C23 Tiie Dulles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL PAPKIl OF KALI.KS CITY. ' - AND WASCO COUNTY. (can FOU 'VJtGSIOVKT', uj- BENJAMIN HARTtLSON, - ' of Indiana. '.k'Olt V1CE-IT.ESIDKNT, . AVIIITELAW RKTD, . of Xevv York, FOK PRESIDENTIAL KMSCT.HW, J. F. CAPLES, of Portland. . '' H. B. MILLER, of Grant's VsxsS' . G. M. Hi WIN, of Unitiin j "' -D. M. DUNNE, of Portland. THE PRICE OF WIIEA T. There are so many complex and vari able factors affecting the markets of the world that the wise wheat raiser will not place too ruuch credence in the posi tive deductions of statistician!) and their prophetic forecasts, says the Review, but will trust to his own business Sa gacity as to the .proper time to sell his wheat for what he believes wi!l-;ie the highest price. . . r ' - - The highest August prites paid for wheat since the Crimean war . were $1.55 in 1S67, $1 .71 in 1S72, and $1.:;0, in 1875. Last year's crop, with the prospect of universal shortage. in the world's supply to be made up by America's phenomen al yield owing-to the Russian famine, brought less than an average of 90 cents at New York. . According to present prospects the crop of this year ought to sell for nearly as much as the crop of last year. But one ( man's ju Igment is as good as that of another in a matter sd uncertain, and the prudent man will not venture pre dictions that may hit wide of the mark. jThere is, however, reasonable certainty , that the returns to the wheat growers of the Inland Empire will be as large' as last year.- This is not due to an exceptionally large yield, nor will it be due to exceptionally high prices, but to increased acreage which will bring the aggregate' up to a most encouraging figure. So the farmer, after all, has less grounds for complaint, and calamity foreboding, than millions of his less fortunate fellow-men, even in our own couutry. In presenting some indisputable facts today, respecting previous remarkable yields of wheat in the United States, in cluding 1891, it is shown that instead of a shortage ; because -of the famine scare. American holdings caused a large sur plus, as Europe supplied itself from other sources. Hereafter, let us hops, the crank famine crop statisticians will bo given the place they deserve in pop tilar estimation. Work on the first locomotive of the new single rail railroad, -now being built in Portland, is nearing comple tion. Work was greatly delayed by the death of Mr. Z. T. Wright, who was deeply interested in the new invention ; but other parties have been interested, and the system will soon be perfected. The 8th of this month has been set as the day for testing tho locomotive, at which time, it is expected, the locomo tive wil' have been completed. There is to-day riding at quarantine, in New York harbor, eight large passen ger 6t earners from cholera-infected ports of the Old World. This mildly suggests the influx of an immigration to 'which, perhaps, something as strenuous as quarantine regulations might have been profitably enforced during several years' past. Inquisitive reporters have to be kept from boarding cholera ships in New York quarantine by the use of guns in the bands of the harbor police; but when the captain of the Moravia went ashore, on Staten island, he was simply ordered back to his vessel. Now that Nancy Hanks has succeeded in breaking her own record, she. must henceforth bear much the same relation to the rest of the equine race that a streak of lightning betri to a district telegraph m securer boy. Washington will famish the flagstaffs for the Columbus fair. It is fitting that the starry emblem should wave from standards grown in the state named for the man who gave that flag to the world. Cholera has one advantage at any rate not possessed by other diseases : it does not keep the patient lingering be tween life and death for weeks, but kills him at once and parses on to the next Spokane is feeling prettv frisky. The hope of near release from the thraldom of exorbitant freight rates is the most exhilarating stimulant known to com mercial science. ' ' The East Oregonian states that since the 1st of July 38 men have been-ar rested and sent from Pendleton to Port land to be tried , for selling liquor to In Pill dians. ...'--' - .. -. " Sho's y' live d' co'plexion kims aftah d' blood what's dia he a : beau'ful complexion fuar'nteecl .if WlM blood am pure! Ueto' T -jjda d.at am salvation fo' Auut SopTiy." .