The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 31, 1892, Image 3

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"J-,"; '- "'5 "u
The Dalles,? PorOand and Astoria
Navigation: C!o. ..
CO Lit A. RS
and -CUFFS.
in our Glove Department.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Poatoffloe at The Dalles, Oregon,
hb second-clasa matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and S Cents
per lino for each subsequent insertion.
Special ratos for long time notices. ,
All local notices received later than 3 o'clock
will appear tne following day.
"WEDNESDAY - - AUGUST 31 , 1892
U. S. timber inspector Bayard, is in
the city, and will remain a few days.
The Heppner etockraisers have found
a very profitable market in southwest
Virginia, where Oregon horses command
excellent prices.-
AH parties holding numbers in the
crayon, at D. C. Hcrren's gallery, are
requested to be present Sept. 1st, at 2 p.
in. ot tji. gallery.
- Mr. Phelps has samples of Mr. Lentz
Hood river wheat, which stood as high
us a man's head, full, plump berry, and
threshed sixty bushels. per acre.
Mr, Hood is laying in some choice hay
today. It came from Mrs. Chapman's
place on Camas prairie, via. White
Salmon, and the steamer Regulator.
The teachers orXTlie Dalles public
school will hold n.
Hi on, Thursday
evening, Sept. 1st,
etwm the hours of
9 and 12 o'clock,
Geo. -P. Morgan.
f the residence of Mrs.
Things about the East End '"begin to
look brisk again Eight teams loaded
with wheat arri fat today, and" by the
middle of next week J&i-.present, chill
appearances out thakjvay wVll change to
activity. '' '
Michigan is considering the practica
bility of working her convicts for the
benefit of good roads. ' Michigan's ex
periments in this direction will , bo
viewed' with very great interest By her
sister states. ',
Mr. Frank: Woodcock,: who was7 bo
badly injured some time since by having
a couple of saVogs roll onto him, at
Lakes mill isableo be in the. city to
day, but his not jt able to do any
kind of work. - Xy. .
. Misses Louisaand Delia Michelbaeb,
and Miss Emma Williams have returned
from Mr. John Lewis' camp on Hood
River, accompanied byMr. Geo. Will
iams. Whenthey leftcamp for The
Dalles they had a big lot oftrout which
they distributed amongst frienc
At Leslie Butler's today -were fb be
seen eomo of the' richest colored : and'
finest flavored peachea that have ever
been seen on this coast. v They' were' of
the Crawford variety,, and fifty-six Tif
them filled a box. ..They weregrown. oh
the Columbia . River " Fruit Co.'s Mill
creek form.
Hon. C. M -Cartwright has reached
Portland from his trip to Missouri, where
it Is said be made a few Weaver speecbi.
. concluded that thecountry was safe;
ourcbased a 'lot of fihe Vthbrouah'bred
sheep, and 'returned lb Webfo6t:'"The
sheep willbe wen ranch in.uroo
There ave some pretty, bad boy a out at
the east end, and the attentioa of th
marshal is called to some of thejr ;;wCd
capers...; Thls.forenoon as?aJ7Chirrhen
was drivinlg into townaonje'ot these bad
bovs pelted him"' with rocks, V He would
have been, justifiedMn .using them. i
badly r)f'hBintended , but they got away
from him.
Kid Gloves marked down from
$2.00 to 75 cents per pair.
Jackson -Engine .Co. have appointed
delegates, and other companies in The
Dalles department will do so; to at
tend Portland on Firemen's day,' Mon
day next. It is estimated that at least
sixty veteran volunteers will attend
from The Dalles.
Prof. Smith tendered his resignation
as principal of The Dalles public schools
by dispatch from SalcrHr4fiaay.' It came
at a very late hour, as schools are to be
gin on Monday next, and it makes the
directors hustle to fill the place. The
schools will open just the same. ' '
If the campaign liars who started the
report that JndgeGreshatn was about
to take the stump for. the third party
ticket ever get into his court be. will
probably commit them for contempt.
The campaign liars should steer clear of
the judge. He has a great deal of juris
diction over people of their class.
