J list Received ! .'..-.-.7 -o j- t-:''.2"--'' ..M.." r"-.1 -AT; FULL LINE OF GENTS.'. Tie Dalles," Portland aaJ AUoria Navigation Co. H OSIERY, UNDERWEAR, OVERSHlRTSr; E.tt , -St.-,-- fcTyi . . COLLARS and and-- SPECIAL VALUE JQHH: HERTZ,, ulator Line 111(5 Il arid. The Dalles fiaity ChFoniele. Entered a the PostofBoe at The Dalle3, Oregon, as secoud-class matter. Local Advertising. 10 Cents per Hue. for first insertion, and 5 Cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates for long time notices. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear tae following day. TRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 2, 1892 LOCAL BEKVITIB8. Mr. T. Saunders of Wapinltia is now located at The Dalles. The Dalles city water company have $4,000 to loan. See advertisement. Bathing in the Columbia is not such a, luxury at The DalL s thisJ all as it was last summer. Mrs. Ward and Mr. Kerns returned from Portland by steamer Regulator last evening"." - Canoe riong on the Columbia, at The Dalles, Is nowa - favorite pastime with our young men."' . Cates & Allison make daily shipments -of ice' to Grant, for Messrs. Mcintosh, McLeod, and others. Several marriage licenses, issued this week, indicate the usual fall rise in the matrimonial market. Nich. J. Corish has safely reached his home in Ireland. He found his mother alive, but there is little hope of her re covery. , . Mr. W. C. Wood worth, of Salem, is visiting in The Dalles. He came through from the capital city yesterday forenoon. : Old papers, suitable for carpets ' or shelves, can be had at this office for 25 cents per hundred; We have a large supply. s .- 4 . J. O. Mack will have something to say in his new ad. to-morrow, to which s we might add a word by saying "ne pluB ultra." ' ' Mrs. J. J. Wiiey returned from her visit to friends in the AVillamette val ley, and on Shoalwater bay, by steamer Regulator last evening. .... Several - more lots belonging to the city will be offered for sale, at no distant day, at public auction, for the benefit of the water works fund. Collectors today found collections easy, and there was quite a rush for the banks just before 3 p. m., with liberal deposits for the day. -'. The parlors of MK and Mrs. Morgan, on Union street, bore a very lively ap pearance last night from 9 to 12 o'clock, at the reception given to the teachers of The Dalles public schools. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery and Mr Chas. Humbert, and bis sisters Emma and Fannie, left by steamer Regulator this morning for a visit to Clatsop. They have chosen, the best season for the trip. A. E. Lake,,; whoa sawmill was de stroyed bsfire onthe 4th of July, left last night fWortland, with an order through Fillc-mSkCo., for all new ma- chinery to ,' and make it better than ever, Capt. J. W. Lew TheDalles U. S. land office, rery much urned from bis trip ted. While absent he visited the cityj Salem, and brings with hini Ting words to- ye scribe, from o; lioJ friends,;. Phil. Met8chan, . MaJ.rra etal. "' ' ' E. Hodgkin replace tBamill bf in our Glove Department.' Kid Gloves marked down from $2.00 Xo 75 cents per pair. PEASE & MAYS. 4H At the drawing for the life-size crayon at D. C. Herrin's gallery, the prize was awarded to Mrs. J. M. Huntington. The list of passengers by steamer Regulator increases daily. The fare is just as advertised, from the start. Soda water is recommended as an an tidote for cholera. C. L. Phillips best will soon be going off like hot cakes. W. J. Marden has a vacation of ten days, beginning with this evening. He will make a metropolis, and perhaps to the the sounding pea. A troop lotcrs, returning from- practice to make up a team to send to England to compete for the medal, passed through The Dalles today, to their various posts inland. A trio ofn horn gamblers attempted to put up a jN2 onarcountryman last evening, ; but vigilent eye of city Marshal MakmeV tricked them, and they left -ftie cityVs silently as they came here Mr. C. R. Grant, received a new buckbol from PjAtland yesterday, and a. team Trom nood River, and with the c ination thus formed struck out tl ning oyer Klickitat hills for Goldendale? 