-. All vro claini for it is an nnequalcd remedy to purify the blood and in vigorate the liver. All the year round you can depend on Dr.Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in all cases of blood-taints or humors, no matter what their name or nailrev' It's the cheapest blood-purifier sold through druggist.- Wo matter how many doses of bfher medicines are offered for a dollar. : Why? .-Because it's sold 6a a peculiar jplan, and yon only pay for the goqt you get. - Cau you ask more ? : " Golden Medical Discovery " is s concentrated vegetable extract, put up in large bottles ; contains no al cohol to inebriate, no syrup or sugar to derange digestion ; is pleasant to the taste, and equally good for adults or children. The "Discovery" cures all Skin affections, and kindred ailments. Dissolution of Co-partnership. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Abrams & Stewart has been dissolved by mutual consent. W. R. Abrams is authorized to collect all amounts due the firm of Abrams & Stewart, and will pay' all demands against said firm. . "VV. R. Abrams. AVm. Stewart. The Dalles, Or., Aug. 15tb, 1892. 8.25d&w6w Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted.to the late firm of Abrams & Stewart, of The Dalles, or W.K. Abrams, either by note or account, to make py ment of the same immediately at the bank of French & Co. All notes and ac counts remaining unpaid November loth, 1892, will be placed in attorneys' hands with instructions to collect. Any! claims against the late hrni must be presented at the same place, with proper vouchere, on or before above date. ' The business of the firm must be closed up without further delay, ltes pectfullv, W. E. Abrams. 8.2.i&w3m GENTLEMEN! BEFOK1S YOU ORDER GOODS OF ANY KIND IN THE FURNISH ING LINE, all (and ee me ?lTirt8 of all kinds to order, at prices which defv competition. Other goods in proportion. P. FAGAN, - Second St.. lhe Dalles. Sole Agent for WANNAMAKER & BROWN, Philadelphia. Pa. Second St., 0pp. Hood's Stable, the dalles, OREGON. Will repair your fine Buggies and Carriages, shoe your fine Driving Horses, and in fact do all your blacksraitbing in the finest style. Satisfaction guar-. ' an teed. CUMING SHOCKS, Props. CHAS. STUBL1NO. OWEN WILLIAMS. Stubling & Williams. The Gemma, SECOND ST., THE DALLES, - OREGON JpS3T"Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. W. F. Wiseman, Saloon and Wine Room. The Dalies, - Oregon. Northwest corner of Second and Court Streets. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. '-' This old, popular and reliable house has been entirely refurnished, and every room has been repapered and repainted and newly carpeted throughout. - The house contains 170 rooms and is supplied with every modern convenience. Rates reasonable A pood restaurant attached to the house. Frer bus to and from all trains. -' . ' .- y-' C. W. KNOWLESProp. . The Ice Wagon. The ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on the streets every morning from G ' to 8 o'clock. Any orders for ice left with Will VanbibbtT'8 express or at the store of Chas. Lauer will bo promptly at tended to. . ' Cates & Am.ison. County Treanrr;ii; Sy ticc 1 . AH cou ntvc Warrants' reitere"f '-jn-ior to March 13, IS89, will So paid , if pre- to A o t ivir rffife' rnrnpr. ThirH 'onil Washii.gton stre ts. Interest censes.orrj and after this date. ir-- i: vvjii-T". The Dalles, July 16, 1592-' -.; ;" ! " "William MiciielL, - 7.1Stf Treasurer Wasco County, Or, . ; . : 'A Reliable Man. y " M. J. Griner, a Justij3..the: Peace at Print, . Michigan,- says one bottle of Cham berlaiu'e Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy saved his life. He had been down with blbodv fliix for three weeks when he-commenced using this medicine. It soon cured him, and he believes saved his life.-. Ho also says it saved the lives of three railroad men in that vicinity. 'Squire Griner is a re liable and conscientious man, and what ever he says can be depended upon. For ealo by Blakely & Houghton, drug gists. . . , J. S. COOPER, Corner Barn, The Lareest in Horses Commencing the 3rd of August and every Special Extensively WESTGRN t, . . (National Live Stock Bank, Chicaacf, III. ". .. n Reference : Chicago Nationa, rank, Chicago,8Ill. Write fOF PaHlClllarS. MAIER & D EDA. LERS IN PrMT Arx Fir, Pine, Ash GROCERIES, 5TRBA, HARDWARE TINNING - AND PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. . Leave orders cor. Third and TJnion, or 133 Second st. THE DAlvLESOR. - ; J- H. CROSS ,; . . :DEALER IN- : . ' - . ' . Hay, Grain, Feed & HEADQUARTERS FOR POTATOES. