The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 03, 1892, Image 3

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    "Tlie Rcffiilator Line"
Tie Mes, MM ;ai i Aitoria
.Navigation Co.
):. it
overs m i rts;
j '-." " ..-;r;?.N.- !:! "vn?j ui.trrs.c.'i !
The' Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising:.
10 Cent-! per line for first insertion, and 6 Cents
per line for each subsequent Insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear tnc following day.
SEPT. S, 1892
Gov. Mood
Salem this
Mrs. M. Neff, andMrs. L. Neff, of
Hood River, are at The Umatilla.
The family of Mr. J. C. Baldwin have
returned to The Dalles from Tekoa.
Mr. and . Mrs. C. W. Fairchild, of
Grass Valley, are at The Umatilla.
The California, Oregon and Idaho
stage manager Branner, is in the city.
. Ladies in want of a domestic will hear
of one by applying at The Chronicle
office. .
A. E. Lake, otWamic, returned last
night from PortlaheLThe 'new mill
will sdon follow, '" .
F. M. Confer of Wapinitia, arrived on
the night train from Portland and left
for home toda
Leo Schanno TWill ' leave on Monday
next to resumtuaWsat Mount Angel
college next week, on tlie 7th.
The river is still eight feet and 4
tenths above feeo at The Dalles. . The
water seems WrScede very slowly.
Old papors, suitable for carpets or
shelves, can be had at this office for 25
cents per hundred. We have a large
supply. -
Mrs. J. A. Shepfd, of Portland, was
a passenger -roiSbe Regulator, and is
visiting at her J5rotns, Mr. C. L. Phil
Overcoats were cheery this morning
early, in the crisp autumn air; to fine
as to challenge the admiration of the
Mr. FrankXaylorw'ho has been visit
ing in The DallesTtmJJie past week, re
turned to his hoihe in Etood River this
morning. f
. 1
Joe and Gus
left for Mount Aa
gel college by .
Regulator thisD,rinS
morning, to co
udent life next
8. W. Young, and Miss May Hannah,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C, W." Fairchild.
of Grass Valley, arrived-at The Dalles
last night from Scio.
Mrs. Phillips; having concluded to re
tire from business, will dispose of her
entire stock of millinery by auction,
commencing next Tuesday. .
A change of firm takes place in the I
house of E. Jacobsen A Co., as well as a
change of the ad.- Read the news in the
ads., as well as other columns. "
Business is very brisk in the city to
clay; and the street's present a lively
appearance because of so many people
being in town from the country. ;
Mr. Phil Brdganft on the etage for
borne today; . Bexpects to be living In
his new hont The Dalles within
sixty dayeand aice home it will , be,
too. '''. '''
-' Miss Louise and Florence agoet,
who have been visiting Mr. .and. Mrs. V.
. Garretson of The Dalles, left for their
home in Oregon City via steamer Begu
lator, this morning.
uuueace ar.
School opens.- next Monday, and the
boys will need new salts. . We can fit
them out complete. We have suits,
with knee pants, for $2.00'; youth's
suits with long pants for $5.00, all beau
ties and in the prevailing colors. In ex
tra pants, we can give you. the knee for
50 cents, and the long for $2.00. If they
want hats or caps, we have them, a new'
lot, just arrived from the east, all the
" latest styles and colors. In shoes we
. offer vou "The Waverly School Shoe"
as a special, but we can give you a good
shoe as' low as $1.50. Our stock in all
lines is full and complete. Come in and
look it over. .
- The Society for the prevention of
cruelty tounimals, should send an
officerqp this way to pull a few nn
mercifulori vers of the cowboy persuasion
on The' Dalies and Canyon city road.
The beach campers have made quite a
profitable haul of merchantable rubbish
along the city front this week. Their
little petes -of accumulated stores will
ornament many a tepee and keep off the
chilly blasts of sundry winds.
Five pounds of grapes on a vine three
feet long, is what made a very handsome
photograph at D. A3. Herrins gallery
this week. . The ranit was grown by Mr.