9 The Tennessee Jubilee Singers will give .one of their first-class entertain ments at the Armjry tomorrow evening. They come recommended by the press, and will doubtless afford a pleasant evening to those who attend. If teamsters continue their petty an noyances, and repeated obstruction ,of the stages on the roads south of The Dalles, Deputy U. S. Marshal Jameson will soon be compelled to divert his at tention to a class of offenders against the whites. It is a' criminal act to de tain the V. S. Mail wilfully, feloniously, and without cause. The old original Tennessee Jubilee Singers will' give one of their famous concerts in Armory hall, Saturday eve., Sept. Sd. The feature of the evening will be the old fashioned southern campmeet ing melodies and 'slave songs that origin ated in the south. This is. a first-class company, composed of colored ladies and gentlemen.. Go and hear them. Ad mission 25 and 50 cents. Those apples in The Chronicle bows window today, represent the size of some peaches brought in this morning from Creigh ton's fruit farm, on 3-Mile. The peaches were transferred to Mrs. Dr. Ingalls, by Mr. Hubbard, to be pr. served by her process, along with some superb specimens of other, varieties bf Wasco county fruit which is to go into the ex hibit at Portland in the . exposition, and after carrying off the first prizes there, as was done last year ; will then go, to Chicago, as an invitation for people to come to Oregon, particularly to this Inland Empire, where they may find-an unlimited wealth, of natural, undevel oped resources,- awaiting practical de velopment. Three of the peaches above referred to weighed, thirty-two ounces. They measured each 10K inches in cir cumference. 'V'iv . ' Hose Cot Meeting-. The members of Columbia Hose Co., No. 2, are requested to meet at the coun cil rooms Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock sharp. By order ; H. J. Maieb, r . President.' . . - 'li f- - - 4,000 to Loan. - . - ' lnBum3to suit, on improved inside property. t4,000 of Dalles City water innas appiy to -ttvon -uhsibman, 8u2d3t v 8ecy. Dalles Water Com; visitvtOvthe of yBharpst $1.50 O o THE PKESS ASSOCIATION. SnggeBtions from Mr. ti. V. Pentium), Late Secretary. - Mr. E. C. Pentland, well and favora bly known in this city, lately secretary of the Press association, in a private letter to Mr. S.L.Brooks, offers some suggestions respecting the coming meeting of the Oregon press association in this city. The Mountaineer, com menting upon the letter, says: Mr. Pentlands letter should be acted upon. There is no board of trade or chamber of commerce here, and there fore the public interested in the growth of the city and future prosperity., of the Inland Empire should take the matter in hand. In the first place a committee of invitation should be appointed, and also one on reception. The duty of the first should be to. write to each , editor requesting his presence at The Dalles on the occasion, and when they . arrive the second committee should see that they are properly received and places provide ed for them during their stay in the city. These editors' must -visit the Cascade Locks and be shown the importance of a boat railway as a permanent means of overcoming the obstacles above this city. Perhaps the services of Senators Dolpb or Mitchell or Representatives Hermann or Wilson could be secured to present the matter in an intelligent manner and show the benefits of an open river and how this great work can be accomplished before congress. This requires . money, but our . city is wealthy, and it-would do more to make known our natural advantages than any other method that could , be employed. By the use of such means the editors of the state will be educated to the im portance to the Inland Empire of open ing the Columbia river,' and ' they will go back to their duties and give public ity of this knowledge to their readers. If the people of The Dalles' desire these