fCTT fl 1 ' VOL. IV. THE DALLES. OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1892. NO. 69. W. E. GARRETSON, Leaft Jeweler. SOLE AGENT FOR THE jtrv y. 1. All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry, Mde to Order. 138 Second St.. The Dalle. Or. Kranich and Bach Pianos. Recognised as Standards of tho high est grade of manufacture. RTi Ti TVT h: I.X'X 3NTO ! t 1 you take pills it is because you have never ' tried the S. B. Headache and Liver Cure. It works so nicely, cleansing tbe Liver and Kidneys; acts as a mild physic without causing pain or sickness, and docs not stop you from eating and working. - ' To try It is to become a friend to It. for sale by all druggists. . . Annie Wright Seminary, Boarding and Day School for Girls. flinth Year begins Sept. 8th 1892. For Admission, Apply to the Principal Mrs. Sarah K. "White, Annie Wright Seminary. . -IACOMA. . . WASH. JOHN PASHEK, J - Tailor, Next door to Wasoo Sun. Just Received, a fine stock of Suitings, rants 1'atterns, etc., of all latest. . Styles, at Low Prices. Hadieon's Latest System used in cutting garments, ana a lit guaranteed each time. Impairing and Cleaning beatly and Quickly Done. XXX. H. Voting, fiiacKsmilfi & Wagon stiop General Blacksmitbing and Work done promptly, add all' work Guaranteed. florae Shoeeing a Speiality Third Street opposite tlie ell Liete Stanl MRS; c; DAVIS Has Opened the ... , ' REVERE RE In tfceN3 Frkmeifirilldini'' on '"'J SECOND STREET, Next to the ' First Class Meals Furnished at all Hours. Only White HelpjEmployed. pieicp Clothing. Our pall IJpe Of - Clothing and Furnlshing Goods is now complete. You can $aue fTOT)ey By seeing our stoclc before making your purchases. U1-- 111 If I - U UUUQ DRUGS Snipes Sl Kinersly. -THE LEADING- Ionic aid Mail Dmjsts. 3F XX jR.-iSS- ID HEfc. XT C3r tS . Handled by Three Registered Druggists. v ALSO ALL THE LEADING Patent Medicines and Draggists Sundries, HOUSE PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. Agents for Murphy's Fine Varnishes and the only agents in the City for - the Sherwin, Will arris Co.'s Paints. -WE The Largest Dealers "in Wall Paper. Finest Line of Imported Key West and Domestic Cigars. Agent for Tansill's Punch. 129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon J. O. FIflE WlMEft DOMESTIC And KEY. WEST CIGARS . - FRENCH'S 171 SECOND STREET, t WM; BU1FL.ER & CO -DEALERS IN- 7 , - ..j - .. - 4;.:; - - .;. - t - '.r. Building Lumber. Lime, Plaster. Hair-and Cement.' A" lllsral discount to, the jrads jfellRWs"fiillEET, between Second ijl".,..'' ... - -L -' ' " V"" -S ARE- and LIQUOR THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. " BLOCK. : THE DALLES, OR. - - . - si - .j, and Dressed ill - ri i in 'all lines handletf' by us: Rough and toilroadV THE DALLEB,OB 'irVf - - '.. THE OFFICAL ORDER! Created" a Lively' Sensation Among N. Y.SteamsMn Agents. IT REALLY STOPS IMMIGRATION. Steamship Corporations Practically Compelled to Obey. FEW IMMIGRATION FIOUUKS. Not Prevented From Going to, Montreal And Crossing tbe Border, Alle Fame Chinese. New York, Sept. 3. The cholera baa had one very desirable effect in this country. . It opens the eyes of the people to a realizing' sense of the situation- re specting the immensity of the eteerage immigration to America, which could not be understood so well. .The steam ships will sustain a loss of $2,000,000 a month, or more,, while, the 20 days' quarantine regulations are being carried out; and according to the estimate here today by the agent f one of the largest lines, It is estimated thit dur'nr the present month .-about 50,000 emigrants would, were it not for the embargo, sail from the other side. The usual steer age fare is from $18 to $25 ; the average can safely be placed at $20, which means a Iobs of $1,000,000 for that class of pas sengers. ; 1 The presidents order, as may be ex pected, created a sensation among; the steamship agents in this city The first intimation of it was read while the members of the continental conference were in session fit their headquarters. The circular will practically stop all im migration while the cholera epidemic lasts. The agents of the steamships carrying passengers recognize this fact and will now be compelled to give up the traffic. Immigration .. to this, port during the first six months of the pres ent year numbered over 272,000 steerage, the number of