John Pashek, on lU creek, and is only
one more fact .addea to the list that
Wasco cannot be beatein the fruit line.
Conductor Coman, wifend two daugh
ters, came up by U. P. R., last night,
and returned by steamer Regulator to
day for a trip over the . finest scenic
route in the Pacific northwest. It will
be'a revelation, notwithstanding his al
most daily run by rail between the same
It probably would not make very
much if any difference with the repub
licans of Oregon should the Hon.' W. D.
Hare draw out of the party and chal
lenge its leaders' to discussion, as the
Astoria Budget says he has done. But
Mr. Hare himself says the story is a
third-party-democratic lie. He has
done no such thing.
. Rev. Mr. Wigle called today, as he
was in the city, and we were glad to
hear from him of the wonderful success
attending Dr. Vanderpbol's ' operation
upon a number of cancers on the neck
and face of Mrs. .Wigle, one of which
was quite a large one. They, came to
Dufur June 14th, and are "now almost
ready to return to their home in the val
ley, Mrs. W. cured.
Farewell Party.
That the young people of The Dalles
are determined to enjoyHhemselves, in
spite Jfthe threatened invasion of
cholera, ws plainly evinced last even
ing the fesidjface of Mrs.. N. B. Sin
not, wheraa farewell party was given
irf honor of tuoger B. Sinnott. prior to
a departu jfe for college. At an early
our the specious, elegantly-decorated
arlors we ifilled with, young people.
ivenlng selections were
given by 1
of the members of the
guitar clnb. Dancing
an I
was in Jrj
n by all, and at the m-
people were favored by
nd vocal music. - The
ss Almee Newman and
Miss Winifred
rlason were highly ap
preciated, as alio was the vocal solo of
Mr. N J J . Sinnolt, accompanied by Mrs.
J. S. Fish
1 - t
1 - Rrfrfc shmpnta ere served during the
veninz. "When tthe wee. ema' -hours
began to show Biemaelves, the young
people look their departure. The fol
lowing young ; ladles and gentlemen
were prtaent: Missis Iva Brooks, Flor
ence . .Lewis, Lilli - Hinton, Allie
Rowland! Etta anU .fc Clara Storv.
Grace Mirdeni Grace'
lpbell, Grace
Michell4Jrsula, LouL
and lone Rucb,
Ruth Cooper, Aimee
Jewman, Mable
Mack, Etta' Lewis,
inifred Mason.
Annie and .Laura Thompson Caddie
Booth, Rose nd Nettie Michell, - Alma
S.chnndt, Kfit0: DeHuff; Messrs.- Fred
Clark, FraksFench,.Jahn Booth, Frank
.Garretson, RalphRowland Max Vogt,
J. Byrne, Fred. Wilson,. Roger Sinnott,
Martin Donnel, Nick Sinnott' and Bert
School Books at Jacobsen's. See ad.
Archbishop Gross passed through to
day on the noon passenger for Pendleton.
The U. P. R. officials, Dickinson,
Baxter and Bories, dined at The Uma
tilla today.
Mr. W. W. Gregory, who has been at
tending the camp meeting at this place,
returned to his home in Centerville this
. A couple of nymphs du pave were
fined $10.00 each by Recorder Menefee
this morning for violation of city
ordinance by equestrienne practices
on the sidewalk on Front street. They
paid the fines..
At the firemens meeting last evening,
twenty-three, additional names were ad
ded to the listo ty called in' Portlarid
on Monday. Ttjar name of Mr. " Geo.
Williams has hefen substituted among
the delegates fo Jackson Co.,- in place
of Mr. Bettingen, wheis a member of
one of the other companies. -
An elderly gentleman living near The
Dalles, who is quite popular with the
city people, gave out recently that cats
were wanted on the farm. Soon they
began to come to him in numbers from
his friends, and wishing to remember
the donors he named each cat for the
friend who sent it. His stock now in
cludes one each named Hugh cat, Dan
cat, Frank cat, and finally one Sam cat.
They" all appear to be getting along
nicely with the old original Tom cat.