brain-workers and brain-molders to en joy their trip, they must provide for their entertainment, and that in -a lib eral manner. In order to do this prop erly no time is to be wasted, and a pub lic meeting should be called at once. We must arouse ourselves from the usual lethargy, and begin work immed iately. - : : The First "Anniversary. One year ago today, at one o'clock p. m., the dread alarm of fire startled .the people of The Dalles, ajld a fight against the elements began wAich lasted until after the shades of evning, and which can never be forgottjfn by any person who participated in it. A vast amount of property was consumed business de stroyed, homes lain waste, and desolated blocks, covered wh wreckage, was all that was left to raark the once beautiful site of fJKv one Aialf of tho city. The scene hapenengd day by day, until the blackened ' epon in -many places -are dotted With nqw and handsome struc tures, ljesiderfceV and church, edifices restored! husiesaVlaces resumed ; -and the weafth ofThe Dklles and the pluck of her jcitiins reestablished. : The shade tmes.tohich we the pride of the inhabitants and whlchVwent up with the rest In the great holocaust.-have not been replaj ted in proportion to the con- structioii f buildings, butfoefore an very much. moreVattention other yeai? will be paid to this particular branch of ornament, and at the present tate of progress the last vestage of the disaster may be totally ' obliterated ia three years.; V ; ' " "' - ' " THROUGH Freigut and Passeier Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles 'and Port land, leaving The Dalles at 0 a m., arrivingat Portland 5 p. m. : :. . PASSENGER KATES.. One wa. . -iT. .".'..'.v'., . . : .-.'. '; . -.$2.00 Round trip 3.00 Special Tatea for parties of six or over. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. PAST FREIGHT. Fruit, per 100 pounds. . . . . Melons and Green Vegetables. .40 .30 Through connection with steamers to Astoria and ;Ilwnco w thont delay. Shipments received at wharf any time, day or night, and delivered at Portland -n" arrival. Live, stock' shipments solicited. Call on or address. , W. C. ALLAWAY, . General Agent. B. F. LAUGH LIN,- - , Oenerel Mmater. - . THE DALLES, - OREGON THE DALLES WILL BE ITi IT. Preparations Iteinc Made for Attending the Veteran Parade, Monday.' Another meeting of firemen was held at the common council chamber ".last evening, at which there was a large at tendance to further consider the matter of preparations for attending the Veteran parade in Portland on Monday, next. . J: The officers presided who were .in at tendance at a previous meeting. '" : The following delegates were.- ap pointed. ' ' V ....".-"'. ' East End Hood and Ladder Co. J. L. Knck, A. J. Moses, Wallace Fargher. ' Jackson -Engine Co. A.' Bet tin gen, John Crate, H. Clough. " Columbia Hose Co. Ed. Williams, Sam. Campbell, H. Maier. - - Mt. Hood Hose Co. I. J. Norman, C. L. Philips,- . In addition to the. above, going as dele gates, the following volunteers from Jackson Engine Co. will attend: Frank Roach, H. Whitmore, Al Klindt, F. W. L. Skibbe, G. Norwak, ' E. Schutz, .W. Hill, Isaac Perry, Jim Wood, Geo. Wil liams, B. Williams, W. H. Butts, Alex Huegenin. ' - - .' " Another meeting will be held tonight, at the earue place, to further consider the subject. It is hoped that a delega tion of at least sixty will go. The Dalles will stand a good chance of getting the next annual parade, if they take an in terest in this year's meeting, such as the present appearances indicate they will take. 'We are informed thatrthis.will .be the first outing of , Thp Dalles , firo depart ment since 1863. If jbo they, certainly deserve it; and that it will be one of enjoyment to all, and of benefit to th department, none can gainsay. Remember the meeting tonight. . .