The board of state reform school com
missioners yesterday appointed .Prof.
M. W. Smith, of The Dalles, superin
tendent to tlH the vacancy caused by the
resignation, which takes place tomor
row. Professor Smith is a well-known
educator, having been principal of The
Dalles public schools the past five years.
Mrs. Smith will be matron. -
According to.the Vancouver Register,
George B. Markle, of Portland, has an
option on the Vancouver, Klickitat and
Yakima railroad. He recently made a
trip over the line and has now gone east
to make arrangements to buy the road,
in which event the line will be extend
ed at once to the coal fields, sixty miles
distant, and thence ' across the moun
tains to Yakima.
To manufacturers like the Royal Bak
ing "owaer Company, the public is
under a large debt of gratitude for the
increased purity ot articles of food soldi
at the present day. The reports of the
official government investigations of
baking "powders show the Royal to be
stronger and purer than, any other. It
is quite evident that neither ingenuity,
science nor expense ' can in any way im
prove upon the Royal Baking Powder as
now before the public.
Promising Outlook for Spokane
- the New Deal. I
From the Oregonian.J ... "
If the Great Northern shall give Spo
kane seaboard rates, as reported, the eif-
tire rate system for the Pacific slope!
must be readjusted. Seaboard points,
as a consequence, will be compelled to
look more to ocean . 'transportation,
through which they will still have an
advantage; but if Spokane shall get
mileage rates she will be still more fa
vored, since she will get v many . claeees
of goods at lower rates than the rail
way's will .'give to seaboard points. If
the expectations formed of . the Great
Northern at Spokane shall be fulfilled,
that city will soon obtain a splendid po
sition n the trade of the interior, and
will have a growth not hitherto equaled
in its history. It is a central point, it
la a common point on three great roads,
and many local" roads radiate from it.
It" la the ' center, moreover, of a great
agricultural and mining ; region ; "and its
water power gives it incomparable fa
cilities for';, 'manufaqturing indtistry.
Daring two years past SpoVade has been
recovering, from the effects of her disas
t,r6us fire and consequent, bard times,
and now Vohe '' starts Jfor ward . again
Within i ftlfew years" she' i 'will be a finer
city ihanTfenvorJ since' she has natural
and other, advantages beyond those
which Denver ever possessed '. ' 7
The Oregon -Assembly Should Petition
Congress on The Subject.
From the Prineville News.
Congress appropriated a sum of money
for the purpose of conducting artesian
experiments in either Oregon or Wash
ington, whichever state should first ac
cept it and provide a practical and econ
omical method for its expenditure. This
money was allowed to lapse back to the
treasury, and the" good it 'might have
accomplished for some of the arid sec
tions of the west remains undemonstrat
ed. If our state legislature-will petition
congress with a memorial asking that
such an appropriation be made for the
purpose of experimenting on dry uplands
of the eastern portion of the state and
providing a conservative method of ex
penditure, it ia riot Unlikely that an ap
propriation sufficient to the need will be
made next' session; The objection of
mere local import eould not be reason
ably urged against an act making such
an appropriation,' as its beneficieht re
sults would accrue to those industries
upon the success of which the prosperity
of the country depends. There is too
little apparent chance' for success to
justify the risk of "private capital in the
enterprise except when private; interest
demands that an effort of that kind be
made. , '
It is no part of an .individual's duty.
to engage in an enterprise that will re
sult favorably to the government and
leave him no. better off than before ; but
it is the duty' of the government to pro
vide all things necessary to rendering its
domain eligible to the use of -bomeseek-ers.
There should be a concerted action
on the matter by residents of Eastern
Oregon, and . all possible . information
furnished the; legislature' concerning the
geological formation,- at 'different points
where such wells would be of "'value.
Here in the basin between the two great
mountain ranges of the state, there are
favorable indications, of r subterranean
streams of artesian'2 nature, L and : the
opinion ot those who have given the
subject, much thought is, that we have
an excellent opportunity to successfully
prospect for such Btreams.