Church Notices.
Union services at the court house Sun
day evening at 8 o'clock. Preaching by
Rev. W. C. Curtis, pastor of the Con
gregational church.
Rev. W. Seymour short of Astoria,
will officiate at St. ; Paul (Episcopal)
church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock,"
and at 7:30 p. m. -'
Congregational church administration
of the Lord's supper tomorrow, Sunday
a. m., at the court house at 11 o'clock;
Sunday school at 12:15; Young Peoples
Society of Chriatian Endeavor at 6 :S0
p.m. AH cordially invited.
By rv. A. J. Wigle at the
Taylor one and J
f this city Sept. 2nd,
1892, 1 JamesSJy. Clark, of Brownsville,
Linn coutrty, (Jfregon, and .Ella Taylor
of Wasco coufityv. Also at the same
place and sanfe timby the samePerry
Morgan and. Alice ' ijaylor, of Wasco
Only thenearest neighbors were in
vited who were treated to aVountiful re
past, .prepared for . the occasion. ' The
evening was past in social conversation
and mdnc, and was altogether very- en
joyable to all present. Quite a variety
and number of useful and ornamental
articles were presented to- the newly
married couple.
' Stands at the Head.
Dr. George A. Bethune, state chemist
of the state of Washington, has exam
ined the .various baking powders of the
marker1, and speaks emphatically as to
which' he considers the best. He says:
A series of caref ully made testa of the
baking powders sold in ..this maTket
shows that the Royal yields the largest
percentage of leavening gas. This pow
der is also found perfectly free from any
harmful or; even objectionable ingredi
ent ; its constituents are of exceptional
purity, so combined . that the powder
produces the purest and .most whole
some food.-' ' ' ' .--- v
There is, therefore, no question but
the Royal is the strongest, purest, land
most wholesome baking -pewdr--in-Hha
market., Geo. A. Bethukb, -
-' , State Chemist and Aseayer.
HeisV and Passenger Line
Through daily service (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land, leaving The Dalles at 6 a. m.,
arriving at Portland 5 p. m.
One wayr. '.v; . .$2.00
Round trip 3.00
Special rates for partiea of six or over. .
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Frnit, per 100 pounds......... .40
Melons and Green Vegetables..... .80
'Through connection with steamers to
Astoria and Ilwaco withont delay.
Shipments received at -wharf any time,
dav or night, and delivered at Portland
n" arrival. Live stock - shipments
solicited. Call on or address.
. - General Agent.
B. F. La'uGHLIN,
.... - Qeneral Manager.
reaches With a History.-
Those peaches in The Chronicle win
dow today are of the Simpson yellow
clingstone variety. Four of them weigh
ed two pounds.. They have ' a history-
dating back to 1842; when the father of
J. M. and R. Simpson took the seed from
Georgia to Tennessee.- In 1840 seeds
were taken to Missouri from Tennessee
by J. M. and R. Simpson, and in 1843
they brought the seeds of the same fruit
from Missouri and planted them in Polk
county, Oregon. ' In 1866 W. J. Simpson
brought the seed to. Wasco county, and
today we are presented with, samples of
the fruit which is all the more remark
able for its being seedling alt along" the
line, and so certainly, traced as not to be
mistaken. They were raised by Mr. J.
H. Covington, and as Mrs. Covington is
the grand-daughter; the " niece," and
daughter, of those prominent in the -production
and reproduction . of this fruit
for eighty, years past, and it has been
like household words in . the family,
there can be no mistake about its history.
It would be interesting to know whether,
in any other locality, it has attained any
greater perfection than it - has
here. The fruit 'is solid, highly
flavored, rich in color and as "juicy as a
peach" can well oe. Xne tree Irom
which these sampleB came grew in the
sands that line the Columbia, just above
The Dalles, but have been liberally ir
rigated, ifcisn cuujbvii yrunuy ui uiu
attention of truit producers.
- Kansas Horse Market.