passengers' each" month varying from 25.000 to 65.000. - ; ;. .. Under th'e proclamation there 'will be a considerable decline, both to and from the United States. One agent, making a rough estimate, places the amount at $5,000,000." Then there are hundreds of incidental expenses which must "be con sidered. ' There is the feeding of the im migrants that are detained; the payment of the officers and crew while the vessels are detained,. the loss of sailing, which means the loss of freight and many other losses,', making it an enormous bill,' ih tho aggregate, ; for .steamship coiip.ahiea,VV7:pa f rom liie jfa"ctthat fefrei' sieerageipassen gera will go to. the easiwill be $150,000. Kelffth.e''lo'H8inirom 'liieB'teer age' passengers iili.;be'-olitgoinjg' cabin paingertlVThe loss1; from "outgoing steerage ;;rpassengers.vw)ai jbe;- $450,000. i. a& loss, in jreiguv uuaiMtrBo wiu- uul ue ,' "Thet presideiit'a l pifc;lamatioA .: will practically stop r immigra4whv;2.ta' the United Blates,. said. the agent of the Guion line, "but I think it will" not af fect those who go to Montreal . and can cross the border... My opinion is that we will not have the cholera .till ; next spring." . Agents of other lines have adopted measures, and a general 'order baa been issued, to the effect that until further notice, no more steerage passengers-will be carried from the other - side. Deserved Promotion. Duluth Dispatch? - Archbishop Ire land, it is said, has beejf made a cardi nal, and wni .be sene "to France as' a mediator to harmoirize the differences in the church v that "" country. ' A French jrfaubihoyfs not identified with, any oVthe factfcis can scarcely be found, and is belieredhat Archbishop Ire landis the rfan to d it, as the French are more Mendly to fflt Americans- than to aay otrfer nation, andHbis fact is said to have influenced the jolBcisionr The change will be followed by the removal of Bishop McGoldrick to St. Paul, and the appointment of a new. bishop for Duluth. Discreditable to tbe Country. Baker City Democrat. -' We look tot a reaction against the prize ring to come hard upon the heels of the "New Orleans national convention of f aloggers and their friends and backers. And that will be a good thing, for the prominence and f avor which the ringli&s'enjdyedln tbs United 8utes ;foV-,th pwt dozen years ia discreditable to' the country. Current Topics . For the benefit of Ambitious American girls it is announced that three promi nent members of the-new British gov ernment, Lord Rosebery,' secretary for foreign ''jaffairs, Lord Hough ton vice roy of Ireland, and Mr.1 "Asqnith, home secretarj-, are widowers.' Here are two titles and three pots of gold against sev eral million American, girls. If Great Britain wisheso cope with this prob lem it is evident that she . must enlarge her ministry.;. : . - : Mr. Corbett says be . is confident he can whip Mr. Sullivan, and Sullivan is confident-that he is not going to be whipped. " What tho sporting-public now wants to. know is: Which "Pro fessor"' will be a" victim of misplaced confidence? " Mr. B. P. Hutchinson , late of Chicago, says that "Boston is the finest place in this country to. live." ' We aro now awaiting news of the organization of a Boston Hutchinson society- ; ' Intelligent Voters. : . East Oregoniari: In the 'state of Miss issippi there are 257,305 ' men over' 21 years of agei Of these, IK), 100 are whites, and" 147",205 are blacks. ' The state has a new constitution which con tains provisions as to suffrage that: may be;commended to Oregon as superior to even our Australian ' ballot law. - This constitution limits the suffrage to' those who can read and write ; ; it requires, moreover, the payment of a heavy elec toral poll tax a long time before election ; and, what is more than all, it requires the voter, when he appears for registra tion, to te able to read ' and expound, to the satisfaction of the registry officials, any.eect'on or sections of the state con Rtimnon which they may indicate The enforcement of this provision of the con stitution produces a; remarkable effect upon the registration, while of .147,206 blacks, only 8,615 are found to be quali fied to vote. ..-; . - -. ;, - " rrv. -". Not so big Today. New .York, Sept."' 3. Obstreperous "Dr." Jenkins, of the health board, who yesterday tried to proclaim--himself --"a bigger . man than Ben," -' by declaring that ha should continue the. 