Final Transfer of the Tanxy Point Pro-
;'r "'.psrt.' : . " i'
An Astoria df&hatcii Vesterdav rerwrta
the" largPst-sLriglA cash i real estate deal
ever transact d ii the state of - Oregon.
Judge Carey ind Fred Strong, of Port
land,1 attorne; a f E. LT DWyer, P; J.
Burke and' N , G. Reed, of -Boston, and
S. H. Brown, jr., of Marblehead, Mass.,
have been w irki ng for the past three
day!with Hsnl Cv-Wi FalWa.of this
city, attorney fo; Capt. George Flavel,
Oh the transi ir c E . the " property oh the
west side of YoorKs bay known as Tansy
point, and cimpifising about 1800 acres.
The price paid for the land was $350,000
and the'deefls ware sighed and filed yes
terday af teinoonf ; The entire party left
for " Portland r w ttere they will ; meet the
latter parti of tais week and organize a
towhslte" ahd". Improvement'cbhipahy
with a pa idj-up capital stock of $3,600,000.
ftiessrs; iJrpwn ana lieed re j reseat Uier
eastern capitalists who were unable to
be present! at the transfer of the prop-
tbwnsite focated at Tansy
point was hanied Flavel, instead of 'Ter
mania, the prSze name chosen by E. L.
Dwyer Be vera! Mays ago.
.ift v 't:
To the df
of D. Cates, in The
St 29th," a daughter. ; "
FrelQM anil Passeoger Lius
Through daily servicer (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and Port
land, leaving 'ilie Dalles at b a. m.,
arriving at rortland a p. m.
One way $2.00
Bound trip. ..... v. ". . , 3.00
Special rates for parties of six or over.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Fruit, per 100 pounds
Melons and Green Vegetables.
'"Through connection with steamers to
Astoria and Ilwnco without .delay.
Shipments received at wharf any time,
day or night, and delivered at Portland
-in arrival. Live stock shipments
solicited. - Call on or address. .
Ueneral Agent.
B. F. LAUGHLIN, - 7;
Teacher's Institute.
Followinn is the programme for teacli-
ers institute at the Court house at 7:30
this evening.
Ladies chorus : "Waves of Ocean."
Impromptu debate: 'Resolved that
the country echbols are doing" more for
the cause' of education than the city
schools." Leaders: C. L. Gilbert H.
L; Howe; ' ' '"'"" ' 1 ;' '; ;
Spelling match. Leaders : Miss Mary
E. Frazier, Miss Louise Rintonl.
Ladies trio: "Hark 1 't s the evening
bell." - ! .
5Vater Transportation.
"This is the centenary year of the New
York state canals, and the Press is" now
furnishing many interesting facts con
cerning these water routes', ' notably the
Erie canal, which regulates the freight
rates on all the railroads east of the
Mississippi river, not only on the roads
whoso tracks rnn parallel with the canal,
but upon those Tvhich' run in the oppo
site; direction. That was said several
years ago, but Edward Hannan, super
intendent of public works for New York,
said in his last report to the state legisla
ture: "Never before has such a violent
and persistent war of rates existed bet
ween the trunk: lines combined on one
side and the" Erie canal on the other,
The competition was commenced upon
the opening of the canal this year, and
was continued during the entire season
until its close, when the rates were
immediately, advanced . to more than
double-what they had been during the
season." . Tho immense traffic of the
canals is shown by the following 'state
ment issued by the canal union' : "Start
ing with the navigation "season of of 1837,
12 years after the canals were opened,
and taking 20- years, to and including
1856, we find' the total tonnage of the
canals for that 20 years was 50,326,487
tons, of ah estimated value of $3,586,405,
277. - During the 21 years last past, end
ing with the season of 1891, we find that
the total tonnage of the canals was 106,
844,756 tons, of ah estimated value of
$8,315,689,201.-1 la the earlier period-of
20 years the tonnage was less than half
the tonnage of the later 20 years juet
57,518,272 tons less.
Tennessee Jubilee Singers.