-. . . - - Imported Backs. --'.' ': The trip of Senator Charles Hilton to California matured in ' the purchase of forty-one blooded Spanish Merino bucks. They arrived by steamer Regnlator last evening, and were greatly admired by all who saw-them . passing through ' the streets to the stock yards from the boat, for shipment to the ranch in Gilliam county. Senator Hilton arrived on the noon train yesterday. - ' - t the stock yards yesterday also ar rived, irotn Omaha; via. TJ. P. R., six teen head of blooded Spanish Merino bucks, and six ewes, purchased by Hon. C7L W. Cartwright of Crook county. With soch stock as this coming into the Inland Empire, it is not to be wondered at, that The Dalles is acquiring a solid reputation abroad, from Pacific to Atlan tic ports, as being the best market in the United States in -which to buy wool. ' Advertised Letters. Following is the list of letters, remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un called for, Friday, Sept. 2d, . 1892. Persons calling for same will give date on, which they were advertised. , Ayers, Mrs Agnes Like, Jas Bunham & Robert- Like, Jas. Mrs - son (2)- .. McGrath, Nancy Mrs Cooley, W D Miller, Isabella Mrs Cooley , Laurie Mrs Patterson, Clara Miss Elliott, Lewis (2) .Robinson, Lin a Miss Gibson, Sussie Mrs Utter, J W Howe, Nellie Mrs Willman, A" Howe, H L White, Fannie (2) Williams, J L Mrs . '- '; 'jt : M. T. Nolas, P. M:: ' ' ' : Kotice. - Having accepted a position in the-U. S. land office, inv office hours ' at mv own office in the Ruch building will be from 7 to 9 a. m. and from 4 to 8 p. m, d8t8.30 . , - J. M. Humtihotoh. 109 8ECOND STREET, " PAUL KREFT & CO., - : - . . . dealers m- . : - v.: - . ...X", paints, oils :and ,GLASS(; v : And the Most Complete-and the Laiteet Patterns and Designs in s'T&j&l'JLm Jli.;-r- 3E .AjIE E3 DEL . ; fj& Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but the best brands of the. Shor win-Will iama and J. W. Hasury's Paints used in all our work, and none but ,' the most skilled workmen employed . Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. .. No t: chemical combination or soap mixture - A first class article in all colors. ' AIT'-" orders promptly attended to. ' '- - ; -' i . - :". . - ; . ;.-' ;' Store and Paint Shop corner Third and Wasting ton Sta., - The Dalles, Oreoa . AMERICAN SCHOOL .0 X P O Stoneman & Fiege, dealers in . . Boots, and Shoes. All goods wo sell rwe warrant. .",. 1X4 JS2nCJ03T33 srmzETET BEST; I N. A Bean of 1 8SO. - ' When grandpa went a-wooing- V " He wore a satin vest, A trail of running roses ; Embroidered on the breast. . ' The pattern of his trousers,. ;. ... His linen, white and fine, ; ."' Were all tbe lutest fashion ' . : . In. eighteen twenty-nine. - . Grandpa was a fine-looking : young fellow then, so the old ladies say, and he. is a fine-looking old gentleman now.' For the pastVcore oil years he has been a firm : believer in the lnerits of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dlecoverv:" "It renewed my youth," he frequently says.;J It is the only Dlood purifier .and live- invigorator guaranteed ;tp")enefit- or cure, or money promptly"'-reiiB4ed. .jIt cures liver disease, dyspepsiascrofaleus' sores, skin eruptions, and all diseases of tho -blood.. . For lingering' conghs and consumption (which is lung-scrofula in its early: stages) it is 'an. unparalleled remedy. .- .-'-.; - -,- , - Notice. 'The Dalles, Wasco county,' !Or., Aug. 23d, 1892. I hereby notify all business men, and the public generally, that I will not be . responsible for any debts contracted by my'wifc, Mrs'. F. J.Davis, he having left my bed and board., . -. , 8.24d5twlt . ' Ed. Davis. 'City taxes for 1892 are: iiow" due and nnvahlfi within Rixtv davs. at the ofiicf of the undersigned.' - Jj. KORDEN, ciicy ireasurer. Dalles City, July eth, 1892. . . ' Stock Holders Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting- of the." stockholders of the Wasco Warehouse company will be held at the office of French & Co., The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday September 28th, l92, at 6 :M p. m., tor tne purpose of electing 'directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other busi ness ub may come before it. - -' The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 12th, 1892v - G.J. Farley, : . ' ' Secretarv Wasco Warehouse Co. td8.12 w. ' . -. -4 .