elton & Mounts, '.in .the .busi- ness oi carpentering in The Dalles Ore gon, has been dlsolved by mutual con sent. The undersigned will collect all accounts outstanding nod pay all bills ot the late firm to this date, and wui carry-on the business as before, con trading and building. - John W. Elton, The Dalles, Or., Sept. 2d, 1892. . d.lt Notice to Contractors. Bids will be received by the under signed up to batcrday night, Sept. 10th, for a building for Mt. Hood Hose com pany, No. 4, according to plans to be seen ai me recoroer s orace. - Chas. E. Haight, Chairman Fire and Water Co. City taxes for 18!)2 are now due and payable within sixty days, -at - the office of the undersigned. - - L. Koeden, City Treasurer. Dalles City, July 6th, 1892. ' Stock Holders Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annua meeting of the stockholders of the Wasco Warehouse company will be held at the office of French & Co., The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday September 28th, 1892, at 3 :30 p. m., for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before it. The JJallcs, Oregon, Aug. lztn, 181TJ. -G.J. Fablky, Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co. td8.12 w Saved His Child's tife. A. N; Dilferbough, York, Neb., says: The other day I came home and found my little boy down with cholera morbus, my wife scared, not knowing what to do. 1 went straightway and cot a zs cent bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and gave it ac cording to ; directions. : You never saw snch a change in a child. His limbsand body were cold.- ' I rubbed his limbs and body with my bands, and after 1 nan given him the second dose he went- to sleep, and, as my wife says.1 "from "a death-bed he was np - playing . in three hours." It saved me a doctor bill of about three dollars, and what - is better, it saved my child.- I can recommend it with a clear conscience. 1-or sale by Blakely &. Houghton,: druggists. .,-.Notse. : Notice is ' hereby irlven that sealed proposals for the construction of a' corral! for impounding cattle will be received at my office until Saturday September 3d, 1892, at four o'clock, p. uin according to the plana and specifications prepared by the street commissioner and now on file in my office; The committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. sy order ot tne committee : on streets and public property. . ' "' , - '.. rBANI HKKJFEE, - . " Recorder of Dallee Citv. Dated Aug. 31;' 1892. . . 8-31-3 Auctioa SaleJ : Tn - nnrono na rt on "mrla ' kn county court, of Wasco county, dated T..l 1 Ki-U : t QCU& T . 11 a. . ticfn at the stock yards of W. El Sart- 10th 1892. twentynvc or .more headof uunwo, mtirca una cone Deionging to tne estate of W. J. Meins.- They are. all gentle horses, some of. them broke to work.. Tttfy, will ..be sold for cash or approved security. Sale to begin at 2 p. m. sharp. J. C.'Mams,- Administrator, - of the Estate of W. J. Meins. Dated.THB Dalles, Or., Aug. 23,1891. 7.23d wlm - . . , HERTZ, THE DALLES. OREGON. AND GLASS, latest Patterns and Designs in CO o m AMERICA. 1 EDUCATIONAL. Wasco Independent Academy, The I) sa les, Oregon. a. i: ueu bchbiuu ui yv asco inaepena ent Academy will commence on Monday, . Sept. 5th. - A full faculty of .instructor v has been secured with professor Brown, of Chicago, Illinois, as principal. For ", catalogue or particulars, address; 8. Li : Brooks, Secretary. - r . - - A Traveling; Han's Experience YVltte- Dlarrhcaa. T I am a traveling man and have been afflicted with what is called chronic dlar rhoea for some ten years. Last fall I was in Western Pennsylvania, and accident ally was introduced to 'Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. .. I ventured to' make a trial ' and waa wdnderfully relieved. I would like now. to introduce it among my friends. If. M. Lewis, 24 Freeman street, Cleveland, . . Ohio. For sate by Blakely & Houghton, . druggists. ' ' Stock Holders Meeting. The regular annual meeting of the stock holders, of Thk Chronicle Pub lishing Company will be held in the hall over Tub Chronicle office at 8 d. m October 14th, 1892. Directors for the eneuintr year will be elected, and such other business as may properly come -before said meeting will be transacted thereat. V. G. Bolton, secretary. . 9.2td . - . PHOTOGRAPHER. Instantaneous Portraits. Chapman Block, The Dalles, Oregon. COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Proprs (Saccessors to . S. Craa.) Manufacturers of the finest French and Home Made G -A-OiT D I B'S, East of Portland. ' " . DEALERS IN 't rFESH .OYSTBt?S4$- la Krerjr Style. - - x . Ice Cream and Soda Water, 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. C. P. STEPHENS, DEALER IN -,SS iT T; fTTJ T Kir '' Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ete. - ITta n ftit i fl n ri A cC 1T n liTn n Kte.i Kte.,' : Ste. . 134 Second St., xiext. top Dalles Natiooal-- Bank, DauWttty Oregon. , Dry Goods