Pacific Farmer. L. B. Rinehart and
Dr. Deering, of Union, shipped four car
loads of horses to the eastern market
Monday morning, the former three and
tlie latter one carload. Arch Johnson,
the city marshal, has charge of the car
belonging to Mr. Deering, and will take I
them to Kansas City. . He is acquainted
in that country, being a former resi
dent, and will no doubt meet with suc
cess in disposing of the horses at good
prices. . Mr. Rinehart shipped one car
load from Union ami two from Hunting
ton. He will etop at various places and
try to dispose of his horses at wholesale,
nut, it ne does not succeed, win go on to
Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where he is
well acquainted, having shipped horses
there last season. The horses are all
good, and should meet with ready sale
in any market at good prices.
Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
Kntira isVjirebv criven that " the
firm of E. Jacobsen & Co. has been dis
solved by mutual consent. O. S. Savage
has this dav sold his one-half interest
in aaid firm to E. Jacobsen and said E.
Jacobsen Is now .sole owner of the busi
ness and wilt continue the same at the
oldetand. He will collect all accounts
due the firm of E. Jocobsen & Co. and
pay all demands against said firm.
. ... -. - jacobsbk,
Ottis 8, Savage.
The Dalles Sept. 3d, 1892. . . 9.3.1m
' - Notice..
The usual monthly social of the Gesang
Verin Harmonia will be given at their
hall tomorrow evening Sept. 4th.
R. J. Robden, Sec.
Dissolution, Notice.
The co-partnership heretofore existing
between Elton & Mounts, in the busi
ness of carpentering in The Dalles Ore
gon, has been disolved by: mutual con
sent. The undersigned will collect all
accounts outstanding and pay all bills
of the late firm to this date, and will
carry on the business as before," con
tracting and building.
. -. JoHsrW. Elton;
The Dalles, Or., Sept. 2d, 1892. .
Kotloe. ;"."'-. '. -v
- Having accented a position in the U
8. land,omca, my office hours - at - my
own office in the Rnch building will be
from 7 to 9 a. in. and from 4 to 8 p. m. -d6ta30
- , J. M. Huntikoiox.
"And the Most Complete and the
07 Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. cNone but the 'best brands of the '
Sherwin-Williams und J. W. Masury's Paints used in all our work, and none but '
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints.- No '
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors.- All "
orders promptly attended to. . - , -" . - ' " ' . . - -
Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts., ' The Dalles, Oregcro
' v Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in
. Boots and Shoes. All goods
V we sell, we warrants. - . .
A Bean of 189.
When grandpa went a-wooing, - "
He wore a satin vest,
"A trail of running roses
' Embroidered on the breast..
The pattern ol his trousers,.
Bis linen, white and tine,
Were all the latest fashion -
la eighteen twenty-nine.
Grandpa was a fine-looking young;
fellow then, so the old ladies sayr and
he is a fine-looking old gentleman "now.
For the past score of years he has been
a firm, believer in the merits- of Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. : "It
renewed my youth," he frequently says.
It is the only blood purifier and liver
invigorator guaranteed to benefit or
cure, or money promptly refunded. - It
cures liver disease, dyspepsia, scrofulous
sores, skin eruptions, and all diseases of
the blood. ..Ear .".lingering... coughs, and
consumption which is lung-scrofula in
its early stages) it is an unparalleled
remedy. - - -
, The Dalles, Wasco county, Or.V Aug.
23d, 1892. I hereby notify - all business
tiidn, and the" public generally, that I
will not be responsible for any debts
contracted by my wife, Mrs. F. J. Davis,
(he having left my bed and board.
8.24d5twlt Ed. Davis.
City taxes for 1892 are now due and
payable within sixty days, at the office
of the undersigned. -
. .i.. Kobdkn, uity Treasurer.
Dalles City, July oth, 1892. ' -
. Stock Holders Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse company will be helo?
at the office "of French & Co., The Dalles,
Oregon, on Wednesday September 28th,
1892, at 3 :30 p. m., for the purpose of
electing directors tor the ensuing year
and the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before it.