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. " It behooves everyone, especially the Hvbrkingman, to . buy where he can buy tho cheapest, hard earned money.. We Solicit a share otyonr' patronage. Cash paid for eggs and poultry. All Corner Union and Second NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. HO FKOSI STKEET. OJ K if) Ot o u. w a o N K a Rt the old stand of H. liushcir. Chas. Frazep,' Prop. H. C. NIE Clothier BOOTS ND; SHOSS, Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON - r'-TtE DALLES, OREGOB . wiaiy Mdf th Oallesv SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the.Best Manufacturing: X3enter in the Inland Empire. ' For Further Information Call at the Office of Interstate InvestmeDt Go., Ol D. TAYLOR, Tfcs Dallss, Or. - 72 1 asMitoa, St, PortlaEi Or. . - - ICEJ ICEI ICE! - Having on hand a large supply of ice we are prepared to furnish our custom ers with ice in any quantity at a reason able rate. We guarantee we will supply the demand without advancing prices throughout the season. Leave orders at C. F. liauer's store, Second street. 5-2tf :' . Gates & Allisox. '7'AiI.,'.,t)aHes Citv. warranWrWilstered. prior to October J'l'StW,- will bofpaid f presented "at rnv office. Intertf pce&as from aruf-after this ihifce: W - Dated' July 7th, 1892. , i - X. ROEDKN, tf. " . . . Treas. Dalles City. :J;: FOLCO,; - CanuieUraiiMaaWr, Ice Cream, Toliacco and Cigars. . MAJTUrACTUBKE OF . :M- first Class Syrups for Saloofis and Soda Fountains, Etc. Becjnd Street, Next door to Wineate's Ilall Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois. and Only Strictly Commission Dealer in the United States. . - - month throughout the year will hold Advertised Sales of HORSES. BENTON and can aet the most for. his goods daliyered free and promptly streets, The Dalles, Oregon. tUE DALLES, OKECOS. irininnnnni:7- o M Z D c HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property of the Season in the North west. . ' " . ' - and. Tailor - XHEr CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, yGUSTpBUCHLEFC Prop'r;; i. $rv'. . ' . - . ": i.uu-ouuni la uu east of the Cascades. "The latest appliances for the manufacture of eood health- iui ieer nave Deen introduced, and onlv the market. - . : The Ltateh Stfing Sorind and Summer: ; 5 . 4' . . "tsaiworas are tuinfrp, and a small drop of ink, ' FalMnir. like dov, upon a thonpht, produees That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think. " WE TRUST TO TNTKItEST AND DO VOlT GOOD. THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO 1 SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. ' ;;; " HEW SPBIJIG BP SUlilEH. DBY GOODS ; COMPLETK IN EVERY DEPAKTMENT. : . . ' ." , Gents' Furnishing Goods, fats, Gaps, . Boots and Shoes. : - - Full Assortment of the LeacHng. Manufacturers.. Cash Bayers mill save money by , examining oar stock and prices before parchasing elsewhere. '.';' H. Herbririg. KIBBEt HOTEL X". W. Xj. W M. BUTL J; - teWfe - ' if S S -DEALERS IN- Building Material, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Lime, Plaster. Hair and Cement - A liberal discount to the trade in all lines handled by us. JEFFERSON STREET, between Second Open fuom July 1st to Oditobeir 1st. , .This picturesque HostIery4 built of silver fir logs, and rooted securely on the edge of a precipice on the north elde of Mount Hood ia within fifteen minutes walk of the perpetual ice and snow of Eliot Glacier, 7,000 feet -above -the eea level, twenty-eeven miles from Hood -River, over the finest roads in the United States. Fare for the round trip (8.00 ; rates per day 3-50. : - - - -: The Table at Cloud Cap Inn ia supplied with everything the market affords. Hot and cold baths, etc., the beat of guides will take you to the top of Mount Hood by the beat practicable routes, which are from the Inn. - - . W. A. IiANQZLLE, Manager. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE. The Corrugated BaUdlns next Door to Court Home. ; , :. f. . Handsomely - Pgrnlsliea Rooms to Bent liy M Day, Weetor Monta. : ; Meals Prepared by a First Class Ehglish-Cobk TRANSIENT PATRONAGrE SOLICITED. . - . ' "Good Sample Rooms for . Commercial Men: ' ' ' : ; - ' lurmug oDi ue urai jseer aua xorier the first-class article will be placed on ' . " " is flluiays Out I SEASON 1B92. -MANUFACTURED BY . WALTER H. TEN NY & CO.. :. BOSTON. 133. Propr. ER & CO;f and Railroad. THE DALLES, OR CHPINN.