The old original Tennessee ; Jubilee
Singers will givO One of their' famous
concerts in Armory hall, Saturday eve.,
Sept. 3d. The feature of the evening will
be the old fashioned southern camp meet
ing melodies and slave songs that origin
ated in the south. This is a first-class
company, composed of colored ladies and
gentlemen. iGo and hear the&u.. iid
missfori'23 and 60sfceht8.-V i J
City taxes for 1892 are now due and
payable within sixty days, at the office
of the undersigned .- - ,.- ,t. .. ,
L. Rokdkn, City Treasurer.
Dalles City, Jaly 6th. 1892.
" NoUce. ': " '" "' " -
Having accepted a position in the
S. land office-, my- office hoors at my
own office in the Ruch building will be
from 7 to 9 a. m. and from 4 to 8 p. iru
d6t8.3Q, rirr, , .J.MHgHTIKgTQW.
Notice A vhereby irfven that f sealed
nrooosals' tor t afl conatruction oi a corrall
for-impoundieg cattle will be received at
my ofhee nntii Saturday September 3d,
1892, at four o'clock, p. m., according' to
the plans and specifications prepared by
the street commissioner and now on file
in my office.Thev poraifiUtee-. deserves
the right to reject any and all bids.
By order of the committee on streets
ana puDiic property.
Feank Mbnek,
- - Recorder of Dalles City.
Dated An,y. 81i,lp9? vjMlrM
And the Most Complete and the
- ' JBF-Practical Painters and'Paper Hangers. None bat the best brands of the
Sherwin-Williams and J. W. Masnry's Paints used in all our work, and none bat
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masary Liquid Paints. No
chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors. - All
orders promptly. attended'to. . ' r ; ...
Store and Faint Shop corner Third and Washington Sts., The Dalles, Oregon
Stoneman & FiEGE, dealers in
Boots and Shoes. All - goods
we sell, we warrant. ' 1
. A lfean-of 1VS9.
When grandpa, went a-wooiup,
lie wore a satiii Vest,
A trail of running roses
" Embroidered on the breaot
'' The pattern of his trousers, r
His linen, white and iino,
Were all the latest fashion
" " In eighteen twenty-nine.
Grandpa was a" fine-looking, young
fellow" then,' so the old' ladies say,. abd
he is a'fine-iooking old gentleman- nov.
For the past score of years hejjas"' been
a firm believer in tho.- me"rits 61 Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ;i'"It
renewed my youth,"theirequentlyeays.
It is the only blood purifier and liter
ihvigorator gnarnnteed to .benefit "or
cure, or money promptly refunded. . It
cures liver disease, dyspepsia, scrofulous
sores, skin eruptions, and all diseaees of
the blood." - For : lingering coughs and
consumption (which is lung-scrofula in
its early stages) it is an unparalleled
remedv; - . : -
- Tanglefoot Fly Paper 40 cents a box.
twentyfive double sheets; at Blakeley
& Hougbtons, 175 Second street.
7 Stosk Holders Meeliar
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeting of tho" stockholders of the
Wasco Warehouse company will be' held
at the office of French & Co.", The Dalles,.
Oregon, on Wednesday September 28tb,
1892, at 3 :30 p. m., for the purpose of
electing directors for the ensuing year
and the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before it.
The Dalles, Oregon, Aug. 12th, 1892.
-. ,G.J. Farley,
Secretarv W'asco Warehouse Co.
td8.12 w " ; .
A Traveling Man's Experience IThh
' -Diarrhosa.
- I aax a traveling man and have been
afflicted with what is called chronic diar
rhoea for some ten years. Last fall I was
in Western Pennsylvania, and accident
ally was introduced to Chamberlain's
Col iic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I ventured to make a trial and was
wonderfully relieved. . I would, like now
to introduce it among my friends. H.
M. Lewis, 24 Freeman street, Cleveland,
Ohio. 4 For sale by Blakely & Houghton,
druggists.'--'..;. -.- ' -: .
' ..
' Auction Sale. .. ' j .