.The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. rztn, itswj. ,
G.J. Fabley,
Secretary Wasco Warehouse Co.
td8.12 w - X
" Saved Bit Child's tlfe. .-
A. N. Dilferbough, York," Neb., says:
The other day I came home and found
my little boy down with cholera morbus,
my wife scared, not knowing what to do.
went straightway and got a 25 cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and gave it ac
cording to directions. - You ' never saw
Buch a change in b child. His limbsand
body were cold. I rubbed bis limba and
body with -my lands, and after I had
given him the second dose he went to
sleep, and, as iny wife says, "from -a
death-bed he was up playing in three
hours." ' It saved me a doctor bill of
about three dollars, and what is bettor,
it saved my child. . I can recommend it
with a clear conscience." - For sale by
Ulakeiy & uoughton, druggists. - ..
.I' ' : Notice. ' '7 . '
Notice is hereby, given that sealed
proposals for the construction of a corrall
for impounding cattle will be received at
mv office nntit Saturday September 3d.
1892, at four o'clock, p. in., according to
the plans and specifications prepared by
the street commissioner and now on hie
in my office. The committee reserves
1 1 . . 1 1 . 1 . . .
too ngut w reject any ana an oiua.
By order of the committee on streets
and public property.
" " . Recorder of Dalles City.
Dated Aug. 31, 1892. - 8-31-9-3
Auction Sale. ; i
; In pursuance of -an 'order of the
county court, of ' Wasco, county, dated
July 15th, 1892, 1 will sell at public auc
tion at the stock yards of W. E. Salt
marshe & Co., Saturday,'- September
10th, 1892, twenty-fivo- or more head" of
horses, mares and colts belonging to the
estate of W. J Meins. --They -are all
eentle horses, some of "them broke Jo
work. They - will be sold" for cash - or
approved security... Sale . to begin ajt .2
p. m. sharp. - -
J. C. MinSrs, Administrator,
- - ' of the EsUte of W. J. Meins:
" Dated, The Dalles, Or., Aug. 23,1891.
Latest Patterns and Designs in
O .:
Waeoo Independent Academy, The Dal
les, Oregron. ..
' The next session of Wasco Independ
ent Academy will commence on Monday,.
Sept. 5tb. A full faculty of instructors;
has been secured with professor Brown
of Chicago, Illinois, as principal.." For
catalogue or particulars, address, 8v Lv :
Brooks, Secretary. -
A Travelingr Man's Experience- "With
I am a traveling man and- have- been
afflicted with what is called chronic diar
rhoea for some ten years. Last fall I wa
in Western Pennsylvania, and accident
ally was introduced to Chamberlain's
Colic, .Cholera and Diarrhoea .Remedy
ventured 0 ""make a trial and wasr
wonderfully relieved. I would like now
to introduce it among my friends. ' Hv
M. Lewisr 2 Freeman street, Cleveland,
Ohio. ' For sale by Blakely & Houghton. -druggists.,
- . . - ' , .
- . '':-"'
- Stock Holders Meeting;, .
The regular annual meeting of the
stock holders of Trb Chboniclb Pub- -lishing
Company will be heldin the hall
'over Tub Chroxiclb office at 8 p.. m.,.
October 14th, 1892. Directors for the
ensuing year will be elected, and such
other business as may properly come-.
netore said meeting will De transacted,
thereat.- . . V. G Bolton; secretary..
9i2td '
Instantaneous Portraits Chapmaa
Block, The Dalles', Oregon. . -'
Campbell Bros. Proprs
(Swcaan to 5.. Cns.)
Manufacturers of the finest French and
Homellade - -
o .A.asr die s.
East of Portland.
topical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
Can tarnish any of these goods at Wholesal
In Kvery Style.
Ice Cream and Soda Water.
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
' ' j.'C'.'JfcoatiiL 'Shoes, Bats, Bte -
Fancg Joqd?, Jotion,
ft-:'-ta'-, .jEto.,".''VBtc:; ' "
134 Second St., next to Dalles National
Sank, Dalles City, Oregon.