-'"'-' "Saved His Child's - Life. A. N. Dilferbough, York, Neb., says : "The other day I came home and . found my little bov down with cholera-morbus. 4i) y wife ecaretl, not knowing what to do. 1 went straightway and got a zo cent bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and gave it' ac cording to directions. You - never saw such a change in a child. His limbsand body were cold. I rubbed his limbs and body with my hands, and after I had given htm the second . dose he went to sleep, and; as my wife says, .."from ' a death-bed he was up playing' in three hours." It saved uie a doctor bill of about three dollars, and what is. better, it saved my child. I can recommend it with a clear conscience." For sale by Blakely & Houghton, druggists. ' . . Notice. . ' ' --.'.'"-, - Notice is hereby given that ' sealed proposals for the construction of a corral 1 mi imnAiinrlma ia tl ! a will Via roMlriul nt .V. .u uv.u.u WW ... W ..... . VUl . .V. ,V -- J VSV V" a-THUAMS UVIVVUJ UV1 W 1892, at four o'clock, p. m., according to .1 1 1 - i ... iiuo piano nuu Dpv?ciiiui.iviie prvparcu-uy-thestreet commissioner n.nd'rinw on flfc in my office. The committee reserves tbe right to reject any and all bldSi----;; -Bv order of the committee on.--Btrfeeta and public propertv.-.. ; . ..." :- . ;;V r . XKANK IV1ENRFEK, Dated "Aug. ,81, 1892. ' 8-S1-9-S ; -' . . Auction Sale. - ? -; -In pursuance of - an order of the county court, of Wasco county, dated j my lotn, lsyz, l wiu sea at public auc tion at the stock yards of W. E. Salt marshe & Co., Saturday, September 10th, 1892, twenty-five . or . more head of horses, mares and colts belonging to the estate of W. J. Meins. They are all gentle horses, some. of - them- broke to work. . They will bo sold for cash or approved security. Sale to begin at 2 p. m. sharp. . . J. C. Meins, Administrator, ; ' - - of the Estate of W. J. Meins. Dated, Th Daubs, Or., Aug. 23, 181.' 7.23dwlm. - - - '- - - THE DALLES. OREGON. w X o 'm - .09. V AM ERIC A. Wasco Independent Academy. The, Ial- - . . .-les, Oregon. .. . , ' The' next 'session of Wasco Independ- 1 eht Academy will commence on Mondays Sept. 5th. A full faculty of instructors -has' been secured with professor BroWn-'V of dhicago, Illinois, as 'principal. For '-"' catalogue or particulars, address, S. ' L. . " -Brooke, Secretary. ; , ' A Xra-relln Man's . Experience With. . -, f ; .'' Slarrhosa. . r-'- ; -. . ; .. . . .- . : . ' -J am a traveling man and have been afflicted with what iscalled chronic diar rhoea for some ten years. Last fall I was ' in Western Pennsylvania, and accident ally was. introduced to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I ventured to make . a trial and waa , wonderfully relieved.. -1 would like now to introduce it among my friends. H. ' M. Lewis, 24 Freeman street, Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by Blakely & Houghton; druggists. : - - ... ; - . ... . Stock Holders Meeting-. - , The regular annual meeting of the ; stock holders of Thb Crboniclb Pub--lishing Company will be held in the hall over Thb Ciironicle office nt 8 p. m., October 14th, 1892. Directors for the ensuing year will be . elected, and such other 'business as may properly come betore said meeting will be transacted -thereat. V. G. Bolton, secretary. 0.2td ' --. . - PHOTOGRAPHER. ' - Instantaneous .Portraits. . Chapman : Block, The Dalles, -Oregon, : COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY Campbell Bros. Pro prat, - (Successers to" . S.,Cian.) . - . " Manufacturers of the finest French and . V, Home Made . . : ' ' . " - East of Portland.--.. -: - -UKALEH8 Can faruUh any of these goods at Whoiesala HWUl In Eery Style. :IC8 Cream and Soda Waten , 104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or. ' ', C . F .STEPHENS, I DEALER IN LOTHING ; - Boots, " Shoes, Hats, Etc.' '. ."'; ' -" Eto.r ' Ete., ' Kte,.--. Ti;- !; 134 Second St., next to Dalles Nataonal '.-'- Bank, Dallea Citr.'.Oteaon..-. Dry Goods