'quarantine and release vessels according to his own view of the requirements in each case, without regard to the president's procla mation, has fallen from his perch a sub jugated jay, ' under an -emphatic order from Collector Hendricks,: stating that if Jenkins does not obey the president's quarantine proclamation, ships . affected by it will hot be allowed to land pafesen gers or cargo. "" i ; ; 4a Very Cler" Deal. Montreal Dispatch. ' The stock broker erage firm of 'Nicholls' &'' Marier were robbed of $45,000 oo the 2d. A. hand some bloude drove np to the office and waved a bundle of greenbacks and beck oned to the clerk to come out. She had a five minutes argument about' the dis count on American r silver certificates, and then 'drove rapidly away. When tbe clerk returned to his desk-, he found that the cash drawer had . been rifled. A good -tooting American who was loiter ing around the' place"" for a. couple of hours that afternoon lias disappeared. ''.' 4,'od to 'fcoanr'''; ''"' ' " -.'. . In sums to suit, on improved inside property. $4,000 of Dalles Citv water .funds apply to IIuoh Chbibuan, ' -. .-Zd3t - v...- tsecy. Dalles Water Com. , Arumfent Used the makers of powders to induce the dealer to push them off on Royal, consumers is that they cost less than Royal and afford tlie dealer, rhuch more profit But you, madam, are charged the same price for them as for the absolutely, pure Royal, .which is perfectly combined from thef most highly refined and expensive: materials. The lower cost of the others is caused by the cheap, impure materials usd iri "thcm,arid "the fephazard way in whic they -are throwii1 together. ' Dp you : wish ifo pay the price of - theY Royal for. an J inferior baking powderj;. made : 'froih;im-" pure goods of 1 27 per ie otner powders, insist upon having a 5ftferHn Price.' ; AN ARABIAN WEDDING Qneer Customs of Adopted Citizens jn THE BEER, BRIDE AND BROTHER. A Maddening Howl, Stately Dancing, and Odd Performances. THK SCKA1TKICS ARE COtl.KCTINO Foolsellers' Combination, and Irejara tions for Shearing of the Lamb). Cincinnati, Sept. 3. An Arabian marriage, celebrated exactly as it would - . be in Arabia, is in progress here. It is a remarkable affair, and it requires three days to complete- Tbe contracting par- . ties are Raphael Latoof and Lizzie An tonius. Tbe ceremony began at 8 a. m., : -in what is known as the Red Onion ten-ement-house, inhabited exclusively by Arabs. The bride is but fourteen yeara. old. .'In opposite corners sat fifteen or -twenty men, and as many women. The bride was. covered with a rich scarf. , From a table in the middle of the room ' a brother of the -groom dispensed beer. " All the time,' the squatting men and women kept up an exasperating howl- -ing. Soon the relatives of the bride and groom appeared at the door, dressed ; in Arab costumes, and danced a stately minuet. Then followed all sorts of per- - formances, wild shrieking, beating of -heads, burning of incense, bowing nn- ; der colored lights, and ' accompanied all the while; by the maddening howling." An immense crowd of spectators" was on the outside, and a equad of police was kept busy. . . lamb Shearers Gathering. , New Obleanb," Sept. "3. Tle great . prize fight next " week is attracting an unusual swarm of "sporting" men from , all portions of the continent.'; From , now on every train' will, bo crowded. Steady batting 'continues at the pool , rooms, and two institutions of that kind are open for the purpose of shearing the lambsahd it " is expected that large " sums of money vrill be lost and won on.' the result of the fights. For instance,, they are ready to pay out $8,640 on the . Corbett,' Skelly and McAuliffe combina tion, $a,000 on the Corbett, Skelly and Myer combination, $4,200 on the Sulli van, Dixon' and Myer combination, which 6ee'rh8 to be favorite. Two-dol--lar mutuals opened this morning. Odds were posted on the start 4 to 1 on Myer', 3 to 1 on McAuliffe, 5 to 1 on Dixon, 6 ' to 1 on Skelly, and even money on Sul- - Jivan", and 2 to I on Corbett. - ' A Pointe Scio Press for Future. rogpcrlty. and Washing-- ton produced and poultryi utter, cheese, eggs- ucts and beet. sugar requi red e consumption, a shortage of th wheat Vop, such us ex- ists the pre little effect Id have verv ! pon region, tak.- eh as a whole. the second-class baking cent less strength ? If