In pureaance of . an . order "of the
county court,, of Wasco county, dated
July loth, 1892, 1 will sell at public auc
tion at the. stock yards of. W. E.. Sal t
marshe & Co., Saturday,. September
10th, 1S92, twenty-five .or; more head of
horses, mares and colts belonging to the
estate of W. J. Meins. They are all
gentle horses, some of them broke to
work; ' -They-:. willbe eold for cash or
approved security,." ' Sale to begin at 2
p. in. sharp. . .,., ,".-..
: , j a . J. C. Meins, Administrator; i
of the Estate of W. J. Meins.
Dated , Th; Da LLjESOr., Aug. 23, 189L
(.'.uawim. ; , : . ,
"Dissolution of Co-partnership.
jbtiee-is hereby .given that-the firm
of Abrams & Stewart has been dissolved
by mutual consent. , .
v . it. ADrams is authorized to collect
all amounts de the firm, of Abrams &
Stewarts, and", wilk Dav. all . demands
against said -firm.- ' v" ' - -
J 'rti -; " K- ASRAKS. ;
i .,.: .-" v'; f W. Btkwabt. i- -
Th'h Dsuxss, Or.; Aug. I6tb; 189v -
i - . 8.afidATw
Notice ia hereby riven to. all' sersona
lnaeoiea to tne lata jirm oi ADrama ot
Stewart, of The Dalles, or W. R, Abrams.
either by note or mnt, tomake ciav-
mentoi tne same immediately at the
bank pf French & Co. All notes and ao
ooonts remaining unpaid November
15th, 1892."" will be placed. in attorneys'
hands with instructions to fcollect. ' An v
claims against the' late firm must be
presented at. -the - eameN place, 'with
Troner vouchers, oh or befora. abdve
dato. - The buaiaeB-of the firm must be
closed up., without further .delay. -Res
pecttuUy-''-v.' . Wi Abbams.
Latest Patterns and DeeignB in
SUTEtXtSTX'. iff!
Wasco IndependenV Acxletny,
The Ktal-
les-,- Orcgoai
The next eessioil of Wasco Independ
ent Academy will commente on Monday, .
Sept. 5th'. A full faculty of instractora
has been secured with professor Brown
of Chicago, Illinois as' principal. For;
catalogue or particulars-, address,. S-. L.
Brooks, Secretary. " -" .
Tiio Dalles, Wasco county r Or.,. Ang.
23d, 1892. I hereby notify all busineesi
men, and the public generally, that L ,
will not be responsible for- any debt
contracted by my wife, MrsiF.. J. Davis-,
she having left my bed and board.. '
8.24dotwlt . Eo.Davi.
' V Saved His Child's. Life. "
A. N. Dilferbough. York, Neb.,, says:
"The other day I came home and found
my little boy down with cholera morbns,
my wife scared, not knowing what to do.
I went straightway and got a 25 cent
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
aud Diarrhoea Remedy, and- gave it ac
cording to directions. Yon never, saw
such a change in a child. . His limbs and
body were cold. I rubbed his limbs and.,
body with my bands, and after I had
given him the second dose he went to
sleep, and, as my wife says, "from- a.
death-bed he was up playing in. thre
hours." It saved me a. doctor bill
about three dollars, and what ia better,,
it saved my child. I can recommend: it
with a clear conscience' For sale- by
Blakely & Houghton, drnggists..
Instantaneous Portraits. Chaproasi
Block, The Dalles, Oregon. ; . ' . -
Campbell Bros.TPtfopirs
; (Siioceswrs to . S. Gram;)
Manufactuiers of the finest: l'lreoch and
Home Made .
-" JCast of Portland.. '
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and; Toto.
Can fnsuish any ot Oesa goods at Whoiesala
orBetail ,
IiLKTery' 8tylss. , : Tl.--'
foe Cream aid SKia Water. " :
104 Second Street. The Dalles, Or J
. : 7 , -
C. F.
. Boots, Shoes, HaU, KUj. "
Fancfl Good Wotion
134 Second St.; next ; to Dalles National
C; . v. Bank, Dalles. City, Oregon. :